Total Eclipse of the Heart: In the Heat of the Night, Book One

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Total Eclipse of the Heart: In the Heat of the Night, Book One Page 5

by Crystal Jordan

  Warning: explicit sex, graphic language, anal sex, violence, light bondage, spanking, the occasional hot wax scene, and a string of pearls going where no jewels have gone before. You’re welcome!

  Enjoy the following excerpt for Treasured:

  Almost a fortnight had passed since she’d saved him from being stabbed in the back. In that time she’d showed more passion than he’d ever seen in her. He scanned the horizon with his spyglass and saw nothing but clear blue sky meeting clear blue water. Excellent. He frowned, turning the glass to watch Rebecca spar with Willy.

  “Enjoyin’ the view, Cap’n?” Boyd’s voice came out flat and even, but James felt the back of his neck heat just the same.

  Damn. Caught staring at a woman like a foolish boy after his first bit of skirt. And she was his wife. He lowered the spyglass and met Boyd’s smirk with a glare. Boyd cleared his throat and focused on his duties at the helm. The sun beat down on them, and James swiped the back of his hand across his forehead. They weren’t enjoying much of a breeze today, but Boyd’s experience in these waters kept The Dark Fortune moving in the right direction. James’s gaze snagged on his wife again.

  She confounded him. Nothing about her made sense at all. She’d become almost a different woman overnight. As a pirate, he wasn’t a man to give trust lightly. Ever. It had kept him and his men alive on more than one occasion. He’d expected Rebecca to be the harpy she’d always been—her tongue only sharpening with the passage of time. And he’d been correct for the first weeks she’d been on board. But now…now was a different tale. He found himself seeking her out during the day, turning to her to ask an opinion, reaching for her at night so often he was amazed either of them still walked upright. She responded to him every time, no matter what he did or how dark his desires were. He shuddered as he recalled the sweet heat of her wrapped tight around his thrusting cock. Sweat broke out on his brow for a different reason. His cock hardened at the mere thought of having her. It had never been this way between them. If he were honest with himself, it had never been this way with any woman. Except her. Rebecca. His wife.

  His plan to push her into giving up her little charade had come crashing down around his ears. He craved her in a way he’d never craved a woman before. He shook his head. It was temporary. It had to be. He had no time for a wife, and his profession didn’t make it possible to have a wife nearby. His cock throbbed at the mere thought of having her within easy reach forever.


  He became a pirate to protect his men, to keep them together. It was a fool’s fancy to think a woman like Rebecca could remain on board. What would happen if they were boarded in the middle of the night? His gut clenched. A part of him was amazed he felt…concerned for her. He would have happily fed her to the sharks but weeks ago. Now the thought of even a small bruise on the woman turned his stomach. Unless, of course, he’d been the one to bruise her. Bloody hell.

  She’d done it. She had gotten precisely what she wanted from him. He was putty in her hands. His eyes narrowed on her. Had she played him so easily? Was he so transparent that she could sense the perfect woman for him? How could he trust that this new Rebecca would remain? He couldn’t. A band tightened around his chest as the realization came to him. He couldn’t trust her. Couldn’t trust what she’d become so quickly, so seamlessly. A plantation mistress couldn’t be as content on board a pirate ship as Rebecca now seemed.

  Willy tumbled across the deck as Rebecca divested him of his sword. She knelt beside the boy to be certain he was unharmed, but she let him regain his feet on his own. He grunted in approval. Good. She let the boy keep his pride.

  As though she sensed his thoughts, she turned to him and met his gaze. Her brown eyes warmed and a sweet smile curled her full lips. God, she was lovely. She wasn’t beautiful or stunning. Her allure was more subtle than that, more intriguing. She warranted a second glance, and then a third. Her hair flowed down her back like liquid silk, but she’d taken to leaving it in a long plait in the last fortnight. He liked that. He liked watching her take it down at night, or during the day if he didn’t wish to wait to have her. The band around his chest tightened. She was everything he wanted, and it was all a lie. It had to be. No woman was so perfectly fashioned for him, and that was the damnable truth of it all. He knew this woman.

  She took a step towards him, but he turned away to present her with his back. No. He wasn’t in control of himself here. He needed to decide how to respond to her. His body wanted what his mind knew was a trap. The bait was too sweet.

  “Is something wrong, James?”

  Her arms closed around his waist from behind, and his cock twitched at the light contact. He wanted her naked on her knees before him, begging to be allowed to suck him. Or her bottom over his lap, warm and rosy under his palm. Or her curves bared and arched across his bed, bound and waiting for what he would do to her, hunger bright in her dark eyes as she gazed at him. And he could do anything he wanted and she couldn’t stop him, would beg him for more. Another shudder wracked his body.

  God, he wasn’t strong enough to resist her now. He’d leave her on Barbados as planned, but for now…while he had her, he would enjoy her. He ignored the roiling in his gut at the thought of depositing her on his plantation and sailing away. He’d made difficult decisions before and lived with the consequences. This was what she wanted, what was best for her. For now, she was here and his for the taking. That decision made, he turned in her embrace. Her left sleeve was sliced from shoulder to elbow, leaving her arm bared.

  He cocked an eyebrow. “Willy caught you here.”

  “I let him.” Her eyes twinkled up at him, her full lips stretching into a wide smile.

  “We’ll be in Port Royal tomorrow. You can test your land legs again.” Reaching into the cut in her shirt—his shirt—he stroked his fingers down her arm.

  Her eyes shuttered for a moment, and she glanced away. She cleared her throat. “Where were we last?”

  He frowned. The occasional lapses of memory had seemed odd of late, and now the differences between the woman he’d married and the one in his arms sharpened. It began two weeks ago, he could mark the day. He tensed for a moment, then forced himself to relax. He’d already made his decision. There was no use dwelling upon it. He brushed at the wisps of hair that had escaped her braid. “Havana. And before that The Fortune retrieved you from the Tidewaters. Hampton Roads.”

  Two mates. One sacrifice. It’s a challenge that could save them all…

  or destroy everything.

  Lux in Shadow

  © 2008 R. G. Alexander

  A Children of the Goddess story.

  Because of his own carelessness, Lux Sariel lost his lover at the hands of the shaman Gray Wolf, and put his Trueblood family in grave danger. Now he’s been sent on a mission to find and protect his mortal enemy’s sister. His companion is Arygon, a sexy Alpha who won’t take no for an answer.

  When the two men find Sylvain, a sheltered and innocent beauty with power beyond imagining, passions ignite—and suddenly none of them are certain of the future.

  No one but the Goddess.

  She has a plan that will change everything for Her children, Were and Vampire alike. A challenge that will fulfill the promise of what this unusual threesome have found together…or destroy them all.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for Lux in Shadow:


  A hand tightened in her hair and then she was gasping. Lux gripped her hips, raising her to the small pool’s edge. His features were tight, lips swollen and fangs extended with desire.

  He grabbed her wrist, pulling the forgotten hand from between her thighs to place it behind her back. She loved it. The aggression, the passion she could see in his eyes. All of it.

  A haze had clouded her vision, wild frenzied feelings that seemed to be his and hers all at once. It scared her, excited her and embraced her like a lover. She lifted her face eagerly to his.

  “Don’t think I forgot about you. Te
mpting as your hot little mouth is—your price was a kiss from me.” He nodded and a new set of hands slid over her shoulders.

  Arygon. He caught her gaze as he lowered her to the ground, smiling tightly at her confusion. “You’re new at this type of bargaining, rabbit. Next time remember to be more specific about where you’d like to be kissed.”

  A cool breeze hit her clit as his words sunk in, her head swiveling back toward Lux just as his lowered between her spread thighs.

  Damp strands of wine colored hair clung to her skin. His mouth brushed against her, just grazing the bare lips of her sex. She whimpered and she could feel him smile at the sound. Was he teasing her?

  Those impossibly blue eyes narrowed on the man beside her, watching as Arygon’s fingers brushed against the curve of her breast. A thrill shot through her at the touch, knowing both men were focused on her, wanting her.

  The Were had paused in his caress at Lux’s glance. But only for an instant. She moaned, arching in surprised arousal when he cupped one breast in his palm, squeezing a hard, tingling nipple between his fingers.

  They stared at each other in silence for one, breathless moment. It felt like forever. Some battle of wills was going on between the two Alphas—and that’s exactly how they were behaving, like two stubborn, posturing Alphas—but she couldn’t focus enough to sort it out. Every inch of her skin was on fire. Inside her, she could feel the spirit of her beast roaring for her mate.

  Her hands speared through Lux’s mane, tugging until she got his attention. And boy did she get it. Fire flared to life in the deep blue. There was a challenge in his eyes. And maybe a hint of erotic warning. But she was beyond caring. “You promised me a kiss.”

  At her words he inhaled sharply, hands tightening on her thighs. His mouth opened in a silent snarl, fangs fully extended toward Arygon. “Only her breasts, Dydarren.”

  That cryptic command was all the warning she got. His head disappeared between her thighs, Arygon’s fingers twisting and plucking at her nipple more aggressively as she felt the first broad swipe of Lux’s tongue.

  “Oh my Shining Mother.”

  Arygon laughed at her gasped words. “Feel good, rabbit?” He lowered his mouth, closing his teeth on her nipple for a small teasing bite before wrapping his rough tongue around the peaked bud. His hand slid across her chest to stroke her neglected breast and she arched off the cool stone floor.

  Lightning flashes of sensation flayed her. The hot mouth on her breast causing her womb to clench. The tongue thrusting inside her pussy, gathering the heated arousal that coated her sex. It was too much. She’d never imagined it would be this powerful. This all consuming.

  Then there were his emotions. Lux. His need was a tidal wave. A hunger so strong she wasn’t sure how he could contain it. He groaned low as he pressed deeper, eating at her, consuming her as if he’d never get enough.

  Arygon lifted his mouth from her breast. “Fuck, that is the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen. He loves it, rabbit. It’s enough to make me wish he’d kissed you first, just so I could get a taste.”

  Lux growled a warning, continuing to drive her to distraction with his tongue. She cried out at the vibration, unable to still her movements as her hips thrust against his mouth. Tears streamed down her cheeks, the boiling wave crashing around her as she came with his name on her lips. “Lux. Oh Goddess, Lux.”

  He rose up from the water, climbing over her, his lips panting against her own. Arygon’s mouth and hands disappeared and all she could see, all she could feel was Lux.

  His cock slid against her sex and she trembled. The feel of his skin pressed against hers renewed her need for him. The need for her mate.

  His jaw was clenched tight. She could feel his restraint. His gaze dropped to her neck, at the pulse she felt pounding there. “I could take you right now. You’re so ready for me. So wet. I could take you and drink your blood down. Then I would know all your secrets. Know why the male Weres fear the women. Know if I should fear you. If I can trust you.”

  He nipped at her lips, leaning down to nuzzle her neck, lapping at the pulse point. “Let me, Sylvain. Let me taste you in everyway there is. Let me sink my cock inside you like I’m dying to. Invite me in.”

  Her blood cooled at his words, panic replacing desire. She wanted to. If only he knew how much she wanted to. But her brother’s ghost was too strong a presence. Voicing her own insecurities.

  He’ll know. If he bites you he’ll know. If they find out what you are—this lifetime of hiding will mean nothing. They will kill you. No one can know, little sister. No one can ever know.

  He must have seen the answer in her eyes, his own growing cold, shutting her out. In one fluid motion he left her, towering above her with a humorless smile. “Forgive me for offending you, Shadow. I forgot myself for a moment. It won’t happen again.”

  She flinched at his words. He’d called her Shadow again. Did he think she was like her brother? That she hated him because he was Vampire? She caught a glimmer of what might be regret in his expression before it went hard once more. As hard and impenetrable as the rock around them.

  “I’ll take first watch. Get some sleep, both of you. Maybe tomorrow the old woman will wake and tell me why you are in hiding, what danger stalks you. If there is a way to resolve this, perhaps my sister-in-law will be satisfied—and I can leave you in peace.”

  He turned without another word. She felt her heart breaking with each step he took away from her. No matter what choice she made, it seemed, he would be lost to her.

  “Why would you deny your mate?” Arygon’s somber voice broke the oppressive silence that had descended on the small, warm room. Her pulse stuttered as she glanced over at Arygon.

  “It’s an undeniable aroma. You’ve begun emitting the pheromone that precedes the mating cycle. Since we’re not in mating season that can only mean one thing.”

  “Yo-you won’t tell him?” He tilted his head, studying her for long, silent moments as she held her breath.

  “You won’t tell him he is your mate and you wouldn’t let him bite you. A female who has found her mate is usually compelled by an instinct she cannot control to tie her mate to her—and yet you resist. You are not the average Were, even for a Shadow Wolf, are you?”

  “Neither are you.”

  Arygon grimaced as he stood, heedless of his nudity and still flagrant erection, walking over to where his clothes had been folded neatly by Lux and his interesting abilities. “I won’t deny the obvious, rabbit.”

  He laughed as he pulled his shirt over his head. “Aren’t we a pair? Both far from our packs, from our families. Both of us holding tight to our secrets.”

  He knelt down beside her, looking into her eyes and giving her a quick kiss on the forehead. Before he stood he repeated the formal words usually reserved for the males during season. “Thank you for honoring me with your body, little sister. I hold you in the highest respect.”

  Before he left he smiled over his shoulder with a wink, making her smile in return. “And I hope you will honor me again.”

  One woman’s mission to bring down a sexy elemental shifter turns into a battle of wills…and hearts.

  Into the Mist

  © 2008 Maya Banks

  Falcon Mercenary Group, Book 1.

  Hostage recovery specialist Eli Chance has a secret. He was born a shifter. A freak of nature.

  While on a mission, Eli’s men and their mercenary guide are exposed to a powerful chemical agent, and suddenly his secret has become easier to hide. Now he’s not the only one with the gift. But for his men, this “gift” is becoming more and more of a curse.

  Tyana Berezovsky’s brother Damiano was the guide for Eli’s team and was the worst affected by the chemical. As he grows increasingly unstable, Tyana fears she’s going to lose him to the beast he is becoming.

  Tyana will do whatever it takes to help him, even if it means using her body to go after the one man she thinks holds all the blame—and possibly the cure. Eli C

  Warning: Violence, blood, guns, knives, ass kicking, people who do mean things, bad people dying, explicit sex and smart mouths.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for Into the Mist:

  And so it began.

  Eli bit out a curse as one of the silent alarms was triggered. Though he’d been expecting company, he hadn’t expected it so soon.

  She certainly could have picked a better time. One when both Ian and Braden weren’t off prowling the grounds looking for kitty food.

  Then again, he might do well to be more worried about them than Tyana Berezovsky. She might shoot first and ask questions later.

  Gabe was God knows where, having decided yesterday to disappear into the village down the mountain, probably in search of pussy. His parting words had been something to the effect that since Eli was so keen for Tyana to find his ass then he could deal with her when she got here.

  Good help was hard to find and harder to keep.

  None of the others seem to think Tyana posed any sort of threat. Eli knew better. To them she was just a woman. Easily handled, easily subdued.

  He smiled. He was looking forward to the challenge.

  Pulling his hair behind his neck, he secured it with a leather tie then reached for his shoes and tugged them on. He might as well either go save her from the cats or save the cats from her. One way or another, someone better damn well be grateful.

  A quick glance of the infrared monitor told him she was slowly making her way toward the south entrance. The most obvious course would just be to meet her, but where would the fun be in that?

  No, he was going to enjoy this. Savor it. He smiled again. And maybe before the night was over, he’d take the impending confrontation to the bedroom.


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