Clan Green Bear: Wizards of White Haven

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Clan Green Bear: Wizards of White Haven Page 6

by Frances Howitt

  Drako looked across at the lion and growled.

  Amelie nipped Jim, realising he had paused to stare and they ran from the room back to their quarters. Jim needed to stop broadcasting and fast.

  Dinner that night was a little strange. Jim had managed to revert to human form and was assured he was not broadcasting anything anymore. Max and Drako sat silently, but their eyes kept straying to the girls who had made such an impression on them earlier. The girls in turn were subject to plenty of ribbing from their peers.

  Fortunately, for Cassy, her desire had mostly revealed itself mentally rather than physically and Drako alone had heard it. Unfortunately, for her, that was worse. Drako had not come up to her to say anything but she felt his eyes following her and was acutely embarrassed. He was no longer a cuddly bear, but an impressive man. His attention, fixed on her every move, was disconcerting. She could not now be certain, through the fog of intoxicated lust, what she had actually said into his mind. What else might he have picked up? She had heard Jim’s warning that going in to someone’s mind was akin to sharing your body sexually, but she had wanted to experience his. She had dared to listen in on his upper thoughts, being sure not to do the delving deemed particularly rude. She had felt his confusion, his commitment to do the honourable thing and not take advantage of her when she was not able to think straight. She had also felt his desire and powerful need of her. That had been real and very heady stuff. She could not forget the feel of his powerful furry body either. The other girls had certainly commented gleefully that she had been openly caressing Drako. The errantly wistful thought as to how that tall muscular man would feel under her hands, compared to the bear, intruded into her thoughts and she bit her lip, turning away.

  Dinner had finished and most people were leaving. Cassy watched Jim go up to Max privately and then Drako, his manner apologetic. She took the opportunity of going to Amelie, now sitting alone waiting for Jim.

  ‘Hi Cassy; I’m so sorry about earlier. Jim’s devastated. Are you ok?’ Amelie asked her searchingly.

  ‘I suppose so. But I’m so embarrassed,’ Cassy said in a quick rush.

  ‘Tell me,’ Amelie invited.

  ‘I’d worked out what was going on. So why would I flirt with him anyway? Although I don’t remember what I actually did say to him. Then he growls and tells you to take Jim away, as though he couldn’t wait to be rid of me.’

  ‘So what did happen after I left?’ Amelie asked gently.

  ‘I don’t know. The others started getting up, looking around as though they were waking up, and left whoever they’d been with. I watched them and waited, but nothing changed for me. I simply didn’t want to leave him, and he didn’t seem to want to let go of me either. The other girls came and dragged me away from him! It was so humiliating.’

  ‘Your feelings didn’t go away?’ Amelie clarified.


  ‘Don’t you see what that means? The attraction between you is genuine.’

  ‘But that wasn’t like me,’ Cassy objected weakly. ‘I’d never push myself at someone, particularly someone I don’t even know. I mean, he’s a stunning man, but I’ve never even spoken to him.’

  ‘Haven’t you heard of love at first sight? Since when does physical attraction have to creep up on you slowly? You see him and you feel as if you were kicked in the gut,’ Amelie said with a grin.

  ‘I know I confused the hell out of him.’

  ‘You went into his mind?’

  ‘No! Well, I don’t think I did. I kind of just heard what was on the top.’ She turned to Amelie anxiously. ‘Was that bad?’

  ‘Not necessarily. I think of it as skimming along the surface. Jim doesn’t always know I’m doing it if I keep my touch light,’ Amelie grinned. ‘Makes life less complicated when you know for sure what someone really thinks. Although a word of warning, remember that these are just their musings. We all think many contradictory things before deciding what we want to go with. Usually we then open our mouths, but if you’ve made decisions based on musings they don’t know you’ve collected, you could be way off what they really want. At this point, I imagine Drako doesn’t know if what you said was real or compulsion based. I doubt he wanted to separate from you when he sent Jim away. He seemed to be enjoying cuddling you very much. He’d just have wanted you to come back to yourself. He has plenty of honour that one.’

  ‘Why did he really come here?’ Cassy asked.

  ‘He was hoping to find a wife.’

  ‘He’s only looked amongst the animus though hasn’t he,’ Cassy said bluntly.

  ‘Yes. Can you see Janice suiting him?’

  ‘Not remotely. So he’s not interested in wizards?’ Cassy said and felt her heart grow heavy.

  ‘Before he met you; no. He hasn’t taken his eyes off you tonight though. I would describe that as very interested.’

  ‘He’s probably wondering how I’ll manage to humiliate him next.’

  ‘You should talk to him. Give both of you a chance to find out about the other. Don’t second guess him and write him off before he’s had a chance to speak.’

  ‘Can’t you talk to him?’ Cassy asked nervously.

  ‘Do you really want me to take your place?’ Amelie asked, watching her closely.

  ‘No, but how do I go up to a man like that?’

  ‘It was easier to approach him as a bear?’

  ‘Funnily enough, yes,’ Cassy admitted.

  ‘Come on, I’ll take you over. If you leave it until tomorrow it’ll be more difficult to face him. I don’t know why, but it always is. I nearly let myself be parted from Jim before we were truly together, but I went with my gut and couldn’t be happier. Ready?’

  Jim glanced round when Drako sat up quickly. ‘Hello ladies. What have you been chatting about?’ Jim asked brightly on cue.

  ‘The pitfalls of love at first sight when the brakes have fallen off your tongue,’ Amelie said bluntly and grinned that Cassy winced and ducked her head and Drako suddenly looked from her to Cassy hopefully.

  ‘Amelie!’ Cassy objected.

  ‘Is this true?’ Drako asked gently. He hurried round the table and took Cassy’s chin when she tried to hide, tilting her head up so she would meet his eyes, much as she had done to him earlier.

  ‘Yes, but you don’t want a wizard,’ she said in a desperate rush.

  Drako growled something unintelligible put his arm around her and led her from the room with its distinct lack of privacy. ‘How do you know what I want?’ he demanded, once they were outside.

  ‘You’re right, I don’t know you at all,’ she said finally. ‘I was out of line earlier touching you and with whatever it was I said to you. I’m deeply sorry.’

  ‘But did you mean it?’ he insisted.

  ‘I don’t know what I said to you,’ she almost wailed looking up at his fiercely handsome face. He was watching her intently.

  ‘Let me remind you,’ he said and kissed her as he had dreamed of doing for hours. The brief kiss he had intended fell by the wayside as she responded, her arms clutching him tightly. When he lifted his head, she was breathless and wide-eyed in his arms. ‘You told me you wanted to kiss me, be close to me,’ he whispered.

  ‘Do you doubt me?’ she asked before she could caution her tongue.

  ‘Not now,’ he laughed and cuddled her close to his chest again. She shivered suddenly; it was bitterly cold out here and they had not brought coats. He hastily grew fur on his upper body and opened up his shirt.

  ‘You just grew this fur didn’t you?’

  ‘You were shivering. Do you dislike it?’ he asked, suddenly unsure whether she was unnerved or even revolted and reverted to fully human.

  She could feel that his exposed skin was rapidly growing goose bumps. His uncertain tone and the inconsequential reaction of his skin reminded her he was a young man like any other. He might be a powerful warrior but she was not a helpless girl anymore. She was a wizard. She had no reason to fear him. She kissed his chest tr
ying to reassure him and then wondered what he looked like. She could barely see him; she wished it were not quite so dark. She put her cheek against him and heard the strong steady beat of his heart. His chin rested gently on the top of her head; he was so much taller. His scent was just the same as his bear and the feel of his warm skin was an odd mix of comforting, thrilling and very sexy.

  ‘I like your bear. Didn’t you notice?’ she asked softly and the chest beneath her cheek prickled then became densely covered in soft thick fur. She put her arms around his waist under the now loose shirt and pressed against him again. That was a very useful trick. He was deliciously warm.

  ‘You weren’t afraid of the bear?’

  ‘No. I was more afraid of you as a man.’


  ‘You’re a sexy, powerful, animus warrior and leader. You’re a bit disconcerting.’

  Drako peeled her away from talking to his chest to check her expression. He wondered if she was joking. ‘You only approached me today because I was less unnerving? Or did you only come to talk to Jim and get trapped?’

  ‘Jim was the excuse to meet you,’ she told him, and then before she lost her nerve, she reached up and kissed him. She mentally brushed his mind and felt he was immediately aware she was there. ‘I’m not going to invade your mind,’ she reassured quickly, but she wanted to experience his mind again. She knew her own mind’s clarity had been impaired earlier. She wanted to know this man’s character, know what he was like for real. She was shocked however, to feel his warm desire and the delicious sensual tightness she was causing in him by kissing and pressing against him. It was amazing to realise the power she wielded over this man, simply by kissing him. She had had a crush on him for so long that touching him now was almost overwhelming. How would he respond experiencing her feelings? Would he return her regard? So far, the signs were very promising but until they shared minds fully she would not know for sure. How would he react connecting to her mind? Experiencing his was unbelievably wonderful. ‘Can you feel my mind?’ she asked.

  ‘I don’t know how,’ he said in frustration. He had also heard Jim’s warning that a wizard could connect an animus if he were her lover. His grip tightened, she had felt so good earlier, yet she felt even better now. Desire to become her lover, to know her personality and everything about her flooded him. The need he felt earlier returned full force.

  ‘Follow my presence in your mind,’ she advised and just like that, he arrived.

  Drako gulped at the sudden onslaught of emotions. He felt her desire to explore his mind properly, but her resolve to wait for permission. Her sensual curiosity to explore his body and her appreciation for what she had seen and felt so far was heady and roused him further. He discovered she had been watching him wistfully from afar for weeks. She had designed his house interior to be as comfortable and complete as she could, trying to make it suit the person she hoped he was. She had run when he approached, sure he would notice her desire and run from it. Suddenly walls went up in her mind blocking him before he had his answers.

  ‘Why would I run knowing you were attracted to me?’ He was completely puzzled. ‘You are a beautiful woman. Everyone I spoke with knew you, yet I did not. They spoke of you with such thanks and admiration. I’m usually considered a good tracker and pretty observant but I was never able to find you.’

  ‘I’m a wizard,’ Cassy said softly. ‘I could sense where you were and avoid you. Amelie caught me and told me off for it when I was doing your house. I came up to you today, not Jim, because Amelie insisted I introduce myself to you. She said you’d been asking about me and that I was being rude avoiding you. I think I gave myself away to her when I was doing your house.’

  ‘I still don’t understand why you went to so much trouble to avoid me? Was I offensive to you in some way?’

  ‘Drako, I fell for you the moment I first saw you. However, I’m a lowly first year student and a wizard. You are the leader of your clan, an animus warrior and important. You charm everyone and are always so polite. Of course, you were not offensive. However, it’s also common knowledge that you came here seeking animus women and that your people had carried off students in years past. I didn’t know that this time it was you who was seeking a bride. I just knew I wasn’t animus and therefore wouldn’t be acceptable to you. I also didn’t know if you’d be staying. You are a hunted man and would have commitments. I resolved to keep away and let you find someone more suitable.’

  ‘Cassy, I’m truly sorry for the heartache I’ve unknowingly put you through. What you say is true. I’m under orders by my father to find an animus bride. However, I never intended to settle for someone I didn’t love. Even though I’ve known you only a few short hours, I find I don’t care in the slightest that you are wizard instead. I find you fascinating and I want to get to know you.’ He leaned down and kissed her trying to dispel the unhappiness she had been going through.

  He abruptly heard a wisp of a wish that they were far enough along in knowing each other for physical intimacy. ‘Don’t tell me that,’ he groaned. ‘I’m an animus man. The beast in me is strong and none too patient in claiming what he wants.’

  ‘I know. But he’s so gentle and cuddly.’ She held his strong body close and his arms wrapped around her with delicious possessiveness. He kissed her, exploring her with an increasing passion that left her breathless. She could barely believe she was actually kissing Drako! Kissing him was intoxicating and felt so right. She was drifting on a cloud of wishes come true.

  This time he was in her mind as she was in his, and they experienced what each other were feeling. However, he also felt how chilled she was getting.

  ‘We must go inside now. I will not have you getting sick because of me.’ He escorted her inside and to the stairs. ‘I’ll see you tomorrow?’

  ‘Of course,’ she said and turned on the bottom step, wrapped her arms about him and kissed him again.

  Drako wistfully watched her run up the stairs and then disappear off to the right. Then he turned to find Jim and Amelie watching him. Jim’s eyes dropped slightly and Drako hastily refastened his shirt, covering his thick black fur.

  ‘I’m glad today’s embarrassment has been positive to someone,’ Jim commented conversationally. ‘I assume you think of it like that?’

  ‘Definitely,’ Drako said with a quick smile.

  ‘She didn’t seem undecided about you just now,’ Jim said, trying to be tactful. That had been a full on kiss and Drako had not been shy returning it. Jim had wondered if Drako would follow her up the stairs and if they would have a problem.

  ‘Hopefully she’ll feel the same way tomorrow,’ Drako said smiling.

  ‘You think there could be any doubt?’

  ‘Not truly. I saw how she feels about me,’ Drako said his voice trailing off as he gazed into space.

  ‘How do you mean, “saw”,’ Jim asked in concern.

  ‘She led me into her mind.’ He glanced at Jim, ‘isn’t that what you two do all the time? How do you keep your hands off each other?’

  Jim laughed suddenly. ‘Well done and congratulations. Don’t let her slip away, because I’ll let you in on a secret; you’ve got some seriously good times to come if you do get together.’

  ‘Don’t you think I know that?’ Drako asked.

  ‘No. You’re not likely to have a clue and neither is she, for that matter. When you combine your minds and bodies, things become very good indeed,’ Jim told him. ‘You wouldn’t get the same thing at all with another animus.’

  ‘Jim, that’s enough,’ Amelie chided. ‘They’ve only just met and you’re giving him ideas inappropriately early.’

  ‘I know, but isn’t it exciting? He’s a true animus yet could link with his wizard,’ Jim enthused.

  ‘Does this mean I can talk to her or does she have to open the link for me each time?’ Drako asked.

  ‘You have to be touching, which didn’t seem to be a problem,’ Jim added slyly. ‘But actually I can’t tell you.
That’s something you will have to figure out the limitations of yourselves. She’s strong and has obviously successfully guided you in the most difficult first step. The rest is up to you.’

  ‘And her,’ Drako added and Jim nodded. He stared wistfully up where she had disappeared and resolutely turned away. He thought over what Jim had said and knew from the brief sensation of experiencing what she felt when they kissed, that anything more intimate was going to be amazing. He swiftly reverted fully to human form aware his bear was trying to overpower his will to do the right thing. He would court her properly. His people would need to become accustomed to the idea of a wizard being his partner. He already knew such a woman would never simply be a wife content to remain in the background. He did not want her to be either. If he had been seeking an animus brood mare, Janice would have done. Cassy was bold and capable and judging by what she had already done for his people, she would be a real partner that he could share the challenges of leadership with.


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