The Curse of Hurlig Ridge_World Tree Online_1st Dive

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The Curse of Hurlig Ridge_World Tree Online_1st Dive Page 4

by M. A. Carlson

  “What am I doing?” I asked myself. Why was a thinking about all of this when the golden goose just laid a big fat golden Easter Egg right in front of me? I quickly directed my thoughts to a big fat ‘Yes, I accept’.

  Congratulations! You have become a Novice Warrior Priest in service to the goddess Issara.

  Your new class grants you the following base spells. Use them well and advance through the ranks.

  You’ve learned the Holy spell ‘Holy Smite’

  Holy Smite

  Level: 1

  Experience: 0.00%

  Spell Damage: 5-10

  Spell Cast Speed: 1.50 seconds

  Spell Mana Cost: 10

  Spell Effect (Active): Smite a single target with holy damage

  You’ve learned the Holy spell ‘Lesser Heal’

  Lesser Heal

  Level: 1

  Experience: 0.00%

  Spell Heal: 5-10

  Spell Cast Speed: 2.00 seconds

  Spell Mana Cost: 10

  Spell Effect (Active): Heal a single target

  You’ve learned the Holy spell ‘Lesser Holy Imbuement’

  Lesser Holy Imbuement

  Level: 1

  Experience: 0.00%

  Spell Duration: 10 minutes

  Spell Cast Speed: Instant

  Spell Mana Cost: 50

  Spell Effect (Active): Imbued Weapon now deals holy damage causing an addition 1-2 damage per hit

  Spell Effect (Active): Imbued Shield now deals holy damage causing 2-3 damage per block

  You’ve learned the Holy spell ‘Lesser Combat Blessing’

  Lesser Combat Blessing

  Level: 1

  Experience: 0.00%

  Spell Duration: 10 minutes

  Spell Cast Speed: Instant

  Spell Mana Cost: 50

  Spell Effect (Active): Increase Stamina +2, Increase Strength +2, Increase Dexterity +2, increase Endurance +2

  You’ve learned the Holy spell ‘???????’


  Level: 1

  Experience: 0.00%

  Spell Duration: ?? minutes

  Spell Cast Speed: ?????

  Spell Mana Cost: ??

  Spell Effect (Active): ??????

  I so wanted to scream in joyous ecstasy. I was even more curious about the mystery holy spell. I’m sure it was something unique to my class, something to make it worthwhile and then some. Of course, with my naturally curious nature, I wondered what I needed to be able to use the spell. I would find out eventually, but I wanted to know now, not later. Frowning, I checked the next system message.

  Class: Novice Warrior Priest of Issara

  Armor Restriction: Light Cloth, Light Leather (50 Natural Strength Required), Light Mail (200 Natural Strength Required), Light Plate (400 Natural Strength Required)

  Novice Class Effects: +20% to holy bonus spell damage, -25% to holy bonus spell healing

  My arms shot straight up into the air in celebration, followed by my own little happy dance, but I refused to let any noise escape. The last thing I needed was to get killed again for celebrating.

  Class Quest Alert: Novice Warrior Priest of Issara – Your Goddess’ Path Lies Ahead

  You have been charged by the Goddess you now serve to mete out punishment on the murderer you vowed to bring to justice. Time Limit: 28:00:00



  Do you accept this Quest?



  I hesitated. I couldn’t decline the quest. I don’t think I would have anyway, but I couldn’t help feeling troubled by this quest. How was I supposed to kill the Player Killer that killed me in 28 hours? How could I win, when he was level 37, and I was only level 1? Assuming I could even find him again. Worse, if he saw me first and decided to throw another pebble at me to kill me again, I wouldn’t put up much of a challenge. But the quest didn’t say I had to kill him, just punish him. Still not sure how to complete the quest considering the level difference but I had to at least try, I accepted the quest with a mental ‘Yes’.

  Okay, so planning first. If I had to dish out some punishment on Pwn Star69 then I’d better put forth the best effort I could. I had at least 24 hours, well slightly less than 24 hours before Pwn Star69 would be able to play again. I had 24 hours to try and level as much as possible . . . well, more along the line of 16 hours because I would still need to sleep at some point, or else I’d incur massive penalties starting with a fatigue reducing all my stats and ending with reduced experience gains. However, if I do it right, I can work to level hard tonight until around 10, then crash at an inn and get an early start in the morning and get maybe 6 more hours of questing and leveling time. Therefore, I needed to be efficient which ultimately meant stacking quests to the best of my ability.

  And as luck would have it, there was a little village just a stone’s throw away from me, undoubtedly brimming with quests for a starter noob such as myself. I had to budget my time searching for those quests, I couldn’t afford to spend more than a few hours tracking them down.

  Second, I still hadn’t even looked at my stats and with a thought, I was presented with a new system window showing my current gear and stats.

  Equipment Slot



  Bonus Stats



  Head Accessory:






  Chest Armor:

  Light Vest

  +5 Armor

  Chest Cloths:

  Burlap Shirt

  +0 Armor





  Arm Accessory 1:


  Arm Accessory 2:


  Finger Accessory 1:


  Finger Accessory 2:



  Rope Belt

  +0 Armor

  Leg Clothing:

  Burlap Pants

  +0 Armor

  Leg Armor:



  Light Sandals

  +1 Armor


  Simple Spear

  4-5 Dmg


  Simple Phalanx Shield

  +5 Armor




  20 lbs. Sack






  Novice Warrior Priest of Issara

  HP (Health Points):


  MP (Mana Points):


  SP (Stamina Points):




  - Melee Damage Modifier




  - Melee Critical Strike Chance


  - Hit Chance


  - Dodge Chance








  - Spell Critical Strike Chance






  Health Regeneration per 10 Seconds:


  Mana Regeneration per 10 Seconds:


  Stamina Regeneration per 10 Seconds:


  Holy Spell Damage Bonus:


  Holy Spell Healing Bonus:


  Carrying Capacity in Lbs.:


  Okay, so I have generic stats and was fairly well balanced for a starting character. Because I chose two races, each having decent bonuses without signifi
cant penalties, it was as much as I could hope for. My gear was again very basic, but the spear and shield gave me more versatility than any of the other weapons offered. My bonus spell damage was solid and would only improve with time. I didn’t care for the low regen values much but hopefully with some more stat points and better gear it would improve in time. Carrying capacity did not please me either, only 5 lbs. per point of strength, even at level 1, such a thing was just sad. Not much I can do about it now, so I opened my bag next to see if I was given any starter food or money.

  20 lbs. Sack (Capacity 20 lbs.)

  Gold: 0 Silver: 0 Copper: 50

  5 Adventurer Tac – Food Stuff will restore 20 HP if completely eaten.

  1 Empty Water Canteen (0/5) – Can be filled with water (various effects)

  Great, I was also poor but then I suppose 50-copper should have been plenty to start with. Plus, I can always get more from the World Tree bank once I leave this area.

  With a rough outline of a plan in place and having taken stock of my situation, I took my first step outside the tiny graveyard onto the rough dirt road, leading to one place. As I walked toward the village I had hoped to come across some kind of mob to fight for a little experience but no such luck.

  It was maybe a 10-minute walk from the graveyard before the village came in sight. I counted just 15 buildings of various sizes, but I was sure there were more. They all appeared to be made of wood but lacked any color beyond the basic wood grain of whatever tree they used. Once I got closer to the village, I saw a small moat surrounding it, but no wall. I guessed it was more to direct traffic and keep the critters out, than serving any actual defensive purpose.

  The entrance in front of me had a single guard hut with an armored guard sitting inside it, snoring rather loudly. The man had the simple description hovering above his head. Looking closer at the man, he looked as though he forgot to shave this morning, maybe a few mornings in a row. The dark black stubble was more akin to a beard than a shadow of one. His armor was dented and dinged and hadn’t been polished in a long time but appeared perfectly serviceable. Leaning on the wall of the shack next to him was sword and sheath and on the back wall of the hut, a crossbow hung at easy reach.

  Now, I knew it was probably okay to just enter the village and ignore the guard, but at the same time, I also knew it could possibly cause me some trouble if I didn’t at least check in. By the same token, it could cause me some trouble with the guard if I woke him up.

  I sighed, knowing my luck I’d be screwed either way. Best to choose the option least likely to get me branded a criminal, I serve a goddess of justice now and I can’t imagine she’d be too pleased with me if my first act after getting her blessing would be to break a law, even unknowingly.

  “Excuse me, sir,” I called out to the snoozing guard in a normal voice.

  The guard didn’t even twitch.

  This time I knocked on the guard post door frame. “Hello, sir.”

  His snoring paused only for a moment only for him to shift slightly and snore even louder.

  I kicked the side of the guard post hard which cost me -2 HP for damaging my toe, but it was sufficient to wake the guard who was now suddenly awake and brandishing his sword at full alert.

  “Wha? Whose attacking? I’ll kill you rotten animals!” he shouted, not quite aware of his surroundings yet after being woken so suddenly.

  “Hello, sir,” I greeted the man again, trying to pretend there was nothing strange about the man’s reaction.

  “What’s this? A traveler? Why did you not use the main entrance?” he all but demanded.

  “I didn’t know there was a main entrance. I’ve just come from the graveyard back yonder,” I said, motioning behind me.

  “Oh great, another sad sack adventurer. And I suppose you too want me to give you some grand quest to kill and kill and kill some more?” he asked, more than a little sarcasm dripping into his voice.

  “While I would love a quest, I would just be happy to be allowed to enter the village,” I met his sarcasm with some of my own.

  This time the man laughed. “At least you are honest. My name is Gavin Bryant, but it is Guard Bryant to you, at least while I’m on duty. As for entering the village, it is fine. Just do not cause trouble or I will have to thump you and if I fail to thump you then the sergeant will thump us both.” As soon as he said his name the nameplate above his head the previously read changed to , it was awesome.

  “Any special rules or regulations I need to follow?” I asked.

  “You have to hop on your left foot through the village. If your right foot touches the ground it is a 10-copper fine payable in pints from the tavern,” Guard Bryant stated in as serious a voice and stone-faced as I’d ever heard or seen.

  “You’re messing with me, right?” I asked.

  Bryant apparently couldn’t keep up the act as he snorted a laugh. “Cannot blame me for trying. Some of you adventurer types are just so gullible.”

  “Someone actually fell for that?” I asked, struggling to believe anyone would be that gullible.

  “More than one,” he replied, a small grin working onto his face.

  Now it was my turn to snort a laugh. “Sir, I believe I owe you a pint anyway. That’s freaking brilliant.”

  “Now we are talking. My shift ends at late bell, I will meet you at the tavern for a pint a little after. If you are staying in town, I would recommend the Dog House Inn. Just tell Dogson I sent you, he will give you a discount on a room,” suggested the guardsman.

  “Thanks, Guard Bryant, much appreciated, now I owe you two pints,” I promised, it never hurt to make friends.

  “Well now, fast to make friends, are you?” said Bryant, appraising me closer now. “You know how to use that spear and shield of yours?”

  “Only how not to stab myself with the spear or knock myself silly with the shield,” I answered remember what Maggie told me about my skill level. Given how quickly Bryant’s attitude seemed to shift, seemed my charisma was already paying dividends and better I might just be getting a quest or training . . . or a training quest, now that would be awesome.

  Bryant, of course, laughed again. “Honest indeed. Go ‘round back of the barracks, the Sergeant is always drilling back there, he can probably show you a thing or two. Once again, let him know I sent you.”

  Quest Alert: Training with Sergeant Butters

  Your new friend Guard Bryant has suggested you seek out the Sergeant for some weapons training.

  Reward: Experience, Weapon Subskill

  Do you accept this Quest?



  “I’ll go see the man right away,” I answered, verbally accepting the quest.

  “Oh, and do not call him Sarge or Sir, he hates that. It is Sergeant or Sergeant Butters,” he warned me.

  “Got it, thanks for the tip. Mind if I asked a few more questions about the village?” I asked.

  “Sure, you are only interrupting my valuable nap time but what the heck, why not?” joked Bryant. At least I hoped he was joking.

  “First, where is the Inn? Second, where is the Barracks? And third, where is the library?” I asked, then as an afterthought I added, “If you have one?”

  Bryant once again laughed. “Walk down the street to the only crossroad and turn right. You will see a big build at the end of the street, it is hard to miss. That is the townhall, closest thing to a library we got. The longhouse on the right of the townhall is the town barracks. The three-story building on the left, just before you get to the townhall is the Dog House Inn.”

  “Thank you, I’ll see you tonight for that pint,” I said, ready to venture into the village.

  “Two pints,” he reminded me.

  “So, three then?” I asked, laughing with the man.

  “Go on, let me get back to sleep so I can prepare my constitution for a night of boozing it up,” joked Bryant, making a shooing motion with his ar
mored hands.

  The walk was fine, the roads in town were cobblestone, so it was easier than the dirt and mud road from the graveyard. Looking around as I walked I could see the town didn’t boast a huge population, but there were plenty of citizen going about their business, children playing here and there, all in all, a normal village from what I could tell.

  No one was rushing up to me asking for help and there were no giant indicators above people’s heads telling me they had a quest for me, which I kind of loved. It meant, that to get a quest I would have to talk to the citizens, have an actual conversation.

  I decided to stop at the inn first to get my room accommodation sorted out. I was honestly surprised when I entered the inn. Not because it was almost empty but because of the Bartender. This was the first mammalian halfling I’d seen, and it was rather extreme and very realistic. The bartender and I’m guessing owner was a dogman, half-dog, half-something else, but based on his posture the way he moved I would say man or elf. He had the head of a hound dog with long floppy ears. Oddly he had black hair on top of his head styled formally, parted down the middle and combed flat. He also wore a pair of thin wire-rimmed spectacles.


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