Spellbinding His Ranger: A Sci-Fi Gamer Friends-to-Lovers Romance (Looking For Group Book 1)

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Spellbinding His Ranger: A Sci-Fi Gamer Friends-to-Lovers Romance (Looking For Group Book 1) Page 31

by Shannon Pemrick

  Large windows, a door leading outside, and a counter somewhere on a back wall, this was big enough and outfitted to work as a reception area, or even fit a small business. “Hey, Takashi. Would you mother be opposed to moving the business to some place smaller?”

  Takashi came up behind her. “Huh?”

  She pointed to the storage room. “Under all this stuff is a room my mom wanted to use as a lobby or potential storefront to sell parts. I’ve never seen this room clean, but she once insisted it was before. My guess is that was when my dad first bought this place, but that’s beside the point. I’m wondering, instead of using it for a lobby, if your mother could utilize it for her floral shop. It’s smaller than the other place, but the location is good, and she can capitalize on our clientele. A lot of them have rather angry partners for their expensive hobby.”

  Takashi laughed. “That’s actually a brilliant idea! She’s been talking about not rebuilding, and instead selling the lot, so she may like the opportunity. Once this all settles down, we can work up a time to talk to her about it.”

  Mercedes smiled at him. “Great. I’ll also talk to my dad about the idea.” She winked. “I’m sure I can convince him.”

  “As long as it doesn’t result in you having to break up with me.”

  “Whatever would cause her to do that shouldn’t be done.” The pair looked at each other and then behind them to find her father approaching.

  Mercedes’ brow rose. “Dad?”

  He slapped Takashi on the back with his artificial hand, getting a silent “ow” from him. “You kept my daughter safe instead of running like some coward. That is what earns my respect.”

  Mercedes crossed her arms and tilted her head down, looking up at him. “Really, Dad?”

  He chuckled. “Really, really.”

  She threw her head back. “I’m never going to understand you.”

  Her father ruffled her hair. “I have to keep you on your toes. Now what’s this talk of yours about some idea that he doesn’t want you to break up with him over?”

  Mercedes laughed. “You got that way out context. I thought maybe Mrs. Asaka could use this spare space we have, since you’re not doing anything worthwhile with it, and she needs a new place to put her business.”

  “Hey, storage is worthwhile.”

  “Uh huh, keep thinking that. And after you realize I’m right, you’ll agree she can rent it out.” She smiled wide. “Please, Daddy? It’ll benefit you, too.”

  “I don’t know.” He rubbed the back of his neck as he looked into the room. “I like having this here.”

  “Dad, you never take anything out from there. Seriously, in all my years being here, you’ve never taken more than one percent of this stuff out. You don’t need it.”

  He frowned. “You nag like your mother.”

  Mercedes giggled. “That’s because she was right, and you know it.”

  “All right, fine. If Asaka likes the opportunity, I’ll work up a price for rent and clean this out.” Her father pointed at Mercedes. “But you’re helping me.”

  Mercedes threw her arms around her father’s neck. “You’re the best, Daddy.”

  He patted her on the back. “Now, go home. You’ve had a long night, and the police have given us clearance to leave.”

  “But I need to finish payroll. I’ve got four people left.”

  “I’ll take care of it.”


  He smiled. “Really, it’s no trouble. You’ve earned the time off for the night. And you can come in late tomorrow.”

  She let out a deep sigh. There wasn’t going to be any winning with him. “Okay.” She kissed him on the cheek. “Have a good night, Daddy.”

  “Goodnight, Sweetie.”

  Mercedes threaded her fingers in with Takashi’s, and the pair retrieved his backpack and then left, Mercedes putting back the wrench she borrowed for her “just in case” moment. When they made it to his motorcycle, she sat down on it sideways. “So, what’s the game plan?”

  He placed his hands on either side over her, leaning close. “I thought I’d go back to your place and we could figure things out from there.”

  She grinned. “I do owe you, don’t I? Especially after how good you were today.”

  He dragged his finger lightly up her arm. “A little bit.”

  She looked down at the motorcycle and ran her hand across the seat. “It’s a shame I don’t have a helmet. I’d love to take a ride with you.”

  “We’ll work on getting you one soon, how about that?”

  Mercedes looked up at him and smiled. “I like that idea. But I guess I have to drive home alone.” She got up and pecked him on the lips. “I’ll see you at the house.”

  Takashi pulled her close. “Maybe I could leave the bike here and ride with you.”

  “Don’t want to do the walk of shame?” Her eyes sparkled.

  He chuckled. “There’s no shame in what we do together.”

  “Hey!” Mercedes’ father’s voice carried across the parking lot. “You two cut that out, and get out of here before I stop liking him.”

  The pair laughed and then parted, promising no pit stops between there and Mercedes’ house. Mercedes sat down in the driver’s seat, a smile on her face.

  Even with what they’d gone through tonight, Mercedes felt good. They’d stopped the vandal, figured out a potential solution for Asaka, and even managed to get her father to accept Takashi, even if for a short time. The next few weeks wouldn’t be easy, what with the investigation, but with Takashi by her side, she knew she could handle anything. Even though they lived far apart, she was excited to build this new relationship with him, and figure out how to make it work, no matter what stood between them.


  The white sports car pulled into an available parking space and Mercedes climbed out, her arms full of pizza boxes. The boxes teetered and she did her best to right herself, only to overdo it and have to shift the other way.

  “Miss Mercedes,” Tasha said. “Wouldn’t it be easier if I call for help?”

  “No, I got it,” she managed out as she teetered back and forth due to an unruly box on the top. “Besides, I was told it was busy thanks to the grand opening. I don’t need to cause any more issues.”

  “Very well.”

  Mercedes finally got her bearings and headed for the shop, noting the new sign next to her father’s, half in Kanji and Hiragana, half English; Hana no Kaze Floral Arrangements. It roughly translated to Flora Wind Floral Arrangements.

  When Takashi and she had proposed the idea to his mother, they weren’t sure she’d go with it. But the first thing out of Asaka’s mouth mirrored Mercedes’ reasoning. It didn’t take long for the arrangements to be made. After three long months of cleaning out the spare room and getting it renovated for a small florist shop, today Asaka had her grand reopening, under a slightly new name.

  “Your mother loved this shop almost as much as she loved you. It’s only right I add her into the name when you’ve given me this new chance to start again. You honor us both, Mercedes.”

  Her words stuck with Mercedes, making her a bit emotional every time she replayed them.

  “Hey, I got the food!” Mercedes shouted as she entered the shop.

  Metal clanged on the ground, and what sounded like a herd of animals came running for her. Before she had the chance to think, the boxes were taken from her arms in batches, and a jumble of happy “thank you” and “you’re the best” praises hit her ears. Her employees dispersed, happy to take their lunch break, leaving her where she stood.

  “Bunch of freeloaders, aren’t they?” a familiar voice she loved said from behind her.

  “That’s men for you.” She smirked as she turned and faced the handsome dark-haired man behind her. �
��They think with their stomachs most hours of the day, and with the limp thing between their legs the rest of the time.”

  Takashi chuckled and presented her a red rose in his usual “magic” fashion. “Limp? Glad I’m not them.”

  She accepted the customary gift and inhaled the sweet scent. “How’s the grand reopening going?”

  He smiled wide. “Great. It’s been a while since I’ve seen my mother this happy. And the customers love the new arrangement. A few of your father’s patrons from earlier today were sure to get Mother’s ‘Don’t Kill Me’ bouquets.”

  Mercedes laughed. Miguel had come up with the naming for some of the arrangements as a joke, and Asaka ran with them.

  “But I’m due for a break, and thought lunch with you while unpacking would be a great way to spend that.”

  Mercedes’ heart swelled as she nodded, an uncontainable smile on her lips. After some discussion, Takashi had decided to move back to the states, but not in with his parents. He and his adorable cat moved in with her, and she couldn’t be happier. Mercedes had offered to move out there with him, but he shot it down almost as quickly as she’d offered.

  With his job not requiring him to be in one specific place anymore, and knowing the struggle she’d find starting up a restoration shop of her own in a new, unfamiliar country, Takashi deemed it best he move back. It helped that his family was also in the states, so he saw no reason to take her from her father as well.

  Mercedes hadn’t expected Takashi move in so soon after deciding, since he didn’t want to leave a neighbor of his alone, as he’d grown quite fond of her during his stay in Korea, but apparently she’d passed away unexpectedly last month.

  Takashi laced his fingers in with hers and tugged her to follow. Before they got very far, his mother called out, “Takashi, did you pay for that rose?”

  “Of course, Okaasan,” he called back. “It’s in the register.”

  Mercedes giggled when the register drawer slid open. Asaka was something else.

  The pair left the building and hopped into the car, Mercedes punching in their home address as Tasha spoke, “Hello, Takashi. It’s good to see you’ve survived the first half of your day.”

  Takashi laughed. “Thanks, Tasha. I’m happy, too.”

  The car pulled out and sped down the road, Takashi lacing his fingers again with Mercedes’. She smiled at him.

  “How’d your chat with Shira go?” he asked her. “I heard you answer a call from her as you were leaving.”

  She frowned. “Not as well as I hoped. She’s still being stubborn about this convention thing, but now I know the big reason. While she is hesitant to meet Jasper and Zach, it’s the idea of going to a convention center that gets her worked up. Any time she passes one, her anxiety goes through the roof and her PTSD gets the better of her.”

  Mercedes looked down at her lap. “From what she says, until this past year, even going to see Narissa for checkups was a chore. She doesn’t even stay at a hotel. She travels from their family vacation home in Manhattan Beach. I didn’t realize how much she struggled still.”

  Takashi squeezed her hand. “She’ll get better. Now that we know, we can help, and maybe this convention will be a good way to steer her in the right direction.”

  “I hope so…” A thought came to her. “Hey, have you gotten the chance to talk to Emi lately to see how she’s holding up?”

  After the incident at the shop three months ago, an intensive investigation had been conducted, and Jason was in fact found to be responsible for the issues she suffered, along with Takashi’s family and others in the community. He had coerced the man caught setting the fire at the shop, as well as a few others, into doing the vandalizing to keep his tracks covered.

  Miguel’s digging with his interns, along with Darius’ own investigation, also uncovered Jason to be the source of the phone tampering and the hacking incidents with Takashi’s shop. An arrest was made, and Jason was held without bail until his trial later that month.

  Mercedes, her father, and many others were required to attend the trial and testify against him. He was convicted of felony charges and sentenced to twenty-five years in prison. Those who had been forced to work for him were given much lighter sentences, mostly doing mandatory community service working for those affected. The guy Takashi and Mercedes caught, Merlin, worked odd jobs for her father and Asaka at the moment. He didn’t cause any fuss, and Asaka used some of her contacts to help his wife with her medical needs, earning his eternal gratitude.

  Due to Jason’s involvement with Emi’s father’s company, a public announcement was made, apologizing for the wrong doings and making it known that their own investigation was in the works to ensure their clients weren’t affect by any other activities. Jason’s father also made an appearance, apologizing for his son’s behavior. He assured that the family did not condone such actions and he publicly disowned his son.

  Last Mercedes knew, Emi was coping as best she could, considering the circumstances.

  Takashi nodded. “I spoke to her earlier today. She’s doing well. With the time that’s passed, she realized how controlling he was, and while she was upset when everything went down, she’s happier than she has been in a long time.”

  Mercedes smiled. “I’m glad to hear that. She deserves to be happy.”

  “I agree. It also helps that Shira’s family liked her designs and are getting them into a show in a few months.”

  Mercedes’ eyes lit up. “Really? That’s fantastic! I’m so happy for her. I’ll have to contact her to let her know. Hopefully she won’t mind.”

  “I’m sure she’d like that.” Takashi smiled. “Now another question is, how are you doing?”

  Mercedes squeezed his hand and then gazed into his eyes. “Now that you’re here, never better.”

  A wide grin spread across Takashi’s face. “With that kind of answer, I think an extra special lunch is in order.”

  Mercedes’ eyes narrowed as a smirk spread across her lips. “I think you’re right. But first…” She removed her seatbelt and climbed into his lap. The beaded necklace he used to wear, but gave to her as a gift before his temporary return to Korea, draped low enough from her neck to touch him. Apparently the beads had more meaning than he’d originally revealed prior to giving it to her. “I think Tasha needs to take the long way home, don’t you think?”

  Takashi pulled her closer and grinned. “I think you’re right.”

  “Miss Mercedes, I don’t think you should do that,” Tasha objected. “There is a seatbelt law, and to sit on someone like that when a vehicle is moving is incredibly unsafe. It would be wise to wait until the two of you arrive home to engage in any lewd activities.”

  “I don’t care right now.” She ground her hips into Takashi. “Please find a long way to take us home.”

  If an assistant could sigh, Tasha most likely would have. “As you wish, Miss Mercedes.”

  Mercedes leaned in and captured Takashi’s lips with hers. She’d been dying to do this with him for a while now, but the opportunity never came up. Now she was going to take full advantage of the chance. Unpacking, and lunch, could wait a little longer. They had plenty of time for that leg of their journey together.

  Thank you for taking the time to read this book. If you liked Spellbinding His Ranger, please let me know with a written review.

  While this series is on going, there are others waiting to be written. Unless I know this series is wanted, I’ll prioritize another before returning to write out Narissa’s and Ajax’s story.

  Leave a Review

  Also by Shannon Pemrick

  Looking For Group

  Book 1 | Spellbinding His Ranger

  Book 2 | Protecting His Priest (coming soon)

  Experimental Heart Series

  Book 1 | Destinyr />
  Book 2 | Pieces

  Book 3 | Secrets

  Book 4 | Exposed

  Book 5 | Surrendered (coming soon)

  About the Author

  Shannon Pemrick, for as long as she can remember, has always been in love with dragons, although she never liked the constant portrayal of dragons being inherently evil. In a quest to find more diverse characterizations of dragons, Shannon found her passion for reading Paranormal Romance, Fantasy, and Science Fiction. With a creative and imaginative mind following her around, it was no surprise her two passions collided and created her first published work, Destiny, book one in the Experimental Heart series.

  You can learn more about Shannon by visiting her


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