Mated to the Dragons

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Mated to the Dragons Page 15

by Sara Fields

  Draego tore forward and grabbed her from Bruddis’ arms.

  “How the fuck could you allow her to do such a thing, brother? She could have been killed,” he roared, partly angry sounding, but the expression on his face was one of stark relief.

  “Our warrior of a wife insisted. She wouldn’t let me take no for an answer. And I have to admit she was right. Once that ship got off the ground and had us in the range of its guns, we would have been in a really bad spot. She disabled the force field and weakened the hull to my flames. I don’t know about you, but she made me proud,” he replied curtly, narrowing his eyes in challenge to his brother. Crossing his arms over his chest, he held his ground.

  Draego lifted his head and nodded curtly, accepting his brother’s words without further complaint.

  “I know, Bruddis, but it was hard to watch her jump off that ship and not gun the engines to go and catch her,” he replied.

  Bruddis grinned.

  “You doubted me, brother?” he joked and Draego hazarded a laugh.

  “Only a little. She’s our wife, dammit,” he chided, and brushed her hair off her forehead, before placing a kiss where his fingers had just touched.

  Jada shivered in Draego’s arms. Finally safe, with her men on a ship bound for Draegira, her raging adrenaline petered and dwindled into nothingness. Exhaustion shadowed at the edges of her vision and she tried to blink it away.

  “Enter the coordinates for Draegira, Bruddis, and put it on hyper drive. I never want to see Earth again,” Draego commanded and his brother smirked.

  “You bet,” Bruddis replied.

  “I’m going to put our wife to bed,” Draego said firmly. “She can spend time with her family after she’s gotten some rest.”

  Jada tried to protest but Draego shushed her.

  “Fight me on this, little human, and I’ll bare that bottom of your right now and I don’t care if they watch,” he warned, and she quickly pressed her lips together, deciding now was probably not the best time to put up a fuss.

  Instead, she curled into his chest, resting her head on his shoulder and breathing in his spicy masculine scent. She’d fight his overbearing, Neanderthal-type nature another day, but then again, the way her body heated at his blatant threat to spank her meant she really didn’t want it to stop.

  Her pussy clenched in anticipation.

  Closing her eyes, sleep took hold of her in seconds and she knew little more.

  Chapter Thirteen

  The journey back to Draegira was uneventful, but enjoyable. Both brothers made sure to check on multiple occasions that they weren’t being followed by any Earthen forces. Jada was given the chance to finally catch up with her parents and give them both the true story of what she went through while in President Ramsey’s clutches.

  Even as she told the story, she shivered, haunted by the events of her past. Many times she had to pause, glazing over several details in order to not worry them so.

  Bruddis took out a first aid kit, treated her mother’s cuts and bruises, and incredibly, they were all gone in less than a day. He took special care with the graze on Jada’s arm, babying it so much that she protested, earning a hefty swat to her backside that quickly quieted her.

  Throughout the journey, Jada found herself constantly reminded of the man who had taken her, his knife on her throat, his gaze on her when she had been stuffed inside that cage, and it left her reeling. She yearned for her men’s hands, for them to take away the sickening feeling of what happened to her. She wanted their marks on her skin. Despite their careful watch over her, she hid her feelings and instead tried to focus on distractions and her family. It didn’t seem to help all that much.

  One evening as she lay cuddled in Bruddis’ arms, enjoying the feel of his hard body against her curves, she decided to ask him about all the Draegiran technology she’d seen in the time she’d been kidnapped. It was jolting to see it all, especially when the planet she’d grown to love and called home did not showcase their technology in the way Earth did.

  “Draegirans like to live simply. We find life more beautiful that way, but we also understand we need to be able to defend ourselves. We have spaceships that are second to none, weapons that little know about because we find it’s better to surprise the enemy, rather than having them know what to expect. We keep this technology hidden from daily life. It is our way,” he replied. “Isn’t it much more beautiful and satisfying to ride a dragon on the winds rather than a plane, surrounded by the ugly noises of a gas engine?”

  “Indeed, it is,” she whispered.

  A few days later, the planet of Draegira was in their sights. Jada breathed deeply and sighed, happy tears edging the corners of her eyes.

  “Welcome home, my queen,” Draego said.

  “Welcome home, my warrior,” Bruddis added and the two of them folded her hands in theirs. She smiled and dropped her head.

  “I love you, my kings,” she replied.

  She squeezed her fingers around theirs and pulled them close and they both draped an arm around her waist as they entered Draegira’s atmosphere. When they eventually landed, she finally let go of their hands and followed them as they made preparations to leave the ship. Looking out the window and seeing the glorious white rock city awaiting her return, she couldn’t help but smile in delight.

  She was home again. Safe.

  The next few hours passed quickly. First, the group was greeted with a smorgasbord of food, including foreign and Draegiran fruits and pastries, along with a variety of meats, cheeses, and wines.

  Jada grinned and took her own goblet of delicious of red wine, sipping it slowly as she watched the enchantment that passed over her parents’ faces. Since the king has passed in the time that she’d been away, the brothers decided that her family would take the king’s quarters and that they would keep their own.

  Her father had tried to protest, but even she knew that once her kings decided on something, that it was useless to try to fight it. Her mother blushed prettily beside him and Jada couldn’t stop admiring how her skin had healed flawlessly. Her lip had come together beautifully and her bruises disappeared entirely.

  Her mother met her eyes and smiled.

  When the midday meal had ended, everyone retired to their respective rooms, exhausted from the long journey, or at least that’s what her men said.

  Once they rounded the corner to their chambers though, they perked up and almost lifted her off the floor as they took her upper arms in their clutches, propelling her forward and into the bedroom as quickly as they could. The door shut behind them with a resounding click and Jada was left with a pounding heart and trembling legs, as she waited for what was to come.

  “You’ve been hiding from us, Jada,” Bruddis scolded and she stared at the floor, knowing he was right.

  “I want you naked, my queen,” Draego began, his tone dark and seductive, and she felt her pussy clench tightly in response.

  That day, she was wearing a simple white wrap dress and even though it was incredibly easy to put on, her hands still shook with nervous anticipation as she tried to untie the sash around her waist. After what seemed like ages, she untied the bow and the dress draped open. With a shrug, she felt the fabric slip down her shoulders and let it fall to the floor. The air from the open window caressed her frame, still chilly but warmer than she last remembered. She hadn’t needed her mantle once today.

  Maybe winter was over after all.

  “Kneel,” Bruddis commanded and she automatically fell to her knees, his order reverberating through her bones. She needed to obey, needed to submit.

  She desperately needed their hands on her once again.

  Images of the cage haunted her, of having a knife pressed to her throat and a gun trained on her heart. She needed her men to chase those memories away, and remind her of their love, their touch, and their discipline when she needed it.

  She wanted her body branded with it, their rough palms tattooed across her backside.

sp; “My dragons, my sirs,” she breathed and the two men drew in shallow, but loud gasps at her words.

  “Yes, my queen?” Draego asked, his tone causing her to shiver.

  “I…” she began.

  “Need a reminder of who’s the boss in this relationship? To never hide your true feelings from us ever again?” Bruddis finished, almost as if he could read her mind.

  “Yes, Masters,” she breathed quietly, brave enough to meet both of their eyes.

  “What do you need? Do you need to be spanked? Do you need more than that?” Draego coaxed and she lifted her chin to meet his eyes.

  “I need you to make everything in my head disappear,” she replied softly, as courageously as she could.

  Both brothers stared down at her for a long moment as if deciding what to do next.

  “Bruddis, why don’t you take our wife over your knee and remind her who in charge here on Draegira, remind her to never put herself in danger ever again, especially when it comes to jumping off Earthen spaceships, quite possibly to her death. I’ll bring the message home and whip our little naughty wife with my belt. How does that sound?”

  Jada’s heart hammered in her chest. Her men had threatened her many times with the belt, but she had never actually felt it caress her naked cheeks.

  “The belt?” she whispered, suddenly becoming increasingly nervous.

  Observing with bated breath, she watched as Draego dropped his hands to his waistband. He gripped the leather hide in his fingers, sliding it through the clasp slowly, almost for dramatic effect and it worked. Her pussy clenched and her bottom tensed, almost as though she could feel it whipping across her backside.

  “Please,” she pleaded, unsure of herself.

  Draego paused and met her eyes, but not before pulling the belt from the loops of his slacks and folding it over in his hands.

  “Do you trust us, little human?” he asked, searching her eyes deeply then.

  Her nipples pebbled under his gaze and she could feel her arousal beginning to seep from her core.

  Finally, she nodded, although still nervous about receiving the discipline from the belt hanging by his side.

  “Will it hurt?”

  He smiled and nodded. “But it will make you forget. You need to be punished, my queen and your kings will decide when that backside of yours has had enough, do you understand?”

  Bruddis sat down on the edge of the bed.

  “Come now, wife. It’s time for your discipline to begin,” Bruddis declared and she moved toward him, crawling forward on her hands and knees. He offered his arm and helped her up, guiding her forward so that she bent over his right thigh. His other leg snaked over the back of hers, locking her body into place so she couldn’t kick, struggle, or escape.

  “You asked to forget, wife,” he said, dragging his fingertips across her bare skin. Her bottom clenched, nervously awaiting the beginning, middle, and end of everything she had asked for.

  His palm spread wide, squeezing her right bottom cheek in his grasp. In that moment, she felt entirely vulnerable and completely at the mercy of her husbands, and even though she knew that very soon, she’d be begging and pleading for their forgiveness, she also realized that she needed it. She needed the punishment to help her let go of the past, to finally free her of the incredible weight of everything she’d been put through.

  She knew that a spanking would help.

  “Tell me to begin. Ask me for it, beg me,” he ordered, and her core pulsed with need.

  Her mouth felt dry, her body tense, but she knew she needed this. She needed her bottom to burn, tears to fall, and to let go of everything that had happened over the past week or so. She didn’t need to be punished, she needed to be cleansed and a good hard spanking at the hands of her husbands would certainly deliver that need.

  Lifting her bottom just a hair, she arched her back and Bruddis groaned softly in approval.

  “Spank me, Sir, remind me that I’m yours. Please punish me hard,” she begged, and he didn’t disappoint. His palm cracked down hard against her left cheek and then her right, quickly pushing whatever was at the forefront of her mind away, leaving only the spanks descending on her poor, defenseless backside.

  He didn’t hold back, that much was clear. As the spanking continued, she realized he had been much gentler before, hadn’t truly begun to discipline her till now. He truly meant business. Her hips wagged from side to side, unconsciously trying to avoid the heavy spanks, but all was for naught. His hand was huge, relentless, and wide enough so that when he spanked one side, it covered the entirety of each cheek. He didn’t only spank her bottom, but made sure to include the tops of her thighs, which quickly forced her into a very submissive state of mind.

  He peppered her ass with what felt like a thousand hard, thuddy spanks, and then wound his arm around her waist, lifting her up even higher than before.

  “Arch your back. I want to punish those pretty little sit spots of yours, so that every time you sit down tomorrow, you’re reminded of who owns you, my queen,” he demanded, and she whined in response.

  With a strangled cry, she slowly lifted her hips and Bruddis spanked the place where her bottom met her thighs with such fervor that a cry caught in her throat. Tears threatened to fall and she tried to hold back, but the sting from his palm was ever present.

  When he grasped her bottom cheeks and spread them wide, she whimpered, not sure what to expect next. After a long moment, his fingers found her tight hole and grazed over it, before slapping down hard over top of it.

  Her body reacted violently, the pain overwhelming at first, but then it transformed into pleasure and desire like no other. It was also embarrassing and shameful, and she cried out loud when he repeated the motion several times.

  “Such a bad girl, look at this naughty hole. I’ve never had to punish my woman as severely as you deserve, little human,” he said, and her body shuddered.

  The tears threatened more wildly.

  He let go of her bottom cheeks then and resumed spanking her, faster this time, giving her less and less time to take in the pain and it quickly overwhelmed her.

  “Let go of your tears, my queen. Your spanking won’t end until I hear your cries, until you apologize for worrying me so, for hiding your pain and for endangering yourself, little human,” Bruddis said quietly and she whined in response.

  She wanted it to stop, but then again, she didn’t.

  The spanks grew harsher, more intense and despite her efforts to hold back, tears began to trickle down her cheeks. Her bottom burned, her pussy ached, her core pulsing with need and she reached down, holding on to his ankle, yet lifting her bottom up for more.

  Freedom. Light. Hurt. Love.

  She felt it all, needed and craved every second, loved the fact that her bare backside was bearing the physical mark of her husband’s love. She cried then and let the memories of the past go free, and hardly noticed that his spanks had slowed, that his fingers were squeezing her punished flesh roughly, drifting closer and closer to the arousal pooled between her thighs.

  “Good girl. Almost done, just the belt left and then you’re going to get fucked good and hard,” Bruddis coaxed, lifting her from his knees and depositing her hips over top a mound of pillows. Her eyes teary, she realized she was in the center of the bed. Bruddis sat beside her and placed a hand on her lower back.

  He was going to hold her still.

  Did she need to be held down? Was the belt that much of a difficult and painful punishment? Despite her fear, her pussy ached to be touched and flowed with her juices, clearly enjoying the fact that she was being punished.

  Draego snapped the belt beside her and she shivered.

  He laid the cool leather across her backside and she stilled.

  “I’m going to paint this pretty backside of yours with red stripes. I will decide when you have been adequately punished. Now tell me, after your spanking over Bruddis’ knee, are you sorry for scaring the two of us? For making us fear yo
ur death, despite the bravery of your act? Do you know how I felt when I saw you jump off that ship? How I would feel if we had lost you?” Draego scolded and she couldn’t help but be caught up with the power of his words.

  “Second, I want to remind you that we are here to support you, wife, and that includes telling us when you need us. I know the events of the past few days have been very rough on you, but I want you to be comfortable with telling us when you’re feeling sad or mad, or even when you’re happy,” Draego added. He paused then and glided the tips of his fingers across her cheek. “I also want to tell you that Bruddis and I are deeply sorry for not believing you about the murder in the first place. We didn’t realize that what happened on Earth could follow you here and could put you in such incredible danger. I’m sorry we couldn’t protect you from Ramsey, but you’re here now, and I want you to know that you will forever be ours, no matter what happens.”

  “Please, Masters, I need this,” she whimpered, feeling the effect of his words deep in her heart. She loved him for it. Pressing into his touch, she closed her eyes and sighed happily. When she opened them again, she was ready for the rest of the punishment to proceed.

  She wiggled her hips, feeling the cool thin leather strap against her skin.

  “I love you, my queen, and I will whip this naughty backside of yours until you learn this lesson, is that clear?” he added, and she shivered.

  “Yes, Sir,” she whispered, feeling the touch of the leather pull back across her skin.

  The real punishment was about to begin.

  The leather swished through the air and she tensed involuntarily a second before the implement snapped across her bare bottom. An immediate line of fire burned across her skin and she felt the air leave her lungs in a single quiet whoosh. The fiery ache quickly amplified in the ensuing moments and she whimpered at the intensity of it.


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