Wrath of an Angry God: A Military Space Opera (The Sentience Trilogy Book 3)

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Wrath of an Angry God: A Military Space Opera (The Sentience Trilogy Book 3) Page 35

by Gibson Michaels

  “Do not fear this coming apocalypse, for it is necessary… required… ordained of Dol to restore nature’s balance and return our people to their natural role within it. Even if this event were somehow averted, it would be worse for our people in the end, for the universe itself would vomit forth the aberration of the Raknii, expelling us from physical reality, leaving only extinction as our heritage.

  “The Trakaan were merely carriers of the disease that has eaten the soul of our people, by their docile nature and the mere fact that they exist. For generations, Raknii have slowly been losing their way, as we expanded amongst the stars. Our faith turned away from the ancient ways, weakened by the new gods of science and their cub, technology. Dol and the ancient ways were gradually dismissed as mere superstition, unnecessary for beings that had mastered the stars themselves.

  “So Dol sent the Trakaan as a test… a test that our people failed, miserably. It was a test of the spirit, to see whether the Rak’s new self-inspired wisdom could stand in the face of unparalleled prosperity. The abundance of such easy prey poisoned the hearts and minds of our people. It deceived and lured them away even from their new gods of science and technology. The ancient hungers returned, but perverted without Dol’s moderating hand. The hunt, always the hunt… the hunt has now become the newest god of the Raknii. The hunt is a natural part of life, NOT the totality of life itself. We once hunted to live, but now we live to hunt. Those who live for the hunt, shall die by the hunt.

  “We forget that, in ancient days, we were not the only predators on Raku, merely the most successful. This ignorance breeds arrogance among our people... an arrogance that assures us that because we have not yet encountered another, then by default, we must be the ultimate predators in the universe.

  “But there are others… inconceivable raptors so magnificent in their prowess, they routinely cull their own numbers for little more than sport. Even now, Dol is preparing these aliens as punishment for our arrogance and foolishness, bringing a new test of fire and steel to our people. Our attempts to hunt these fearsome predators will begin an ordeal... a scourge that will shatter our arrogant belief of holding the predominant position over all creation — our foolish illusions that we have somehow risen above fulfilling our intended role in nature. Dol will examine us indeed, to see whether our ambitions can stand in violation of his ancient precepts. Avoiding this trial leads only to extinction. If we fail this second test, annihilation is also a possibility.”

  Drix looked up from the paper and said, “Virtually in the very same sub-cycle when that dire prophecy was first pronounced, one of our warships on solo patrol, seeking habitable planets beyond what is now Region-7, discovered a previously unknown race of star-faring aliens. Coincidence, you say? Due to communications delays from the vast distances involved, it took another six full cycles before the Great Hunt was declared by my sire and predecessor, and we attacked these unknown aliens without warning.

  “Our attempts to hunt those fearsome predators truly did begin an ordeal for our people, just as the prophecy foretold — a scourge that has surely shattered our folly... the belief that we hold the predominant position over all creation. Knowing that they would be needed, Dol secreted away more fearsome predators than ourselves against such foolishness. After all that has transpired since, can there be any doubt remaining that these human aliens are indeed, the ultimate predators of that prophecy?

  “Our hundreds of thousands of standard warships have proven totally ineffective against the incredible armor and firepower of the alien fleets. At Slithin, the humans deployed three monstrous asteroid-warships the size of small moons, the likes of which our warriors had never seen before. Those three ships alone destroyed over 6,000 of our newest and best warships, before our fleet was forced to withdraw.

  “Over half of what remained of those new warships was later destroyed at Yegraia, by a single human fleet, that demonstrated a level of courage and determination in combat that far surpassed the bounds of sanity. How are we to defeat such, with what we have at paw?

  “As of this moment, the humans have conquered over 20 per cent of all Raknii worlds. Over 10 million of our people are dead. Thoughts of our courageous warriors, as well as others who have fallen in combat, those who died at their posts, or those who met death otherwise, and all their bereaved families, pain my heart continuously. The welfare of the wounded and other sufferers in this war — those who have lost their homes and livelihood, is the source of profound anxiety both to the Imperial government and myself. Such being the case, how are we then to save the remaining billions of our people from further ravages of futile struggle? The nations of the combined fleets of humanity, who have overwhelmed our fleets, have demanded nothing less than our unconditional surrender, for our unjustified, surprise attack upon them.

  “The vast majority of our finest warships are wrecked, and we stand virtually defenseless before the alien onslaught. And now, I have the unfortunate duty to inform you that these aliens yet possess weapons far more deadly than any they have utilized against us in the past. I have personally witnessed that humans have created an artificially engineered race of sentient computers, capable of controlling entire fleets of warships without a single human aboard.

  “But there is even worse yet, that I must share with you. Those others are here… here at Raku. You say, ‘How can that be?’ These implacable humans have also created warships that are totally undetectable and invisible to our scanners… one of which recently entered the Raku system without our knowledge, and actually landed in the Garden of Dol, atop the Temple of Dol, right next to the Imperial palace, from where I now speak to you.

  “I have personally been aboard this human warship, and have seen its wonders with my own eyes. I have spoken with its occupants… only two males, a female and a kit. You might ask, ‘how is it that so few can be so audacious as to dare sneak in right next to the Imperial palace and land in the Garden of Dol?’ They did it because they could, and they see no reason to fear us... and they are right. We fought them with fang and claw, and they fought us with armor and inconceivable energy weapons. We have been totally outclassed in every battle — mere kits confronting a combat-master, by comparison.

  “You might ask, ‘why I have not ordered this human intruder destroyed for their insult?’ I have not, because I cannot know how many others of its kind lurk out there in the darkness. What are we to do against such incredible technology wielded by a race so deadly, that they dare consider bathing inhabited planets in the radioactive fires of thermonuclear weapons?

  “I have wrestled and agonized over this question, for events force me to do something to resolve this conflict, based upon what I now know to be true of our enemy’s capabilities. But I found hope, only in one place. At the very end of that dire prophecy given by the oracle who, cycles ago, predicted this very situation that we now find ourselves in.”

  “But if somehow our people can find the wisdom to endure this trial and overcome the disease of narcissism that poisons the mind, only then can the balance of life be restored. Only in passing this test, may the Raknii mature and discover the concept of morality in how we relate to the rest of the universe, and become civilized enough to remain part of it.”

  “Despite the best efforts of our courageous military forces and the devoted service of our people, this war against the humans has not progressed to our advantage, and there remains no logical anticipation that this may change. I have heard it said by our warriors, who have fought the humans and survived, that it appeared that Dol himself was fighting against them, and perhaps it was so — to humble us in this war, for the general trends of the universe have certainly all turned against our interests. I have finally been forced to accept that there can no longer be any hope for victory, but for merely survival. We must endure. We must survive.

  “We arrogantly challenged a true alpha to dominance combat... which we have lost. Our only choices are death, or submission. I am keenly aware of the innermost feelin
gs of all of you, my people… the heartfelt passion to strive against our enemies to the death. But to what purpose? Is our mindset so totally inflexible that any of us can truly believe that racial extinction could possibly be preferable to submission?

  “I say no. We Raknii must survive. We must endure. The sheer magnitude of the calamities that have befallen us are supernatural in origin. How else might they be logically explained?

  “I now believe it is Dol’s will that we humble ourselves and abide by the dictates of the dominant alphas who have proven themselves our masters in honorable dominance combat. Therefore, after pondering deeply the general trends of the universe and the actual conditions existing within our empire today, I have decided to effect a settlement of the present situation by resorting to an extraordinary measure.

  “According to the dictates of time and fate, I am resolved to pave the way for a grand peace for all the generations of Raknii to come. I have therefore resolved to obey the will of our god and submit both myself and the entire Raknii Empire to the authority of these humans, while we continue our search for understanding of morality and ethical behavior, so that we may all prosper in peace beside our interstellar neighbors.

  “If needs be, we must find the courage within ourselves to endure the unendurable, and suffer the insufferable. But perhaps the hardships and sufferings to which our Empire is to be subjected hereafter will not be so great as we fear. I have it on good authority that our people are well treated on those of our worlds in Regions-4, 5, 6, and 7, who have already surrendered in submission to the human aliens. Except for lack of trade with the bulk of our empire, life for our people there continues on in much the same manner as before the humans came at all — with most enjoying almost complete autonomy and cordial relations with their human masters. In my discussions with these humans, I found them to be gracious hosts, surprisingly amicable and possessing many admirable qualities. I found myself actually liking the creatures, in spite of my natural inclination to detest them.

  “I am therefore ordering that copies of this message to be sent to the governments of the United Stellar Alliance, the independent planet of Sextus, and the Confederate Stellar Accord to communicate that the Raknii Empire accepts their demand for unconditional surrender, in accordance with their joint declaration.”

  The camera then switched back to the close-up head shot which again filled the frame, to maximize the hypnotic effect of Drix’ next words.

  “My people, be my witnesses now, as I expose belly and throat in formal submission to these humans, who have bested us in honorable dominance combat. From this turn forth, honor my submission to them, as your own. Study and apply the written injunctions found in my Book of Revelations, which has been widely published amongst you, as this will help you to adjust to the shocking reality that is unfolding before you.”

  The camera then switched over to a wide-angle shot showing Drix rising and stepping down off of his raised throne to stand before it, as the Raknii version of an Imperial orchestra began playing a rendition of the anthem of the Raknii Empire. The instruments were mostly of the percussion and stringed varieties, as the Raknii muzzle just wasn’t shaped for what humans accepted as “wind” instruments. As the music played, Drix’ mate N’raal joined them at the foot of the throne, carrying their kit, Eryx, where they waited in solemn dignity as the piece finished.

  * * * *


  There is nothing left for me to do but to go and see General Grant, and I would rather die a thousand deaths. -- Confederate General Robert E. Lee, said before the surrender at Appomattox, April 9, 1865

  January 1, 3870

  After a few seconds of silence, the musicians began a stringed version of the Alliance national anthem, as the camera switched again to focus on a door to the left side of the throne, which opened to show an incredibly tall being stooping to get through it. When the being straightened, it was reveled to be a human male with dark fur on his face, dressed in a medium-gray double-breasted uniform, with 4-cord gold filigree on the sleeves and three golden stars surrounded by a gold wreath on his upraised collars. As he was also representing the Imperial German government as well as the Confederate Fleet, his standard Confederate admiral’s uniform was augmented with golden epaulets on the shoulders and gold aiguillettes from his left shoulder running to the center of his upper chest, with a wide gold jacquard sash running from right shoulder to left hip. An Iron Cross dangled from his throat, and a large jeweled chest badge denoting his rank as Baron of the German Empire adorned his lower left breast. Gold stripes went down each leg, disappearing into black boots with golden spurs. A wide gold sash with hanging knots on the right hip circled his waist, covering a military sword belt — from which dangled a decorative scabbard on his left hip, containing a razor-sharp light cavalry saber, ornately engraved, with gilding and foliage.

  As the ornately dressed human stepped away from the doorway, he was followed by a second human male dressed in the black uniform of the Imperial Germanic Empire, with a bright peacock blue jacquard sash across the chest and matching waist sash, with a chest badge denoting his membership in the royal family on his lower left breast. Behind him came a human female wearing a shimmering gown that seemed to change colors in the light as she moved, carrying a human kit in her arms.

  The three humans then moved forward together to stand before the Raknii supreme-master, his mate and his three region-masters flanking him. Their colossal proportions became distressingly apparent, as the human males were fully twice as tall as the Raknii, who appallingly appeared mere cubs by contrast when standing right beside the gigantic aliens.

  When the Alliance national anthem was finished, the human male wearing black turned to the camera and spoke in the Raknii language, without the use of a translator:

  “My name is Halbert Guderian, and I am a human being who has been held captive by Raknii forces since the unauthorized raid on the human planet of Bavara, in the Imperial Germanic Empire, three and a half cycles ago. During the past three cycles, I have resided within the household of now, Supreme-Master Drix and during that time, I have advised him extensively on many aspects of humanity, but particularly in the many areas of human thought, regarding the topics of morality and ethics. This was not done in any attempt to impose human moral values onto the Raknii people, as that would be no more fitting than any of my clothing might fit any of you.

  “My input was given solely for the purpose of familiarizing your supreme-master with the concepts of human moral thought, to help promote understanding between our races, and to assist him in creating a moral code for the Raknii race… a code totally in line with the eternal values found in your own traditions and religious beliefs. The contents of his Book of Revelations are entirely his own thoughts, wisdom he sought earnestly in humble supplication to your god.

  “During my time with Supreme-Master Drix, we discovered many areas where your race and mine share values and other similarities in attitude and thought, which were not initially, or readily apparent due to our obvious physical differences. Like the Raknii, humanity also regards family as one of the most sacred aspects of our culture.

  “ As my littermate is an admiral in the Confederate Fleet and Commander of Fleet Intelligence, he was among the first humans to be made aware of the location of the Raknii home world when it was first discovered. As he also was previously aware of my location near Supreme-Master Drix, he immediately determined to retrieve me from Raknii captivity.

  “As to Supreme-Master Drix’ concerns about how many other of our undetectable warships might also be lurking within the Raku system at this very moment, I will leave it to your own discretion to imagine for yourselves, whether you would land unsupported, in the very heart of human territory with only your mate and kit accompanying you. I will say one thing on the subject, however… my littermate is not stupid.

  “We are now here at Supreme-Master Drix’ specific request, to assist in his plans for terminating this unfortunate war
that has been raging between our races at the cost of millions of Raknii dead. It was never humanity’s desire to be in armed conflict with the Raknii Empire. While I believe that humanity has adequately demonstrated our prowess in armed combat, let me assure you that we definitely prefer peace and friendly relations with our neighbors… if those neighbors will only allow it.”

  Turning and gesturing towards his brother, Hal said, “Representing the authorities of the combined fleets of humanity in this ceremony is my littermate, Admiral-Baron Dietrich Anton Guderian von und zu Fürt. With him as witnesses are his mate, Baroness Noreen Guderian, who is currently holding her kit, Hans Guderian… and myself.

  “Accompanying Supreme-Master Drix and representing the Raknii Empire as witnesses are Region-Master Harf of Region-2, Region-Master Glan of Region-3 and Region-Master Olin of Region-5, along with the supreme-master’s mate N’raal, who is holding their cub Eryx. Unfortunately, Region-Master Tzal of Region-4 and Region-Master Raan of Region-6 could not be here on this solemn occasion, as they are both currently in human military custody.”

  With that, Hal turned from the camera and went to stand beside, and just behind his brother.

  N’raal was next to move, as she approached Noreen and they exchanged babies, so that N’raal held Hans, while Noreen held Eryx during what was to come. When N’raal had resumed her place, Drix strode forward to stand immediately in front of Diet and, with great dignity, declared:

  “I stand before you as the living embodiment of the Raknii people. I and the Raknii people have been defeated in honorable dominance combat, by the military might of humanity. I now formally submit both myself and my people to the authority of humanity.”


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