An Act of Release: Order & Chaos Book 2

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An Act of Release: Order & Chaos Book 2 Page 13

by Samantha Wolfe

  He spun me around to face away from him, one hand coming to rest on my hip and the other pushing between my shoulder blades. "Bend over," he snapped out as he bent me forward until my hands rested on the coffee table in front of me. He gripped the elastic band of my sweats and panties, then yanked them down to my ankles. I stepped out of them at his prodding.

  His big hands slid up my back in a firm possessive caress, then down my sides, softly brushing my breasts as he brought them down to my hips. He gripped them tight and ground his pelvis into my ass, his fingers digging in. I could feel his growing erection through his jeans, the denim rubbing roughly on my skin. Fuck, it felt so good.

  He bent over me until his hot breath tickled my ear. "Don't move a goddamn inch," he growled out then walked away without a second glance, stalking across the room and disappearing into my bedroom.

  I stayed put, trembling and panting heavily as I waited in anticipation for his return. A moment later, he walked back in with several of my scarves gripped in his hands. Oh yes. I met his eyes and smiled at him as he stopped next to me. He dropped the scarves on the floor as he gave me a predatory grin that made my heart race and a shudder travel through me.

  He picked me up and immediately laid me down on my back on the top of my coffee table, the cold glass on my overheated skin making me gasp audibly. He knelt and brought my feet to the floor on either side of the low table. He took two scarves and proceeded to tie my ankles firmly to the brushed nickel legs with my knees bent, and my legs spread wide for him. He stared at my pussy for a long heated moment, growling under his breath.

  "Arms over your head," he barked out as he moved to kneel by my upper body. Within seconds, my wrists were above my head and bound firmly to the coffee table. I was helpless and at his mercy, and I soared into mindless bliss, knowing that Ford would keep me safe.

  "I'm going to gag you, Jen," Ford said, his voice suddenly soft as he gazed down at me, his eyes silently questioning if that was okay.

  A flutter of fear surged through me, followed closely by a rising tide of arousal. I nodded, easily giving him my consent and my trust.

  "If you need to safe word, I want you to grunt three times, and I'll take off the gag immediately. Understand?" His voice was stern and commanding again.

  "Yes, sir."

  He pressed the soft silk of the scarf against my lips, and I instantly parted them. He wrapped it around my head and tied the ends together securely.

  "Show me how you safe word," he demanded.

  I nodded again and let out three distinct grunts.

  "Good girl," he crooned, his hands sliding up through my hair to cradle the sides of my head. He leaned down and pressed a kiss to my forehead, his lips firm and warm. "I love you, Jen. You're safe with me. I'll take care of you. I'll give you the release that you need."

  I knew instinctively that he was talking about more than just an orgasm. He would take away my fear and worries for a little while with his body and his love. It was sheer relief to know that he could do this for me. I also knew that he was trying to reassure me by telling me that I was safe with him. He didn't need to. I trusted him with everything I had, but it made me wish like hell that he could keep me safe from Carter. I knew in my heart that no one could. I didn't know why Carter was focusing on me again, but I was certain about one thing. His game wouldn't be over until he got what he wanted from me. Tears welled up again at that thought.

  "Shh." Ford caught my eyes and held them. "Let everything go and leave it all to me. I've got you." His warm hands slid up my arms languidly, moving smoothly to my chest where they cupped my breasts and squeezed firmly. I closed my eyes and moaned around the silky fabric in my mouth, letting the pleasure roll through me. I sighed cathartically as my body went limp.

  That was when Ford suddenly pinched my nipples, hard. A muffled wail burst out of my mouth around the gag as the sharp bite of pain sent a zing of pure bliss straight down to my clit. My eyes flashed open to glare up at Ford's smug grin.

  "Is it wrong that I get off on the sound of you screaming while you're gagged?" he asked archly, amusement and arousal glittering in his eyes.

  I growled at him and spit out several unintelligible and unflattering names for him that he couldn't understand. His grin widened as his fingers started rolling my nipples gently and my irritation was quickly forgotten. My body writhed with pleasure, and I pulled against the scarves pointlessly, desperately wanting more.

  "I'm going to have to make you scream some more," Ford said in a low growl.

  I watched him move to my left side, his hot eyes fixed on mine. He knelt down and began gliding his hand up the inside of my thigh. It was excruciating torture as his fingers moved higher and higher, slowly making there way to where I wanted them most. I whined and whimpered as I circled my hips wantonly, wordlessly begging for what I so desperately needed.

  "Do you want me to go slower?" he asked sternly. "Or I can just stop all together." His hand stopped, still several inches from my pussy.

  I shook my head jerkily, afraid he'd do it.

  "Then don't move a damn muscle," he said as he leaned over me threateningly and gripped my chin in his free hand firmly, his blue eyes bright and fierce. "Understood?"

  I nodded and stilled immediately.

  "I'll let you come as long as you hold still, honey," he rumbled out in a low tone. "If you move, I'll edge you instead."

  I growled at him with a hard glare. He wasn't playing fair. How the hell was I supposed to hold still while he made me come?

  "Don't you glare at me," he said warningly as a smile quirked one side of his mouth slightly. He leaned in close to my ear, his voice turning seductive. "You know I'll make it good either way."

  I mewled softly at his promise, knowing it was so very true. His mind-blowing multiple orgasms were just as sweet as the erotic torture of being edged until he let me soar into bliss at the end. He didn't give me time to dwell on that though, because his hand was suddenly on my aching core. His fingers slid slowly through my wetness for a moment, until he unexpectedly thrust two of them deep inside me, pushed his thumb against my clit, and scattered my thoughts to the wind.

  I gasped in surprise and just barely caught myself before I pushed my hips up toward him. A long moan spilled out around my gag at the pleasure of his fingers filling me up. He owned my pleasure, owned me right now, and I never felt safer or more loved. Nothing else mattered at this moment but Ford and the way he made me feel.

  "Good girl," he growled out as he began thrusting his fingers in and out of me. His hot breath ghosted across my left nipple right before he engulfed it with his lips and lashed at it with his tongue. Electric heat seared through me, and I clenched my fists as I fought to be still. I was already on the cusp of an orgasm, and I'd be damned if I didn't get it. He crooked his fingers and hit my g-spot, and up I went, my release incinerating me in liquid fire. A long guttural scream burst out of me, and it was loud despite being muffled by the scarf gag.

  "Fuck yes," he snarled out as he raised his head from my breast.

  His eyes were pitch black with desire as he watched me, his fingers scissoring inside me as he dragged out my orgasm with consummate skill. I curled my toes into the rug as I rode it out, my fingernails digging into my palms as I held myself in place with a will I didn't even know I had.

  "That's my Jen," he whispered roughly as I went limp in the aftermath of my release. "That's my good fucking girl."

  He bent his head back down to my nipple and proceeded to do it again and again. Each release was sweeter and longer than the last, until finally I couldn't stand it any more. It felt like I was splintering apart, and I needed him to pull me back together. When I grunted three times, Ford ceased his erotic onslaught immediately and pulled the gag from my mouth, his worried face right above mine.

  "What's your color, honey?" he asked in a soft tender tone that soothed me.

  "Y...yellow," I gasped out hoarsely, my voice raw from screaming.

ll me what you need, Jen," he said with concern. "Do you need me to untie you?"

  "Yes," I pleaded. "I need you to hold me. I need you to make love to me now."

  He swiftly undid my restraints without another word, gathered me into his arms, and stood. I curled against him, burrowing my face against his chest with a happy sigh as he carried me to my room and lowered me onto my bed. He quickly stripped out of his clothes and crawled onto the mattress until he was hovering over me on his forearms.

  "I've got you, Jen," he murmured quietly as he pushed my knees apart and settled his pelvis between my legs. He lined his cock up with my needy and wanting core, then pushed into me so agonizingly slowly that I could feel every ridge and scorching hot inch of him sliding into me.

  "I love you," I moaned out as my back arched with the pure joy of being joined with him, of being loved by him.

  "I love you, Jenny," he groaned out in reply as he began to move inside me languidly with slow fluid thrusts that made sweet pleasure begin to crescendo into the sky. His lips came down on mine, possessing and claiming me with deep strokes of his tongue.

  He held me right on the cusp of release, riding the edge of it for what felt like forever until I finally burst in an explosion of white light that filled my vision and blasted through me. My insides clamped down on him as I wailed out his name, and he blew apart with a long groan right along with me. I milked every last drop of pleasure out of him until we both came back down together in a sweaty heap. Ford rolled until I sprawled limp and sated across his chest without a care in the world, safe in the arms of the man I loved.


  "Do you have a minute, princess?" Dad asked from my office doorway Tuesday morning, his tone soft and warm. I stifled a weary sigh. I knew why he was here, and I'd been dreading this moment since yesterday. He was here to tell me about Carter's deal, and now I had to go along with Carter's demands and lie to my own father. A sick twisting sensation clenched inside my stomach.

  "Sure, Dad," I said in what I hoped was a nonchalant voice. "Come on in."

  Dad smiled as he walked in and sat down across the desk from me, but there was no mistaking the tension around his dark eyes and his hesitant demeanor. He was stressed out and worried about this conversation. We desperately needed Carter's deal, but I knew that he would sacrifice it in a heartbeat if he knew the truth, no matter the cost to our family business. It made me love him even more, but also made the burden of what I had to do that much greater. I fought down the guilty tears that made my eyes sting.

  "How are things with Ford?" he asked with sincere curiosity, but I suspected he was also stalling telling me about Carter.

  "Really good, Dad," I said with a genuine smile. I was more than happy to put off the conversation about my ex. "He makes me happy."

  "I'm glad it worked out for you, princess," he smiled back. "You deserve to be happy." I know he'd been pleased when I told him that Ford and I had gotten back together. He had smiled broadly and hugged me wordlessly when I told him last week.

  "Thanks," I said sheepishly, but not for the reason he probably thought. I felt like the worst daughter in the world, and I hadn't even had to lie yet.

  "You should bring him with you for Sunday brunch this weekend," Dad suggested. "Your mother is anxious to meet him."

  "I will, Dad," I agreed immediately, actually looking forward to Ford meeting the rest of my family.

  "I wanted to talk to you about something else too," he continued with a pained expression. "I met with a potential business partner yesterday, and it turns out that it's someone you already know."

  I tried my damnedest to look curious and not filled with dread. "Who?"

  "His name is Elliott Bennett, but you knew him as Carter Bennett."

  "You mean the Carter I dated in high school?"

  "Yes, Jenny," he pursed his lips for a moment as he watched me with concern. I tried like hell to make my face blank. "I'm sorry. I didn't know that's who I was meeting with. He seems like a decent guy, and his offer is very good, but if...if you're uncomfortable with us pursuing anything with this guy, then we won't."

  "That was a long time ago, Dad," I told him softly, trying to sound calm when I was anything but. "And we didn't date for very long."

  "I know, but if you're not comfortable with this, then we'll find someone else."

  There was no one else, that bastard made sure of that, and I'd do whatever was necessary to save my family. "It's fine," I lied, feeling bile rising up in my stomach as I spoke. "It doesn't bother me at all." It does, it does, it does, my mind screamed inside me. Seeing him yesterday had brought back all the pain and shame of what he did to me. And now, it was happening all over again.

  "Well, nothing has been decided yet, princess," he said with a wan smile. "But I didn't want to move forward until I made sure you were okay with it."

  "I'm okay," I nodded jerkily, frantic to end this conversation before I lost my composure.

  "Alright," Dad said with obvious relief. "I'm meeting with Elliot again on Thursday." He eyed me closely. "I'd like you and your brother to be there since this deal affects all of us. Hopefully, we can get your brother to come around. I have a feeling that he's going to fight this tooth and nail."

  "I'll be there," I agreed immediately, feeling icy fear at the thought of seeing that bastard again, but knowing I had no choice.

  Dad was definitely right about my brother though. Andy was against us getting any outside help, even if we needed it desperately. I realized that I didn't want to make convincing Andy that we needed this that much harder.

  "I don't think we should tell Andy about my history with Elliott Bennett, Dad," I suggested, feeling even worse inside as I said it. "This is already hard enough for him." Now I was going to be lying to my brother too. Andy had never met Carter since he'd been away at college when we dated, so keeping it from him was easy. Living with the deception was a whole other problem. It felt like guilt was eating a hole in my gut.

  "Yeah, I think that's a good idea." Dad let out a heavy sigh.

  I could see the stress of our financial situation was weighing on him, and he just looked older to me right now. My eyes felt hot with unshed tears as the fear of what this situation meant for our future as a family fell on me.

  "Well," Dad said with a tired smile as he stood, "I'll let you get back to work." He came around my desk and placed a soft kiss to my forehead. "I love you, princess."

  "Love you too, Dad," I whispered. Would he still love me if he knew I was lying to him and manipulating him right now? Would I still be his princess if he knew how stupid and gullible I was? I watched him walk out, my heart heavy with guilt and shame. I felt like the worst daughter ever, and I wondered if I would even be able to live with myself when this was all over?


  "Can you believe this fucking bullshit?" Andy mumbled under his breath as he dropped into the chair at the conference table next to me.

  I glanced over at him to see anger and irritation simmering in his blue eyes. At least, he was dressed appropriately for our meeting, and he looked handsome in the gray suit he was wearing. I wouldn't have been surprised if he'd shown up in his grease covered mechanic's uniform out of spite.

  "Andy," I said scoldingly, totally agreeing with him, but knowing his attitude could threaten the deal with Carter and ruin the dealership. Thank God it was just the two of us in the conference room right now.

  "We don't need anyone's goddamn help," he added in a growl.

  I let out an exasperated sigh. "How many times do I have to tell you, Andy?" I shook my head as I met his eyes. "We do. This is important, so knock it off." I felt sick as I said it. It was true, but the person we were going to get it from was a devious bastard and the last person we should trust. I wished that I dared to tell Andy what Carter was doing to me. Andy was probably the smartest person I knew. If anyone could figure a way out of this, it was my brother, but God only knew what Carter would do to us if Andy failed. I couldn't take
the risk.

  Andy growled as he glared at me, but didn't say anything else before he looked away to stare sullenly across the room. I watched him guiltily as fear rose up like a tidal wave inside me. I felt so trapped and all alone, the stress eating away at my soul.

  A bone deep longing for Ford fell over me. He was the only bright spot in this nightmare right now. I'd spent the last two nights with him, needing his dominance and the escape from my problems that it gave me. He knew I was worried about my family's business, but I feared that he was getting suspicious that there was more to it due to my neediness. Last night, I showed up at his place begging for my rope and his touch. He happily gave me what I needed, but there was no mistaking the concern in his eyes all night. I was afraid that it was only a matter of time before he pressed me for more of an explanation, and I might not be able to stomach lying anymore. I didn't dare tell him the truth though. I had to protect him no matter what.

  The conference room door suddenly opened, putting an end to my thoughts of Ford. Dad entered the room with a quick worried glance at Andy. My brother didn't even acknowledge Dad as he sat with his arms crossed over his chest defiantly. It wasn't a good sign.

  A second later, Carter breezed into the room like he owned it, his demeanor calm and controlled with an air of arrogance that pissed me off. His tailored light-gray Tom Ford suit was flawless with a crisp white shirt and charcoal tie. It made Andy's similar less-expensive suit seem sad and pathetic in comparison even though it wasn't cheap. I saw my brother clench his teeth as he narrowed his eyes suspiciously at Carter, the muscles in his jaw flexing. Great. Andy was no fool, and he knew a pretentious bastard when he saw one. I had a really bad feeling about this meeting.

  Dad shot a warning glare at Andy, who looked chagrined for a second before rising from his chair and uncrossing his arms. I followed suit, unconsciously smoothing the dark-purple fabric of my sleeveless sheath dress out of sheer nerves.


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