Trickster Noir (Pixie for Hire Book 2)

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Trickster Noir (Pixie for Hire Book 2) Page 20

by Cedar Sanderson

  “And Alger? I need to talk to him soon.”

  Devon shook his head. “I haven’t seen him. I think he’s at Court, though, from things Mother thinks I didn’t overhear.”

  Bella choked back a laugh at that. “Oh, dear... You have been eavesdropping?”

  He looked indignant. “Have not. I just tend to work quietly and she didn’t see me at the desk in the corner.”

  That made me snort. I was willing to bet the first time it had been an accident. After that... The boy was clever.

  “How has the, er... transition been going?”

  Devon perked up at this. “Pretty well, I think. I get a lot of petty little stuff, you said I could handle that?”

  I nodded, and he went on.

  “Anyway, things like whose sheep is whose, and one guy accused another of stealing his land.”

  “What did you do?” Bella asked.

  “Hired surveyors. There was a creek that had shifted, it seems. It’s all right, now.”

  “Dare I ask how much this is costing?” I felt Bella’s hand on mine under the table, and couldn’t work up the concern the topic deserved.

  “Well, the initial outlays were fierce.” Devon’s brow puckered. “But then, the Court released Elleria’s taxes to us. Now, I’d say we’re breaking even.”

  I raised my eyebrows. “That’s better than I’d expected. But I won’t stop working, then. Need a fund for rainy days.”

  He frowned at me. “I worry about you, Uncle Lom.”

  That made me laugh. Our role reversal was complete. Then he looked at his watch. “Oh, my gosh! I have to run!”

  He came around to hug Bella, and then he was gone. I looked at Ash, who was still sitting. “Youth is wasted on the young.”

  “Speak for yourself, old man.” He shot back, getting up. “I got dragged into helping with the drains at the Manor, so I have to go, much as I don’t want to.”

  “Need a hand?”

  Bella, her voice dripping with suppressed laughter, broke in. “As amusing as it is to picture you rummaging in drains, you aren’t getting out of the wedding plans that easily, my dear.”

  Ash laughed and bubbled away. Ellie and Bella were clearing the table. I sighed. “I’ll be in my armory, then.”

  Second Weddings

  Bella followed him out, Ellie having given her that look that said, ‘I can handle this.’ Bella had learned to interpret Ellie’s eloquent body language, the little wood elf preferring that to speaking, mostly.

  Sitting at the desk, she summoned the correspondence that had accumulated during her brief absence and started to go through it. She was still working on that when Lucia swept through the door. Bella stood to greet her with a hug.

  “So good to see you.”

  The older woman looked tired, but happy. “Did you have a good visit with your family?”

  Bella nodded. “Everything was wonderful. Lom is in the armory, do you want me to go get him?”

  “Yes, if you don’t mind, my time is so limited.”

  As she walked away, Bella spoke over her shoulder, “I am so sorry that we dumped all of this on you.”

  Bella ran down the stairs to the armory and knocked loudly. They had decided to keep acting as though Lom had lost his magic entirely. Physically, he was whole again, but until they had a better chance of testing his magical limits, keeping Underhill in the dark seemed to be wise. There were still enemies lurking in the shadows. Lom came out and grabbed a quick kiss before they went back up to his mother.

  Lucia had seated herself, and they sat on the couch facing her straight-backed chair.

  “Now, first,” Lucia looked at Bella and smiled. “I am not at all unhappy with taking on the task of arranging your wedding, my child. It has been a joy, and I think it will help the Family immeasurably for the two of you to join in this union.”

  Bella wasn’t sure how to react to that, wondering if Lucia would have been this eager were she not Consort-elect. Lucia went on.

  “There really is no need for either of you to do anything at this point, beyond showing up at the cathedral, of course. Bella, I have fittings scheduled for you. Lom,” She paused and eyed her son. “I suspect I need to have them for you, as well. You are...”

  “Not the same size I was?” Lom grinned. “I am at your disposal, Mother. I just want this to be over and done with.”

  She snorted. “So glad you agree.”

  Bella chuckled at her tart tone. “And Court? Still standing since we’ve been gone?”

  Lucia settled back. “Well, Buckingham is certainly not a problem any longer for Elleria.”

  Something about her smug smile made Bella certain there was a story there, but they were interrupted by a knock at the front door. She got up and went to it, revealing Joe, in all his majordomo uniform glory.

  “Hello, Joe, my, aren’t you sparkly today.” Bella teased him. He unbent enough to give her the faintest wink, then bowed, presenting a small envelope. She accepted it.

  “Does the King,” She hadn’t the slightest idea it would be anyone else, “wish a reply?”

  “Yes, milady, I will wait.”

  “There should be coffee and tea in the kitchen, if you would like.”

  He nodded, and she took the envelope to Lucia, who was looking eager, and Lom, who was just looked amused. He often reacted that way when he was confident, she had noticed. The bleak, wise-cracking tough guy she had first met was his cover for uncertainty.

  “Ah, the king has summoned us ‘at our earliest convenience’ to the small receiving room.”

  “Old familiar ground.” Lom commented. “Might as well go, unless you have something else, Mother?” He looked at her.

  Lucia shook her head. “Not now, I will send both of you a detailed schedule. You only have a day and a half to the wedding, you know.”

  “And after this meeting, no doubt we will be scheduled down to the minute.” Lom offered dryly.

  “Not quite...” she demurred. They both understood that to mean yes, maybe even seconds counted.

  Bella kissed her cheek. “I will see you this evening.”

  Lom bent to kiss his mother, something he rarely did, and he could see her eyes moisten a little at his unaccustomed warmth. Bella was affecting him, he knew. Bella smiled at both of them, happy to see that they were mending some pain she hadn’t heard the story of. Then she and Lom went to take Joe away from his tea, which he was standing in the kitchen partaking.

  “Can’t bend in that, can you?” Bella asked sympathetically. Lom choked with laughter, and Joe, visibly startled, lost his composure enough to respond.

  “M’wife would kill me if I wrinkled...”

  Bella started laughing. “You know, Joe, I do believe that is the first time you have mentioned your wife. I would like to meet the woman who has you buffaloed.”

  He blinked. “She would like that, too.”

  “Shall we?” Lom broke in, smiling.

  The three of them came out in the hall by the small receiving room.

  “Keeping this on the hush-hush, eh?” Lom asked.

  Joe simply nodded and opened the door for them.

  Bella was amused to note that a tea service stood on the little table, but not the spread of food that had been there on her last visit.

  “Hah! Back to normal.” Lom observed, looking at her. The room was empty for the moment, and who knew when the King would be free to see them.

  “Yes, dear.” Bella replied, looking at him demurely. “Shall I pour?”

  He chuckled and she got herself a cup of tea, while he prowled around the room. It was lined with tapestries, something she had never really noticed before. Most of her time in this room had been under stress. There was one glass-fronted bookcase, and he stopped there to open a door and select a book.

  “Are you sure,” she was doubtful at his casual confidence in this room. The whole royal power thing still made her nervous.

  “Yes, I am. It could be hours until he gets to us, Bell

  “That reminds me. I wanted to talk to you about...” He held up a finger to stop her.

  “The walls have ears, Princess.”

  Bella realized why he was wanting to read rather than sit and talk to her. It wasn’t tuning her out, but the unseen listeners. And the library in her head was still a secret from all but the closest family. She walked to the bookcase and looked for something to read, as well.

  As it turned out, it was a couple of hours that they spent in companionable silence, broken by the occasional passage to read aloud to the other and a tinkle of a spoon in a cup. The listeners, Bella thought, must be bored to tears.

  Corwin walked in with no fanfare. He looked tired, and simply walked to his usual chair and sank into it.

  “Bella, is there any tea left?”

  She shook her head. “Yes, but it’s cold, just a minute, sir.”

  Bella put her hand near the teapot, concentrating, and the king and Lom watched in bemusement as she gently rewarmed the tea. She looked up and caught their gaze.

  “Oh, would you prefer fresh?” Bella wasn’t sure if she had done something wrong.

  Corwin shook his head. “No, this is a good start, thank you, I can’t remember last time I ate or drank, I’m afraid.”

  Bella stirred sugar into the now steaming tea and handed it to him. Then, as he sipped at it, she spun a small message spell off her fingertips. It was good to be the Consort-elect, from time to time. Being able to take care of a friend’s needs was a small thing, to be sure, but it made her happy.

  “I was beginning to wonder just how late you two were going to leave it,” Corwin emerged from his teacup and leaned back with a sigh. “Not that I blame you. Lucia has this organized like a war campaign, and I’m eyeing her for generalship if we should ever go to war.”

  Lom tried to stifle a laugh. Bella thought it would be a marvelous way to keep her mother-in-law busy and out of their hair, but a war wasn’t the best way to do that. Bella had ideas on that front that involved far less violence.

  Lom leaned forward and picked up his coffee cup. “I was all for appearing on the cathedral steps, but Bella pointed out my mother would frown on that.” He produced a theatrical shudder. “And I’m curious to hear what damage Alger has caused in Court.”

  “Only to the amor propre of certain parties.” Corwin leaned forward, smiling, and his eyes twinkling. “Very enlightening to watch him in action, and I find myself having great difficulties.”

  “Oh, no.” Bella murmured, looking troubled.

  “No, no... Having troubles keeping a straight face. Old Hellant, when Alger pointed out his youthful...”

  Corwin’s anecdote, which he kept interrupting himself with laughing as he began, was cut short by a rap at the outer door. Bella went to let the server in. There were two, bearing trays of sandwiches and cut fruit. Once they were arranged on the table, the pixies left them, and Corwin was able to eat. Bella found that she took great delight in making sure both of them ate. She was growing quite maternal, here.

  “You didn’t bring us here to gloat over Alger’s antics, sir.” Lom prompted after a while.

  “No, no... I wish everything was going that well. I had a favor to ask, and I know the timing is awkward, so I’m very sorry.”

  Bella took his plate away and refilled it.

  “Oh, I couldn’t...” She put it in his hands and Corwin subsided. He went on a minute later. “There’s a situation...”

  Bella opened her mouth to tell him about Raven’s request, but caught the look Lom was giving her and subsided. Corwin went on.

  “As you know, I send Alger and Mark to check on the Eastern Court after...” he looked at Lom, and Bella could see his regret in his eyes. “Anyway. They felt a certain undercurrent of tension, but weren’t able to put a name to it while they were visiting. While we are nominally allies, there is something to be said about the reticence of the Orient.”

  Lom nodded. Bella wondered what story lay in that look of resignation.

  “Well, I have had a back-channel communication, from Yiu Lao, you remember him?” The king was addressing Lom.

  Lom nodded, and Bella could see him grow a little grim around the edges. This was yet another story she was going to pry out of him... when they had time, and who knew when that would be. Life was turning into a roller-coaster ride.

  “He wants you, Lom. Says there is funny business, and the dogs are barking at his heels. You know how he talks.”

  Lom looked at Bella. “Lao watches too much television, and has an odd grasp on English. I think he does it on purpose. For... what he is, he has quite the sense of humor.”

  He turned back to the king, and lost his smile. “Did he give any more hints of what the problem was? He knows I am limited in what I can do, both in protocol, and...” He gestured loosely. He wasn’t even going to let the king in on his secret. Bella pondered the two of them and their relationship.

  It was like, in some ways, watching a father and son, if they worked together. She had seen them adversarial, but there was also a bond there. And Corwin trusted Lom deeply.

  Now, he answered Lom. “He thinks that there is going to be a coup attempt in Eastern. And he thinks Western, er, European, elements are involved. He was coy as always, said that he would fill you in face to face, on the QT.”

  “Did he say when?” Lom set his cup down.

  “Well, that’s the sticky part.” Corwin fidgeted with his own cup, not a lot, but Bella caught the tell, he wasn’t happy.

  “Sir?” She prompted. He looked guilty as he met her eyes.

  “He wants to meet you in a week. He said it couldn’t wait.”

  She nodded. With the wedding in less than two days...

  “It can be done.” She said firmly. Now both Lom and the king looked at her with a touch of surprise.

  “We will honeymoon in the mysterious Orient. It’s a good cover, and I don’t mind, really.”

  Lom knew what she was thinking, that this was already the plan for Raven’s message to Daniken. “I agree, my very practical bride.”

  Corwin chuckled. “I don’t know why I was thinking you’d be too worn out...”

  Bella felt herself blush and tried not to look at Lom.

  Corwin rubbed his hands together. “Good, that’s all settled. I’ll put the usual in your account, Lom, and a letter for the Emperor should you need it. Bella, m’dear, a delight as always, and you fed me well.”

  He stood, looking much better than he had when he came in the room. They stood with him.

  “I didn’t really...” Bella started.

  “Yes, you did, fed me like a daughter looking after her cranky old Da.” Corwin took her hands. “Little things count, child. I’m glad Lom has you.”

  Bella looked at Lom and smiled. “I’m glad I have him. That you sent him to me.”

  He released her hands and was gone, off to the next appointment.

  “Does he ever get to take a break?” Bella asked Lom, feeling concern over the king’s routine. She had never seen him take a break, although, granted she hadn’t been there at Court long.

  “He’s supposed to take vacations. Mostly he doesn’t...” Lom shrugged, trailing off. He saw the stress on his ruler too.

  “Shall we go home?” Bella suggested.

  Lom nodded, and she took them out without a walk through the lobby, to minimize how many people saw him. Bubbled, she turned to him.

  “Are we really going to try and do both missions at once?”

  Lom shrugged. “What are the odds that they aren’t related?”

  Bella considered this, wondering just how small the world was. That was something she had yet to determine, but it did seem that while the world above teemed with billions, there were far fewer inhabitants Underhill. Then she turned to her other thought about the whole situation.

  “So, we get paid twice?”

  Lom burst into laughter and hugged her. “My little mercenary wench.”

  Back at the
house, messages from Lucia with itemized schedules awaited them.

  “She wants me to do what?” Bella squeaked, looking at hers. It included detailed instructions for her fittings, and...

  Lom took the paper from her, and his lips quirked. “I warned you...”

  “Yes, but.” She sighed.

  He leaned in and kissed her thoroughly. “We could have eloped.”

  Bella glared at him. “Too late now. And besides, it would have disappointed your mother terribly.”

  “Yes. Are you going to be all right?” He ran his fingers from earlobe to jawline and Bella felt her knees loosen.

  “Perfectly fine. If I can face ogres, I can strip down in front of a dresser, surely.”

  Hopefully, they would at least see one another in bed that night. Lucia’s schedule ran well after dinnertime. Bella wondered if there was some conspiracy to keep the bride and groom apart right before the wedding.

  She stood, more than a day later, stiff in the gown and waiting by the door, musing on the same theme. They hadn’t seen one another for any longer than a quick cuddled sleep, no energy for more, before separating again to meet Lucia’s planned events. Bella had been fitted into the ridiculous gown - the undergarments didn’t bear thinking of, but she was eternally grateful she wasn’t expected to do anything other than walk, and that in a straight line.

  Which... there was her cue, and Corwin, wearing the crown that meant today he was King Trytion, offering his elbow to her with an avuncular smile.

  “Too late to run, now, lassie,” he whispered in her ear as the music started to crescendo.

  “In this dress? I rather think not.” Bella told him as the doors swung open and the trumpets called out triumphantly. “Besides, we’ve been married for a week.” She smiled behind the veil, knowing that no one could hear her but him.

  So he was laughing and struggling for his usual cool dignity as he walked her down the aisle. She felt confident, despite the ridiculous train, and the mass of people all looking at her. Bella was going to the one man she wanted, and she was succeeding in chipping away at the facade of her new home, moving it forward a little. If all she could do was a little, it was enough. But this wedding was a symbol of more than her joining with Lom, it was part of her assumption of power in a society which by all rights should consider her a mere child.


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