Janie's Tempting Submission [The Men of Treasure Cove 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

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Janie's Tempting Submission [The Men of Treasure Cove 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) Page 5

by Rebecca Joyce

She knew the sponsor was to introduce themselves, like in an interview process. She was okay with that, but the nerves she had tried so desperately to contain were now bubbling over. She just wasn’t so sure about this anymore. This was so unlike her. Ever since she read that darn book, all she could think about was how could a woman give herself so willingly? Wasn’t she scared? Trying to comprehend the logistics was a nightmare, let alone the pleasure derived from such actions. Trying to stop overanalyzing, Janie pushed the semantics from her mind.

  So far she had adhered to all the requirements except one. She was supposed to take her clothes off and wait naked for a man or woman she didn’t know.

  Can I do that? Can I stand naked and wait for some stranger?

  Janie wasn’t so sure about that as she turned her head to look at the closed door. Severely shy, Janie had issues letting Doc Jenkins see her, and he was a professional.

  This is wrong. I don’t want some stranger, someone I don’t even know to see me naked. How could I be so stupid? I have to get out of here, she thought as panic set in.

  The moment she decided to leave, the voice came through the walls.

  “Ms. Potter, I am Master Jason, your sponsor for the night. Have you changed your mind?” a deep voice asked.

  “I’m—I–I don’t know. I’m scared?”

  “You should be. I must say, you looked very delectable, my dear. I can’t wait to see the marks of my whip as they crisscross against your back. Would you like that, sugar?”

  “Um, I don’t—I think—”

  “You asked for this, Ms. Potter. That’s why you’re here, right? Either you take your clothes off and let me inspect you, or this night is regrettably over.”

  “Can’t I see you first?”

  “No. You agreed to the terms when you called. I have held up my end of the bargain by agreeing to be your sponsor. Either you want to join me this night or you don’t—choose?”

  Listening to the cold, calculated man, Janie felt a tremor run down her spine. Her inner voice was shouting at her to run. Something about this whole situation was off. She needed to understand more, do more research. She had made a calculated error somewhere. This wasn’t right. This was not what she wanted. “I am sorry for the inconvenience. I am going home.”

  “As you wish. Someone will be with you shortly. Though I must say, it would have been my pleasure to show you intimately the true working of a cattail. Oh well, please leave the box on the table, and I bid you good night. It was lovely meeting you.”

  And then the menacing voice was gone.

  The room was silent as she laid the box on the table as directed, never knowing what was in it. Walking toward the door, she waited to be escorted out of the club. A sullen mood fell over her as she just realized that she had just given up her only chance at a lifestyle she was most interested in.

  Chalking it up to a learning experience, Janie sighed and just wanted to go home.

  * * * *

  Jeff and Gabriel stood side by side as they waited for the elevator door to open on first floor. The only noise was when Gabriel’s cell phone rang. Jeff listened as he answered it, only replying, “yes,” and “I understand.” When Gabriel put the phone back in his breast pocket, he looked at Jeff. “Well, it looks like Ms. Potter got scared. She has asked to go home.”

  “Who was her sponsor?” Jeff asked as his rage beginning to surge. He was going to kill the asshole for scaring her. A good sponsor was capable of making a submissive feel at ease. Not terrorize her.

  “You know I can’t tell you that, Jeff.”

  “Answer the fucking question, Gabriel, before I tear this club apart.”

  Sighing, Gabriel smiled. “Jason.”

  Wrath and hardcore fury emanated from Jeff, suffocating the confines of the elevator. The air charged as sparks made the small cube uncomfortable. Turning quickly, Jeff’s fist landed hard against the hard steel wall with a resounding crack.

  “Well, that was uncalled for.” Gabriel sighed. Jeff turned his anger on Gabriel, seething.

  “Oh calm down, Jeffery. The kid didn’t even touch her. What’s the problem?”

  That prick Jason wasn’t old enough to tie his shoes, let alone be a dominant. He was reckless and prone to childish behaviors. Why Gabriel took him on was beyond Jeff, but there was something about the kid that just rubbed him the wrong way.

  “You chose the kid! That little shit loves to whip women, Gabriel. He gets his rocks off inflicting pain, not bringing his subs to pleasure. He is a fucking hardcore sadist!”

  “Sadist schmadist. I haven’t received one complaint about him, and till I do, I have Justice and Quinton watching him.”

  The elevator doors dinged and opened as the prick in question walked by. Grabbing the punk around the neck, Jeff hauled him against the wall. “What the fuck did you do to her!”

  “Fuck, man. Calm down. Did what to who?” Jason asked, gasping for air.

  “Jeffery, let Jason go,” Gabriel said, steely from behind. Gabriel’s commanding and dominant voice brooked no recourse.

  “You set this in motion, Gabriel, deal with the aftermath,” Jeff vented as his hand tightened around Jason’s neck. Just the thought of this kid even looking at Janie made him want to rip his eyes from his sockets, tear his limbs from his body, and feed his dick to the dogs.

  No one was allowed near her.

  She was his.

  “Then you should put a collar on her and quick, my friend. Because she is searching for her place in this world, and if you don’t capture her soon, someone else will,” Gabriel responded.

  Shit, did I say that out loud?

  “Oh shit, who pissed off big brother?” Caleb said, walking down the hallway.

  Chapter Five

  Janie woke Sunday morning feeling bereft and a little annoyed. She still hadn’t figured out what it was about her sponsor that didn’t sit right with her, but her leaving was the right thing to do.

  After being escorted home, Janie spent the rest of Friday night and all day Saturday rethinking the whole BDSM lifestyle. Though she knew some aspects were going to be a reach for her, the majority of the scene still very much intrigued her.

  Trying to recoup what momentum she had left, she went back to the drawing board, so to speak, and tried to find a tamer, more sedate part of the lifestyle.

  She knew the thought of being spanked and tied down set her body on fire and made her pussy wet, but could she surrender her trust to a man and allow him to use a whip or cane on her? Deciding to research the ramifications of each, she spent her weekend looking over videos, medical reports, anything that would help clarify and ease her mind.

  Regardless, she knew she wanted some aspect of the lifestyle, but what part she didn’t know.

  Looking over at the clock, she knew she had only fifteen minutes to make her way over to Macie’s Diner for her meeting with the cowboy. She was actually looking forward to forgetting about her research for awhile and just concentrating on what she did best, organize and catalog a library.

  * * * *

  Janie walked into the diner right as someone walked out.

  Bumping into each other, Janie lost her balance and was about to fall when the stranger caught her. Lifting her, the stranger gently placed her on her feet and said, “Excuse me, ma’am. I apologize. I didn’t see you.”

  Catching her breath and trying to hide her embarrassment, Janie replied as she tried to right her skirt that got twisted around. “I’m sorry. I should have looked before I opened the door.”

  With her skirt fixed, she looked up and saw the man she barreled into. A devilishly tall, good-looking man, he smiled, and the laugh lines around his eyes warmed them. His salty hair was still full and thick, and other than the suit he wore, the man was still striking for his age.

  “You must be Janie Potter. I am Matthew Jenkins. I have been meaning to come see you about some old law books I have. I would like to donate them to the town’s library.”

  “Oh, that woul
d be lovely. The law section is lacking, and with a couple of the high school students wanting to enter into law, their resources are limited.” Janie smiled.

  “Now that you mention that, I don’t know. I don’t want those heathens squirming in on my profession,” Matthew said with a straight face.

  “Oh,” Janie said, perplexed and not knowing how to respond.

  “It was a joke, Ms. Potter,” Matthew replied, laughing and putting her out of her misery.

  “Well, the library is open daily from eight to five, Monday through Friday. So you can bring them by anytime.”

  “Thank you. I’ll do that. In the meantime, why don’t you allow me to buy you a cup of coffee, to apologize for running you down?”

  “That would be nice.” Janie smiled and entered the diner with the town’s only attorney.

  * * * *

  Caleb was eager, too eager for Jeff’s piece of mind.

  After Friday night’s fiasco at the Pleasure Cave, Jeff was having reservations about thinking Janie would welcome him and Caleb. From what had happened, that little punk, Jason, had scared the poor girl to the point she ran from the building. He and Caleb had talked about how they were going to broach the subject, but since neither could agree, they both decided to just wing it and go with their first option, allowing Janie to catalog the gym. If she ran screaming, then they would know for sure.

  Though Jeff wasn’t so sure about the whole situation, after months of doing nothing he was willing to go along with his brother. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust Caleb. He did, just not where this was concerned.

  Ever since they were kids, Caleb could come up with one harebrained scheme after another, and unless Jeff was around to be the voice of reason, generally chaos ensued, along with mayhem and a switch to their backsides from their dad. Granted, their father wasn’t alive to punish them anymore, but damn, Jeff could feel the old man’s scowl boring down on him right now.

  Friday night’s events still weighed heavily, and he was almost to the point where he was going to cancel the whole meeting and revert to a more leisurely pace of courtship, like taking the girl to dinner before showing her the gym.

  After driving into town, they picked Janie up and quietly made their way to the ranch. Jeff admitted to himself that having her so close to him was wreaking havoc on his libido. Her scent filtered through the cabin of the truck, tickling his senses.

  His cock throbbed against his jeans as he tried to concentrate on the road before him. He could see out of the corner of his eye that his shy little librarian sat quietly, prim and proper. Her hands folded nicely, resting in her lap. Her breathing was even and relaxed as she looked out the window at the passing landscape.

  “It’s quite beautiful out here,” she whispered.

  “Yes it is. During the winter, this whole area is blanketed in white, but come spring, when the first blooms begin, the fields will be covered in yellow and purple flowers. It’s quite pretty,” Jeff offered.

  Janie never responded, so Jeff stayed quiet for the rest of the drive.

  * * * *

  Parking in front of the two-story log cabin, Jeff turned off the engine as Caleb jumped from the backseat to help Janie get out of the big pickup truck. Making his way to the porch, he waited as Caleb helped her gather her belongings that she brought. He watched as she smiled at Caleb and then turned, heading for him.

  “Are you sure about this, Janie?” Jeff asked with his hand on the doorknob.

  “I am prepared. I have brought my notebooks and pencils. I will inventory everything first, catalog them into particular groups, and go from there. Since you told me you also had collectables, I am eager to see what you have. I can’t wait to get my hands on them. I even brought gloves to handle the delicate items, so yes, I am prepared.”

  “Remember you said that.” Jeff thought he muttered quietly to himself, but Caleb shot him a dirty look. “What? I’m just nervous, that’s all.”

  He watched as Janie turned to him and smiled. “Jeff, I will be very careful, I promise. I am good at this. I will be respectful and ensure that every item you own is handled properly.”

  “I know that, Janie, it’s just—I think—ah hell, just show her, Caleb.”

  Jeff stood back and allowed Caleb to lead Janie into the house, heading straight for the gym. Leaning against the wall, he closed his eyes and waited for the screams, rants, and possible fainting, anything that would confirm his belief that Janie Marie Potter was going to run away.

  He heard Caleb open the door and flick on the light. When total silence emanated, Jeff opened his eyes and moved closer. It was then, he heard her response.

  But what he heard was totally unexpected.

  * * * *

  “Oh. My. God!” Janie couldn’t stop her reaction any more than she could control the beating of her heart, which, at the very moment, sped up to warp speed!

  Holy cow! It’s a real dungeon!

  Three of the walls were painted black, with odd metal hooks and chains placed sporadically, while the fourth wall was entirely made of mirrors. In front of the mirror wall was a large wooden cross with a plated leather bench before it. In the far corner was a fur-bound sawhorse, with cuffs attached at the front and the back. But what caught her breath were the eyehooks in the ceiling, which held various chains and a leather contraption that she had no idea what it was.

  The floor was soft, and looking down, she was shocked to find it covered in a white shag carpet. Quickly kicking off her shoes, she placed them neatly beside the door and entered. There was indeed a bookshelf and various books upon it, but that was not what caught her attention. Right next to the bookshelf was a hanging metal shelf with several shiny items on it.

  Walking straight toward the shelving unit against the left wall, Janie skimmed her fingers over several plastic, leather, and metal pieces. Her insides were jumping for joy. Try as she might, she couldn’t hide her elation.

  This is so cool!

  Picking up a coiled strip of leather, she turned and released the long whip, and with a flick of her wrist, she let it fly.

  The loud, ominous crack vibrated throughout the room as a warm sensation ran through her body. Wanting to flick the whip again, she raised her hand, only to have him stop her.

  “Whoa there, Janie, that’s not a toy,” Caleb said, taking the whip out of her hand.

  “I know that. It’s a six-foot, braided leather handle bullwhip. Though not as long as the eight or twelve foot, the six foot is mainly used as a warm-up or elementary tool, to educate the receiver’s sanction into whip play. Though small, the whip still wields a loud crack when used correctly, and it can still effectively administer the correct amount of pleasure/pain desired by the handler,” she rattled off as she moved over to pick up another item.

  She heard Jeff walk closer as Caleb whispered, “What the hell,” to his brother.

  “I don’t know,” Jeff quietly answered.

  Janie was too excited to answer as she picked up a cold, silver metal bar that was sleek and shiny. Feeling the weight, she ran her fingers down the bar to the leather cuffs at the end, soft leather with fur-lined on the inside. Janie ran the tips of her fingers through the fuzzy material. The feel of the warm fur made her fingers tingle.

  She noticed the two simple eyebolts and smiled. Imagining the other cuffs that could be used, she looked on the shelf to find several different pairs. Picking up another fur-lined pair, she attached the cuffs to the bar and examined it in its entirety.

  Imagining herself a bound slave, she began to attach the cuffs.

  * * * *

  Jeff and Caleb stood back and watched in shock as their little shy librarian immersed herself with the tools and toys in front of her.

  Caleb could barely hold his excitement as Janie flicked the whip. His imagination quickly ran the gambit of everything he wanted to do to her. She was just hands down the most intoxicating surprise he had ever seen. Her knowledge alone of the bullwhip got his cock harder than a fence pos
t, but when she began to softly stroke the spreader bar, he firmly believed that if she didn’t stop playing, he was going to come in his pants.

  Looking at his brother for help, Jeff just shrugged his shoulders and continued to watch Janie.

  Jeff couldn’t believe his eyes. He was still having a hard time reconciling the fact that Janie, who by all accounts was more skittish that a mole on gardening day, was actually playing with bondage toys and enjoying herself.

  He knew she was book smart. Hell, being a librarian she kind of had to be, or at least he thought so, but when she spat off the details of the whip, he was literally struck stupid! Everything he ever thought about her was wrong. She may be shy and an introvert on the outside, but looking at her now, he was beginning to see her in a new light. Almost seeing her for the first time, he studied her.

  She was shy, yes, but it was almost as if she used that as a defense mechanism. He watched her enough to know that she didn’t want to be bothered with all the mundane day-to-day gossips and events, because they actually had nothing to do with her.

  She didn’t mind helping out her neighbors, and seemed to enjoy doing so.

  She was inquisitive and eager to learn and experience things.

  She enjoyed her time alone and could for hours sit and read and do nothing.

  She was an enigma, a puzzle, a mystery he planned to solve.

  Jeff watched as she began to attach the titanium steel spreader bar to her ankles. He thought enough was enough for today. “Janie,” he said firmly, letting her know he was in charge. But what happened next was unimaginable.

  The moment the firm word left his mouth, they watched as Janie immediately fell to the floor, landing gently on her knees and bowing her head. With her arms lying softly on her thighs, palms up, Janie took the submissive pose and made it look erotic.

  Her breathing was controlled and slow, and not even the gentle movement of her chest could be seen. For all intense and purposes, Janie was in submissive nirvana.


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