The Curse of Hurlig Ridge_World Tree Online_1st Dive

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The Curse of Hurlig Ridge_World Tree Online_1st Dive Page 56

by M. A. Carlson

or higher. There were several and up. The guy at the bottom was called the ,” Heath reported.

  “Okay, so, slow and methodical, just like the bandit hideout,” I started. “We clear every side tunnel, I don’t want any extra wolves being called out when we get to the last one.”

  “Make sure you give me a chance to get aggro before you ramp up your damage,” warmed Rose. “If we are fighting multiple targets, it will take a few to get proper threat. That also means you need to hold on before healing too soon, Baby. Jack will call out the kill targets. Everyone good?”

  Everyone agreed, and Rose took the lead in with the rest of us following just behind her. As we entered the valley I could see the cave lining either side, starting at about twenty feet below the surface. They also appeared to be staggered positioning, one on the left then one on the right further in then back to the left.

  “Left side first,” said Rose, approaching the cave.

  The good news is, we didn’t have to enter the cave. Three wolves came out to greet us, or rather, to greet Rose. Rose was faster, she used ‘Charge’ on the matriarch, then used ‘Shield Slam’ on an alpha, and struck the last alpha with a jab of her sword, causing the beast to yelp in pain. Then she struck it again, making it angrier. I decided that one died first.

  “Left first,” I said as I moved in to attack. I cast a ‘Lesser Holy Fire’ as I moved in with Micaela right next to me. I couldn’t see Heath, but I assumed he was there, moving about while hidden from view. I attacked first with ‘Hamstring’ and follow up with ‘Justice Strike’ and ‘Lesser Holy Shock’ but before I could finish my combination it was already dead.

  “Alpha next,” I called out. Once again, it was dead before I could finish my combination. As I turned to fight the her fur bristled, and a growl tore from her throat, answered by howling from the two closest caves. We were suddenly set upon by six more beasts.

  “From now on, momma wolf dies first,” shouted Rose, trying to grab up aggro on the new threats.

  I quickly equipped my shield, then taunted the four new alphas. “Focus on those. I can hold these for a little bit.”

  “I’ll start taking them from you as the matriarchs die off,” said Rose, grunting as she blocked another attack.

  I felt rusty fighting these guys. I haven’t used my shield in a while, so my timing was a little off, but my footwork was spot on. I kept up ‘Lesser Holy Fire’ to the best of my ability and used ‘Justice Strike’ and ‘Lesser Holy Shock’ to keep my own threat up, while Baby was working double duty healing me and Rose.

  “Taking two,” said Rose, warning me she was taunting two of the wolves away from me. “Oi, kibbles and bits, come get me.”

  Two of the wolves, I’d been tanking, left to fight Rose. With only two to tank, I returned my shield to my bag and started to lay into them. I smiled a little, I was now free to move. I jumped, easily flipping over one of the lunging. When I landed I triggered my ‘Rapid Striking’ skill, striking out at the two wolves in front of me without holding back. It was fun, watching each strike hit for almost -120-HP. I took some damage for not moving, but the two alpha wolves were all but dead. I was quick to move, as they were still intent on turning me into dinner.

  I hit the one with lowest remaining health with ‘Justice Strike’ then ‘Lesser Holy Shock’ and finally got to follow through with ‘Power Thrust’ killing it. My last strike was a critical, which left me facing just one alpha. It was relatively simple to avoid and dodge a single wolf with my ‘Acrobatics’ skill. Within a minute, I wrecked the beast. Even though I was breathing heavily when it died, I knew I had to help with the rest of the beasts. However, when I turned to help my friends, they appeared to have just killed their last wolf as well.

  “Alright, now that is what I call good fun,” said Heath, his dagger slipping back into the sheath on his belt.

  “Nice work everyone, take a minute to drink and eat if you need it,” said Baby, casting another heal on me, then Rose bringing us both back to full.

  I sat down on one of the larger boulders littering the quarry. I took out my two canteens and started to drink. I was slightly surprised when Rose sat down next to me.

  “Not bad, Jack. Not as good as me, but not bad,” Rose joked tiredly. “Thanks for jumping in to help tank those. I might have been in trouble if I had to manage all of those at once.”

  “Sure, it’s why I learned taunt. You were pretty awesome on that initial pull. Really nice job getting aggro so fast,” I complimented her.

  “Thanks,” said Rose softly, taking a sip from her own canteen. Eventually, Rose sighed and stood. “Okay, enough laying around. We’ve got more work to do.”

  We systematically exterminated the wolf population residing in the mine quarry. We actually got decent experience for all of them too. I think I gained around +250-Experience, give or take a few points. I also figured out how to scavenge in a way that targeted specific parts, in this case, the teeth. Olaf and the others with the skill joined in as well. Before we knew it, we were at the bottom, or near enough to see the . He was big, abnormally so, not as big as the God Fenrir, not even close, but he had size on Graves for sure.

  “That’s a big puppy,” said Micaela, staring wide-eyed at the beast. “Can I keep him for a pet after we capture him?”

  “No . . . maybe . . . I don’t know,” were Olaf’s answers as he studied the beast. “You’re not a beast tamer. How would even make him your pet? Plus, with all your totems, don’t you think you have enough pets?”

  Micaela could only shrug.

  “Are there wolves in those caves?” I asked, looking at Heath.

  “I couldn’t get close enough. The big fella seems to be able to see through my stealth and illusions,” Heath answered.

  “I think Jack will have to tank anything coming out of those caves. I’ll handle the big guy. Priority has to be killing whatever adds spawn though,” said Rose thoughtfully. Adds or addition spawns could really complicated a fight it they aren’t controlled quickly.

  I couldn’t help but agree, already equipping my shield in preparation for the fight to come.

  “On you Rosie,” said Baby, floating up above us, a good five fee,t to take herself out of range of danger, or at least most of it.

  Rose clapped her sword against her shield twice before she roared loudly, then suddenly blurred, her body surging forward until her shoulder impacted the giant wolf. She followed up with ‘Shield Slam’ and a few precise strikes, each met with a yelp and a growl of anger.

  Micaela was next to me as we moved in to attack, but this time, she was using Sundance to throw fireballs as she went. Not to be outdone, I was hitting the beast with ‘Lesser Holy Fire’ and ‘Lesser Holy Shock’. I hit with ‘Justice Strike’ as soon as I got into melee range.

  Everything was going smoothly, it was a tank and spank fight for the first 10%. Then the Primus just had to go and light himself on fire before exploding in a wave of fiery death, burning everything in its path, including us. It was honestly rather painfully, even with the pain muted.

  “Bye-bye, help me heal,” called Baby, working overtime to get Rose back up.

  I set about to trying to heal Baby up first, before I started dropping heals on the rest of us.

  “Wolves incoming,” warned Heath, causing me to stop my healing.

  Three wolves emerged, each coming from a different tunnel. the nameplates stated. One headed for me, so I didn’t worry about it. The other two went for different targets, one for Micaela and one for Heath.

  “Come get me,” I tried to taunt the one headed toward Micaela only to get an ‘Immune’ message pop up. “You can’t taunt them,” I warned everyone.

  “Everyone, kill your target, then help with the others,” called Rose. “Olaf, help out.”

  I might have grinned a little as I put my shield away. ‘Lesser Holy Fire’, flip over the target, ‘Hamstring
’, roll to the left, ‘Justice Strike’, cartwheel to the left, ‘Lesser Holy Shock’, flip back away, ‘Power Thrust’, and the wolf died. I looked back to my group, and was shocked. Micaela was dead.

  “What happened?” I asked.

  “If they hit you, they exploded and instantly kill you,” explained Olaf. “Or rather, they did just enough damage to kill Mic. We have to be topped off when they come out. You and Heath seemed to do alright with the flipping around thing.”

  “Well, then shoot something,” I complained. I didn’t have time to stand around and worry. I had to get back to killing the world boss.

  “10% mark coming, brace,” warned Baby.

  The wolf didn’t explode this time. Instead, he breathed fire and started slowing rotating. It caused those of us not directly in front of him to start running, trying to stay ahead of the flames, which were steadily getting faster.

  “Must move faster,” commented Heath trying to get away from the wall of flames.

  The wolf stopped when he got back to his original position then resumed attacking Rose.

  “Wolves,” warned Heath.

  Thankfully, everyone made it through the previous round of attacks without significant damage, other than Rose. And Baby had plenty of time to heal Rose once she was out of the flames.

  I took out my quickly, avoiding being hit by it, but there was a moment when I thought I had mistimed my dodge. When the next 10% of the boss’s health dropped, we didn’t know what to expect, so we were pleasantly surprised when he did his flame breath again. At 60% health, he exploded. This time, Baby and I pushed out as much healing as we could to get everyone topped off, before the wolves came out.

  It was a slow fight and transitioned so many times. At 50% health, the boss called out six wolves instead of making us die in a fire. The wolf targeting Rose detonated when it hit her, but her armor protected her better than the rest of us. I finally ate a detonation, but I did it intentionally, so I’d only have to face one wolf instead of two. It actually worked better than I had hoped, because it killed the second wolf. Thank you friendly fire for working to my advantage for a change.

  “Fight them right up next to the boss, if they do hit you the detonation does friendly fire damage,” I called out the warning to my group.

  “I know,” snapped Rose, straining to block an attack from the Primus.

  I guess I didn’t check the boss’s health before I said it, but he’d already lost 5% of his health, my guess would be the one that detonated on Rose did that.

  The next 10% the boss exploded again and the 10% after that, the Primus called extra wolves again. Finally, he was down to the 24% mark. I equipped my net and prayed this would work. I activated my ‘Net Toss’.

  “Captured!” cheered Baby.

  “Bloody hell, I just missed it,” complained Micaela, running down the hewn stone ramp, she was sweating and gasping for breath, but she’d made it.

  “Sorry, Babe, we didn’t know how close you were,” said Olaf.

  “It’s alright love. At least we didn’t wipe on big ugly here. How does your net fit exactly? I was sure it wasn’t that big before,” Micaela commented, even though I was sure she understood the game had a natural tendency to make things fit.

  “It’s a game, love, it fits because we need it to fit,” said Olaf, grinning excitedly.

  “Oh well, let’s get this big puppy back to the temple.” Turning to start the trek back, Micaela paused and added, “I wonder if he’ll even fit through the door?”

  “It should squeeze through,” I said, tugging on the tether, making sure it was tightly drawn.

  Looking at the trapped wolf I was surprised it even fit. The net was drawn so tightly around it, the didn’t have room the thrash around or snap at me when I got close. He had to settle for glaring balefully at me.

  “Okay, I think all of us, but Rose and Baby will have to carry this guy. I’m not strong enough to do it on my own.” I stated.

  “You heard Jack, get to work. We’ve only got two hours to get this guy back to the temple,” ordered Rose, clapping her hands as if it would get us moving faster.

  Chapter 34

  “Oh no, not again!” shouted the same guard as we approached the gates.

  I sighed, I didn’t want to deal with this guy. Rose though had no such qualms.

  “Listen here grunt, we’re working to remove the curse, to put an end to the danger of these wolves. Are you really going to interfere?” Rose asked.

  “But it’s the pack leader,” the guard protested.

  “Yeah, and if we can cure him, the problem is resolved forever. Now let us through, or do I have to go get your boss. You know, Sergeant Butters, the guy who likes us.”

  The guard growled angrily. “Just go already.”

  “That’s what I thought,” said Rose, smirking superiorly.

  If the walk through town the first time dragging a wolf got us odd looks, then this time completely stopped traffic. As if that weren’t enough, people didn’t just stop and stare but started to follow along behind us. I couldn’t help but notice there must have been at least 20 players ranging from level 1 to level 2, some of which I even recognized.

  When we got to the temple, a few people jogged ahead and opened the doors wide for us, granting us passage inside. Once again, we dragged the wolf to the Norse alcove, placing it in the center, while Baby flew ahead to retrieved Trinico.

  “That is a big wolf,” commented one of the audience members, that’s right, we now had an audience of Citizens and players alike.

  “Stand clear,” warned Trinico. “When Lord Fenrir appears, if you do not wish to be squashed like an insect, you will stand back.”

  The woman gave me and the others a brief acknowledgment before she began to pray. Similar to the first time he appeared, we were covered by a large shadow, marking the arrival of the God Fenrir.

  “So, you have succeeded,” the God Fenrir said, sounding slightly amused. He stared at the shivering bundle of a wolf, it was almost amusing if you consider just a little while ago, it came close to decimating us.

  The God Fenrir stared down at the bundle. “Show yourself, son, make your presence known to me. If I have to force you from this vessel, Hati, you will not like the consequences.”

  A white mist rose from the captured wolf, this time taking the form of a smoky ghost in the shape of a wolfman, strikingly similar to Graves. “Father,” the fallen god, Hati hissed angrily. “Why do you interfere in my business?”

  “The Fallen are the business of all the gods,” howled the God Fenrir angrily, shaking the building in the process.

  “Fallen? Why? Because I worked to do what I was born for? How hypocritical of you. How very . . . Norse,” scoffed the Fallen God Hati.

  “Your divinity was to hunt the moon through skies until the end of days, to always push the cycle of life forward and to mark the passage of time,” argued the God Fenrir

  “No, that is what you wanted. I want the power that comes from absorbing the moon and becoming the god of light. I will take that fool Sol’s domain from her by destroying that which she never could. Besides, you should be grateful I am here. If it were not for me, then my . . . brother . . . the traitor would have already plunged the world into darkness and become the god of darkness,” stated the Fallen God Hati.

  “And now I am telling you, you are not welcome here. I will deal with your brother and he too shall be expelled from this place,” ordered Fenrir, shaking the building.

  “I will give you 48-hours to expel him. If you fail, I shall return, and our war shall proceed until either one of us wins or we both die. And be warned, any who stand in our way shall be torn asunder,” threatened the Fallen God Hati.

  “So be it, I accept your terms,” said the God Fenrir. “Now, begone.”

  The white mist that formed Hati became little more than smoke in the wind as he vanished.

  Quest Alert: Breaking the curse of the W
olves 4 (Recommended Level 5-7) - Completed

  The God Fenrir has charged you to put a stop to his children’s squabble. Capture the leader of the wolf pack and bring it before Fenrir.

  Reward: +2000-Experience, Blessing of Fenrir

  “You have done well, fleshlings. You have earned a modicum of my respect, take these gifts with my gratitude,” said the God Fenrir, an orb of light floated from the god to each of us.

  When I touched the orb, it burst in a shower of sparks.

  You have learned the Norse runes of ‘Strength’, ‘Healing’, ‘Gladness’, ‘Victory’, and ‘Justice’


  Level: 19

  Experience: 1.11%

  Professional Skill: Lore is the study of the history of the World Tree and its denizens.

  Subskill: Norse Mysticism II

  Your knowledge of both the Ancient Norse language, runes and their Mythos has granted you a higher level of mastery. Knowledge of Norse Skills and Spells is greatly improved.

  Runology (Evolved from Writing)

  Level: 35

  Experience: 4.15%

  Professional Skill: Runology is the art of communicating power.

  Chance to Learn Rank I Unknown Rune: 13.50%

  Chance to Craft Rank I Skill Book: +6.75%

  Chance to Craft Lesser Spell Book: +3.375%

  Professional Skill: Writing is the ability to communicate through the written word.

  Norse Expertise: +100% to craft any known Norse spell or skill book of Rank I regardless of level.

  Wow! That was so much upgrading, now if only I knew a Norse skill or spell.

  “Now, I must ask one more favor of you. Find my other son, find Skoll and stop him,” ordered the God Fenrir, offering us the next quest in the chain.


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