Consumed By You

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Consumed By You Page 21

by Alicia Marino

  “I’m yours,” he declares against my lips.

  “You’re mine.”

  I clutch his solid biceps as my body begins to spasm. I’m shamelessly grinding my hips into his hand. His tongue is hypnotizing me. There isn’t a thing going through my mind other than him and he knows it.

  “Yes.” He grins triumphantly as I fall apart in his arms. I’m still quivering, dazed, and languidly pleasured as he takes his hand off my soaked panties and removes them. I let my back hit the bed, pulling him down with me.

  Due to his skillful hands and my ability to get aroused with a single look from him, he slides into me without difficulty, a triumphant feat considering his impressive size. He grunts when my teeth sink into the salty skin at the base of his throat, and trail my tongue across the bite.

  “Fuck me,” he grumbles, immersed in his own stimulation.

  He turns me onto my side and presses his hard body flush against my back. He curls his arms around my body protectively and enters me again, nearly suffocating me underneath his grip. I gasp in pleasure as he kisses and nibbles on my shoulder, his hips driving up into my cleft with vigor. His hands are torturing my breasts and I am completely content with the exquisite pain.

  I never want him to stop touching me.

  His fingers zigzag down my stomach, finding their way back to my clitoris. I reach back to grasp his hair. He’s like a multitalented torture mechanism, designed to attack every sense that I possess. His teeth graze my ear fleetingly and my body contracts with pleasure, my nerves stretched taut to send me straight into delicious torment. He makes sure it lasts as long as it can, his hand never faltering with the fast, circular motion on my vagina.

  “Ben,” I moan breathlessly, halting his hand with mine. I can’t take any more.

  “Say my name,” he demands huskily, his voice a low rumble.


  He groans, joining me in the void of oblivion.


  I resurface in the darkness, still entangled with his warm, muscular body. His features are only illuminated by the moonlight shining in through the glass windows. I don’t know how I know, but I sense he’s awake. Benjamin must sense it too, because he squeezes my waist, pulling me tighter into him.

  “Mmm,” I hum pleasantly, extending my arm across his indented abdomen.

  “I lost ya there for a while,” he murmurs, his strong leg scissored between my own.

  “It should be illegal how good you are in bed,” I mumble and the mattress shakes from his laughter.

  “You do wonders for my ego.”

  “I believe in giving credit where it’s due.” I kiss the sharp curve between his wide pecs, my mouth tickling against the dark groomed patch of hair.

  The silence grows after that, and for a moment, I think he fell asleep.

  He lets out a soft sigh. “What made you change your mind?”

  I ponder the best explanation before I decide on just telling him straightforwardly. “You showed up to make sure I wasn’t alone on my birthday. You read Pride and Prejudice. I’m on your guest list.”

  He traces the canvas of my back, knowing without looking where my scars are.

  “The list is pretty endless. I should have realized sooner.”

  “What you are asking for is not something out of this world. If I were a gentleman, I would have said the words by now. But I don’t want to lie to you.”

  “Have you always felt this way?” I ask, curling tighter to him.

  “I don’t know. I’m beginning to think my parents really did a number on me, honestly.”

  I realize this conversation is about to deepen considerably. “Your parents?”


  I shiver as his finger trails over a sensitive part just below my neck.

  “My mother…well she had a straying eye, you could say. It destroyed my father at first, but he got over it. Decided to turn into an asshole instead of a fool.”

  “Did he leave her?”

  “No. He decided to wait until we were older.”

  I hug him tighter. “Well, he thought of you guys. That’s nice at least.”

  “It wasn’t. They hated each other and didn’t hide it. When my brother died, they didn’t even stand next to each other at the funeral. My father once told me, right before I left for New York, ‘you can count the people you trust on only one hand and none of those fingers are women.’ That’s the advice he gave me before I left home.” He scoffs. “That’s why I’ve always thought it was better to be alone.”

  I feel a small spasm in my heart. It’s never better alone. I wish there was a way I could show him that.

  His fingers are on my chin, demanding my eyes. I can barely see him in the darkness.

  “I don’t believe that anymore,” he confesses.

  “You don’t?”

  “No. Isn’t that obvious? I’ve been following you around like a fucking puppy dog lately.”

  “You have, haven’t you?” I giggle. “Well, you need to grovel a little after what happened when I was your assistant.”

  “Ah, that was it all along, wasn’t it? You were punishing me?” He laughs, kissing my head, and we both relax.

  “I’m happy I’m here.”

  “Me too, Darce,” he murmurs. “Me too.”



  When I awake, the bedroom is bright and quiet. My aching arms are wrapped around the pillow, indicating I’ve been in deep comatose. I turn over and look to the spot next to me, finding a small paper in Benjamin’s place.

  Went to the gym for an hour. Feel free to use the shower & anything you need. Breakfast is on the counter.


  I put the note back down on the pillow and pull the sheet up from my waist to cover myself.

  A shower sounds perfect.


  After combing through the last of my hair, I look over at the crimson dress I came in from yesterday and the jacket on the floor, wondering what I’m going to wear out of here. I need help with the zipper. Benjamin’s t-shirt is on the floor in the discarded pile of clothes. I’m sure he won’t mind me using this for now.

  It’s short but covers all necessary intimate parts. I stuff my underwear into my jacket pocket. I can’t believe I forgot my purse at home.

  I pick up the other discarded clothes and lay them on the love seat in the corner of the room. My stomach growls loudly as I walk out into the living room. The room is so spacious and elegant I feel like I should tiptoe around.

  The day is gloomy and the black clouds hovering over the large buildings suggest it will be a wet one as well. On the kitchen counter is a large assortment of breakfast foods.

  It’s fucking breakfast, not a marriage proposal! Calm the hell down, Darcy.

  I sit and pick up a fork, ready to satisfy my stomach. I’m nibbling on a piece of bacon, reading the paper, when the elevator door opens.

  He’s here!

  When Benjamin appears, I nearly choke.

  Mother of God.

  He’s shirtless, and in blue sweats, rubbing his face with a towel. I believe I’m hyperventilating as I stare at the sweat droplets on his toned physique.

  His smile is wide as he strides over to me. “My shirt looks good on you.”

  “I couldn’t get the zipper on my dress.” I hold out a piece of bacon.

  He takes a bite.

  “What time do you wake up in the morning?” I ask. “It’s not even eight.”


  Early bird. “Do you have plans for today?”


  “It’s Saturday.”

  His mouth slims into a tighter smile. “I work every day. You know that.”

  “I thought your staff has the weekends off?”

  “They do. The managers and I are the only ones in on the weekends.”


  Am I ever going to see this guy except at night?

  “I’ll change that, Darce.” He lay
s his hand over mine, and I look up at him. “I do want to spend time with you. Maybe get away. I’ve never taken a trip that wasn’t business related.”

  I think about that carefully. Whoa. “Neither have I.”


  I nod. “Really.”

  “Well then, it will be a first for both of us.”

  He comes around the table and presses his lips to my hair. “You smell great.”

  I look up, my mouth curving, immensely happy. “Uh, let me just clean this and I need help with the zipper of my dress. I can get out of here after that so you can go to work.” I collect the plates and haul them to the sink.

  “You don’t have to do that, Darce. I have someone that—”

  “Are you staying until five?”

  “Around that time. We could get dinner after that maybe? Are you free?”

  “Yeah, sure,” I answer ecstatically.

  I’m seeing him again today!

  “Okay.” He turns in the direction of the bedroom and I go back to washing the dishes.

  “You know what?” He halts by the door. “Do you have plans this weekend?”


  “Would you spend it with me?”

  “I thought you had to work?”

  “It can wait a couple of days.”

  “Are you sure? You don’t have to do this for me, Ben.”

  He comes over to me and cradles my face between his capable hands. “I’m sure. I want to spend some time with you.”

  Benjamin Scott is taking off work for me. I’m floating.

  His warm lips find mine and I stand on my tiptoes and reciprocate, curling my hands around his neck. He drops his hands to my waist and draws me into his body. I shiver as his tongue curls around mine, sucking gently. Jesus, he’s such a good kisser.

  His hands roam down and within seconds, he’s smiling against my lips.


  “You’re not wearing underwear.” I open my eyes at his sultry observation and find him pinning me with immense regard.

  “I am not,” I whisper. “What are you gonna do about it?”

  He lays his lips on mine. “Go take a shower because I’m about to drag you into that room and never let you out.”

  His wicked grin sets fire to my insides.

  “I’m not opposed.”

  “I want to take you somewhere today.”


  “Yes, and it looks like it’s about to snow so let me go, fiend.”

  I pout when he removes my hands from his chest. Damn. Now, I’m all worked up.

  He makes his way back to the bedroom. I’m transfixed, watching him disappear through the door.

  I’ll never let you go.


  The metal zipper buzzes loudly when Benjamin does up the back of my dress. I know I must look like complete shit considering the lack of makeup on my face.

  I move around him and slip on my heels. I can’t tear my eyes off of him. He’s in a tight black shirt with jeans to match and his hair is still dripping from the shower. I’m envious he can simply get out of the water and his hair is already perfectly styled.

  “Where are we going?” I ask.

  He sticks his wallet into his back pocket and picks his coat off the chair. “It’s a surprise.” The gleam in his eyes makes my heart leap with anticipation. Benjamin Scott is taking me on a date. A real date. In daylight!

  “You should just tell me now.” I follow him out into the living room.

  “Someone doesn’t care for surprises, I’m guessing?”

  “If I said yes, would you tell me?” I laugh when he spins, pecking my lips.


  I sigh, giving up, and with a chuckle of triumph he hands me my coat. I shrug into it while he takes a set of keys from a collection on the wall.

  “That’s a lot of keys.” I take his outstretched hand. “What are they for?”

  He presses the elevator button that reads Garage. “Some are cars. My boat. Keys to various apartments I own.”

  “You own more than one apartment?”

  “Not here. Dallas, California, Miami, Paris, and Milan.”

  Speechless, I try to conceal my complete look of astonishment and stare at the red descending numbers.

  “Does that intimidate you?” He tugs on my hand.

  I glance at him, wondering if he can read my mind. “I knew you had money, I just didn’t realize how much, I guess. It’s a little surprising.”

  “That’s me. Full of surprises.” He kisses my hair. “You’ll get used to it.”

  Will I?

  We come upon a shiny black Porsche and it beeps melodically in response to the gadget in Benjamin’s hand.

  No, I won’t.

  “What about your security?” I ask while he holds open the door for me.

  “No security today. Just me and you.”

  I beam and slide onto the leather seat.

  This day just keeps getting better and better.


  Steve Perry’s catchy tenor vibrato is blasting through the speakers of Benjamin’s convertible as we speed down the highway in the direction of Upstate New York. I still have no idea where he’s taking me, but it doesn’t matter just now.

  I’ve already stopped at my apartment, packed clothes and necessities, and changed out of that uncomfortable dress into black-heeled boots, jeans, and a long-sleeved black shirt. I hum along to the music happily.

  “You have a good voice,” Benjamin comments.

  I’m belting out Lovin’, Touchin’, Squeezin’ in the most unattractive voice I can muster. He bursts into laughter. Ecstatic I was able to break down the barrier that is Benjamin Scott, I give the rest of the song all it’s worth. He turns down the music to a low volume when the song ends and I try to conceal my smirk.

  “Well, Miss Fontaine, that was quite a show.”

  “Did you enjoy it?”

  “Very much.” He smiles. “Will you ever stop surprising me?”

  “I’ll try my hardest not to.”

  He lifts my hand and kisses the soft spot just below my palm. “Good.”

  I stare out the window, taking in the gorgeous mountainside and brown leaves scattered across the completely white-covered ground.

  Benjamin squeezes my hand and I turn to look at him, following his gaze. He points with his hand still on the steering wheel at an extremely large two-story building. The exterior is light blue and covered with large white-paneled windows. I sit forward and read the sign in front of the place: Fireside Bed & Breakfast.

  I practically bounce up and down in my seat. “We’re staying here?”

  “Mmm,” he hums, turning onto the dirt road. The gloomy sky only makes the building look more rustic, and while it’s lodged in the middle of nowhere, the lot is filled with cars. “Is that good with you?”

  “Of course it is!” I’ve never been on a vacation, and now here I am with the man I love. It couldn’t get better than this.

  I collect my bag and step into the frigid air. My shoes crackle on the snowy walk. I wait, gawking at the splendor while Benjamin retrieves his duffel from the trunk.

  “I’ve never seen someone so excited to go into a hotel.” His warm breath fogs in front of his face. It has to be frigid temperatures, especially since it’s late in the day.

  I take his hand happily. His body radiates heat, making him a magnet. We enter the lobby, complete with a roaring fireplace. The only soul in the room is the receptionist.

  “Good evening. Do you have a reservation?” he asks warmly.

  “Yes. Dimitri Santori called for Benjamin Scott.”

  “You’ll be staying with us until Sunday, is that correct?”


  “Absolutely, sir. Here are your room keys.” He hands over two rustic-looking keys to Benjamin. “Dinner is between seven and ten. There is a menu upstairs containing details for breakfast. If you’d like, you can call today and leave your order and when you
’d like it delivered for tomorrow.”

  “Thank you,” Benjamin says politely. I follow him to the elevators and don’t argue at all when he takes my bag off my shoulder. I may have over packed just a bit.

  We step off the elevator into a dark hallway filled with replicas of Monet paintings. Benjamin’s phone rings for the fifth time since we exited the car; it must be important.

  He doesn’t answer though, just slides the key through the lock and opens the door.

  The room looks like something straight out of an old Western Christmas movie. I don’t even know if there are old Western Christmas movies, but this is what I’d imagine if there were.

  Everything’s wood. The fireplace by the window is roaring. Next to a large oak vanity, the headboard of the large bed is iron and perfectly rusted. I enter and he closes the door and sets our bags down on the gray love seat in the corner.

  After we take off our coats, Benjamin moves the strand of hair that was dangling in front of my eyes and lowers his face to mine. I curl my hands around his neck, and his large hands drop to my waist. Deepening the kiss, I shiver as his hands travel farther down to my backside. Our bodies are so close in proximity I can feel his large evidence of wanting pressed against me. He lifts me easily and I curl my legs around his thick waist, my lips finding his again.

  We’re like restless teenagers, unable to keep our hands to ourselves.

  He holds my body up to him with one arm, reaching the other to my face, pushing my hair back. He’s holding me with one arm. He has superhuman strength. He’s a god, that has to be it.

  I grab the bottom of my shirt and lift it, throwing it over his shoulder onto the floor. His lips leave my mouth and drag down over my jaw, throat, chest…and then his phone is disturbing the anxious desperation in the air, ringing loudly through the silence.

  “Ugh,” he says with disgust, and I drop my head against his shoulder.


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