Forget Cinderella (True Loves Fairytale Book 1)

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Forget Cinderella (True Loves Fairytale Book 1) Page 3

by Tracey Champion

  The one thing that did make me happy was that they told me that I was going to be living with them. Wendy said they talked to some people and if I was happy I could stay there. I was never going to be happy, but I was glad I was not tossed out like trash.

  The day before Momma’s funeral I freaked again. I had stopped talking the day before the funeral after I realized that Momma was not going to be here for any more of my birthdays. I spent the entire day curled in bed crying. It felt like the only way to prepare for Saturday.

  Wendy told me that some people came from Phoenix for Momma’s funeral. I was confused because I didn’t know anyone in Phoenix.

  Wendy came into my almost new room and handed me a box. She said I had a present. I asked her if the box was from her and Tom. She told me no. The box was a gift from someone special. She handed me a big box with a pretty pink ribbon tied around it in a nice bow with a card tucked into the ribbon.

  Cara Mia,

  Your mother would not want you to be sad. She would want you to smile and dance. I want you to wear this tomorrow. I heard pink and purple are your favorite colors. You will always be the sunshine in your mother’s eyes even as she watches you now.

  Love Always

  Inside the box was a pretty pink and purple dress. There was also a pair of white sandals. Momma did not like for me to wear black. I knew I owned nothing in that color and knowing that saddened me because I thought it was tradition to wear black to a funeral.

  “Wendy, who gave me the present, and am I allowed to wear the dress?” She had tears in her eyes, but they never fell to her cheeks. She took the ribbon I had placed between us when I carefully removed it from the box and gave me a huge smile.

  “Yes, I think your mom would approve, and we are not celebrating her death. We will celebrate her life. If you want, I can cut this ribbon in half and when I French braid your hair I can weave it in if you would like.” I was crying, but smiled and shook my head yes.

  It didn’t take long for me to get ready the next day. I could hardly sleep. I took care of my hair and put on the pretty dress. I went to the kitchen to find Wendy, and she was making breakfast. This was the first time all week that I saw her making something. We ate quietly, and then Wendy braided my hair. We had to be at the church by noon.

  Wendy and Tom wore the traditional black. I felt like I had missed something. I was the only one wearing color. When we walked into the church, I saw people I had never met. The pastor was talking to a man. I looked at him, and he smiled at me. He was dressed in a fancy suit. When I looked closer, his tie was pink. I should have asked Wendy about the man, but I forgot.

  I sat with Wendy and Tom. I didn’t know many of the people who spoke at Mommas funeral and I hardly paid attention to what was even said. The only thing I remember was the short time that her casket was open. She looked really pretty. Just like Snow White after she took a bite of the poisoned apple. They had put my Momma in a pretty purple dress. It was her favorite color. They even played the song I told Wendy about.

  The man with the pink tie and a beautiful blond woman came over to Tom and Wendy. He asked Wendy a question while the blond woman just looked at me. She watched me, and I wondered what she was thinking. I saw her smile at the man, and he walked toward me. I was scared I didn’t know him. I grabbed Wendy, and she told me it was okay. He reached his hand out to me.

  I carefully took his hand. He asked me if I would like to walk with him. I didn’t answer him because I didn’t want to leave Momma. He looked down at me and rephrased his question. He wanted to know if I wanted to walk up to see Momma one last time. I shook my head yes and walked with him. He picked up a white lily from the empty bench and handed the flower to me.

  I cried when I got close to Momma. I placed the flower in her hands. Then I kissed my fingers and placed them on her cheek. “I love you, Momma, always.” As I went to step away from Momma I started to cry uncontrollably. My whole body shook, and I turned to the closest person. Which happened to be the man with the pink tie and for some reason I felt safe. He opened his arms to me and held me while I cried. He never spoke to me, but he didn’t have to.

  I can’t say much of what happened next. I don’t remember. Over the next few weeks, we had moved the contents of my entire room over to Wendy and Tom’s. Tom was nice enough to paint my room purple. We had gathered all the important things around me. They said I could keep what was important so I kept Mommas dresser and hope chest. Tom and Wendy took care of the other things.

  They put the house up for sale. I saw the man with the pink tie and the blond lady two more times. Again the man never spoke to me. The lady did once. She gave me a stuffed white bear that had angel wings. She told me that I was loved no matter what happened, then she hugged me. They both left, and I never saw them again.

  I was about to start my new life, one without Momma. It wasn’t going to be easy. I would have to learn to live with Tom and Wendy, my new guardians. They never asked me to call them anything but Tom and Wendy.


  February 14, 2012

  Cara is 18

  I cannot say it has been easy these last five years. I stopped talking for a long time. I only spoke to Wendy when needed. They took me to special doctors to teach me how to deal with my grief. Tom wanted me to be on medicine one doctor mentioned I needed, but Wendy told him doing that would not be respecting Momma’s wishes. We found a doctor I visited in Phoenix every other weekend for a few years who taught me how to manage my feelings without medicine. She was able to help me out a lot.

  I still have issues on my birthday. Momma missed the day I turned thirteen. She missed the day I turned sixteen, and she will miss my birthday today. Wendy was nice about my thirteenth birthday. She bought me a big cupcake and took me to Momma’s grave. I tried very hard to be nice to her about my birthday, but I just didn’t want to celebrate, I never want to celebrate my birthday again.

  I do like to visit Momma sometimes. I know she isn’t there to talk to me. Just the thought that she is near makes me feel better. I feel weird, and I know there is nothing wrong with me. There’s a picture of Momma in the middle of her headstone and I like to touch the words on it that read:

  Ry’an Sky Hanson

  May 25, 1974-January 16, 2006

  Loving daughter and mother

  “Life is full of sunshine.”

  Wendy told me a friend paid for Momma’s headstone and that she never got their name. They paid for the headstone, so I had something for Momma. I guess the fact that I was only twelve, and we really didn’t have much said a lot about these people, and I can’t say how thankful I am for the kindness they showed.

  Wendy and Tom have been good to me. Tom is still a big numbers nerd and he’s big on me getting my education. I think all that I have done these last years is schoolwork. He always takes me to the library and has me pick one educational book. A book on something I haven’t read or done. I hate school. No, I just dislike school.

  I cannot wait until I graduate this May. I have employment lined up in Phoenix. The job is not great, but it’s a start. Something I know I can do. Kristi, my friend, gave me the connection in Phoenix for the job as a personal assistant to her Aunt Amy. It’s simple stuff really; groceries shopping, pick up her daughter from school, minor cleaning, be at her house for the maids and the gardeners.

  The apartment I’m renting isn’t great, but it’s close to where I’ll be working. The apartment itself is part of a large old house owned by a little old lady. She said her husband purchased the place years ago. There are six apartments total, and I’ve managed to acquire the smallest apartment that has one bedroom, a tiny kitchen, and a living room. Rent is six hundred dollars. I was told I could move at the beginning of June.

  The apartment may not be the perfect place, but it will be mine. I’m tired of feeling like a burden to Wendy and Tom. They deserve to have their lives back like before I came into the picture. They’ve never treated me like a burden, but I feel like

  I will officially be on my own soon. A few months ago Tom got a job in New York, so he’s no longer living here with us. He was very excited and kept talking about the money he would be making. I’ve never cared for making a ton of money. Yes, I have an android cell phone, I even got an iPad when I turned eighteen. I’ve had my computer since I turned sixteen and my iPod that I would die without.

  Wendy and Tom became big technological nerds. She had to have the best and newest gadgets. I don’t understand, but I have my stuff because she wanted me to have them. They worked for me, and I will be fine with them when I move out. I never asked for the electronics, but I knew it would be rude to say no even thought I wanted to decline them. I felt bad they spent the money on me.

  I decided to get a job instead of going to college. I know I need a higher education. College was all Tom has talked about. After I graduate, Wendy is moving to New York, and they plan to finally get married. I am happy for them. She wants to elope somewhere. They have told me I need to attend college, but I can’t apply for assistance because Tom makes too much. I could ask them to help me afford school, but I have been a financial burden for too long.

  I could afford to go to college on my own, my grades are high enough. I’m a straight A student thanks to Tom and my nonexistent social life. Some might think Tom was my dad, as over-protective of me as he’s been he always scared the boys away.

  I tried to date a few boys, and it went terribly. Billy, the first boy I dated, my sophomore year, was nice. Tom asked him a bunch of questions and then Tom told me he was not good enough for me. He kept telling me how boys his age only wanted one thing from me. I got what he meant loud and clear. I was pretty, boys liked me, and so what if they wanted to have sex? I knew better, and I knew I was not ready. Billy moved on to a girl that was.

  The boy I am seeing now, Kyle, is very sweet. We are going to Senior Prom together. I’m glad that Tom is in New York. I can finally feel free. My friend, Kristi, has been trying to tell me that Kyle is not worth taking to prom, but I think her choice in guys is a disaster.

  I was sitting in my room when Wendy yelled that Kristi was here. She had texted me earlier that she had some gossip for me which had caused me to roll my eyes. I cannot get into the high school gossip like she does. I find gossip to be the same thing just told in different ways. Kristi is always telling me that I’m too sheltered, and I need to loosen up.

  “Hey girlie, guess what?” Kristi runs and jumps on my bed. She knows the act annoys me, but she jumps anyway.

  “What Kristi, you finally got a date to the prom?” I amuse her with that. My voice is thick with sarcasm. She told me she was interested in asking a guy to prom, but refuses to tell me who. I don’t get the game she is playing by keeping him a mystery. When I think about her, she has been acting strangely lately. I brush it off and try to listen to her latest scoop.

  “I may have a date to prom, but no. Sarah the homecoming queen and student body president is pregnant. There is a rumor going around about who the daddy might be. Some say its Marcus or Brian. I even heard in the bathroom that Kyle might be the dad.” I stare at her. I know he dated her a while back, but if she is pregnant with his baby that would mean they were still together.

  “Kyle is not the baby’s father.” I’m mad now. Why would Kristi even tell me this on my birthday, of all days? “Did anyone say how far along she is? I mean she doesn’t even look pregnant.” I get off my bed and walk over to my desk to put my book away. I don’t even want to talk about this. The thought of Sarah being a teen mother is sad for both her and the child.

  “Well, I just thought you would want to know about the pregnancy. I mean what if he is the father, then what? You can’t possibly take him to prom now. I mean I told you last week I saw them at the mall together, and they didn’t look like friends.” She is getting sassy with her words and I find myself irritated with her.

  “Kristi!” I yell at her. “Why are you telling me this on my birthday? You know I’m supposed to go to dinner with Kyle tonight. Now all I will be thinking about is Sarah and her baby.” Kristi has just ruined my day. I wanted to be happy, and now all I am is mad.

  I hate to say this, but Kristi and I have been drifting apart this past year. She has been busy with whatever she is doing in secret. I even caught her once talking to some of the popular girls about me. I get it, they all think I’m weird because I stick to my books and don’t have actual parents.

  Kristi stands up and places her hands on her hips. I know what to expect. She is going to say that I should be grateful for her information. I just want her to leave now. “You should be grateful that I told you. I mean you don’t have to be a bitch because you don’t like what I tell you. You know what? I’m leaving. Don’t bother to call me if you can’t take the truth, Cara.”

  “Get out Kristi, I can’t believe you would insult me on my birthday.” I stand there pointing my finger at the door. Kristi storms off and leaves. I try to relax, and a few minutes later I hear Wendy tap on the door.

  “Everything okay Cara?” I walk over to my bed and sit down. Kristi was the only one who I thought understood me. I guess she wasn’t worth being friends with. I feel the tears start to fall.

  “Cara sweetie, you’re going to be okay. Right now you’re young and vulnerable. Sometimes you learn the hard way who your friends are and who aren’t.” I look over at her. I know she is trying to help, but I want to be left alone. My phone chimes that I have a text and I get up to take a look.

  I can see the message is from Kyle. I had texted him earlier to let me know what time he planned to come over, and we could go to dinner. I check the message and all I get back from him is to be ready by four. That’s in an hour. I hate when he does this.

  “I will be fine Wendy, thanks. Kyle is going to be here in an hour, and I need to get ready.” I get up to give Wendy a hug. She again wishes me a Happy Birthday and tells me to have fun. She reminds me that Tom will be here next weekend to celebrate.

  I rush to shower and get ready. I decide on a light blue maxi dress with white sandals and I put on a little bit of makeup topping it off with my favorite sparkling lip gloss. My hair is in a mess of curls. I am thankful that I don’t have to spend time curling my hair. Wendy told me that I’m extremely lucky to have Momma’s hair.

  I take a look in the mirror and see that my hair is just like I remember Momma’s. My hair falls to the middle of my back and is semi thick, dark brown and curly. I am careful when I get my hair cut. I only had the lady trim my hair last time. She asked me if I color my hair and I told her no. I have natural red highlights from being out in the sun a lot, which happens to be very easy living in Arizona.

  The doorbell rings and I know I need to hurry up. I’m finishing up as Wendy tells me that Kyle is here. I steel myself and force my mind to forget what Kristi told me. I know I won’t be able to help but ask him for the truth.

  As I walk into the living room, Kyle is standing there in jeans and a T-shirt. I thought he would be dressed nicer because today is my birthday. Only wishful thinking I guess. I say goodbye to Wendy and head out of the house with Kyle.

  “Where are we going?” I ask as we get into the Mustang his dad bought him. He looks over at me and grabs my hand.

  “I thought we could go to the track tonight. I have a race with the boys planned.” He knows I don’t like the tracks. I told him I think racing is extremely dangerous. Plus, I wanted to spend some time just the two of us.

  “I thought you told me that we would be going to dinner since today is my birthday and Valentine’s Day?” I look over at him as we are driving in the direction of the tracks he races with his friend’s every other weekend.

  “Baby, I never promised dinner, and my boys are expecting me. I have to show up. We can celebrate your birthday later.” There is something off in the way he’s talking to me. I have never heard him call me baby before. I guess we’ll go, and I could stay a little while.

  When we finally arrive at
the tracks, I can see everyone is there. Kyle jumps out of the car and starts walking over to his friends. His friends consist of every popular bad boy in school. As Kristi once told me, they are all the boys that every girl would like to have in their bed.

  Kristi would tell me that all the boys in the group wanted me. I heard rumors that it was a shame I never dated and that I was a book nerd. The other girls would tell me that I’m such a waste of a pretty face. I have gotten better over the years at ignoring the taunts that come my way.

  I hear someone yell my name and turn to see whose voice I heard. Sarah is calling me. She is Miss Popularity. I decide to humor her and start walking to her. She is surrounded by a group of girls. I know all of them, and I try not to give the others my attention. Sarah is wearing a long skirt and a light sweater. I think she might be pregnant and is trying to hide her pregnancy under her baggy clothes.

  When I get closer, I can hear lots of giggling coming from around her. I scan the group and my eyes catch Kristi’s. I look away from her and take a deep breath. If she no longer wants anything to do with me, then I will not let her presence affect me.

  “So Cara, I heard that Kristi told you I was pregnant,” she says as she raises her sweater up to show her belly. I look down to see that she is indeed pregnant. “I figure that it would be best you are aware of my baby’s daddy. I mean you did come here with him.” I’m shocked that she is telling me that the baby’s father is Kyle. I turn to look for Kyle, but I don’t see him.

  “Here’s the thing Cara, Kyle doesn’t want you. He just wants to fuck you. I bet you want to know how I know this.” She looks at me like I should know this turning her head from side to side. She looks over my shoulder and forces me to turn and look where Kyle and his group of friends are standing.

  “See the boys have a bet on you. I lost count at how much the amount is now. Some say Kyle will take your virginity at prom, other’s well you get the picture.” I want to puke as I realize what she just said. I don’t know if I should believe her or not.


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