Change (The Stork Tower Book 3)

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Change (The Stork Tower Book 3) Page 34

by Tony Corden

  Leah followed Korumak through the fortress until they reached some cells deep underground. He beckoned Leah towards the cell door and indicated she should look inside. The room was what Leah had expected a cell to look like although it did have a bed for the prisoner. A dwarf who Leah instantly recognised as Rana in her dwarf form was lying on the bed.

  Leah said, “Korumak, this is a companion, her name is Rana. We were separated while I was on my journey here.”

  Korumak opened the door, and Leah entered and hugged Rana as she came to her feet. Leah said, “It is so good to see you. I am sorry for the problems being associated with me have caused you.”

  Rana smiled and said, “It is quite all right sister. This is the first time I have ever been incarcerated, and it was an interesting experience. I am learning all sorts of new things on this journey.”

  Korumak interrupted and said, “That’s all well and good, but how did you get past the first tunnel?”

  “I crept, it is a skill of mine. I wasn’t certain if Atherleah was here. Her friends had said she was here in the mountains in a place called the Forge. It wasn’t until I had passed the first gate that I heard someone mention the name of the fortress. As soon as I heard it, I introduced myself at the front gate.”

  “That’s all well and good as far as it goes but I’m not pleased that people can just creep inside. Be assured we will talk more about this. Now, Atherleah can you come and see the second interloper?”

  Leah exited the cell and followed Korumak to the next cell. Looking inside, she saw Son_of_Aulë, Merideath’s follower. She said, “I know him and have killed him twice before. He serves an adversary of mine, Merideath. Usually, he is surrounded by five friends. Your guards should be wary.”

  The dwarf rose from his bed and said, “Ah, Atherleah, Fiore said I would find you here. I was supposed to kill you but only after giving you a message first. The message is this, ‘Merideath has asked Mr Kodoman to help you see reason. She wants what you stole from her. You have twelve hours from the time your mother’s church service ends to assure Merideath of its return or Mr Kodoman will take action.’”

  Leah nodded and began to walk away. The dwarf said, “That’s the message, now I get to destroy you.”

  “And how are you planning to do that?”

  He turned to Korumak and said, “My name is Kandirma, Bearer of Durwin’s Axe, Slayer of K’narthoth and Friend of Clan Molven. I demand a hearing before your ruling council.”

  Korumak nodded and left the room followed by Leah and Rana. As he walked, Korumak said, “He is known to my people. His battle with the Orc K’narthoth freed Clan Molven from servitude and death. He will be heard by the ruling council and his word will be accepted as truth unless challenged.”

  Leah said, “What happens if his word is challenged?”

  “Most likely a trial by combat, Kandirma, or his champion against the challenger. The challenged to choose weapons. I imagine it will be Axes as he bears Durwin’s. It is unrivalled on Vatan.”

  “I have some work to do in the forge. How long will it take to convene the council?”

  “Less than an hour. But even if it were longer you may not go to the forge until this is settled. Return to your room if you like, the saddle for your Chimera is ready, and the leatherworker wants to check the fitting.”

  Leah led Rana to her suite. They had only just arrived when the leatherworker appeared, so Leah released Mĕi and spent over an hour adjusting and fitting the saddle. As they finished a messenger arrived to lead Leah and Rana to the Council Chamber.

  The Council Chamber was hewn from solid rock and rectangular. There was a raised section at one end with five chairs, one for each member of the council. The rest of the room was bare. Son_of_Aulë, or Kandirma as he called himself, was standing before the seats. Around the room were several guards and some spectators. Atherleah and Rana stood to one side with several spectators and waited to see what was said.

  One of the ruling council, an old dwarf with silver hair and beard said, “Quiet, the council is now in session. Kandirma, Bearer of Durwin’s Axe, Slayer of K’narthoth and Friend of Clan Molven has requested this meeting to explain his reasons for attempting to infiltrate the Forge. To save time, we will consider this his trial. Should he fail to have good reasons, we will pronounce judgement on his actions. Kandirma, speak!”

  Kandirma turned and looked around the room before facing the council and saying, “Rulers of The Forge, fellow dwarves, I regret the incursion into your sanctuary but believe my reasons will show it was necessary. I have come from Clan Molven for the express purpose of apprehending a thief and murderer.” He turned and pointed a finger at Atherleah, “Several weeks ago this half-breed insinuated her way into our community. Playing on our kindness, she was instructed in the art of smithing but then she broke into our storehouse, raiding it for treasure and killing our Master Smith. As she fled, she opened the way for a company of orcs to enter the clan fortress. These beasts killed many women and children before they were finally defeated. It was from the lips of the orc leader that we learned the source of our troubles. He named his leader as the Marauder known as Atherleah, a half-human half-elf.

  “On hearing this and recognising the name as belonging to the very person we had helped, I was charged with apprehending the murderer and bringing her to justice. My clan has declared Atherleah as Acı Düşman, the Enemy of Dwarves. I came in secret because I was unaware of how much her duplicity and treacherous wiles had infiltrated this facility. I assume she had various artefacts and materials she used to persuade you to help her. These were stolen from my Clan. I also believe she is attempting something similar here for I spied some orcs headed this way.”

  As Kandirma had been speaking the room had gone deathly quiet, and everyone except Rana had moved away from Atherleah. Even Sampiyon was staring at her with disgust and loathing. Several of the guards positioned themselves near her and had their hands on their weapons.

  Leah looked around the room but waited silently. She was trying to think of all her options. Kandirma smirked at her and then changed his visage to one of sadness before saying, “I believe that I am able to defeat this treacherous halfbreed but do not want to give her any opportunity to escape justice. I call on Utsal, Goddess of Light and Truth to be my witness and to affirm my words.”

  The familiar form of Utsal appeared and said, “Hello Atherleah dear, I wasn’t paying attention just now. Did you call?”

  Kandirma said, “No Divine One, I did. My name is Kandirma, and I ask that you confirm the truth of my words. That the halfbreed Atherleah did insinuate her way into the community of Clan Molven. She broke into our storehouse, raiding it of treasures and killing the Master Smith. That she fled and opened the way for a company of orcs to enter the clan fortress. That these beasts killed many women and children at her command to stop us from chasing her.”

  Utsal looked at Kandirma with surprise then slowly turned to Leah and said in a cold voice, “People of the Forge of Demir Dovuyor. Know this, every word Kandirma has spoken about Atherleah is true.” Her voice broke and she continued, “Atherleah, how could you do this? You were my friend?”

  Leah said, “It isn’t true Utsal, I did not do these things.”

  “But it is Atherleah, I am the Goddess of Truth, I know truth. I name you Yalanlar Kraliçesi, the Queen of Lies. My followers will find you, and they will destroy you. I must go now, you have caused me great distress.”

  As the guards reached for Leah she said to Rana, “I’ll meet you at the pass near Daglar Duman.” Then she disappeared.

  Leah reappeared in the Forge and grabbed her untempered sword. Maden was nearby and said, “Atherleah, I thought you were in the Council, has it finished?”

  Leah said, “Mostly. I just wanted to grab the sword and scales, do you know if Yucu has finished them?”

  “She has, they are in the vault.”

  Just then the sound of a gong began to sound throughout the Forge, Maden said
, “The alarm, we are under attack. Come with me!”

  “I can’t Maden, I’m sorry.”

  Leah teleported to the vault and collected the scales. She then took all the ingredients she had brought for Sampiyon and teleported to her suite. When she arrived, she found Korumak in the room. He said, “How could you? How could you do such things? You made me believe in you, to trust you, to befriend you. Stand down, or I will kill you.”

  Leah’s face fell, and she said, “It’s not true Korumak, what he said is not true. I don’t know how to prove it and I need my freedom to work it out. I’m sorry for your pain. I would not betray you, now or ever.”

  “The Queen of Lies is apt for you, even now you try and sway me. Then die halfbreed.”

  As he finished speaking, he swung his Battle Axe, aiming to kill her. Leah misted her torso and then cast Chain Lightning. As he stumbled she changed Mìng into a statue and equipping Mĕi’s saddle she leapt onto the Chimera and yelled, “Let’s go.”

  Startled, Mĕi took a few steps and then beat her wings and leapt for the sky. Within moments Leah was beyond arrow range and heading for the pass. She used her knees and hands to guide Mĕi and soon she was on the peak above the new gold mine. She had Mĕi land and then said, “Gèng, can I log out?”

  “Not yet, it appears that you are actively being hunted and you were seen heading here. You need to be in an unknown location or remain undetected for twenty minutes to log out.”

  Leah nodded then called out, “Emil, Emil Riverton, I need you here, now.”

  Leah waited, but nothing happened. No one appeared. No flash of light, no elf, nothing. Finally, she said, “Gèng, how long before Rana will get to the pass?”

  “If she travels at the top speed I have observed she will be there in another hour and a half.”

  “Ok, any messages I need to know about?”

  “Your reputation with all dwarves is now ‘Eternal Enmity’. Also, you should be aware that the Fortress of Clan Molven was attacked several weeks ago by orcs and many dwarves were killed. The forums say that the perpetrator was unknown but was declared Acı Düşman, the Enemy of Dwarves.”

  “Any indications who it was?”

  “Nothing official but an online rumour suggested it was a Traveller known to the Clan.”

  “Great. I’m going to go have a word with Kandirma and see what he knows.”

  “Is that wise, Atherleah? They will be on full alert.”

  “Wise, probably not! Still, I don’t want to look for him later, I know where he is now, and I don’t want him to get away.”

  Leah pictured one of the small side rooms she had seen in the Forge and teleported there. On arrival, she misted and went looking for the dwarf. She eventually found him talking with several guards on a small balcony overlooking one of the large valleys formed at the base of the mountain. They were watching a band of orcs making their way slowly along the valley floor. Kandirma said, “See her treachery in action. I am pleased I was able to warn you in time. How may I help in the defence of the Forge?”

  One of the guards said, “Stay here and keep a lookout. We will inform the Captain of the Guard and send out a force to kill the orcs before they get close.”

  “I suggest you take a large force as the orcs we faced in the Fortress of Clan Molven were fierce warriors.”

  “We will share your suggestions.”

  The Forge guards left Kandirma alone to keep watch. Once they were gone Leah saw him take a mirror from his bag. Looking at it he said, “May the Fire of the earth connect this glass to its twin.”

  He waited a moment, and Leah could see mana flow into the mirror which blurred and then filled with the face of an orc. The orc looked at Kandirma and said, “So, Son_of_Aulë, you finally contact me. Report!”

  “Force Leader Yurluk, you step above yourself. I report to my mistress, not to you. She has placed me with you for reasons of her own. Be careful to show respect.”

  “Brave words from a dwarf hiding at a distance behind the skirts of a woman. Now, what is your information?”

  “One day, Yurluk, you will disrespect me when I am close by, then I will take your head and use it as a chamberpot. I called to report that these dwarves are watching the diversionary group. I expect them to send most of their warriors against the pack in the next hour. When they have gone, I will open the main doors. Make sure that any survivors hear you thank the half-elf half-human known as Atherleah for giving you access.”

  “So your mistress has said. We are ready and will attack as you direct.”

  The face of the orc disappeared, and the mirror was once again projecting a reflection of Kandirma’s face. Leah waited as he put the mirror away and then she carefully unmisted behind him. The first he knew of her presence was when her knife severed his spinal column between the T5 and T6 vertebra. He dropped like a rock, all feeling and use of his legs and torso gone. He landed face up and stared at Leah. She checked his health which was just under fifty percent. She equipped her bow and calmly shot him once in either shoulder. His health dropped to thirty percent.

  Leah looked down at him and said, “So, Son_of_Aulë, how did you manage to pull that off? Deceiving the Goddess of Truth?”

  He smirked and said, “You’ll never find out. Merideath has contacts everywhere. I can’t believe you are still resisting her. Torture won’t work, I only feel ten percent of the pain and this is nothing I haven’t felt before. If I were you, I’d just give up and return the ship.”

  Leah saw an icon at the top of her vision begin to flash. It was her BSP; she needed to feed.

  “But you’re not me. I am.” Leah let her fangs grow and then she extended her claws.

  She looked at the suddenly motionless dwarf and said, “I have misted too much today and I need to feed, my reserves are low.” Her eyes turned red and she could see his jugular pulsing with blood under the skin. With a sudden movement, she plunged her claws hard into his biceps to hold him down and buried her fangs in his neck. His body turned opaque and she sat there staring at his outline. She sighed and harvested the body. He hadn’t left much behind except several Gold and one Platinum. A message appeared.

  You have fed on the blood of a Level 318 Sentient (7, 7.5):

  BSP = 16695

  Note: This is the first time you have fed from a Sentient. You are gifted with the ability to change into the form of the sentient for a period of one hour. This change will use 100 BSP and 1000 MP per minute. Other parameters for using this skill are to be found under the Dunyanin Skill (Vampire) - Impersonation.

  Leah checked the skill and then thought for several moments before looking through the skill messages and working out how to use Impersonation. She added several Skill Points to increase her options and then willed her body and clothing to match the picture she had of Kandirma. Leah walked boldly down the stairs to the central section of the keep. She walked up to the first guard she saw and said, “Guard, take me or point me in the direction of the Captain of the Guard. I’ve just seen something on the mountain which disturbs me greatly.”

  The ability to project the voice of the person she was impersonating was one of the reasons she had increased the level of the skill. The guard explained that he couldn’t leave his post but he did direct her to the central staging area for the defence of the Forge. When she arrived, she saw the two guards from the balcony talking with the guard captain and Korumak. She walked up to them and waited to be acknowledged.

  Finally, the Captain turned to her and said, “Ah, Kandirma, I thought you were keeping watch on the balcony?”

  “I was. It’s just that I saw a larger force of orcs hiding near the entrance to the Forge. I suspect that when you leave to attack the force I reported earlier, the larger force will attack.”

  “It is a good plan, but how do they expect to get in?”

  “I suspect they were planning for Atherleah to open the doors. I suggest you turn the trap on them.”


  “Send out
a large force toward the diversion as you had just been discussing. When they are out of sight, have them return and be prepared to attack the rear of the orc attackers when they get close. I will open the door for them and when they attack they will be caught in the middle between two forces. You could then close the inner door and trap them in the open space as they exit the tunnel.”

  It took several more minutes but the plan was approved and Leah headed for her assigned position near the front door. Suddenly her arm was grasped from behind and she was turned around. Korumak was standing there. He stared at her and then said, “Kandirma, all know of Merideath, but who is Mr Kodoman? You mentioned him when you talked with Atherleah this morning, you mentioned him as a threat. Who is he? And why is Merideath involved in your quest against Atherleah?”

  Leah looked at Korumak, she could see the question, and doubt, in his eyes. She said, “Mr Kodoman is Merideath’s husband. Her involvement in this is none of your business Korumak. Leave it be.”

  As she turned away to keep working she heard Korumak say, “There is more to this than you are saying Kandirma, much more. I will discover the truth.”

  Leah ignored the comment and kept walking. Twenty minutes later the doors opened and over two hundred dwarven warriors marched out the gates and turned towards the valley holding the diversionary force. Leah waited ten minutes and then gave the signal that she would open the gate. She walked to the outer doors and after taking a deep breath, she opened the doors and stepped out. She looked around but saw nothing. She stood there for a few minutes wondering if she had made a mistake in understanding what was happening. Then, at the edge of her perception, she could sense blood, lots of blood. She stared in the direction her senses indicated and the force of orcs slowly materialised, working their way toward her. She stood watching them as they inched closer. Finally, when they were only metres away, they became fully visible.

  The leader she had seen in the mirror stepped forward and said, “So Kandirma, you finally spotted us. It’s taken you long enough. I would have thought your knowledge of us would have overcome the crystal’s suggestions earlier but then it always comes slower to people of lesser intellect.”


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