Love's Crazy Twists

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Love's Crazy Twists Page 2

by Johns, S. A.

  She lay in bed beside Shane and was content with him being there, but what if Matt found out? He should know better than that. Shane was her best friend. And she loved Matt, didn’t she? Her mind wandered around and drifted back to her dream about Shane. Then she dozed off.

  About an hour later she woke up and turned toward Shane who was still wide awake, and shivering. “Shane?” she whispered.

  “Uh-huh,” he said.

  “Are you still awake?”

  “Yeah, couldn’t sleep,” he answered.

  “Hun, if you are cold, why don’t you get under the covers?” she asked.

  “I didn’t want to wake you.”

  “I don’t think that you getting up and then getting under the covers would wake me up. Now get under here, you are freezing!”

  He did as she told him. But now he wasn’t cold anymore, he was getting hotter by the second. His body was beginning to burn up. “Yeah, this is definitely better.” He laughed.

  “See I told you.” She yawned. “Good night, Shane.”

  “Good night, Jules.”

  She went back to sleep right away. And even though she was asleep she was still very aware of Shane sleeping right next to her. She dreamt of him lying there, and of him reaching over and putting his arm around her. About him pulling her to him and kissing her. Her thoughts jumped all over the place. Once she even dreamt about being with Shane and running into Matt, which was not a good thing. Matt would be yelling at her about sleeping with another man and then she woke up. She turned once again toward Shane to see if he was sleeping, and she thought that he was so she turned back on her side. Her mind wandering and her heart racing.

  “You OK, Jules?” She heard a whisper.

  “Yeah,” she muttered and yawned again.

  “Jules, can I tell you something?” he timidly asked. But he heard no reply. She was obviously asleep again. After a few moments of silence he said, “I guess not is not the time.” He closed his eyes and tried to sleep. But he wasn’t successful. He lay there listening to her breathing and he could see her beautiful face in the beam of moonlight that came through the crack in the blinds. She looked even more angelic now than ever before. Yet another image of her, in his mind, that he’d never forget...or want to forget.

  A little while later he heard her making sounds of distress, instinctively he reached an arm around her and pulled her close. Her distress seemed to have faded to nil. His body was beginning to burn for her. She was too close to him now. He didn’t know if he could refrain from trying anything with her or not. Not long after he decided he couldn’t hold out and if she rejected, he would pretend to be asleep.

  He reached his arm over to her and gently cupped her breast. What was he doing? He couldn’t believe what he was doing. It just wasn’t right. But he couldn’t stop. Lightly he rubbed her breast and found that her nipple had grown hard. She let out a little moan, and he held his breath for fear that she would freak. She was still asleep. He should stop, and he knew it. But he didn’t stop, he couldn’t. He caressed her cheek, and kissed her neck.

  She woke up this time. Not at all surprised, she thought that it was Matt. She rolled over toward Shane and began kissing him. She ran her hand down the front of his torso to his waistline and then she noticed that something in his kiss was a bit different, actually it was better. Then she remembered! It wasn’t Matt; it was Shane! She had already started kissing him and she couldn’t just freak out and stop now, could she? Well, she could have, but she didn’t want to. She kept kissing Shane. She was getting hotter by the minute. She kept thinking, I can’t believe this is happening. She could feel his hands all over her with an urgency that she had never felt from Matt. Shane needed her and she could feel it with all her being, and she needed him too!

  “Do you want me to stop?” Shane asked breathlessly.

  “No,” she answered.

  “Are you sure? Because if we don’t stop now, I don’t think that I’ll be able to stop myself,” he told her with all honesty.

  “I’m sure, don’t stop,” she told him.

  He proceeded to kiss her. His mouth explored hers and he simply wanted to devour her. He didn’t realize how much he had wanted her until that moment. She was his best friend. That was all he thought there could ever be between them. Now he hoped that he was wrong. He kissed her all along her neck and collarbone. She would arch her head back to allow him to continue.

  A little moan escaped her, “Mmmm.”

  He smiled to himself, for he knew that he was making her happy, at least for the time being. And he was very happy, too. He wanted so much to please her. He slowly and gently slid one hand up under her nightshirt to her breast. He cupped it with loving care and his need for her was growing. Her nipples hardened under his touch and her flesh had goose bumps. Her body was on fire! She was so hot for Shane. She wanted to savor each and every touch from him, and yet she needed to have him so badly that she didn’t think she could wait any longer.

  He sat up and then lifted her shirt off her so that he could look at her beautiful tits. Instinctively his mouth went to one and sucked gently on it. She gave a little moan and he took her cue to suck a little harder. She could feel his tongue rolling over her nipples one at a time and she could feel her desire grow wilder. He trailed kisses all the way down over her stomach and then stopped at the waistline.

  “Are you sure you want me to keep going?” he asked.

  “Oh, yes. Don’t stop now!” she instructed him.

  He pulled her boxer shorts off to reveal that she wasn’t wearing any underwear. He kissed her mound of hair and then ran his fingers over and around it. He could hear her breathing become harder and shallower. He kissed her thighs and ran his hands once more over her soft hair. Gently and slowly he parted her lips and inserted a finger into her wetness. She let out a cry of joy. He began to rub her all over and he enjoyed listening to her pleasure. He started kissing her down there, licking and flicking his tongue fast then slow and all around.

  She began pulling at him and he stopped. Befuddled, he came up to her and she pushed him down on the bed and tore off his shirt. She began kissing him, kissing and nibbling and sucking on his neck. He moaned and she continued. She kissed down his neck and over his collarbone to his chest. She let her fingers explore his upper body and she felt that his nipples got hard as soon as she touched them. She started kissing his chest and down along his tight stomach to his “Happy Trail.” She unbuttoned his pants and helped him remove them. She tossed them aside and as she headed for the point of no return, she marveled at the size of his member. She wrapped her fingers around it and used them to tickle and tease him. She wanted to touch every part of him, and here was as good a place to start as any. She was careful not to miss any part of it. She traced around the head of it with one finger, and up and down the long length of it. She lowered her head and placed a kiss on it. She could hear Shane let out a big moan. She licked him and went on teasing him, until she thought that he could take it no longer. Then she took his cock into mouth, and sucked. She cupped his balls all the while and she knew that he was getting ready to explode! She stopped; he wasn’t going to get off that easy, she still wanted more. She sat up and went for his face, and kissed him again.

  His hands were instantly on her again. He didn’t want to miss anything, just in case it was all a wonderful dream. He pulled her on top of him and began kissing her again, holding her near and not wanting to let her go. He could feel the pressure of his manhood pressing up against her. She could feel it too, and she wanted

  She reached into the nightstand beside the bed and fumbled around until she found a condom. She carefully ripped the package open and as quickly as possible for her, she rolled it onto his penis. She then positioned herself over his waiting hardness and slowly lowered herself onto it.

  “Mmmm, oh,” she moaned.

  His reply was similar. “Oh my...ohhh...” His voice trailed off.

  Slowly she began rocking her bo
dy and he lifted to meet her. They had great rhythm together and it was magnificent. They both started going faster and faster until they both peaked. Her body was trembling, and she could feel his body shutter with release. They both collapsed, they were spent. They lay like this for a few minutes and then Julie rolled off. Shane still held her near him.

  She couldn’t believe what had just happened. It was so unbelievably incredible. Like nothing she had ever experienced before. But now what? What about Matt? He would hate her, and he already accused her of doing this so long ago. No matter what she would tell him he would still believe what he wanted to. She shouldn’t think about that, not now. She had just had the best sex of her life. It was ground shaking, see fireworks sex. The kind you only ever hear about, but never experience...until now. How would she ever be able to have sex with Matt again? He was so dull in bed, just “wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am.” When he was finished so was Julie, whether she liked it or not.

  Shane broke her thoughts. “Jules?” he asked.

  “Yeah?” she answered.

  “Are you all right?”

  “What do you mean, am I all right?” she asked, puzzled by his question.

  “You know, with what we just did. Are you OK with it?” he tried to explain.

  “Of course I am all right with it, or I wouldn’t have done it,” she assured him.

  “Good,” he said. There is something I’ve been wanting to tell you,” he started.

  “OK, what?” she asked.

  “Well, I know that we’ve been really good friends for a really long time. And I just figure that it is about time you knew.”

  Oh my goodness! She thought. The dream! This is what he said to me in my dream. Maybe this is all a dream. I sincerely hope not, but I think that it is. So she bit. “Knew what?”

  “It is really hard for me to do this...especially since we are both lying here naked.” He chuckled, to ease the tension. “I have wanted to do that since the first day I met you at that wedding. You are so beautiful and sexy. You looked just like an angel that day, and I had always figured that you were too high above me to ever have a chance with you.” He paused. “And I don’t know what you will do with what I just told you, but at least now you know. I think I have loved you from first sight.”

  “Oh, Shane. That is the sweetest thing I have ever heard. I have always thought of you as my best friend. My very best friend. You are always there for me and I love you being near. And since we are both being honest, I have always wondered...what if?” She stopped to look at him, and could see him smiling. “Now, I don’t know what will happen. Matt will find out, sooner if not later. I do love Matt. I’m not sure why, though. Maybe since I’ve been with him for so long. I don’t want to talk about him now. Let’s just enjoy this time together,” she finished, as she laid her head down on his chest.

  No one said any more about anything, and they fell asleep in each others arms, content and not worrying about any consequences that would eventually occur.

  When Julie woke up it was 10 a.m. The phone was ringing...of course. When she rolled over to get it she looked right at Shane. Still naked and still sleeping! Then it all came rushing back to her. Ring! Ring! The phone was still ringing. She stepped out of bed, somehow very aware of her nakedness and she grabbed her T-shirt as she rounded the bed. She threw the T-shirt on as she reached the phone but the answering machine had already picked up. It was Matt.

  “Julie, hey, it’s me. I just wanted to say sorry for last night. I know I was a drunken asshole. Please forgive me. Call me as soon as you get up, or when you get this message. I love you, Jules. I really do. Bye.” And then the answering machine hung up.

  She stood there in awe. She suddenly felt awful for what happened last night. She didn’t regret it, just felt badly about it. About how much it was going to hurt Matt. He really wasn’t going to believe that this never happened before. She decided right then and there that Matt could never find out about last night. Ever!

  She walked back to the doorway of her room and looked into watch Shane sleeping in her bed. He was as cute as ever. Sprawled out over the bed, barely covered with the blanket. Which wasn’t a bad thing in Julie’s mind. She stood there for a few moments watching him sleep, recalling each and every erotic moment of the prior nights excursion. She shook her head to clear it and headed to the shower.

  She went into the bathroom, turned the radio on, brushed her teeth and then started her water and got undressed. She was singing and dancing around the bathroom gathering her towel and washcloth. She stepped into the shower and started to wet her hair while the warm water ran down over her body. She didn’t hear the bathroom door open, and she certainly didn’t hear anyone entering the room. Oblivious to the fact that she wasn’t alone, she started to hear someone speak her name. She peeked out from behind the shower curtain to see Shane standing there.

  “Is everything OK? Do you need something?” she asked.

  “Yeah, as a matter of fact I do need something.” He smiled, and then stepped towards the shower and got in with her.

  “Oh, really?” She smiled.

  He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her. He became instantly aroused again. He needed to be with her again. He knew that once would never be enough. he know that it was wrong to do it the fist time and it was wrong to do it this time too, yet he couldn’t stop himself. She put her arms around his neck as she kissed him back.

  What was she doing? She just got a call from Matt saying that he loved her and here she was going to mess around with her best friend...again, in the shower. What was wrong with her?

  Shane too the poof and soaped it up and began to wash her. Lathering her from head to toe. Watching as the water rinsed away all the foam. They were in each others arms again, kissing like they’d never kissed before. They finished washing each other and stepped out of the shower. Julie reached for the towel when Shane took it away. He picked her up and carried her into the bedroom where they made love once more. And again it was terrific. They lay there a little while longer together in bliss. Then the phone started to ring again. This time Julie got up and went into the kitchen to answer it.

  “Hello?” she answered.

  “Julie? Hi, what are you doing?” the voice asked.

  “Nothing, just getting out of the shower. What are you doing, Matt?”

  “Wondering when you were going to call me,” he said with a huffy attitude.

  “Oh, well after your behavior last night I wasn’t sure if I wanted to talk to you yet or not. You weren’t very nice,” she told him.

  “Yeah, I know.”

  “Well, what was wrong with you? Besides the obvious?” she demanded.

  “I don’t know, I was drunk.” was his explanation.

  “Yeah, well I already knew that! You do that every time you get drunk! I don’t even know why I bother to try to talk to you when you are drunk. The only thing that comes out of it is that you accuse me of being a slut and sleeping around, and then you say that our relationship is over!” she yelled into the receiver.

  “I know. I’m sorry. What can I do to make it up to you?” he asked in his sincerest voice.

  “I don’t know. I really don’t. I am so almost at the end of the rope that it isn’t funny. Next time you tell me that we’re through, it will be! I can’t take you always accusing me of things and calling me all sorts of names. I can’t even believe that I’ve put up with it this long!” she yelled, still not knowing what to do. “I am sorry for yelling, but that is how I feel.”

  “OK, I get it. You don’t want to be with me, is that it? Fine! Goodbye, have a nice life! Hope you have fun with all your boyfriends. By the way, how many of them are there right now?” he continued accusing.

  “Only one,” she said jokingly, but knowing it was sort of true!

  CLICK! Matt hung up on her. What a jerk! She hung up the phone and turned to walk away, and the phone rang again.

  “Hello?” she answered once again.

�I hope that you are happy! I guess that you never loved me, did you? NO, you didn’t! Well, I just wanted to say have a nice life, I am going to jump in the river now!” he threatened.

  Every time that he and Julie would have a fight Matt would always threaten to kill himself to try to make her feel guilty for fighting with him. At first it really made her upset. But it was just getting old now.

  “Matt, I am hanging up the phone this time and I don’t think that I am answering it again, so please stop calling every two minutes. OK? I will call you later and we can talk,” she told him.

  “OK, bye.” was all he said.

  Just then Shane came walking out of the bedroom. Fully clothed this time and still pretty damn hot! When he looked at Julie he didn’t even have to ask, he already knew who she had been talking to. He walked over to her and hugged her.

  “How is Matt today?” he asked.

  “Well, at least he’s sober.” She tried to crack a smile. “Or at least I think he is.”

  “Funny.” He smiled. “Jules, as much as I hate to go, I really have to.”

  She nodded. “I know.”

  “Are you going to be OK?” he asked, once again concerned.

  “Shane! I’ll be fine. Why wouldn’t I be?” she asked.

  “I know you will be fine, if you happen to need me, just call. OK?”

  “OK, I know how to take care of myself; I am a big girl, you know.” she teased.

  He looked at her for a moment before speaking. “If Matt comes over here and starts anything, call me and I will be here in a flash. I mean it. I know that he hates me and all, but I’m not afraid of him. Or if he just calls and upsets you.”

  She cut him off. “Yes, Daddy,” she said sarcastically.

  He wrapped his arms around her again, and lightly kissed her lips. All the while remembering the previous night. How hot their lovemaking had been. How passionate she really was. How much he had wanted it and now that he finally had it, he thought about how much he wanted it again. She broke their embrace.


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