Rumor's Fury (The Chosen One's Book 2)

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Rumor's Fury (The Chosen One's Book 2) Page 19

by Harlow Brown

  “So you have known Fury was an ass for some time then, right?”

  He laughed, “I guess I have.”

  “Thanks. I think I am going to run home. I need to grab some more clothes and things from my house.”

  “Not alone you aren’t. I ain’t taking that ass chewin’. I can go with you.”

  I was going to argue, but then remembered that I really didn’t want to possibility see Creed alone.

  “Fine, I just need to grab some things.”

  We took Jazz’s car to my house. When we got there, we saw something we didn’t expect to see. An empty driveway.

  “Well, this makes things a bit easier. I’ll be right back.” I said.

  “I’ll go with you, he might be inside. I don’t need Fury coming down on me because I let you go in alone. No thanks.”

  “Fine, you can help me carry things out, too.” I hastily replied.

  I got the keys out and unlocked the door, but it wasn’t locked. I looked at Briar and let him go in first, hand firmly on his pistol. He looked around and didn’t see anything suspicious, so he motioned me to come inside.

  I went to my room, found my bed unmade and both male and female clothes on the floor. Only problem was, the female clothing wasn’t mine. I was disgusted and a little hurt. I went through my drawers and grabbed enough clothes to last me for a while, then grabbed my shoes and work shirts and jeans.

  I wouldn’t be returning here. I would let him take over the payments, or I would have him refinance it in his name.

  I handed the clothes to Briar. He went to put them in the car, while I started packing up my pictures. As I put a frame in a box, I jumped when I heard, “I didn’t think you were coming back.”

  I snapped my head around, and there he was. Creed was in a towel, still wet from the shower.

  “I didn’t think you could fuck another girl in our home… I never brought anyone else here after you disappeared. You’re still trying to mend things between us. I guess it’s different with men. You can’t wait a week, but you damn sure expected me to wait years.”

  “You said there was nothing for us.”

  “Clearly I was right. If you were really still trying to get me back, you wouldn’t be screwing someone else. You can refinance the house, I will sign anything you need. I am not staying here and you confirmed what I already knew. We are done, there is nothing between us anymore, and once again, this is your fault.” I grabbed my pictures, looked around and got the rest of the things I wanted to keep, little nick knacks that people had given me. Most importantly though I grabbed my pictures. They meant everything to me.

  “Rumor, I…”

  “I believe she has spoken. Just leave it.” Briar rumbled.

  “You don’t travel alone anymore do you Rumor? What is it with these guys in cuts?”

  “They belong to the MC The Chosen Legion, and they have done more for me in the last two or three weeks than you have in the past two years. I hope you are happy with your choice. We could’ve had it all. I had intentions…” I said as I walked past him and back out to the car.

  We got into the car and headed back to Acres. The ride back was quiet and I welcomed the silence. Seeing her clothes on the floor, not knowing who her was, stung a bit. more than I expected it to. How was I that easy to get over? Especially after he came back here and begged me to take him back? There is no way he happened upon someone that quickly. That meant that there must have been someone else for a while. He hadn’t been in town long enough to find some side fling. Where ever he came from, he must have had someone else the whole time.

  Chapter 19


  IN TYPICAL RUMOR fashion, she interrupted my moment by storming through the doorway like a hurricane. I was staring and studying my picture of Daisy, but Rumor startled me and caused me to drop the picture. I had made an attempt to shut her out and save her, but she wasn’t having any part of it. She was giving me every reason to give us a chance, and I kept shutting her down. I couldn’t have her. waiting at home on me not knowing how everything was going to pan out. I didn’t know if I was going to come home alive, or end up in a Florida jail. She didn’t need to be in the middle of that. Her ice blue, clear eyes were swollen and red. I knew I had made her cry, and it hurt, but it was for the best. If I didn’t push her away she would end up like Daisy, and I could not mentally handle hurting another woman.

  After she left, I decided it was time to unlock the fire proof box. I grabbed the key and turned the lock. I shook from anticipation of seeing what was inside. CLICK. The top slightly bounced as it unlocked, its hinges a bit squeaky from the soot and ash.

  Several dusty folders were stacked inside. In typical Chief fashion, he had it completely organized. The box was labeled, except for one section. I started rummaging through and found a folder labeled Important Club Info. I took a deep breath, and cautiously opened it. I found a lot of notes about different members, numbers of business allies and customers, and history of the club.

  There was a file on each of us. Magnum, Shooter, Chief, Whiskey, Briar, Riddick, and me. I glanced through them all, not seeing anything interesting, until I came to mine.

  The first page was like everyone else’s. It included date of birth, hometowns, parent names, high school information, prior job, phone numbers, and addresses. The typical demographic stuff. However, it didn’t make sense, these things were my real information, not Legends. This was Eric’s.

  I fumbled through my file and found a hand written letter addressed to me.


  If you are reading this, you now have the gavel. You will do well by the club. I know you can’t afford to let anything go wrong. I know what you have riding on this. I know what you’re thinking right now, and yes, I have known all along. I found out about you and knew you were a perfect fit for this club and business. I saw how loyal you were to a couple of loser buddies, and I knew you were a safe bet, especially once you found out that we were legit. I have a friend in law enforcement that called in a favor. He sent you to Panama City and I watched you for a while. You know the rest. Your secret has always been safe with me and I have never uttered a word to anyone. Just in case you needed further affirmation…It’s nice to meet you, Eric Martin. I hate to hear about your tragic death in that fiery car crash. It’s a shame that your beautiful fiancé and that precious unborn baby will never know you. I did my research. Now, put Eric Martin to rest. He doesn’t exist anymore. Don’t look back, kid.

  The next part was in a different colored ink and I could tell he had recently updated it. And don’t let go of the girl. I saw how you looked at her. She is yours, if you don’t fuck it up. Do what you gotta do, but don’t let that one go. She is good for you. Now burn this file. You won’t need it anymore. -Chief

  I sat with my mouth open and wondered how all of this was even possible. How could he have known and not tell me? I felt honored that he kept my secret, but at the same time, I was pissed off. He left me one final order, so I complied. I took my file outside and burned it. I couldn’t risk it getting into the hands of anyone. Watching the last traces of Eric Martin go up in smoke was oddly calming. I could breathe freely now, knowing no one would ever know my true identity. Even in death, that bastard had a way of keeping me calm. I lit a smoke and watched the rest of my past fly into the night.

  I fumbled through the rest of the folders and found one that said BANK DOCS. I opened it and saw account information and ABA numbers ready for me. There were also instructions on sticky notes. Damn, Chief was always thinking ahead.

  I checked the last statement balance and there was over four hundred thousand in the account, and on top was a sticky note.

  If you’ve found this, move the account to wherever you are. Use the ABA numbers to help you. -Chief

  I made sure the ashes from my file were out, so I wouldn’t cause a forest fire, and I headed inside. I grabbed a beer and went upstairs to go through the rest of the box. There weren’t many things left in ther
e. There were little trinkets such as a money clip, pocket watch, a worry stone, and an old rusty pocket knife. I decided to share the stuff with the club when I told them about the finances. I was also going to let them know that Charlie wasn’t going to have to give us the land if she didn’t want to. Although, I feared the stubborn little shit wouldn’t take our money easily.

  I was going to keep his engraved pocket watch. The inside of the lid said Don’t look back, love Pawpaw. He told me that very thing, even after he died, I felt like I needed it as a regular reminder that I am not who I used to be. Magnum would get the money clip. It was engraved as well with the saying, Money ain’t everything, but it helps everything. That was something Magnum would say. The pocket knife would be Shooter’s. He had a way with fixing things, and I knew he would be able to bring life back to it. Whiskey was going to get the worry stone. He was so wrapped up in his girl and keeping her safe, that I felt like he needed it more than anyone else. He’s going to end up giving himself an ulcer over Charlie. It sure is nice to see him happy.

  After I made my way through the box and the memories of Chief, I decided to go outside and smoke again. My nerves couldn’t take much more, and I needed a breather. This fucker had successfully given me a headache from the grave. I knew he was laughing his ass off because he had me feeling things. He knows how to get to me like no one else.

  I let my mind wonder, and it immediately drifted to how I had treated Rumor. I needed her, but more importantly, I needed her to be safe. I couldn’t risk her getting hurt over this. I had no doubt she was physically going to be fine, I was worried about her being emotionally damaged. She doesn’t deserve to have to wait again. She deserves to be happy now, she has waited long enough. I hate that I told her to move on, and deep down I hope she ignored me. I would love for nothing more than to come home to her, and to show her that I am trying for her. I needed her to hang on, but since I told her to go back to Creed, I deserved what I got. I hope she is stubborn and didn’t listen to me.

  I went upstairs and went to bed. I set my alarm for the ass crack of dawn. I more tossing and turning than I did sleeping. Rumor was on my mind and I wanted nothing more than to go in and crawl in bed with her, but this distance is what is best for her. Then Jay and Sully were infiltrating my thoughts. I couldn’t wait to have them in my possession. Oh, the fun we would have with those two jokers. They don’t realize they have met their demise. Sax is going to have a blast with this, and we have his back.

  DAWN ARRIVED, I got up, and packed up the bank papers that Whiskey got from Charlie from the Bank of Rudy. She had all the information ready. She was going to be a great old lady. She does what is best for the club, no questions asked. I wondered how Rumor would be as… I cut off my thoughts and didn’t let myself entertain that notion. Not when I just told her she needed to move on.

  Bike pipes rumbled to life and Whiskey, Mag, and Sax rode out. We decided it would look rather suspicious to bring back two hostages on the back of bikes, so I drove Whiskey’s truck, with Shooter in the passenger seat. It was equipped with a locking bed cover, which would be beneficial.

  The two of us rode in silence for a while. I lit a cigarette and enjoyed the burn of the smoke, as it calmed the thoughts in my head. As I blew out, Shooter looked at me.

  “What?” I asked.

  “You might have just fucked up and we might not be able to fix it.”

  My mind was clearly not thinking the same as his, “Whiskey will get over the smoke smell. There’s no way he expected me to go hours without a smoke. He had to see this coming.”

  “You really are a clueless asshole, aren’t you?”

  I looked at him, obviously irritated.

  “Would you quit accusing me of something, then leaving me hanging? What the actual fuck are you talking about?”

  “Rumor, you dumb shit. You are going to royally sour her to anything that has to do with you. You didn’t even go tell her goodbye. She ain’t the only one that heard you talking last night. You need your fool head examined, and your ass whipped. Maybe that would help you find a fucking clue. Hell, I’m not involved at all, and I’m pissed off at you.” He was lighting into me and it completely caught me off guard. Shooter never voices his opinion.

  “What do you mean? I did her a favor, and why did you stay and listen if you heard us talking?”

  “You didn’t do her any favors. That’s a cop out. You hurt her and made her feel inferior. You made it seem like she is not as important to you as you are to her. She is a grown ass woman and has a mind of her own. You are screwing with it and took away her choice. You are no better than her ex. One and the same, cut from the same cloth. If she takes you back, you better kiss the ground she walks on, and thank her daily. If she does take you back and give you a second chance, she is more forgiving than you deserve.”

  That pissed me off. It stung to heard that from someone that is normally reserved and quiet. I wouldn’t let him see that I was affected though. I was now the president of this club and I had a reputation to uphold.

  “Fuck off, Shooter. Mind your business. I didn’t ask you to hang around and listen to my conversation. Only then, would your opinion be warranted. Unless it’s club related, don’t fucking lecture me.”

  He didn’t know what I was protecting her from. I was trying to save her from becoming the next Daisy. There was no way for me to convey that to him. He was right though, she did deserve better than me.

  The rest of the ride was quiet and long. Shooter started snoring and that pissed me off. I didn’t get any sleep and he was sawing logs. Luckily for me, his chainsaw breathing kept me from thinking about Rumor. He had me contemplating his murder, but I wasn’t thinking about Rumor.

  Once we arrived in Panama City, we pulled into the same hotel we were in the last time. I went in and paid for our rooms, cash of course, and under the fake name, Elton James. No one would have any idea that we were here. When we got in the room, I called Canon and told him I was back.

  “Canon, I am back in town to pick up Chief. Is there a time you want to meet me? Tomorrow is fine. Thanks man, I appreciate it.”

  “Tomorrow we get Chief’s ashes…” I cut Shooter off.

  “Ahhh! Fuck, did you have to say it out loud? Yeah, I know why we are here.” The finality and heaviness of it sank in.

  “Look, I know you are hurting. We all are, but don’t be a dick to us. Save that shit for Jay and Sully. Enough is enough, dude,” Whiskey said. He stood and walked over toward me, with his fists balled up like he was about to put me in my place.

  I had successfully pissed him off. This day was going to shit really fuckin’ quick. I stormed outside, so I didn’t fight with my VP. I knew he was right, and. He isn’t known for backing down or losing. I would certainly have my tired ass put in my place if I didn’t walk away. Between Rumor and Chief, I didn’t know how much more my head could take. I felt like I did when I left Daisy, confused, and full of doubt and anger. Now I had to go pick up the ashes of my president, friend, and the one who saved me. I lit a smoke when I got outside and to help calm the hell down. Something about the smoke filling my lungs gave my head the break I clearly needed. Sometimes the cloudy cigarette smoke gave me clarity. I needed just enough to gather myself, so I wasn’t a total jerk to everyone, especially my brothers.

  I got on the bike and headed somewhere, I needed to be anywhere but here. My ass hurt from riding all day, I was hungry, and I needed a drink. I couldn’t stay here with them. I had to ride somewhere. I started heading down the road and aimlessly ended up at Flap Jacks. This was a natural end point, because this is where Chief brought me and introduced me to the world I now know. I might as well eat the same thing I had during our first meeting, so that’s what I ordered. Life had come full circle.

  I watched out the window as the world went by one slow moving car at a time. I was brought out of my trance when I heard, “I knew I would find you here.”

  Magnum came to find me.

  “What are yo
u doing here? I left for a reason, and I don’t feel like company.”

  “You’re right, but a brother knows when to step away and when to man the fuck up. You are going to be a royal pain in my ass and be a major dick. I knew that going in, but I would be a shitty person and brother if I let you be alone. You are rough and tough but you still grieve. That is exactly what this is. Grief. You don’t get to do it alone when you are a potentially hazard to yourself and the club. You are a ticking time bomb and I won’t let you self-destruct.” He said as he scolded me like a step child.

  I sat there in my own head while I stared at him. I willed him to say one more thing. Magnum didn’t disappoint, “You act like you are the only one that lost someone close to them. Wake the hell up. Let me tell you something. You aren’t the only damsel in distress that has ever needed saving, okay, princess? When I was first introduced to Chief, I was living on the streets, hungry, beaten, and…” He paused, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath. “The rest isn’t important, but Chief saved my life.I have no doubt that I would’ve been dead years ago had he not come around when he did. He took me in and hid me out. There was a missing person report on me. Chief hid me away until I was old enough to fend for myself and tell my shit-for-brains parents to fuck right off and enjoy their trip to hell clothed in their gasoline panties. He could have been thrown into jail for harboring a minor, a runaway minor at that. Get out of your feels and quit feeling sorry for yourself. You ain’t the only fucking one that misses him.”

  A look of shock took over my face. Magnum had just shared with me something I never knew, and I was speechless. All I could do was stare at him and see if more words came out of his mouth.

  “See? You aren’t the only one that has a fucked-up past. Get over yourself, stop being a dick, and let’s focus on getting Chief, picking up dumb and dumber, and getting the fuck back to those hillbilly sticks that we are going to call home for a while, yeah?”


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