Maple's Strong Alpha

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Maple's Strong Alpha Page 4

by McKayla Schutt

  “Hello?” Maple turned into the drive and parked.

  “Did you pull up?” Raymand’s voice filled her ear and her whole body settled down from the close call.

  “Yes. I need a minute though.” Maple let out a shaky breath and relaxed into her seat. She shut off the engine and glanced at the big house.

  “Look what I-” Raymand started.

  “It’s not about that, though I would like to discuss it. Something happened at Cora’s house.” Maple put her head on the steering wheel taking in deep breaths to calm her racing heart.

  “What the hell happened?” Raymand yelled through her window and she jumped up and a small yelp left her lips.

  “What the fuck!” Maple opened the door. His chestnut gaze flashed over her body and stopped on her legs. Maple glanced down and her shoulders fell. Blood covered her knees and the tops of her shoes.

  “Why do you have blood on your clothes?” Raymand grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the truck.

  She turned and searched her car for the pants that didn’t have blood on them. “A young hunter tried to come back for Cora.” Maple’s shoulders dropped. “Don’t get any ideas.” She shoved her sweatpants down and tossed them onto her front seat before pulling on the other torn pants.

  “Is he alive?” His tense body didn’t help her calm down. His eyes followed her movements but he didn’t say anything about it.

  “No.” Maple shook her head, picked up her shoes, and placed them on her pants. “I don’t want Cora freaking out.” He nodded once, she tried to mentally prepare herself to re-live the attack.

  “Get inside and you can tell me what happened.” Raymand grabbed her arm but she stopped and seized the bag before closing the truck up. She wanted to stay outside and explain but the alpha seemed to be on a mission to get her in the house. Raymand’s hand released her arm and rested on her back, he steered her toward the door. Part of her liked his protectiveness over her, she just wished he would show the same kindness to the pup inside. His touch settled her wolf down.

  “Cora, sweetheart.” Maple sat on the couch and waited for Cora’s running feet to reach the living room.

  “Did you get it?” Cora’s bright face made the little attack worth it. The safe pup grew on Maple.

  “Of course. I’ll always do my best to keep my word.” Maple winked and handed over the bag. Cora moved her hand to open it but Raymand shook his head.

  “Not in the living room. Take it to the spare room and finish your work.”

  “I’m done.” She smiled.

  “Then go play with your shit. I need to talk to Maple.” Raymand’s words sent heat through her body but she kept it to herself. Cora opened her mouth and Raymand pointed to the stairs.

  “Thank you.” She smiled at Maple then glared at the alpha before quickly retreating.

  “Now explain what happened.” Raymand sat down next to Maple. The heat from his body rolled off him in waves. Maple told him all of it till she had turned into his driveway.

  “Well, I’m glad you came back.” Raymand pushed back some of her hair. “I need to make a call before putting Cora to bed.”

  Raymand pulled out his phone and smiled at Maple. She had no doubt in her mind they would complete the bond after Cora fell asleep. Her stomach fluttered pushing away the anxiety she had from fighting off the hunter. In a few short hours, she would go from single to having someone always at her side.

  She gave him a side glance as he shoved a hand through his dark brown hair. Maple resisted the urge to run to the bathroom to check her makeup. Part of her wanted tonight to feel special while the other half wanted him to accept she had flaws. Her foot tapped against the ground and when she lifted her gaze his chestnut eyes were completely focused on her. The urge to jump him and complete the bond on the couch roared through her system. She didn’t want to wait.



  Having Maple back and safe calmed his wolf down as he found Drake’s contact info on his phone and hit the button to call him. Raymand had almost shifted when he saw the blood on Maple’s clothes. He reminded himself the fucker who attacked her had died. His wolf stopped trying to attack anything moving and paced in his mind instead. He sat down on the couch next to Maple when Drake answered the phone. With Maple tapping her foot, he almost missed his second’s answer.

  “Two calls in a row. Anne is going to get some ideas about us if we keep this up.” Drake chuckled. Raymand shook his head.

  “Well, Anne can get whatever ideas she wants. Your ass will always be mine.” He joked. The banter with his second helped bring his heart rate back to normal.

  “Too dirty, alpha.” Drake chuckled again and Raymand did the same. He placed his hand on Maple’s leg to keep her tapping to a minimum. When she met his gaze, his cock hardened instantly. Soon he would claim her. Being a responsible alpha could be a royal fucking pain.

  “Back to business.” Raymand cleared his throat and recounted the events Maple endured at Cora’s house. His wolf still paced in the back of his mind, waiting to shift if someone came into his house.

  “Fuck, is she okay?”

  “Yes, Maple is okay. She’s tough.” Raymand glanced at Maple, he never expected to find his mate this way. Yet he thanked his luck to get a woman who already had a wolf resting below the surface. It made things a lot less complicated later on when it came to children. Plus, she had fought off a hunter which proved she could hold her own as the alpha female. Hints of trust in his little mate bloomed in his chest.

  “I’m glad. What do you need from me?”

  “I want you to set up a low-key scout mission on the house. But I don’t want the whole fucking pack knowing about it. We don’t need a panic running through the city.” Raymand also didn’t want to sit on the phone for hours calming down half the pack either.

  “Okay. I can do that.” Drake gave Raymand a few unmated male names to do the job.

  “Keep it between us. Anne better not start the gossip either.” Raymand wouldn’t be taking any chances.

  “I know what’s at stake, alpha!” Anne yelled in the background. Raymand nodded even though they couldn’t see him and hung up. He hoped this plan worked. They were no closer to finding out what the hunters were up to. His wolf growled as bad images rolled through his mind about what the kids might be going through. A quick death might be better but Raymand didn’t know which he favored more as both were just fucking awful.

  “I’m ready for bed. Maple, will you read me the book before bed?” Cora asked from the top of the steps.

  “Sure.” Maple smiled and lead Cora to her room. Raymand didn’t want Cora in his house and he definitely didn’t like how attached his new mate had grown to the pup. Maple’s voice carried through the house as she rose it and changed it to fit the story. She might want to keep Cora around. His wolf didn’t mind the idea of keeping Cora, but the human side didn’t want her. He wanted his own children in his home. Raymand had seen firsthand how adopted children never received the love they need in the large city.

  Raymand stood and paced the length of his living room while listening to Maple’s voice. Her fire toward the pup had delighted his wolf but he couldn’t keep Cora. He needed to find her a good home. There were too many things working against him but all of them were mute. He didn’t want her here but pack law stated he had to care for her. The state wouldn’t take her in because she’s a wolf and they made this a fucking law when wolves came out of the closet. Maple’s soft steps down the hall silenced his inner musings. Raymand turned toward his mate.

  “She’s asleep.” Maple slipped in with a sway to her hips.

  “I will only ask you this once.” Raymand closed the distance between them.

  “What?” Her tongue darted out to wet her bottom lip. His cock hardened, and his other problems fell to the back burner. He pulled her head closer and kissed her soft lips. She opened up to him and let his tongue roam over her mouth. Sparks of pleasure filled his stomach. When th
e kiss broke she let out a shaky sigh. He couldn’t wait to hear her scream his name.

  “Do you want to be my mate and the alpha female?” Raymand studied her sapphire eyes.

  “I-” A shrill scream tore through the air and both of them dashed for Cora’s room. His heart raced and his wolf took advantage and he shifted. Maple kept close behind as the screams continued. He smashed into the door to find Cora thrashing in her sheets.

  “What the hell?” Raymand growled after shifting back. He checked the window, finding it locked in place. Maple climbed into the bed and pulled Cora into her lap.

  “Honey, you’re safe.” Maple lifted her gaze to him. “Get some pants.” She waved him off and stayed with Cora. The screams stopped and Raymand’s ears buzzed as he stormed back to the master bedroom. Moments away from completing the freaking bond with my mate. He ground his teeth together while he pulled up a pair of workout shorts.

  When he came back Cora clung to Maple with her eyes closed.

  “She had a dream about the hunters hurting her mother.” Maple cleared a tear from her face. “I can’t just leave her right now.” She rubbed the pups back. Raymand shoulders fell for a moment before he straightened up. Ideas of forcing Maple out of the room and hauling her ass to his bed flittered in but he pushed them away.

  “What are you going to do then?”

  “Lay with her till she fully relaxes. Keep her calm.” Maple shrugged.

  “Fine. But you better be in my bed as soon as it passes.”

  “Yes, alpha.” She winked. His cock twitched with a deep burning need. He strolled back to his room and jumped onto the bed. Soon, she would be back and they could finish with what they started. He rubbed his hands together and his wolf paced in his mind.

  An hour passed and he checked on her. Maple shrugged while rubbing Cora’s back. Damn it! He strolled back to his bed and exhaustion crept into his bones. Trying his best to stay awake he hoped she would wake him up when she did crawl into bed. His eyes fluttered closed and he tried to open them with no success.



  At three in the morning Maple had slipped from Cora’s room leaving her alone to climb back into Raymand’s bed Her whole body had ached from the odd angle Cora wanted to be in. Finding Raymand completely naked almost broke her down into waking him up but exhaustion won. When her body hit the bed, everything let out a pulsed with pain before relaxing. Now morning light shined in her eyes and she rolled into a tough pillow, her hand ran up rows of muscles while her brain slowly registered where she fell asleep, next to her man and she wanted to be his mate. Now if only we had a chance to complete the bond to make it official.

  Her eyes fluttered open while she stretched. Her feet pressed into something that wasn’t there earlier. She sat up to find a small wolf curled up on a pillow at her feet. Maple scented the air to confirm her suspicions of the wolf being Cora. She grabbed blankets and covered Raymand from Cora’s little eyes.

  If Cora hadn’t been in the bed she might have rolled him onto his back and climbed on top of him. Sparkes zipped around in her belly but she pushed them back. Carefully she climbed out of bed and tiptoed to the bathroom. When she came back Raymand’s eyes opened and locked on Cora. A growl vibrated through the room, Cora skittered off the bed and dashed behind Maple. She sighed heavily and shook her head.

  “Really?” She glared at Raymand. “Come on, Cora. Let’s get you ready for school.” Maple lifted Cora from the floor and shuffled away from the sexy man still in bed. Part of her had wanted to get Cora out before Raymand woke up to avoid any awkwardness. Maple didn’t see any reason why he should have been growling toward the pup.

  She set Cora down in the bathroom and pulled a towel from the closet and placed it on the toilet for her. “Shift and get cleaned up. I’ll make breakfast when you get out and get dressed.” Maple left the room and closed the door.

  “Why did he growl at me?” Cora asked through the door.

  “I’m not sure, honey. It might have been because he didn’t have pajamas on.”

  “But we’re shifters. I’ve seen my dad after he shifted before he dressed.” Cora turned on the water. The pup had a good point, problems with nudity didn’t transcend to the wolf population since they shifted and tore through clothes like a wildfire eating up a dry forest.

  “It might have been a tired growl and he didn’t expect you to be there.” Maple shrugged even though she knew the pup couldn’t see through the walls. “You just focus on getting ready for school, I don’t want you to be late.” Maple left her alone to go down the stairs and into the kitchen were Raymand wore a pair of sweats which clung to his hips with no shirt.

  When she moved to Denver she never thought her fresh start would involve finding her mate in the alpha or wanting to take on an orphaned child. Yet here she stood in Raymand’s kitchen read to fight him about the cute pup upstairs.

  Her wolf purred and ideas of pouncing him on the kitchen counter flitted through her mind. Cora’s little steps upstairs reminded her of the morning’s incident.

  “Did you really need to scare the hell out of her?” Maple hissed.

  “She was in my bed.” Raymand pointed toward the upstairs area. Maple resisted the urge to roll her eyes.

  “And?” Maple lifted her brow at him for being completely unreasonable when it came to Cora.

  “I’ve never had a woman in my bed but you.” He growled low. Maple took a second to process the information.

  “First off, she isn’t a woman, so your precious bed hasn’t been soiled for me. Second off, the pup needs to feel safe and being close to me and you do it for her.” Maple folded her arms over her chest. Being his mate might be more tricky than she anticipated last night. Yet every fiber of her being still wanted to be tossed in bed and fucked, hard. She pushed down the urge and focused on the problem at hand.

  “She won’t be here for long.” He shook his head while he grabbed a cup for the coffee brewing on the counter. Her stomach twisted and her mouth dried up. Maple opened the fridge while trying to come up with the right question. Having Cora here already felt right.

  “What do you mean? We have to catch these guys first, isn’t that what you said?” Maple grabbed a package of bacon and eggs before turning toward him.

  “I didn’t expect to find my mate when I said it.” Raymand shrugged. She grabbed his arm and turned him to face her.

  “Oh no, you’re not kicking Cora to the side and blame me. No fucking way.” She jeered. Maple prayed Cora wasn’t listening in on their conversation. She didn’t need any more uncertainty in the little girl’s life.

  “I don’t want her here.” Raymand pulled out of her grip and strolled away leaving Maple confused. Instead of following him she searched for the pans and turned on the heat. She needed time to think and arguing with him wouldn’t help. Cora shuffled into the kitchen and leaned against Maple.

  “What’s up pup?” Maple smiled down at her.

  “Why doesn’t he want me?” Cora’s pain made Maple’s stomach tighten. Her wolf whimpered inside, Maple wanted to punch Raymand for being such an ass, but she stayed with Cora.

  “I don’t know, sweetheart.” Maple placed the bacon on the hot pan and took Cora away, so the grease wouldn’t burn her. “I think we need to convince him to let you stay. What do you think?” Maple whispered. Cora’s sky-blues brightened for a few seconds then she bit her lower lip.

  “I don’t think he’ll change his mind. You don’t know him like me. When he says something, it’s final.” Cora rocked on the balls of her feet.

  “Well, I think I can persuade him one way or another.” Maple winked. Cora grabbed some of Maple’s hair and twirled it in her small fingers.

  “That would be awesome.” Cora’s lips lifted but her eyes spoke to the uncertainty.

  “What would be awesome?” Raymand asked. Cora jumped and look at Maple.

  “This bacon, it’s delicious.” Maple smiled. Raymand turned away then Maple wink
ed at Cora. The girl relaxed and bounced into the dining room. She had no idea how to convince Raymand to keep Cora in the house. The bond forming between herself and the pup grew too strong to just toss her out. Her wolf nodded firmly, the need to protect Cora grew stronger every hour.

  Maple finished breakfast and scurried out with three plates full of food, the second Cora’s plate hit the table she started scarfing it down.

  “Slow down or you might choke.” Maple shook her head. “Where does she go to school?”

  “Grant but I’ll take her since I need to see Drake again. I’m interviewing some people about our current problem.” Raymand took a bite of bacon and Cora’s shoulders dropped. Maple held her tongue for now, she didn’t want to fight in front of the pup.

  “Cora, I want you to promise me something.” Maple turned and fully faced the girl growing on her.

  “What?” Cora took a drink of milk.

  “When you leave school today only me, Raymand or Drake are allowed to pick you up. If you don’t see us, then stay in the building.”

  “Is it really necessary?” Raymand asked. Maple glared at him and a low growl vibrated through her lungs. He glared back for a second.

  “Yes, it is.” She pushed through her teeth. With the two attacks toward the pup, she wanted to be overly cautious.

  “I’ll do it, Maple.” Cora took her plate to the kitchen leaving Maple still glaring at the alpha.

  “She is a wolf, she can defend herself.”

  “Oh yes like her parents were able to stop the hunters.” Maple growled. “I don’t want her to take unneeded risks until they are caught.”

  “It’s a school.” He looked at her like she grew another nose.

  “Don’t mess with me on this one, Raymand. You should learn this fast, I take kids safety as a top priority. It doesn’t matter if the child is mine or part of the pack.” Maple stood and grabbed her purse. “Cora grab your bag. I’m taking you.”


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