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The Tip-Off: A Smart Jocks Novel

Page 14

by Jenshak, Rebecca

  Our awkward interaction has caught the attention of everyone around us. Wes and Mario careen their necks to see what’s going on.

  “Are those…” Mario starts but then Vanessa punches him in the arm. “Ouch, what? I just—” Vanessa covers his mouth with her hand. Gabby's face turns crimson.

  My senses finally return, and I swipe the panties up and wrap my big hand around them so they’re no longer visible. The material is still warm from her body heat and with all eyes on me, it takes every ounce of self-control to stand and shove them in my pocket.

  “Gentlemen, ladies.” I nod in their direction, make the mistake of looking at Wes who has the smuggest look I’ve ever seen on his face. It says, I told you so, in the most obnoxious tone possible.

  Gabby is still reeling in her embarrassment, so I step to her, place both hands on her face, and bring my lips to hers. I’m vaguely aware of the guys chuckling behind us, but I don’t care. This girl just handed me her panties in the middle of the bar. Yeah, so she fumbled them. Her execution was weak, but the intent more than makes up for it. What could be hotter or more exciting than a chick giving you their panties? I don’t know, but if there is something, I’m sure Gabby will be the one to show me.

  I’m two seconds from walking out of here with a boner, so I break the kiss and press my forehead to hers. “Should probably get out of here before I think too hard about the fact you’re not wearing underwear right now.”

  “Can we go to my place? I have a surprise.”

  My mind reels with possibilities. “Lead the way, beautiful girl.”



  We take an Uber to Gabby’s place. When we get to the front door, she turns to me and says, “Wait here.”


  “Two minutes… maybe three.” My face must show my confusion because she adds, “It’ll be worth it.”

  “Yeah, okay.”

  She lets out a squeal, stands on her tiptoes to kiss me on the cheek, and then rushes into the apartment, shutting the door behind her. My back hits the wall and I let out a breath. I’m anxious and nervous and hella curious about what’s going on in there. If she’s filled a kiddie pool with Jell-O, I may ask her to marry me on the spot.

  The time on my phone says it’s well past my bedtime, but I feel confident that whatever is about to go down here will be worth it.

  The door opens and Gabby’s head pokes out. “Ready?” she asks like she’s been waiting on me, but my momma didn’t raise no fool, so I say, “If you are.”

  “Close your eyes.”

  I start to protest, but then think better of it. There’s nothing in there I don’t want to see, so it’s pointless to put up a fight. When my lids are shut, I hear the door creak and then her hand takes mine and pulls.

  Without my sight, the first thing I notice is the sound – Color Me Badd is crooning about how they want to sex me up and I laugh. “You made a sex playlist, didn’t you?”

  “Duh,” she says like I should have expected it.

  The music is coming from somewhere not in the living room, it’s too faint. The second thing is the smell – matches and wax, she’s lit candles.

  She drops my hand and her voice comes in a whisper. “Open.”

  The room is lit with more candles than I can count, giving the dark room a soft glow. “Wow, Gabby this is…”

  “There’s more.” She takes my hand again and leads me toward the bedroom. She’s still wearing the shorts and tank top she had on at the bar, and I admire the view. It’s a good look on her. They’re all good looks on her.

  The candles continue in her bedroom, scattered on a table by her bed and on top of a dresser on the far wall. The music is louder here too, and I find the source of the sound coming from her open laptop on her desk.

  She’s set the mood and though I don’t need it, I find it endearing that she went to such lengths. She obviously had a plan for her first time, and I feel completely unworthy showing up with nothing but a condom and a determination to make tonight everything she ever imagined.

  I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t hoping the night would end with sex, but now that it is… I’m fucking nervous.

  Her eyes are wide, tension bouncing off her as she waits for my reaction.

  “This is amazing. Highly flammable, but truly amazing. You did all this for me?”

  She nods and lets her chin dip. “Listen, I know that what we’re doing is just…” She waves a hand in the air like she’s searching for the right word. “Casual, but I guess I still want it to be romantic or memorable or whatever. Is that okay?”

  I reach her in a single step and wrap my arms around her. “Just because this thing between us is temporary, it doesn’t make this, tonight, our time together, any less special. It’s more than okay. It’s perfect.”



  His hands slip under my tank top and I still. Forcing myself to breathe, I let his hands wander up my stomach and eventually to cup my breasts through my bra. He moves his hands to my back and feels for the closure.

  “Actually, is it okay if I keep this on?” I pull my tank down to cover the exposed patch of stomach.

  He transfers his hands to my hips so fast it’s like I’ve slapped him. “Of course.”

  I realize I’ve confused him, so I take the initiative and unbutton my shorts and push them down so I’m naked from the waist down. “I still want to have sex, I’m just more comfortable with my shirt on.”

  He nods ever so slightly. “Are you sure? We can just—”

  “Shut up and kiss me.”

  Zeke lies me on the bed and takes my mouth in a kiss that I feel in my toes. I pull at his shirt until he reaches behind with one arm and pulls it over his head. His lips are back sealed to mine in an instant and he deepens the kiss, tasting and teasing me until I’m confident I could orgasm from this alone.

  My heart races and emotion clogs my throat as I slide a hand to his jeans and undo the button. With fumbling fingers, I push the zipper down until I can slip my hand inside and underneath his boxers. He lets out a hiss as I wrap my fingers around his length. It pulses in my hand and there’s a bead of moisture at the tip.

  Eager to see him and to touch him without the barrier of clothing, I help him ease the jeans and boxers down his legs. He tosses them on to the floor and then pulls me so we’re lying on our sides facing one another.

  “Your body is… wow, Zeke. I want to see you.” If tonight is it – if this is the only chance I have with him, I want to memorize every detail.

  He grins and rolls onto his back. “As you wish.”

  I move to my knees and scoot as close as I can. “Wow. I realize I said that already, but seriously. Wow.”

  He chuckles and places both hands behind his head. “This is good for my ego.”

  “Enjoy it because I’m not so sure your penisaurus is going to fit inside me.”

  “Penisaurus?!” His ab muscles contract as he laughs.

  “Cocksaurus. Dicksaurus. Nope, penisaurus is the funniest. Oooh, does yours have a name? I always wondered if guys really did that.”

  “Nah. Mine doesn’t anyway, and it’s definitely not the type of thing you ask other dudes.”

  I tap a finger to my chin as I contemplate the perfect name for Zeke’s penis. “Ooooh this could be fun.”

  “Ya know what else would be fun?” He looks down at his erection and then to my naked bottom half.

  I’m on my back with him hovering over me before I can answer, and all the butterflies and nerves are back. I’ve waited twenty-one years for this. I can’t believe I ever considered losing my virginity any other way. This is perfect. With someone I trust and like, someone I can be unapologetically myself around, and someone who makes me feel safe. When I jump, he’s always there to catch me.

  “I’m nervous,” I admit.

  “Say the word and we stop.”

  “No way. I want this, and I want it with you.” I wrap my arms around his nec
k and pull his full weight on top of me. He’s not light, but the strength and power of his body blankets and surrounds me in the most blissful way. A mixture of urgency and excitement flows through my veins, and I think he feels the same.

  I’m absorbing every kiss, every stroke of his tongue and nibble of his teeth when he runs a hand down my body. He shifts his weight so he can reach the center of me. I tense and my knees pull inward in the smallest bit of hesitation that is all my body’s doing because I am so ready. I breathe, relax, and lift my hips so he has full access. He takes advantage of the help and strokes my inner thigh and lower belly, moving closer to my throbbing core with every movement.

  When his fingers finally brush against my pussy, I bite down on his shoulder playfully to remind him that I’m not made of glass.

  “Open wider for me, beautiful.”

  I do but worry about what he might see or feel. Am I too wet? Not wet enough? Too bare? Not bare enough? Every insecurity I’ve ever felt is magnified times a thousand until Zeke climbs back on top of me and kisses all thoughts right out of my head.

  He rests his forehead against mine. “You’ll tell me if it hurts?”


  “Gabby.” His tone is a warning.

  “I will, but only if you promise not to stop. I trust you.”

  He leans back so he’s sitting on his knees and reaches down for his jeans. He retrieves a condom from his wallet and then tosses his wallet back on the floor. I watch in total fascination as he tears open the foil and sheathes himself. He stays on his knees but grabs a pillow and orders me to lift my hips. When I do, he puts it under me so I’m on full display. I don’t have time to be self-conscious, though, because he lines himself at my entrance and the first contact of him against my swollen lips takes my breath away.

  Instead of pushing in, he rubs himself on me, circling when he gets to my clit, but then sliding down to the slickness that’s gathered between my legs. Over and over, slow and deliberate until I’m shaking beneath him.

  I’m floating so close to the sun, reaching for it and feeling the heat of it scorching my skin, when he pushes in. It’s only an inch, but I gasp at the intrusion. He stills, but I push down on him wanting more. When it hurts, I tell him, but dig my fingernails into his legs to keep him from doing something crazy like stopping. It’s a slow and unsteady pace at first while my body tries to accommodate his size. Gradually though, the pain fades and I’m soaring toward the sun again.

  I’d kept my eyes closed through the discomfort, afraid he’d see how much it hurt, but now I want to see it all. His brow creased in concentration, the sweat that beads on his chest, the V-cut that points to his dick, and the mesmerizing way our bodies come together. Our eyes lock and I reach out for the sun and erupt into flames.

  He follows right behind me, whispering my name as he does.

  I watch as the final shudders of his release fade away. Concern flashes in his expression and he moves off me, settling beside me. “Are you okay? Did I hurt you?”

  “It was so much better than okay.” I roll on my side so I can look at him. “How long do we have to wait before we can do it again?”

  He smiles and brings a hand to my shoulder, sliding it down to my elbow and back in a gentle caress. “Let’s see how you feel tomorrow and then we’ll talk about it. I’ve heard it sometimes hurts worse the next day. Which way is the bathroom?”

  I stick my bottom lip out in a pout. He kisses it before standing next to the bed and removing the condom. “First door on the right.”

  When he’s gone, I close my eyes and melt into the bed completely satiated. I can almost feel his touch still on me... no wait, he is touching me. A warm washcloth slides up my calves and to my thighs. I don’t think his intentions are to rile me up again, but as he cleans the apex of my thighs, my sex clenches with desire.

  “How come you waited?” he asks when he’s satisfied with his work and lays back next to me.

  “It wasn’t intentional, exactly. After the accident, I pushed everyone away. I couldn’t stand to look in the mirror so the idea of letting someone close enough to get me naked or the idea someone would even want to, just seemed ridiculous.” I pull at my tank top, which has shifted up, and better cover my stomach. “How old were you the first time?”


  “Did she have a sex playlist?” I ask, feeling irrationally jealous at the idea of him sleeping with someone else.

  He chuckles softly and his hands go back to running up and down my arm. “No, definitely not. The only soundtrack we had was the sound of a basketball game in the distance.”

  I raise a brow. “You had sex at a basketball game?”

  “Not at the game. In my car just outside.”

  “Wow. Scandalous.”

  “Not my finest moment. I was at an AAU tournament and our team was in the finals, but we had a few hours before the last game and this chick just came up to me and…” He looks sheepish. “I was young and dumb.”

  I’m quiet for too long wondering if we’d be here now if I’d given up my V-card before the accident. I know he’s not sleeping with me just because of the list, but is some part of him doing this because he feels sorry for me?

  He lifts my chin with a finger. “I’m glad you waited and I’m glad I got to be your first.”



  The next morning, I wake up as Zeke’s leaving. He drops a kiss to my forehead, and I pry my eyes open just enough to get a quick glimpse of him. I don’t know what time it is, but I know I haven’t slept long.

  “Don’t go,” I mumble.

  An adorable groan fills my ear and I know he’s leaning down close. “I don’t wanna, but I have to get to class. I’ll call you later.” He presses another kiss to my temple, and I fall asleep before the front door shuts.

  At a much later and more acceptable hour, I wake for real. I hop into the shower and stand under the spray for a good ten minutes, smiling as I replay last night. I’ve heard so many horror stories about first times, but last night was more than I ever dreamed.

  I have four texts by the time I’m sitting down to a late breakfast.

  Blair: Wes said Zeke didn’t come home. DETAILS!

  Blair: HELLO??!!

  Zeke: Penisaurus? Honestly, it’s the only thing I’ve been able to think about all morning.

  Mom: Call me, Gabriella. Love, Mom.

  I text Blair back first because I know she’ll keep right on texting me until I answer.

  Me: Is there such a thing as a de-flowering party? Or do I at least get a pin to commemorate the achievement? Oooh, a secret handshake maybe?


  Blair: I’m stopping by after work.

  Me: Actually, I’m coming to you. Pencil me in for an appointment around noon.

  And to Zeke.

  Me: I’d say I’m sorry, but I’m not a liar. How is Tony this morning?

  Zeke: Tony?

  Me: Eh, you’re right. It’s not a Tony, maybe a Cliff or a Tom.

  Zeke: Did you just try and name my dick Cliff?!

  Me: He deserves a name. What are you up to tonight?

  Zeke: No plans. I leave for Chicago tomorrow and will be gone through the weekend.

  Me: Does Cliff have to go?

  Zeke: Afraid so. I’m pretty attached to him.

  Zeke: Also, hard no to Cliff.

  Me: Wanna hang out tonight?

  Zeke: Yeah, I’ll text you when I’m done with my afternoon workout.

  Instead of texting, I call my mom on my way to campus and give her the parent-friendly version of what I’ve been up to lately.

  “I’ve gotta go, Mom, I’m just getting to campus.”

  “Be careful and have fun.”

  “I will, Mooom.” I can’t help but groan a little at the constant reminder to be careful.

  I hang up as I approach the library. Being on campus still brings a rush of excitement. The people, the textbooks and backpa
cks, it all has this energy that I want to live inside forever. I find Blair on the first floor of the library in the campus tutor center.

  “Hey!” She waves me over from her cubicle. A letterboard above her desk reads, The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

  “Look at you coming up with awesome, cheesy quotes.” I sit down at the chair in front of her desk and pull the letterboard in front of me.

  “Eleanor Roosevelt said that.” She grabs her backpack and unzips the front pocket. “I have something for you.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  She grins and pushes a piece of paper in front of me. An intricately folded paper star that’s been colored yellow. “What is this?”

  “It’s your deflowering pin, of course.”

  I snort. “You’re ridiculous.”

  “I was bored. It’s been slow in here this week. No one cares about careers, they’re just ready for summer break. So… tell me everything.”

  Blair hangs on every word. I give her the basic rundown of how my night went down. She’d helped with the candles and knew my intent, but she’s smiling so big you’d think I won an Oscar instead of lost my virginity. The details, the things we said, the bond I’d felt, I leave all of that out. For one, I’m not ready to admit how Zeke makes me feel. And for two, it’ll hurt a lot worse when he leaves if everyone is watching for me to break.


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