Russell-Young, Gordon. Valley of Silence: The Mystery of the Drummond Murders. London: Robert Hale, 1955.
Sagnes, Jean. Le midi rouge, mythe et réalitié: Études d’histoire occitane. Paris: Anthropos, 1982.
Scize, Pierre. Au grand jour des assisses. Paris: Denoël, 1955.
Sébeille, Edmond. L’affaire Dominici: La vérité sur le crime de Lurs. Paris: PLON, 1970.
Taylor, A. J. P. English History, 1914–1945. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1965.
Teyssier, Jean. Mémoires et souvenirs d’un journaliste provincial. Digne-les-Bains: Haute-Provence, 1989.
Tindall, Gillian. Célestine: Voices from a French Village. New York: Henry Holt, 1997.
Truche, Pierre. “Rapport au Président de la République de la commission de réflexion sur la justice.” La documentation Française, 1997.
Vincent, Jean-Louis. L’affaire Dominici: La contre-enquête. Paris: Vendémiaire, 2016.
Wylie, Laurence. A Village in the Vaucluse. Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press, 1957.
Zeldin, Theodore. “The Destruction of the Peasants.” New York Review of Books, Nov. 24, 1977.
—. France, 1848–1945. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1973.
Page numbers refer to the print edition.
Aillaud, Marcel, 247–48
Albert, Henri: at beginning of investigation, 25, 26, 27; Charles Chenevier on, 243; commenting on length of investigation, 45; communicating with Georges Harzic, 32; Edmond Sébeille and, 34, 45; Émile Pollak on, 263; noticing bullet mark on bridge, 35; ordering crime scene shut off, 89; questioning Yvette Dominici, 64; testifying, 181, 191; wet trousers and, 36–37; on Zézé Perrin, 191
Algeria, xvii–xviii, 240, 271–72
Allaincourt, Louis, 248
Alliance Républicaine Démocratique, 268
Allied Control Commissions for Germany and Austria, 132
Allied Post-War Requirements Bureau, 132
Alliez, Henri, 176
American Public Health Association, 131
apricot sale, 12, 218, 295n5
Araman, Angelin, 200, 229
Araman, Clotilde: answering questions, 163–64; birth of, 140; in Chenevier inquiry, 225; Gaston Dominici and, 215–16, 229, 241, 262; laundering clothes, 36; testifying, 200–201
Armée secrète (Secret Army), 19
Arnaud, Ode, 111
Arniaud, Louis, 143
Aron, Raymond, 277
Around the World with Orson Welles (TV series), 248
Autheville, Roger, 17, 18, 79, 178
Automobile Association, 2, 73
autopsies, 38–42, 60, 112, 117, 175, 286n2
Auzet, Paul, 248
Balmonet, Ida, 138, 254
barking, 151, 152, 157, 180, 188, 189
Barras, Émile, 27, 33
Barth, François: Dominici family and, 78, 163, 216; Edmond Sébeille and, 82–83; at Grand’ Terre, 81, 162; letter from Clovis Dominici and, 163, 164, 191; in PCF (Partie Communiste Française), 17; Yvette Dominici staying with, 70
Barth, Jacky, 80, 81, 92–93, 198–99
Barth, Louise, 70, 100
Barthes, Roland, 171–72, 273
Bartkowski, Wilhelm, 232–38, 265, 280–81
Bastide, Abel, 99, 175
Batigne, Jacques, 240, 241–42, 250, 255
Battestini, Nicolas, 227
Les Baumettes, 217, 222
Bazaine, François-Achille, 156, 292n12
The Beaux’ Stratagem (Farquhar), 279–80
Becker, Jacques, xviii–xix
Belin, Jules, 220
Benedictines, 139
Bernard, Marcel-Jean, 247
Bernard-Aubert, Claude, xviii
Bernier, Commandant, 26, 27, 45, 89, 98
Bernot, Lucien, 273
Besnard, Marie, 211
Beucherie, Gaston, 62–63
Biochemical Studies of Nutritional Problems (Drummond), 126–27
Blanc, Marceau, 67–68, 179
Blanchard, René, 273
blood at crime scene, 40, 42, 86, 117, 161, 178
Blum, Léon, 266, 268–69, 298n5
Bocca, Joseph, 101, 102, 187
bodies being moved, 30–31, 34, 40, 87, 90, 181
Bonino (Léon Dominici’s cousin), 202
Bonnafous, Madame, 257–58
Bonnaire, Mr. (Noël), 17, 21
Boot, Jesse, 134
Boots Pure Drug Company, 1, 55, 132–33
Bottaï, Raoul, 227, 229, 232, 238, 241
Bouchier, Raymond, 25–26
Bourgues, Albert, 25
Bousquet, Marcel: appearance of, 206; bringing Roger Périès to stand, 196; communication style of, 170, 172; Communist Party meeting and, 184; concluding trial, 206–7; dossier and, 168, 184, 217; Edmond Sébeille and, 186; on Gaston Dominici, 169–70; on Gustave Dominici, 193; looking at Hillman stand-in, 196; loudspeaker incident and, 228; misgivings about, 210, 212, 217; oath issue and, 185, 189, 228; questioning Dominici family, 173–74, 176–77, 188–91, 193–94, 196–98, 200; questioning Zézé Perrin, 191–92; refusing to follow procedure, 197; sentencing Gaston Dominici, 207
Bové, José, 274, 298n17
Boyer, Marcel, 15–16, 89–90
bridge over railway, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 30, 35
British Empire Cancer Campaign, 134
British Medical Association, 126
“British Restaurants” (nonprofit communal organization), 130
bullets as evidence, 62–63, 92, 178
bullfight, comic. See charlotade (comic bullfight)
Burton, J., 238
Burton, Norman Henry, 74–75
La Cagoule, 296n7
Caillat, Augusta: answering questions, 225; as bad-tempered person, 78, 80, 100; birth of, 138; confronting Clovis Dominici, 252; Gaston Dominici and, 207–8, 215, 229, 241, 256; laundering clothes, 36; testifying, 199
Caillat, Clément, 199
Caillat, Marie-Claude, 100, 241, 254
Calas, Jean, 206
camera, missing, 256
Cancer Hospital Research Institute, 123
canvas bucket, 13, 86, 183, 190, 192, 231, 257
CAP (Common Agricultural Policy), 270–71, 298n10
carbine: American troops supplying, 99, 102, 110, 161, 175; Clovis Dominici and, 51, 77, 95–97, 151–52, 159, 190, 194–95, 251–52, 255; disposal of, 109, 175; Dr. Morin and, 242–43; as evidence, 44–45, 178–79, 226; Gaston Dominici and, 102, 104–6, 108, 116, 173, 174, 188, 209–10, 253, 289n8; Gustave Dominici and, 93, 99, 111, 114, 151, 155, 157, 159, 160, 161, 162, 187–88, 218, 223; identification of, 42–43; patched, 44, 149–50, 199, 200; splinter of wood from, 173; storage place of, 98, 100, 108, 116, 149–50, 155, 253, 260; uncertain possession of, 44, 119, 164–65, 199, 201, 217; Yvette Dominici and, 153. See also murder weapon
Carcassonne, Professor, 240–41
Carrera, Martinez, 232
Carrias, Pierre: Charles Chenevier and, 231, 241–44, 246–47, 249, 250; Charles Gillard and, 231, 241–44, 246–47; concerns about Dominici case, 260–61; evidence and, 35; personal characteristics of, 231; press and, 231, 260; starting investigation, 240
Cartier family, 21–22
Cartland, Jeremy, 281
cartridges, 34, 63, 92–93, 94, 105, 109, 112, 178, 181, 209, 289n32
La Cassine, 88, 183, 259
Castaing, Henry, 241, 260
Castaing, René-Marcel, 42–43
Chaillan, Fernand, 82
Chaillan, Louis, 82
Chaillan, Marcel, 80, 82
Chapman, Stanley, 134
Chapus, Jacques, 222, 262
Charles-Alfred, Léon, 168, 187, 194, 196, 205, 215–16
charlotade (comic bullfight), 4, 7, 10, 58, 287n8
Charrier, Pierre: anticipating Gaston Dominici case, 116; defending Gaston Dominici, 181, 183–84, 188, 205, 207; defending Gustave Dominici, 70, 71; Dominici family and, 119, 245; dossi
er and, 168; frustrated with case, 194; at Grand’ Terre, 80–82; visiting Gaston Dominici in prison, 223–24, 240–41
Chastel, Henri, 67
Château-Arnoux (Provence), 8, 284n13
Chauffeurs de la Drôme, 49
Chauve, Joseph, 44, 150
Chemical Defence Experimental Station (Wiltshire, England), 292n17
chemical factory at Saint-Auban, 8–9, 284n13
Chenevier, Charles: background and career of, 219–20; Bartkowski case and, 233; beginning inquiry, 221–22; gaining rogatory power, 245, 250; on Gaston Dominici’s trial, 198; Louis Pagè on, 249; Pierre Carrias and, 241–44; questioning Dominici family, 224–26, 250–52, 253–55, 258; reports completed by, 226–27, 259–60
Chenevier inquiry, 217, 218, 219, 231, 244, 248, 256
Chirac, Jacques, xiii
Churchill, Winston, 1, 211
civil case, 182, 185, 202, 207
civil law, xiv
Clemenceau, Georges, 48
Cluny Abbey, 139
Cold War, xv, 232, 234, 269, 276, 285n8
collaborators, xii, 17–18, 19, 271
Combas, Roger, 210
Combat (newspaper), 46, 135
Combat (resistance group), 19
Commissariat Général du Plan, 269
Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), 270–71, 298n10
common law, xiv
Communist Party, 264–65, 267–70, 276–79. See also PCF (Partie Communiste Française)
Confédération Générale du Travail, 268
Conil, Henri, 67, 143
conspiracy theories, xv–xvi, 211, 220, 265, 279–80. See also Bartkowski, Wilhelm; speculation about crime
Constant, Fernand: on conspiracy theories, 178; crime scene reconstruction and, 119; Edmond Sébeille and, 68, 83, 84; Gustave Dominici on, 64; making announcements, 63, 67; methods and style of, 69; “Opération Bergerie” and, 80–81, 82; pursuing leads, 71, 80; questioning Gustave Dominici, 63–64; questioning Marie Dominici, 70
contraband money, 2, 5
contraband weapons, 24, 44
Cornox, 134
corporatism, 266–67
Coty, René, 214, 262
Coudouing, Jean-Claude, 62–63
Council of British Societies for Relief Abroad, 132
Council of Europe, 276
courts of appeal, 148, 165–67, 227, 243
Crespy (gendarme), 27
crime scene: compromising of, 34; not sealed off, 26, 27; reconstruction of, 63, 89–90, 115–19, 205
Criminal Investigation Department (CID), 73, 135
Cullioli, Antoine, 33, 42, 101
Daily Express, 58, 74, 121
Daily Mirror, 214
Daily Telegraph, 214
Daudet, Alphonse, 167
Le Dauphiné Libéré, 57, 209–10
David-Néel, Alexandra, 136
death penalty, xiv–xv, 207, 208, 210, 231, 288n8, 292n12
Debeaurain, André, 210
Degrave, Pierre, 36–37
Della Serra, Capt., 18, 21, 22
Deloitte, Paul, 199
Delorme, Claude, 182–83, 193–94, 202, 203, 295n12
Depardieu, Gérard, 111, 265
Deshays, Jean, 213
Détective (magazine), 220, 247
“Dig for Victory” campaign, 130
Digne, France, 3, 136, 212
Djandoubi, Hamida, 288n8
Domènech, Gabriel, 57–58, 287n15
Dominici, Aimé, 37, 42–43, 145, 146, 201, 257–58
Dominici, Alain, 11, 264–65
Dominici, Clémence, 135–37
Dominici, Clotilde. See Araman, Clotilde
Dominici, Clovis: answering questions, 95–97, 113, 116–17, 149–50, 151–52, 159–60, 251–53; appearance of, 190; birth of, 138; during crime scene visit, 89–90; on day of murder discovery, 15–16; Edmond Sébeille on, 186; Émile Pollak on, 205; in Faustin Roure’s testimony, 180–81; Gaston Dominici and, 84, 145, 156, 255; guns and, 51, 77, 164–65, 199, 230; Gustave Dominici and, 71; in PCF (Partie Communiste Française), 17, 78, 79; relationship with rest of family, 144, 200–201, 226, 229–30, 254; testifying, 190–91, 194–95; writing letter to François Barth, 163, 191, 195
Dominici, Gaston, xiii, xvi, xviii–xix; accusations by, 102, 107, 164, 182–83, 220–21; alcohol problem of, 113, 143, 146; answering questions, 81, 181, 222–24; apprehending Luigi Gualdi, 142, 163; attempting suicide, 118; behavior during trial, 169–70, 178, 186, 188–89, 195, 208–9; Berthe Léotard and, 145–46; changing attitudes toward, 264–65, 274–75, 281; charged with murder, 119; Chenevier inquiry and, 255–56; childhood and youth of, 135–38; Clovis Dominici and, 95–96, 145; comparing self to important people, 140, 148, 165; confessions of, 101–3, 104–7, 108–12, 114–15; court appeal of, 167, 216–18, 226–28; during court proceedings, 155–56; at crime reconstruction, 116–19; on day of murder discovery, 15–16, 26–27, 31; death of, 263; detained, 98; Edmond Sébeille and, 45–46, 51–52, 55, 58, 67, 70, 75–76, 83–84; fighting Mr. Giraud, 142–43; Gustave Dominici and, 19, 93–94, 192, 197–98, 241; incarceration of, 148; marriage of, 138, 262; “medical knowledge” of, 140; as midwife, 140, 174; overhearing conversation, 218; personal characteristics of, 137, 139–40, 145; as poacher, 139; press and, 120–21, 208, 209–10; in prison, 217; relationship with rest of family, 11–13, 142, 143–44, 146–47; release from prison, 262; representing struggling peasantry, 274; requesting René Floriot’s assistance, 245; Roger Périès and, 107–8; “saving” family honor, 102–3, 107, 115, 198; sentence of, 103, 207, 231, 262; speaking in dialect, 289n31, 290n16; stomach problems of, 240–41; as suspect, 67, 77, 84–85; testifying, 172–74, 224–25, 250–51; verdict, 207; violence of, 143; wedding night of, 138; wood splinter and, 35; writing letters to family, 215–16; Yvette Dominici and, 241, 263; Zézé Perrin and, 164, 174, 182–83, 192, 218, 220, 224, 255–56. See also trial of Gaston Dominici
Dominici, Gaston (son), 138–39, 159, 225–26, 229, 252–53
Dominici, Germaine. See Perrin, Germaine
Dominici, Gilbert, 88, 145
Dominici, Gustave, xii; alone with another witness, 97; answering Charles Chenevier’s questions, 249, 253; answering Edmond Sébeille’s questions, 52–53, 55–56, 63, 90–92, 93–94, 99, 156; answering Émile Pollack’s questions, 258; answering Fernand Constant’s questions, 63–65, 69; answering Noël Mével’s questions, 63–65; answering Roger Périès’s questions, 82, 92–94, 113–14, 149–50, 151, 155, 157–62; appearance of, 192–93; appendicitis of, 147; aware Elizabeth Drummond still alive, 69, 94; in bed with doctor’s note, 54–55; birth of, 141; Clovis Dominici and, 200–201, 252–53; collapsing during inquest, 156; court appeal of, 215–17; during crime scene visit, 90; on day before murder discovery, 12–13; on day of murder discovery, 25–27, 46–47, 297n10; divorce of, 263; Edmond Sébeille on, 67; Émile Pollak on, 205–6; family’s opinion of, 201–2; at Feast of the Assumption, 59–60; in FTPF (Francs-Tireurs et Partisans Français), 17, 19, 79; Gaston Dominici and, 11–12, 113, 145, 147, 157, 217–18, 241; guns and, 24, 42–43; marriage of, 70, 83–84; mentioned in trial proceedings, 168, 174, 180–81, 183–84, 186, 187–88, 189–91; as outcast, 216; overheard conversation of, 218; personal characteristics of, 162; press and, 65, 120–21; returning home from jail, 78; revealing information, 84, 93–94; sentence of, 103; as suspect, 67, 96–97; testifying, 192–94, 197–98; trial and sentence of, 71–72; trousers and, 36–37; in young adulthood, 146–47. See also trial of Gustave Dominici
Dominici, Léon (brother), 136–37, 146
Dominici, Léon (nephew), 146, 201–2, 207, 225, 228–30, 241, 244–45
Dominici, Marcel (grandson), 207
Dominici, Marcel (son), 16, 35, 140, 145, 225–26, 229
Dominici, Marie, 11; answering questions, 54, 70, 76–77, 150, 153, 188–89; during crime scene visit, 90; death of, 263; disliking sister-in-law, 146; Gaston Dominici on, 75–76; Jo and, 80–82; keeping Henri Dragon outside, 31, 221; before marriage, 13
7–38; marriage of, 143; turning off water, 12; wedding night of, 138
Dominici, Marie (daughter-in-law), 201, 229, 252
Dominici, Mauricette, 258
Dominici, Rose, 51, 100, 145, 195
Dominici, Victoria, 229
Dominici, Yvette: answering questions, 100–101, 249, 253; appearance of, 189; on carbine, 117; Charles Gillard and, 258; on day of murder discovery, 25, 26–27; divorce of, 263; at Feast of the Assumption, 59; Gaston Dominici and, 263; Gustave Dominici and, 64; Jean Giono on, 295n13; knowing what to say, 76–77; marriage of, 70, 83–84; “Opération Bergerie” and, 82; overheard conversation of, 218; riding bicycle while pregnant, 25, 47, 111; staying at parents, 70–71; testifying, 152–53, 189–90; wet trousers and, 36, 37; in Zézé Perrin’s testimony, 182
Dominici family, xii, 11; Communist Party helping, 277–78; on day of murder discovery, 46–48; discord among, 78, 148; education of children of, 141; guns of, 164–65; during inquiry, 90; Maillet family and, 78–80, 144–45; normal interval for, 89; and Perrin family, 285n18; reacting to verdict, 207–8; relationships among, 113; violence of, 24
“Dominici: To Die in Prison” (Chapus), 262
Dorgères, Henri. See Halluin, Henri d’
Dormoy, Marx, 219, 296n7
dossier: in appeal decision, 227; Charles Chenevier and, 220; closing of, 165; in French law, 28; omissions in, 184; Pierre Carrias and, 231, 261; “on trial,” 168, 202, 205, 217, 243, 247
Drac, Roger, 15
Dragon, Henri, 30–31, 34, 41, 70, 71, 89, 177–78, 221
Dreyfus, Alfred, 57, 206
Drummond, Anne: Claude Delorme on, 202; on holiday, 3, 4; meeting and marrying Jack Drummond, 126; rumors about, 58, 75; stomach contents, 40
Drummond, Elizabeth: blows to head of, 30, 41–42, 175, 177, 245; Calixte Rozan mentioning, 204; condition of feet of, 30, 41–42, 177, 203, 245; Gaston Dominici and, 118; holiday plans of, 1–2, 3, 4; rigidity of body of, 30, 41, 178; speaking French, 3, 13–14; time of death of, 41, 70–71, 94, 177, 217
Drummond, Jack: in advisory capacity, 128–32; Biochemical Studies of Nutritional Problems, 126–27; childhood of, 123; C. Lovatt Evans and, 292n17; criticism of, 124–25; The Englishman’s Food, 126, 291n7; estate value of, 135; as father, 10; hand wound of, 38–39, 179; health problems of, 1, 123; holiday plans of, 1–2; honors bestowed upon, 131, 132, 291n2; interests of, 134; legacy of, 133; marrying Anne Drummond, 126; obituary of, 131; passing through German lines, 132; personal characteristics of, 124–25, 133, 134–35, 176; rumors about, xv–xvi, 58–59, 66, 214, 232–33, 262–63, 280–81; salary of, 133, 283n4(ch.1); stomach and bladder contents, 39; traveling, 126, 131–32; work life of, 5, 124–28, 132–33
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