Rumor's Fury (The Chosen One's Book 2)

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Rumor's Fury (The Chosen One's Book 2) Page 11

by Harlow Brown

  "Okay, thanks."

  "You want anything? I'll go get it right quick."

  "Beer actually sounds fantastic."

  "I'll be right back then."

  As he left his room to go get the drinks, I couldn’t help but admire the sexiness of him. He had no idea what he could do to a woman. After he was out of sight, I started gazing around the room trying to catch a glimpse into his life, maybe a hint of something, anything. Alas, there was nothing.

  "Here you go. Now, what did you want to talk about?"

  "Us. I mean, what happened, and if there is anything else in store, or was it just a fluke, do we tell people or do w…"

  Before I could finish the random thoughts I was vomiting from my mouth, he strolled over and kissed me. It was a sweet peck on the lips, but he didn’t back away. It was like he was frozen there. It turned out he was just trying to gather his thoughts and feelings and was trying to shut me up so he could think, too.

  As he pulled away slowly, he looked into my eyes and said, "Do you want an us? Are you ready for a long distance relationship of any kind? You need to think about this before we go any further because it will be tough. I’m not easy to deal with on a normal basis, much less with the added distance."

  "That’s just it, Fury. I don’t know if I do. What I do know is I like you, and I enjoy your company, when you arent being an ass. Where are you with this?"

  He thought for a minute and then shocked me with his unexpected and honest response. “I think since our little escapade on the deck a bit ago, I have realized that I am over some things and I think I can move on now. For fuck's sake, you have been in my life now for less than a week, and so much has changed for me and in me. I can't help but to believe it is because of you. Then I wonder how. We don’t know each other so how are you, the pretty stranger, fixing me?"

  "You think I am the one that is fixing you? Are you sure you want that?" I asked in a shocked, yet somewhat hopeful tone.

  "I damn sure don’t want to start again with someone new. These last few days have been enough to stress me out, make me rethink my life, and given me a different perspective on things. I had a wake up call of sorts, and I do think I'm ready. I would like that be with you, if you are willing to take a chance on me. You just have to realize there are things I can’t talk about from my past, and you have to be okay with that. You have to trust me."

  "Do you remember what I said? Your past is just that, leave it there. You aren't that person anymore. I don’t give a damn what happened in your past. I don’t live there. I hope at some point you will feel comfortable enough to discuss it with me, but if it doesn’t ever come to that, then that is fine, too. I would like to think you could confide in me and trust me with whatever big secret you have. I shared a pretty ugly fact about me with you, but, I don’t know what kind of secret you are harboring, so I can’t judge you and why you aren’t able to share it."

  "So…this is a thing now? You and me." He asked with a hopeful and scared tone in his voice.

  "If that is what you want, we can be a thing. We can be a slow thing. We can play it by ear I suppose. I will be leaving in a few days to head home, so maybe it is only a short term thing. Who knows?"

  "I don’t know that I want it to be short term. Since you have been here, I have felt so much weight lifted off me. I don’t want to see what it’s like without you here. You have made me feel again and I'm starting to feel alive and happier and not alone."

  I thought about his words and if there was a hidden question behind them, but decided not to dwell on it. There were still three or so days before I had to leave. That is, if I couldn’t convince Charlie and the other girls to stay a bit longer.

  "I don’t know that it is possible for me to stay longer, nor do I know if I even want to. My life is back in Rudy."

  "Your life there sounds like it sucks. No offense. If you want to go home, I completely understand, and we can figure something out. Let’s not dwell on that yet."

  I agreed. My life was a bit lackluster, boring, and sad. Here it was more exciting than it had been in a couple years. There was an ocean and excitement. I could get used to this, but I missed the trees and mountains of Rudy, too.

  "Stay with me tonight," he asked in a hurried tone. Like he was trying to say it before he chickened out.

  "Are you sure you’re ready for that? There are sure to be questions and looks from everyone in the morning."

  "I don’t really care. I just want you to be with me. I will tell the guys to fuck off when they ask me questions. You ready for that with your girls?"

  "Yeah, I can handle my girls."

  He slowly walked over to me and stood me up. He had his big hands on my shoulders, holding me at arms length, looking at my eyes, trying to see if this was real. There was a force so strong it felt magnetic between us. "You feel it too, don’t you?"

  "Yes, yes I do. I just don’t know what to do, or how to handle it. I say we just take it in stride and go with it. Let's see where this goes."

  He dipped down and cupped my face so gently and kissed me. This kiss was different than the ones earlier. This one was not confusing, hurried, urgent, or frantic. It was the opposite of all of that. It was slow and intentional. He's making me feel things that I don’t know if I'm ready for again, or ever will be, but I'll be damned if it isn't happening anyway.

  As the kiss deepened, he gently slid a hand into my hair as the other found its way to the small of my back. He pulled me tight against his hard body, and I slid my hands up his chest and along his jaw line, the stubble rough against my soft hands. I slid the other hand into the hair at the base of his neck, tugging, pulling him closer. He eased me down onto the bed, as the kisses became more urgent, yet remaining gentle. With a slight tug of my lower lip, he began his descent, moving slowly, down my neck with the occasional nip here and there. He was making me want more, all while moving at a treacherously slow pace.

  The assault stopped as he sat back on his heels, pulling me up with him. His hands went to the hem of my shirt. With the slow lift, he made sure to graze my skin along the way, sending little shocks each time our skin met. Flinging my shirt to the side, he gently pushed me back onto the bed with one hand as he quickly shed his shirt with the other. I lay there in awe of his body, but before I could look too closely, he dipped down and kissed me again, his body heavy on top of mine in all the right places. He pulled away again, and began lacing kisses down my neck, where he bit down just a little, causing a moan to escape my mouth. He kept moving, across my collar bone, down across my breasts, his breath hot against my skin, causing my body to flood with heat. With one hand he massaged my breast, as he took the other breast into his warm, wet mouth, sucking, gently biting, with just enough pressure to cause a flood of heat at the apex of my thighs. I threw my head back with a moan as he moved down my stomach, his hands skimming the top of my skin leaving goosebumps in their wake. His hands slid between the fabric of my shorts and the fabric of my panties, over my hips and slowly down my legs, my skin burning where his hands touched, all the way from my head to my feet. He began slowly leaving a trail of open mouth kisses up my legs, the inside of one ankle, then the other a little further up. He kissed my calf, my knee, my inner thigh, where he bit me lightly causing me to sigh. He continued making his way to my sex, and as he began kissing his way around my panty line, he hooks his fingers in the waist line of my panties, and slowly revealed all of me.

  He dipped his face down and let his nose slide up my wetness. He pulled away just enough that I could see the grin on his face as he kissed my core. Slowly he licked his way from my opening to my clit, circling it and then going back down, his tongue began a slow assault, in and out, up and around, back down, in and out, quickening his pace when my moans and pants became audible. I was breathing hard, my hand was gripping his hair, pulling him closer and holding him where I needed the pressure most, the feeling of his stubble against my thighs pushing me over the edge. An orgasm surged through me, and he quick
ly moved up my body and when he kissed me, I could taste my arousal on his tongue. I pushed him onto his back and straddled his hips. As I laced open mouth kisses down his neck, I let my teeth graze and was awarded with soft moans that spurred me forward. I kissed my way down his chest, sucking and applying some pressure on a nipple, his hand gripped my hips, holding me still as he ground his hips into mine. I needed him inside me.

  I began working on his pants, pulling them off, placing kisses up his thighs, breathing hot heavy breaths on my way to his dick. When I reached what I wanted, I blew a hot breath from the head of his dick to the base, and I felt him shutter and moan. I ran the tip of my tongue from the base to the tip, slowly pulling it into my mouth, swirling my tongue around the tip and taking his length into my mouth, and slowly back up to the tip. I dipped back down again and again, his breathing picked up as he reached down to stop me. He hooked his arms under mine and pulled me to up his long lean body. He rolled over on top of me and kissed me as he aligned himself at my opening, and slowly he pushed inside, filling me, stretching me, as I pulsed around him. He began gently moving in and out, grinding his hips into mine thrust after thrust. My breathing quickened as I began tightening, his pace increased, getting harder and harder. He kissed me, down my neck as he kept up his pace. He gently bit down on my neck, causing me to moan as he pushed me over the edge. He slowed and started the process over again, kissing his way down my neck, moving in and out, breathing hard. As he felt my body building again, he began thrusting harder, faster, biting my shoulder as our orgasms shook through us. He gently moved to lay at my side, wrapping me in his arms and pulling me against his body. I placed my head on his chest, and as our breathing regulated, we both came down from our high, entwined our fingers, and held each other until sleep claimed us.

  Chapter 13


  "YOU SEEM TO have taken a likin' to Rumor, and I assume she was with you seeing no one has seen her this morning. You want to tell her that they are cutting the vacation short?" Magnum said with the smell and look of a hangover dripping off him.

  "Yeah, I'll tell her," I said in a reluctant hurry. I wasn’t ready for her to go just yet. I had finally come to terms that it was okay for me to move on, and now her time here was being cut short. I knew I had to tell her that the cops were snooping around here and that Whiskey and Briar are taking the girls back to Rudy. I would handle Jay. I know good and well that is who instigated the prodding law enforcement. He should’ve waited a while before having them stop by to check on things and investigate suspicious activity. Now our whole operation is compromised. The Rudy guys are taking their girls back before anything happens to them and they get caught up in anything.

  Whiskey already had the 4Runner loaded with equipment and booze. He had the shine in water bottles in the ice chest and hidden in suit cases. Briar was chomping at the bit to get on the road, so he and Jazz took off. Whiskey was a little more relaxed about it.

  I went back up stairs to wake Rumor and to my surprise she was already awake.

  "Good morning."

  "Same to you," I said as I walked up to her. "We need to talk."

  "Here we go. You made a mistake, it's you not me, I knew …"

  "Are you 'bout done?" I cut her off. "The cops are snooping around here. I have a feeling Jay tipped them off. Y'all are leaving to go back to Rudy."

  "Oh. Why are the cops coming around? I don’t understand."

  "Look, it really doesn’t matter why, this is one of those things we don’t discuss, okay? We don’t want you girls in the crossfire if it should get ugly, so it is best if you go home."

  Disappointment covered her face. I was sure that mine wasn't cheery.

  "Where does that leave things with us? I told you I was bad luck and that you shouldn’t mess with me."

  "You aren't bad luck. It's because of you that I have finally let some of my past go. It's because of you that I know now that I can move on. I will always be grateful for this time I’ve had with you. If you want to try to keep in touch, I would be open to that, but I won't risk you getting in the crossfire of a feud you had no part in. You have to go."

  "Yeah, I guess I do."

  I watched her get her clothes on and walk to the door. As she reached for the knob she turned back to look at me with hurt and disappointment and said, "It was good while it lasted though, right?" and walked out.

  I couldn’t even respond. I was fairly sure implied there was no working this out long distance. She made it very clear that she was hurt and was, once again, left alone. In her eyes, this was rejection and the universe saying you are destined to be alone. You are no good for anyone. She was good for me. I have let some shit go in the last few days that without her, I would have never done. I have let Daisy go. I still have my secrets that I can’t share, and I still feel like I can’t be honest with her, but she showed me how to let go and open up. However, the little I am dead secret will always be there to put a damper on things. It is best she go and not subject herself to my lie of a life.

  I followed her to her room where she had started packing her things. I saw the disappointment and hurt on her face and knew that I was the cause.

  "Rumor, this thing between us, it isn't over. I just won’t risk you or your girls getting caught in the crossfire. Jay is an idiot, an unpredictable loose cannon. You need to get out for your own saftey. I will come see you soon. I don’t know how soon, but I swear, I am coming to see you."

  Her sad eyes lifted up to see me and I saw hope. I walked over to embrace and show her I meant what I said. Telling her at this point would be pointless.

  I tilted her head up to stare into her eyes, so she could feel what I was telling her instead of just hearing it. I kissed her softly.

  "I'll help you finish packing."

  A heavy silence blanketed us, making for awkward last moments together. Her bags were finally packed and loaded into the 4Runner. I hugged her goodbye and kissed her gently. I tried to reassured her, "This ain't over, Rumor. I will be down to see you soon, after some dust settles here."

  She gave me a pitiful, heartbroken smile. I shut her door and patted it twice, signaling that he was good to pull away.

  "Why do you look like someone kicked your puppy? You getting soft on us, huh? Can't hang because your latest piece of ass left to go home? Good. We didn’t need the extra drama around here anyhow." Riddick popped off out of nowhere.

  "If I want any more lip out of you, I'll bust it open."

  "Annnd he's back. Good to see you again my friend," he smarted back.

  I pointed at him and started walking closer to him. I remembered that he called Rumor a bitch. More anger and frustration exploded from within and I layed the bastard out. One unexpected hit. I went with it though. I wasn't about to stop now, I had a point to prove. I said I would deal with him later and that time has arrived. I picked him up by his shirt and got in his face, "That, brother, is for calling my girl a bitch. You need to know your role and treat women with a little respect. Especially if they are an old lady or with one of us. If I have to remind you again, I will make damn sure you are done here...not voted in. Do we have an understanding?" I threw him back down.

  He didn’t say anything, just got up and walked away as he wiped blood from his lip. But the look he shot back said all I needed to hear. He got it. He wasn’t sorry for his actions, but he damn sure wouldn’t do it again.

  Back inside, as I was trying to recollect myself, my thoughts were interrupted.

  "I assume you two were getting along well then?" Chief meddled.

  "She stayed the night in my room, if you must know. So, yeah I guess we were getting along good."

  He stared at me, like I should have more to say. I didn't. Not that anything was any of his business. He took the hint and moved along with his conversation.

  "Good work out there with Riddick. I’ve been waiting on you to put that cocky punk in his place. I am surprised it took you this long."

  "He was out of line and I
was going to handle it when it first happened, but a certain blonde stopped me and told me she didn’t care what he thought of her. Then she told me to take her looking for sand dollars. He got off then, but he should have known I was going to knock his dick in the dirt."

  "Look, I need you to make sure the stills are disassembled, and that parts are hidden and all mash is dumped. Jay has alerted the cops and they are snooping hard. Take it to sea tonight and get rid of it."

  "How'd you know he put the bug in the cops ear?"


  "Sax? Oh you mean the guy with Roxxi down at Sunset Tattoo? The one that Whiskey called to confirm if Hensley was in with Sully and Jay?"

  "Yeah, that's him. Turns out that Sax has some kind of beef with Jay, too. I'm not sure what it is yet, but I’m sure I will find out."

  "Why don’t I call him and have him over? We need to talk to him."

  I went back up stairs and got my bandana and my keys. When I stopped at the bottom of the stairs, I called Sax.

  "Hey, Saxton. It's Fury with the Chosen Legion. You got anything pressing going on right now?"

  "No. Not that can't wait. What can I do for you?"

  "Can't discuss it over the phone. Want to meet me here at the clubhouse, or you want to meet for coffee or something?"

  "Let's grab some coffee. See you at Flapjacks in twenty minutes."

  I got on the bike and aimlessly drove there, thoughts of my first time meeting Chief there and then, more recently, times with Rumor flashing in my head. It sucked that the girls had to go so fast, but it is probably best for her. As I tried to shake that memory and tame those thoughts, I pulled into the parking lot. I put the kickstand down, took my sunglasses off, and made my way into the resteraunt. Quickly, I spotted Sax and made my way to him.

  "Long time no see. How’ve you been?" Saxton asked with a genuine voice.

  "Same shit, different day. How are you? And Roxxi? Whiskey told me about how Charlie put a beat down on Sully the day that she went to get ink. I figured she was collateral and that she got the raw end of that deal. Is she okay?"


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