Merry Manager: River’s End Ranch Series #17

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Merry Manager: River’s End Ranch Series #17 Page 2

by Kelley, Pamela M.

  "Are we going shopping this weekend still?" Vivian asked.

  "Yes, bright and early Saturday morning. We'll wrap in the afternoon and bring the bag of presents to the pantry." Every year for the past few years, Maddie and Vivian adopted a family that came regularly to the food pantry at the church. Maddie volunteered at the pantry, helping with ordering and she also worked a shift handing out boxes of food to local people who needed it. It was important to her to give back, as she'd once been a client of the pantry for a few months.

  When Tim had died it was so unexpected, and he was so young, that they didn't have a lot of savings to fall back on and no life insurance. They were things they'd planned on having but hadn't gotten to building up yet. So, once the money ran out, times were very tight for a while until Maddie was able to get enough work to pay the bills. Her parents had died years ago in a car accident and she had no other family.

  Tim's lung cancer had taken everyone by surprise, especially as he wasn't a smoker. Six months after he'd gone to the doctor for what he thought was chronic bronchitis, he was gone. The last thing she wanted to do then was to bother Tim's family as they were having as difficult a time as she was dealing with his unexpected death.

  It had been very difficult to walk through the doors of the food pantry, to admit that she needed some help, but she did it for Vivian. The people at the pantry had been wonderful, and Maddie knew that once she was back on her feet, she wanted to pay it forward by helping there, too.

  It was much easier once Vivian was in school full-time, as Maddie was able to work more hours and when Wade had offered her the job managing the spa, it was an ideal situation. She had a growing client base of regulars that always asked for her and she enjoyed mentoring the other staff. The role offered a salary that allowed her to breathe easier and to even start building some savings. They were doing well now.

  A few hours later, once Vivian had gone to bed, Maddie changed into her pajamas, made a cup of chamomile tea and curled up on the sofa to watch her new favorite show, This is Us. She was a few episodes behind, but had them all taped. She was just about to click play when the phone rang. It was Sadie.

  "I hope I'm not calling too late," she said. It was just a few minutes past eight.

  "No, not at all."

  "Good! I forgot to mention this earlier. Violet said something about going with you and Vivian to the Christmas stroll. Are you sure that's okay? I won't be able to join you, unfortunately. That should be a busy night for me at the shop."

  "Of course, it's all right. Vivian mentioned it to me at dinner. She's all excited to have Violet come with us."

  "Oh, good. There's something else I wanted to ask you, too."

  "What's that?"

  "Are you thinking that you might be ready to dip your toes in the dating waters yet? I know you tried a few months ago and that didn't go so well."

  "Poor Andrew. He really is a nice guy, just not right for me. I hadn't really thought about dating again, to be honest." Sadie chatted with everyone who came into the shop and had been the one that suggested she go on a date with Andrew, who was a local engineer. It was her first real date since Tim died, and though she'd thought she was maybe ready, she wasn't. Not for Andrew, anyway.

  "Andrew was fine with it. He's a dating machine. He has the right attitude, though. Nothing keeps him down for long."

  Maddie had nothing to say in response to that. Sadie took a deep breath and got right to the point. "So, this cute guy came in this morning. He comes in every week, actually, as he works for the local food distributor and brings me milk and eggs, sugar, all of it. We chatted a bit and he mentioned that he was single and asked if I knew of anyone. I thought of you, of course."

  "Of course.” Maddie laughed. “Why? What's he like?" She was surprised to find that she was actually curious.

  "Oh, he's great. About your age, maybe a little older. Black hair, nice smile. He just recently broke up with someone, so he's just getting back out there, too."

  "What's his name?"

  Sadie seemed encouraged by the question. "Paul. Can I give him your number? You never know..."

  "Sure. Why not?" Maddie hung up the phone, a bit shocked that she'd agreed so easily. The last time Sadie set her up, with Andrew, it had taken a lot more convincing. If this Paul called, she'd meet him and see. It was strange to think about, but it also felt right to maybe get out there and meet some new people.

  Chapter 3

  Wade picked up a coffee at Sadie's Saloon on his way into the office. As David had predicted, he'd aced the treadmill stress test and was glad to see the last of the hospital. The panic attack had really unnerved him. David had explained how significant an effect stress could have on the body and it was sobering. He wasn't eager to experience anything like that again. If it meant easing back a bit and delegating some of his workload, he would do it. He didn't have to like the idea of it, though.

  Dani was in his office waiting for him when he arrived.

  "How are you feeling?" she asked as he sat down at his desk. They were the first ones in, but Wade knew Bernie and Lily would be there any minute. They were both always early, just not as early as he was. Wade was always the first one in and the last to leave.

  "Better." He took a sip of his coffee as he looked around for a pen and opened his notebook to an empty page. He looked up at his sister and sighed. "I know I can be a bit of a control freak. It's not easy for me to hand anything over."

  Dani laughed. "A bit? That's an understatement."

  Wade frowned as he tapped his pen on the paper.

  "It's okay, though," Dani said. "We still love you. Let's just go over everything that's pending and figure out what Bernie can oversee, what's most critical and what can be pushed off if it's best that you handle."

  They spent the next thirty minutes going over everything that Wade was involved with, all the pending and upcoming projects, deadlines and everything that needed his attention. It was quite a list, but to Wade's surprise and relief, he and Dani were able to whittle it down and prioritize. Dani made a list of projects she would take on, what could be handed to Bernie and what Wade could deal with in coming weeks.

  "So, your phone will be forwarded to Bernie, and she and I will handle it in your absence. She'll send you an update at the end of the week, so you don't have to think about a thing."

  "If you run into any issues, any kind of an emergency, don't hesitate to call me." The thought of being so out of touch made him feel a bit anxious.

  "I will hesitate. That's the whole point of this," Dani said. "As a last resort, yes, I will call you. But, I'll do everything possible to make sure that doesn't happen."

  "So what am I supposed to do all week, then?" Wade couldn't remember the last time he actually took a vacation or even a few days away from the office.

  "Did you find a replacement Santa?" Dani asked with a mischievous gleam in her eye.

  Wade sighed. "No. I guess I'm it. For the next week or so, anyway."

  "I think that's perfect. It will keep you busy, but out of our way. It should help lower your stress level and get you into the Christmas spirit. You've always been good with kids. Just have fun with it."

  Wade smiled and started to feel slightly less anxious. Dani knew the ins and outs of the ranch and running all aspects of the business almost as well as he did, and Bernie would be a big help, too. He'd thought a lot about what Dani had said the night before and knew that Bernie would be thrilled at the opportunity to do more. He should have offered it to her before. He'd just been too busy to think of it.

  He saw a flash of blonde hair as Bernie reached her desk and waved when she saw Dani in his office.

  "Bernie, why don't you join us for a minute," he suggested.

  She grabbed her paper to-go cup of coffee and sat next to Dani.

  "How are you feeling? I'm so glad it wasn't anything too serious," she said.

  Wade knew that Dani had emailed both Bernie and Lily as soon as they knew it was just a p
anic attack, so they wouldn't worry.

  "Well, aside from feeling a little foolish for the false alarm, I'm fine," he said.

  But Dani shot him a scolding glance. "He's far from fine. Stress is a serious thing and we need to help him reduce his stress levels asap so this doesn't happen again. Wade and I were chatting about how to do that, and he suggested that we might get you more involved in some of the projects, if that interests you?"

  Wade smiled at his sister, grateful that she'd given him credit for the idea of delegating some responsibilities to Bernie. He knew it would make Bernie feel appreciated. He just wished he'd thought of it sooner.

  "We think you're more than ready," he added.

  "Really? Wow. Thank you. That would be wonderful." She was beaming with happiness and Wade was even more impressed as they went over the projects they were going to involve her in that she was already very familiar with, even the smallest details for all of them.

  When they finished with Bernie, she went off to her desk with a spring in her step and Wade looked at Dani with a wry smile. "So, I guess I should go try on the Santa suit."

  "Not just yet. I booked you in for a massage with Maddie this morning—in twenty minutes, actually, so you'll just about have time to walk over there. She had a cancellation so was happy to squeeze you in. You have one with her every other day this week."

  "Are you serious?"

  "Totally. It will help lower your stress levels. You're not working the rest of this week, except for Santa duty, so you can go almost anytime." She handed him a slip of paper with the appointments she'd booked for the rest of the week.

  "I won't argue with this. I'm on my way." He stood and pulled his sister in for a bear hug. "I owe you one."

  "Just don't scare us like that again! Tell Maddie I said hello."

  Wade watched as Dani settled in at his desk. He tucked the scrap of paper with his massage appointments into his wallet and left to see Maddie. Bernie and Lily were both on their phones as he walked through the office, so he just waved goodbye and felt a curious lightness as he stepped outside and started walking toward the spa. Except for Santa duty, he was effectively on vacation.

  * * *

  Maddie had been surprised and a bit shaken to get the call from Dani about Wade. He was the last person she would have expected to have a panic attack, though in retrospect, it made sense. Many of her clients were busy executives with important jobs and sky-high stress levels. She also knew that Wade was one to take on responsibility to make sure that every last detail was attended to. He didn't hesitate to jump in and help in all areas of the ranch, if necessary. She'd heard some of the others mention how he'd sometimes help out in the restaurant if they were short-staffed or even changing the sheets if a room needed cleaning quickly.

  "It always seemed easier and faster to just do it myself instead of waiting for someone else to do it," he explained as she rubbed scented oil onto his shoulders. She'd picked out a lovely lavender scent for its calming properties. She had a few lavender candles burning, as well.

  "Well, I'm sorry you had a scare like that, but am glad it was just a panic attack. They're quite common."

  "I bet you see a lot of that, with people who come in here?" Wade asked.

  "A fair amount, yes. It usually leads to a shift in management style. People starting to delegate more, and give up some control."

  Wade laughed. "That's hard to do. But Dani is making me do it. That's why I'm here now."

  "And several more times this week. I was happy to see that. It really will help. I'm glad she called me."

  "It helps just talking to you, too." Wade sounded sleepy. Maddie guessed that he was probably exhausted and didn't sleep all that well in the hospital.

  "Do you have time for a nap before Santa duty this afternoon?" she asked.

  "Maybe. I've never been much for napping, though."

  "No, I don't imagine so."

  "You should bring Vivian by to see me. Does she still believe in Santa?"

  Did she? Maddie suspected her daughter was just humoring her, but wasn't ready to give up on the fantasy yet.

  "I'm not sure about that. She's at the age where kids figure it out. But she hasn't said anything yet and I'd love to get one more Santa picture in if I can."

  "I'll be in the chair from three to six the rest of the week. Hopefully, Dani will have a replacement Santa by the weekend, or I'll be there all day Saturday and Sunday, too."

  "Maybe we'll try to stop over tonight. It's in the general store, right?"

  "Yes, Heidi's store is great. She has everything under the sun there."

  "The Old Town has grown so much in recent years. You've really done a wonderful job, Wade." Every time Maddie stopped in to Sadie's for a coffee or ice cream with Vivian, she always noticed how busy the shops seemed to be.

  "Thanks. We've been lucky with some great shopkeepers. There's something for everyone."

  "It really is brilliant, though. It keeps people at the ranch. Everything they need is here."

  "That's true. I don't go into town nearly as much as I used to. I am lazy, though," he joked.

  "Yes, you're so lazy." She playfully swatted his shoulder and then dug into another knot. "You're not as tight as you were last time you came in, though. That's good."

  She worked on him in comfortable silence for a few minutes, as she blasted through some of the toughest knots. When he flipped over and she moved her focus down to his feet, he spoke again.

  "So, since I'm on vacation, it seems, let's get a group together for trivia Thursday night. Do you think you can get a sitter to watch Vivian?"

  "Her grandmother might be happy to watch her. I could check and see." It would be fun to get out for a night with some of her co-workers. They often played trivia at the restaurant in the main house on the ranch.

  "The girls in the office usually go and I'm sure we'll see Jaclyn and Simon there. It should be a fun time."

  "I'd love to go. I'll let you know either tonight if we stop by, or when I see you on Thursday. I think you're coming in around lunchtime then."

  "That sounds about right. I think I might head to the gym after this and then maybe stop by Kelsi's Kafe for lunch. I haven't been in there in ages."

  "That sounds like a good plan. Working out is good for stress, too."

  "I suppose so. I'm just not sure what to do with myself, to be honest. I'm not used to having time off," Wade admitted.

  "It's a gift. Try to relax and enjoy it. Vivian and I like to split one of Bob's famous burgers with a side of onion rings. I don't know how he does it, but his burgers are magic."

  "That sounds good. Want to join me? We can share one."

  Maddie laughed. "I wish! I'm always booked solid over the lunch hour. Besides, I'm sure you can finish a whole burger with no problem. Especially if you work out first."

  "No doubt. But I would enjoy your company."

  Maddie knew she would enjoy having lunch with Wade, too. It just wasn't possible.

  "Hopefully, we'll stop down to see you tonight and I really do want to go to trivia. I've decided its time for me to start getting out more."

  "I like the sound of that. What made you decide that?"

  Maddie hesitated for a moment, unsure how much she should share with Wade, then decided to see what he thought. Maybe he knew Sadie's food delivery guy, Paul.

  "Sadie gave my number to her food guy, Paul something or other."

  "She's setting you up?" Wade sounded surprised.

  "Yes, I suppose so. Why, do you think that's a bad idea?"

  He was quiet for a moment. "I just didn't realize you were dating. I know Paul. He's a good guy."

  "Oh, good. Set-ups always make me nervous. But it's a relief that you know him and that I don't have to worry about him being a serial killer or something," she joked.

  "No. Paul's not that exciting. I mean, he's just a normal guy. You could do a lot worse."

  "Well, I haven't heard from him yet, so who knows if he'll even ca
ll?" Maddie was curious to meet this Paul, if only so she'd have an image to go with the name. The only image she kept picturing was that of the man she was working on now. Wade, with the chestnut brown hair, intense eyes and quick smile. She paid extra attention to his feet, hoping to relieve as much tension as possible. She hurt for him that he was so stressed out and hoped that somehow her efforts could help him relax and feel better.

  He seemed so surprised when she mentioned possibly going out with Paul. She wondered if he was seeing anyone. He worked so much that she didn't know when he could find the time, but you never knew. It didn't seem appropriate to ask, though, and for all she knew he might be having relationship issues, too, that could be contributing to his stress levels. If that was the case, she didn't want to make things worse by bringing it up.

  "We'll see you later, hopefully," she said as he signed his charge slip on the way out.

  "I hope so."

  Chapter 4

  “What's the matter? You don't like the burger?" Wade looked up to see both Bob, the chef at Kelsey's Kafe and Wade's sister, Kelsi, staring at him. Kelsi had her hands on her hips and both looked concerned. Wade set the burger down and realized he'd been scowling. But it had nothing to do with the food.

  "It's delicious. Best burger I've ever had. I'm sorry, I just have a lot on my mind." He'd been picturing Paul on a date with Maddie and didn't much care for the image. He picked up a thickly coated onion ring, dunked it in ketchup and took a bite, and made sure to smile. "These are great, too." Bob nodded at that, satisfied that Wade was enjoying his food the way he should be. He went back into the kitchen while Kelsi continued to stare at him.

  "You need a milk shake," she finally said. "That will help you to relax." Before he could reply, she set off to make one for him and returned a few minutes later with a tall glass full of creamy chocolate milkshake, topped with a mound of whipped cream and a drizzle of chocolate.


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