Alien Mate Experiment

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Alien Mate Experiment Page 20

by Zenobia Renquist

  He snorted with a shake of his head. Trust his people to discover a new-to-them race and their first thought was to conquer it. It was their way. That technique had gained them three planets. The previous inhabitants of those worlds were either dead or subjugated.

  As soon as the scientists figured out how to work their teleportation device, the same would happen to Earth. Semeera’s home world.

  Kader slammed his fist on his desk, cracking it and not caring.

  His door chimed.

  “Come,” he barked, needing a distraction.

  A wide-eyed trembling technician stood in his doorway with a tablet clutched to her chest.

  Kader almost laughed in her face. They’d sent a female, probably thinking he would hesitate to hurt her. He wouldn’t hurt her even if she’d been male. His anger was at himself for hurting Semeera and at his scientists. All others were safe from his ire. “What?”

  The tech startled and almost tossed her tablet over her shoulder. “C-C-Ca-Cap—”

  “Speak already or send someone who can!”

  The female fled. A moment later another female took her place, head held high but her hands trembled. “Captain, the humans have requested entertainment. Earth entertainment. Such is available from the black market database, but we need your permission to—”

  “Given. Get out.”

  The technician pivoted.


  She squeaked as she jolted to a halt and her tail curled around her legs.

  “Send the information concerning the black market database to me.” Kader felt a reckless idea forming in the back of his mind. Very reckless. But also extremely smart.

  “Yes, Captain. Presently.”


  The technician fled faster this time.

  A moment later, his personal tablet beeped and the information about the black market where the Earth information had been acquired streamed before him. All files within the database had the same origin point. The Watchers.

  That couldn’t be a coincidence. The Watchers had to know the information was in the database, which meant they possibly monitored it.

  Kader hesitated. If he did what he was about to do, if he followed through on his reckless idea, he would become a traitor to his race.

  All he had to do was think of the pain on Semeera’s face to discount the price as paltry in comparison. His only issue was how. He wasn’t a technician. The moment he did anything, it would be discovered.

  He shoved his tablet away in frustration. If this were any other campaign, he would have the resources and personnel he needed to carry out his strategy. It would simply be a matter of assigning someone the task…

  Kader bounded out of his chair but then sat again just as quickly. He stabbed at the button on his desk. “Technician!”

  He only had to wait a moment before the braver female returned. “Yes, Captain?”

  “Halt the download. I must consult my mate to ensure nothing provided to her friends will agitate them.”

  “Yes, Captain.”

  “I will give you a list shortly. Dismissed.” Kader rose again, at a normal speed this time.

  He left his ready room and walked with all the dignity a warrior should have to his suite. A single wave to the guards sent them on their way.

  The food he’d ordered for Semeera sat untouched on the common room table. He gave it only a passing glance as he went to the guest room and entered. “Sssemeera.”

  She sat on the bed with her head bowed. Bits of the shredded cardstock he’d acquired at her behest littered the bed and floor around her. Based on the treatment of the material, he got the feeling whatever she’d drawn on it had been meant for him. No longer.

  Kader wouldn’t let her dejected behavior deter him. If anything, his plan would lift her spirits… so long as it worked. “I need your assistance.”

  Her silence persisted.

  “I wish to…” He paused. Should he share his plan with her? If it didn’t work, she would think he’d baited her with false hope to endear himself to her. Just the thought that this would backfire on him made him change tactics. “Your friends wish entertainment from Earth. It is possible to download from a black market source maintained by a race who has visited your home world.”

  That got her attention. She looked at him. “What?”

  “Your friends—”

  “I heard that part. What race?”

  “Unimportant. I must be certain of what is coming aboard my ship as we do not know how to read your language.”

  She snorted. “Good luck with that. I told you I’m not helping any longer.”

  “Sssemeera, this is for your friends… and for you. A piece of your home.”

  Shaking her head, she said, “You bastard.”

  He went to the wall and brought up the view screen. A few taps later he accessed his private tablet for Semeera to see. It was a breach of security, but that would just have to be added to his list of crimes once all was tallied. “Come. Read them to me.”

  Semeera came to his side, but stayed as far from him as she could while standing before the view screen. “This is all music.” She reached for the screen and then pulled her hand back.

  He waved her forward. “Do what you must.”

  She tapped the screen a few times. “There. TV shows and movies.”

  “TV?” Her glare made him tamp down his curiosity. “Accessing a black market database leaves us vulnerable.”



  “I can only allow a few downloads a day. Choose what you think will be best.”

  Semeera faced him with her hands crossed over her chest. “Why even bother? What do you care if we’re entertained or not? You never cared before.”

  “You never asked for this. They have.”

  She huffed and gave a small pout before facing the screen once more. “Do you want me to just read off titles?”

  “Name popular movies your friends would like.”

  “This will take a while.”

  “I have time.”

  She regarded him with narrowed eyes. “This is a ploy, isn’t it? Another trick?”

  Kader kept his stoic calm. “If I must use trickery to be near you, then I shall. That your friends have requested this and I cannot read your language only works in my favor.”

  She sucked her teeth. “Fine.”

  For the next three hours, Kader listened to Semeera name off and describe movies to him. Her culture was a fascinating one and rich in imagination. His people used plays and video entertainment to recreate history. Some was slightly exaggerated to please the crowds who watched, but it always maintained an air of truth. The humans evidently did not use the same constraint.

  He wished he could order the download of all the movies and watch them with his mate. But he had work to do. “Thank you, Sssemeera.”

  “Bye.” She walked back to the bed and sat facing away from him.

  “Please eat. You gain nothing starving yourself.”

  “Have my friends eaten?”

  “I ordered they be moved to rooms and given food and clothing. I cannot be sure if they took advantage of what they were given, but it was given.”

  “Can I see them?”

  “Upon my return, I shall escort you.” He waited for her to say more. When she didn’t, he returned to his ready room.

  Bringing up the information on his personal tablet, he stared at the titles he’d made note of while Semeera spoke to him of her movies. He pushed the button on his desk and said, “Technician, I have your list. Come.”

  The technician entered his ready room but stayed near the door. She needn’t be there for him to transfer the information, but he wanted her to see his face as he gave his order.

  “The list is sent. Follow it in the order given. My mate ranked the entertainment in order of her desire.”

  “Yes, Captain.”

  “Do all that is necessary to ensure the download is not
traced. We don’t want attention.”

  “Of course, Captain.”

  He waved her away. “Dismissed.”

  She fled quickly, taking Kader’s hopes for a successful campaign with her.

  How long would it take for his message to reach the Watchers? The better question—would they answer or simply retaliate?

  Chapter 17

  Kader wanted to touch his mate. No, he wanted to hold his mate. He’d touched her plenty over the last two weeks. Short interactions that involved holding her hand just long enough to stave off the pain their true mating visited upon them for daring to stay apart. Two weeks of going to his bed alone where her fading scent tormented him through the night. Two weeks of watching over Semeera as she tried to interact with her friends only to have them either shun her or verbally abuse her. His presence only ensured Gavin hurtled his abuse from across the room.

  Semeera took it all and returned each day for more. It was a punishment she inflicted on herself in penance of her perceived crime.

  No longer.

  “Captain, I strongly object to this,” Gyan whined.

  “I have said already I do not care.” Kader continued following the humans as the guards led them to the landing bay for transport to Home World. “The high command saw the merit of speaking to the humans personally, and thus they will. You have no say.”

  “It wasn’t your right to contact them.”

  “My mate needs to be off this ship. I used the most direct means to ensure it.” He couldn’t help the smug smirk that curved his mouth. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Semeera glance his way. “Your research is stalled because the humans refuse to cooperate, and I will not allow you to force them. This excursion costs you nothing.”

  Gyan let out a muted hiss and his tail thumped, but he stopped complaining. He also stopped walking.

  A transport vessel waited in the landing bay to take the humans to Home World.

  Kader made sure Semeera and her friends were properly strapped into their seats—special harnesses had to be created for them because they were so much smaller than his people. Satisfied they were ready, he dismissed the guards.


  “I don’t need an escort. The high command will have security waiting for us when we land. I am also capable of flying a transport. Leave.”

  The guards nodded and saluted before exiting.

  He took up his seat in the pilot’s chair, did his checks, and then guided the sluggish vessel out of the hangar. In that moment, he missed being in his fighter. The speed, the freedom, the raw power at the tips of his fingers. His superior had devised the perfect punishment, only allowing Kader to fly his fighter ten hours every five weeks.

  He chuckled to himself. His superior probably thought Kader was broken since he hadn’t taken his fighter out at all the past weeks. The deadline to take his flight was only a few days away, but he didn’t care. It also didn’t matter. Semeera had become his focus, eclipsing his need to fly.

  The communications beacon flashed and then an authoritative voice came through the speakers, “Captain Kader, you are off course on your approach to Home World.”

  “I’m well aware.” He maintained his heading.

  A few minutes later, the voice returned. “Captain Kader, you remain off on your approach to Home World. When do you plan to correct?”

  Kader didn’t answer, focusing his attention on the readings of his instruments.

  “Captain Kader, please respond.”

  Just a little more.

  “Captain Kader, you must correct your course immediately.”


  “Captain Kader, you—”

  He switched off communications, uninterested in hearing threats. It was too late anyway. His future was set and the course he took had no return.

  The first shot off his bow didn’t surprise him or change his mind. His people wouldn’t chance damaging the transport and the humans on board. It rankled, using his mate as a shield, but he had limited resources at his disposal.

  Another shot targeted his propulsion, rocking the transport.

  “What the hell?” Semeera’s irate voice after days of silence made him smile. “Who taught you to drive?”

  “Forgiveness, Sssemeera. It will get worse before it gets better.”

  Another blast hit the opposite propulsion. Both blasts had been weakened so as not to destroy the ship in an energy breach. As such, the propulsion held, and he continued on his heading, albeit slower than before.

  His human passengers made sounds of distress he ignored.

  “Now, Captain?” The childlike voice filtered through the speakers of the ship, bypassing the disengage he’d switched on so no one could talk to him.

  That didn’t surprise him.

  Kader checked that he was far enough away from Home World and all major activity, minus the two fighters flanking him. He didn’t want his actions to hurt anyone needlessly. “If you please, Watcher. Keep your promise.”

  “Of course. No harm to your people for the return of the humans. However, a stern warning is not harm.”


  Before him, a large black vessel that had previously blended in with the vastness of space rippled into view. The light of an open hangar beckoned him forward. He aimed for it while his instruments showed his pursuers breaking off and speeding back to Home World.

  The childlike voice returned, “We are the Watchers, and you have trespassed. Only the pleas of one of your own has spared your lives. End your plans or else our next visit will result in your blood. Earth belongs to us.”

  “The fuck!?”

  “What does she mean Earth belongs to them?!”

  “Who the hell?!”

  Kader couldn’t help his amusement at the irate reactions of his passengers. Though one voice was absent. He glanced over his shoulder to look at his mate.

  Semeera stared at him.

  He couldn’t read her expression. Going to her, he knelt in front of her chair. “Forgiveness, my mate. This was all I could think of.”

  “Meaning what?”

  “Meaning, Semeera Boswell of Earth,” said the same childlike voice from before, now coming from the mouth of a tiny being with large black eyes, gray skin, and thin limbs who had suddenly appeared standing beside Kader, “he has brought you to us so that we may escort you home.”

  She gaped at the being. “Holy shit. You’re real.”

  The Watcher nodded. “We are.” She beckoned to them. “Come. Refreshment awaits. Come.”

  Kader helped to undo the harnesses and followed his mate and her friends off the transport. He didn’t look back as the Watchers pushed the transport out of the landing bay and then destroyed it. That was his past. His future, whatever that may be, lay ahead of him.

  Semeera still couldn’t believe it. Aliens. The aliens. The quintessential little green—gray, actually—men from Mars who had featured prominently in every conspiracy theory were real and they were talking to her. Two of them were, anyway.

  “I am Imoor,” said the feminine-sounding one.

  “I am Ijmru,” said the masculine-sounding one.

  Their voices were the only way to tell them apart, because they appeared to be identical.

  In unison they said, “Welcome, children of Earth, to our ship.”

  A quick look around showed her friends were as surprised to see these aliens as she was.

  She wet her lips and asked in a breathy voice, “Are you really taking us home?”

  “Yes.” They continued speaking in unison, their childlike voices blending and sounding almost like a single entity. “We were unaware of your abduction or else we would have returned you sooner.”

  Kader bowed his head. “Forgiveness. At the time of the accident, my people were unaware how far the transport had reached. Finding my mate’s language revealed her origin to be a planet you’d had contact with. We were unaware to what extent, and you didn’t seem to notice our transgression. A
s such, we didn’t feel the need to confess ourselves.”

  “Truth,” the Watchers said.

  “Mate?” Gavin snorted and laughed. “I knew it.”

  Semeera startled and jerked her gaze to him. “You understood him?”

  “Yeah. Weird, but whatever. I knew you were boning him.”

  The Watchers said, “All languages are understood on the ship, so there is no need for your devices.” They gestured to Semeera and Kader.

  She took off the earpiece that she’d come to ignore like a piece of jewelry she never removed. Cool air brushed her ear canal, and she shivered.

  Josie said, “You really are a slut and a traitor.”

  “Enough!” Kader rounded on Josie with a threatening hiss, making her and Gavin back up several steps. “You will no longer abuse my mate. She is the only reason you are with the Watchers now and not on Home World. Remember that. I contacted them for her, not you.” He slammed his tail, emphasizing his words.

  “Kader,” Semeera said softly.

  He sucked in a quick breath and jerked his gaze to her. His expression of elation made her own breath catch. Had simply saying his name caused him that much joy?

  Easy answer—yes. Because saying his name made her heart flutter. She’d missed him. Ached for him. Tortured them both as a way of punishing them for everything that had happened since the teleportation experiment brought her and her friends aboard his ship.

  Royce cleared his throat, bringing everyone’s attention to him. He coughed. “Uh, yeah. Thanks for the rescue. It’s appreciated, but…” He glanced at Gavin and took a couple of steps away from him. “Can you take me back?”

  “What?!” Semeera and the others all voiced that surprised question.

  Cheeks red and appearing sheepish, Royce said, “I don’t want to go.”

  The Watchers said, “Explain, Royce Abraham of Earth.”

  “I… uh… I’ve got a girlfriend on Home World.” He scratched the back of his head. “I’ve been before and we kind of hooked up and… yeah… So, I would like to go back.”

  Semeera asked, “You’ve been to Home World already?”


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