Shadow Aspect

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Shadow Aspect Page 5

by Girl, Breukelen

  Is he kidding? We’d all but signed the paperwork last night! “I uh, um.” I stumble to tell him what is troubling me, because it is a little difficult for me to articulate it all and not sound insane. I sound insane to myself, because I am rather new to everything I’m feeling around him.

  I run a hand through my tangled hair and get it caught. Crap. “I didn’t sleep well. I’m just, you know, tired.” Tarin watches me closely and I can tell he doesn’t believe my answer, not fully. He nods his head at me and holds out his hand.

  “Come.” I take his outstretched hand and walked over to the table, but instead of directing me to the chair I sat in the night before he pulls out the head chair, the one at the end of the table. He pulls it right out and clear of the table. Directing me to stand in its place. I look at him and he turns me to face the table. “Bend over.” Tarin husks in my ear, as he sweeps my hair back from it.

  I put my hands on the table and lean forward and part my legs for him. Tarin’s leather clad leg, complete with hardening cock press against my upper thigh and backside.

  “I didn’t sleep so well, either. Wonder why?” He mutters as his hands raise my skirt up over my hips. Only to be greeted by no underwear what so ever. “I may have to make this a stipulation.” He says running a hand over the naked curves of my ass, until his fingers cup my wetness. “So wet.”

  “I don’t think I stopped being wet after I met you last night.” I say in a low soft voice that doesn’t sound like me at all. “And left me highly charged when I went home.”

  “That was rude of me, I apologise. To take and not give in return.” He says and I hear the zip on his leather pants go down. I wonder if he is going to rub his cock up against my ass, jerking it off against my ass cheeks this time. I close my eyes and concentrate on trying to not give into the frustration I feel at his teasing of me. Tarin is used to being a top, being in control, getting his way, of being the boss. He is the boss of me now, well, will be, once we settle our business arrangement.

  “But you see,” He says his lips against my ear. “No female has done that to me before.” I open my eyes and turn my head, to look over my shoulder at him and he plants small kisses behind my ear as I do so.

  “No female, at all?”

  “I’ve had females do what you did, but not with the same result.” He kisses my neck. “I’ve never reacted that way to anyone else before.” He kisses down the back of my neck, keeping my hair brushed off it. I let out a heavy breath, So I’m not imagining the chemistry thing between us then. Not quite as insane as initially thought.

  His fingers have started to lightly stroke me and I find myself wanting to move against them. “I really should return the favour.” He murmurs into the back of my hair.

  “It would be the polite thing to do.” I mutter huskily back at him. Two fingers slip inside me and I sigh with relief that he is finally inside me.

  “It’d be my pleasure, Katelyn.” He says starting to fuck me with his fingers. “Do you want my pleasure Katelyn?”

  I press my palms down into the table and try to remind myself to breathe as he picks up the pace on my needy body. “Yes.” I growl back.

  His lips kiss my neck and the crook of it before he comes across the barrier of my shirt. Screw him, I’m not taking it off until he damn well asks me to. Tarin starts adding a little twist to the end of the finger fuck to me and I gasp at the action.

  “By the way,” I pant heavily, trying to look back at him. “I could’ve called your bluff on not being able to do business with me.” I keep panting heavily as he builds me up.

  “Really?” Typical Tarin, a question for an answer.

  “Yeah,” I gasp. “I’m kind of a big deal. How many truth-sayers you know around here?” I look away from him and pant loudly, as the sensation he is driving into me, grows more intense. Unlike werewolves and shape shifters, I’ve never come across another one of me, anywhere nor heard of another truth sayer, anywhere.

  His response is to finger fuck me harder and I turn my head to the right, trying to see through my hair to wonder what he is doing with his free hand. I see movement and know exactly what he is doing, he is masturbating himself at the same time he is making me peak. The idea that he is being turned on as much as I am, by this makes me bite my lip so hard, I’m sure it will draw blood.

  Just when I think I can’t take it anymore, when I am sure I will shatter from the exquisite feeling swirling through me. He pulls out. His fingers leave me. I slap my hand down on the table hard in utter angry frustration.

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” I turn around on him sharply, my voice loud with anger. My hair splaying out behind me in a wild arch. But I instantly want to take back my words, when I see him pulling on a condom over his rock hard cock. I look from it to his face. He smiles back flashing those big ass fangs, that I am sure, he knows I like. “Oh.”

  “I’ll give you an O, Katelyn. I promise. A deals a deal.” He says putting his hands on my hips and raising me to the edge of the table, my hands push the crockery and things away from behind me and my hands found themselves undoing his shirt hastily as he will let me.

  Tarin yanks it off himself quickly when I am done and I tear at my own shirt, to get off me. Tarin looks at the plain black bra housing my breasts and groans in appreciation. A single finger flicked open the front catch on it and my breasts spilled out.

  “Don’t you agree?” He hisses and stepping between my legs. I am shucking the bra off me when he thrusts up and into me in one hard, jolting, movement. I grab his biceps tightly, digging my fingers in as he starts moving, thrusting in and out of me wildly.


  Tarin’s hands grip my hips so he can drag me onto his cock, and lift me off the edge of the table repeatedly. I raise my legs and wrap them around his hips, pushing his leather pants further down off him. I don’t think its possible, but he sinks deeper into me. Until we are fully joined together, my lips find his and I start to kiss him, my lips press into his heavily and my tongue seeks his out as we fuck on his dining room table.

  Between kisses and gasping for air, I pant heavily. The feeling of him inside me, intensifies and I squeeze him unable not too. My orgasm finally comes roaring through my body to make me pull myself onto him and hold myself there as I come and Tarin, follows a few seconds later, raising his head back to cry out, before aiming those razor sharp fangs downwards at me.

  My eyes widened as I watch him plunge them into my flesh, just under my collar bone.

  My mouth drops open to cry out and nothing comes out, as I adjust to the initial pain of my skin breaking and muscles piercing as his fangs dig into me before Tarin’s mouth starts sucking automatically on the spot he’s just buried his fangs into. He sucks and those fangs, like his cock, throb inside of me as he empties himself and drinks me down at the same time.

  It is the height of everything I’ve never known I wanted to feel before. It is years of unleashing and passion awakening for the first time. My body feels like it is on fire in a cool blue flame. I shake as my muscles twitch and contract. It isn’t like I’m a virgin and this is my first time, but it may as well be for all that I’d ever lacked or not known about sexual intimacy and true pleasure.

  Tarin makes me forget anything outside of the sensation of his lips sucking on my blood, those fangs tearing a little with each movement at my fired up, sinew. I want nothing more than to hold myself to him, to be joined with him, as long as we both can stand it.

  Not that I think my body would be able to obey me as my legs, slowly unwrap from his hips and drop, lowering to the ground. Tarin’s hands, go to my ass and drag me closer, keeping me joined to him. He wants what I want, to be, utterly together on a level neither of us has ever known. Was that the thought that flickered through me, had it come from him? Was I reading him?

  Slowly he pulls his fangs out of me again and lick at the puncture marks on my skin. His fangs snapping away, disappearing from his mouth like magic. As his lips kiss their way
up my throat, to the edge of my jaw, to my face.

  It feels like he wants to say something to me, when he looks at me, his hand cupping the side of my face. But I see the hesitation in his eyes, something about what we’ve just done is new to him too. There is something between us now.

  Instead Tarin surprises me, by resting his forehead against mine tenderly and looking down into my eyes, as our bodies stayed joined together, enjoying the dying ebbs of our afterglow.

  He stands there with me balancing precariously on the edge of the table for what seems like a long time, before eventually, pulling out of me. I hate the feeling. The first time I’d not wanted a male to pull out of me.

  My heart races and I feel giddy and tired, probably from the blood loss, I realise a little too late as Tarin scoops me up and carries me in his arms out of the dinning room and into a bedroom.

  “Sleep Katelyn, we’ll talk when you wake.”


  Awaking in an unfamiliar bed in an unknown room, and I feel rested, that’s another first.

  Not at all as sexually angst charged as I had earlier that morning. I blink and focus my eyes on the bedside table. There is a silver bucket, filled with ice and a chilled bottle of white wine in it. A serving tray with a closh over it and a box of condoms next to two wine glasses. I can feel my complete nakedness under the bed covers. I turn back around to the other side. Tarin is beside me in bed, presumably, as equally naked going by his glorious, bare chest on display for me.

  “How are you feeling?” He asks me, drawing me into his body again. I soften to fold into him as he pulls up against him. I rather find I like, being held by him. His long blonde hair spread out on the dark pillows behind him. Making him look rather stunning, like his hair is in flight, flowing behind him.

  “Fine. How long was I asleep for?”

  “About half an hour. It’s a pretty common side effect, to feel tired afterwards from a bite, especially when you’re not used to it.”

  “First time I’ve been bitten.” I reply back at him as his hands settled on my hips. I can feel him semi-erect again under the covers. Does the man ever stop having sex? Maybe he just thinks about it all the time.

  “First time you’ve been bitten?” He repeats back at me surprised by my revelation, eyebrows raised. “You must not hang around to many paranormals then.”

  A frown forms on my forehead. “What makes you say that?”

  “Katelyn, you’re far too tempting to pass up.”

  “I don’t really hang around anyone, I tend to keep to myself. Always have.” I reply as he brushes some hair back from my ear. My fingers reached up and trace over the feel of the puncture marks on my skin. I figure it will hurt, but it doesn’t. Even though I remembered the sensation of him plunging into me with all of his body. I close my eyes at the memory of mixed sensation. I’ve never experienced anything like it before.

  “It should be healing already.” He states at me and I open my eyes again to hold his gaze. “The saliva works to start the healing process, there should be no marks by morning.” The thought that there will be no evidence of what I’ve experienced, when I looked in the mirror later, makes me sad. This is a memory I wanted to hold onto. Tarin has made sex something that is all new to me again and I am rather enjoying it. And enjoying wanting it.

  “I had dinner brought in here, in case you actually felt like eating some time while you’re here.” He chuckles at me. Its a nice sound and odd to hear coming from someone who strikes me as rather serious most of the time. I laugh back at him.

  “Decadent bedside manner dining, I like it.”

  “I haven’t been able to come up with a guest list of who’s who at the party, but I’ll keep digging around to see if I can’t get something that might help us plot our way through it a little better. I guess the more information you have, the better to guide you with.” Tarin says going back the business of our business, again.

  “So it’s a party where going to?” I ask looking back at him. He seems quite content to laze there with me, in bed. How un-Tarin like of him. “So what exactly am I extracting from this mark, once we figure out who the hell it is?”

  “A real estate deal that’s going to take place soon. I need to know where, when and who’s in charge of it. As much information as possible that you can get me about it.”

  “Real estate.” I mutter. Well it isn’t quite the most boring thing I’ve ever had to retrieve, but it is second to boring. He pulls me closer to him so my breast brushes against his chest.

  “Yes, it’s a rather lucrative deal and I want to be the only one who gets to have it.” He kisses me then, throwing me for a little loop of giddy joy. Our lips met and I feel the hunger in him, press through those lips, in the eagerness of his tongue to do more, far more than just kiss. I wonder if he wants to bite me again. I wonder if I could take it, again, so soon, twice in one night.

  We break for air panting and looking wide eyed at each other, this thing between us is heating up beyond all recognition and neither he or I were expecting it. “It won’t be like you’re going to a real estate agent’s party. So it won’t be easy. They’ll be a fair amount of powerful players there and possibly one or two who don’t fancy running into me in a hurry.”

  “So are we going across into enemies lines then? Or are we crashing this thing?” My hands started skimming up his chest. “Am I working on a deadline here or what?”

  “No, I have been invited so time shouldn’t be an issue, unless of course we happen to get busted by the mark and they’re reaction isn’t at all good. But I don’t perceive that happening. From what I understand, what you do, it’s practically undetectable, is that right?”

  “Yes. I haven’t met a mark yet who knew what I was doing.”

  “Impressive.” He replies drawing circles around my areola.

  “My client list is impressive. But I can’t tell you about that, because of confidentiality.” I reply as he pulls at my nipple playfully.

  “I don’t want to hear about your other clients.” He mutters throatily in a way that suggests jealousy. But surely I can’t be reading that right, what does Tarin Aramadel have to be jealous of, especially when it came to me, his newest employee? “How does it work?”

  My hands find his hair and trace it back on the pillow behind him in a smooth repetitive motion. I shrug my shoulders loosely. “It just does and you’re going to need to trust me on that.” His hair is silky soft and golden like rays of sunlight. “I’m hungry, we should eat.”

  “What you or dinner?” He smirks at me.

  The idea of Tarin between my legs, his mouth between my legs, is making me squirm in anticipated delight. “I think I need replenishment first, you took a lot out of me.”

  “My apologies, I got a little…carried away. I usually know when to stop and am not like some horny little teenage without some sense of control.” That makes me laugh at him and earns me a smack on my rear.


  The party where I am to do my espionage, is two days later. Tarin and I do not meet before it, and I have a thought of the groom seeing the bride in her dress before the big day.

  Tarin has managed to figure out who is catering at the event and in doing that has gotten a hold of the menu, which didn’t really indicate to us who will be there, what type of paranormals we might be mingling amongst.

  So I am going in blind, so to speak. A first time and I feel the need to repeat this over and over to Tarin, just to ensure he understands how much harder that makes my job.

  “Katelyn, if you’re worried about the money, check you’re back account, it’s considerably obscene at this point in time.” He says to me as I hold my mobile phone up to my ear. I knew it is, I’ve already checked it out and re-checked it three times, just to make sure I’m reading it right. Because it is far more than I’ve asked for.

  “Look, I just want you to be very aware of that this is a odd circumstance for me to be working from. Usually, I have a base of information and a targe
ted mark that is known to both me and my employer. We’re behind the eight ball here even before we’ve begun and I’m not sure you’re going to feel at the end of it that you got you’re money’s worth if I walk out of it without what you want.” God I hated the sound of my own voice. I’m usually far more confidante than this. I am in fact, practically smug when it comes to doing this stuff, like it is routine for me.

  But Tarin’s job was making me think it would either be a complete fucking bust and waste of time or like doing a gauntlet to get to the intended mark. “Tell me you got a dress.” Tarin says ignoring my rant of sensibility and nervousness.

  “Of course I got a dress, told you I would. And some shoes and accessories. It appropriately says come hither lover.” I say drolly down the line at him. The dress so wasn’t me which was why it probably looks so good on me and why I hate it at the same time.

  I’ve basically just put my trust in a sales assistant to do what they are actually hired to do and apparently did, every day of the week. Dictate fashion to the masses. I have zero interest in clothes shopping, which has almost sent the young twenty something assistant almost into apoplexy when she heard it.

  For god sakes the colour of the dress we settled on is called blush. Which I was bound to do at some point. Yet I know I’ve made the right choice, after all, it makes me look incredibly feminine and soft. In other words about as unsuspecting as I could put out there.

  “Looking forward to seeing you in it then.”

  I pick up a shoe from the shoe box, on my bed holding it by it’s long heel and looked at it. It’s a five inch high heel, when I put it on I’m practically six foot and all legs. It isn’t exactly a bad look on me. Even if the shoes are called nudes. Since I’ve made Tarin fork out for my expenses, separate for my bank account, I’d ensured that I’d gotten some overpriced, designer ones. Maybe I could re-sell them later on. They were plain patent leather and that was it and they’d cost over a thousand dollars. I didn’t get it. But the sales assistant had insisted on them.

  I hadn’t snapped them up because of the designer name or the price tag, which the sales assistant had clued into when she’d tried to sell me another pair that might have also worked with my outfit and were a bit more daring by comparison. I’d told her not to push it. My mandate to her for my outfit had been demure, feminine and everything I currently wasn’t. I need to look, dare I say it, virginally innocent.


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