Gilded Wings

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Gilded Wings Page 19

by Cameo Renae

  Another bright light illuminated the closet, and this time, two figures stepped forward.

  I gasped, recognizing them as soon as they came into focus.

  “These are—” Michael said with his hand outstretched toward them.

  “Kade’s parents,” I breathed.

  He looked at me and smiled.

  “They’re exactly how he described,” I said, breathless.

  Both were beautiful beyond words, with strong resemblances of Kade which made my heart ache. His mother radiated beauty. Her deep amber eyes had flecks of gold within them, and when she smiled at me, it reminded me so much of my mother.

  “Emma, I am Arella,” his mother spoke. I instinctively ran into her arms.

  “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry he’s gone. It should have been me. He didn’t deserve to die. Not for me.”

  “Shhh—” She gently stroked my hair. “It’s okay. It’s okay, darling.”

  I didn’t understand how they could bear to look at me, let alone touch or speak to me so kindly. Their son was dead because of me. But they didn’t show an ounce of anger.

  “Kade knew what he was doing.” Arella’s voice was soft and sweet. “He freely chose his path, and was willing to give everything he had for the one he loved. We are proud of our son. The choices he made were his alone, and no one can question why. He did it because he believed in you. Because he loved you.”

  “I never deserved him.”

  “Yes, you did. And right now, mourning his death is the last thing he would want. He would want you to celebrate his life,” she answered.

  “I’m so sorry we had to meet under these circumstances. I loved your son, and you’re right. He wouldn’t want me to mourn him. But whenever I close my eyes, I see his face, and it kills me a little more each time.”

  Kade’s father, Raphael, sighed. “Come, child.” He stepped forward and offered me his hand, then led me over to the bed. “Please sit.” He nodded and smiled.

  I did as he said, wondering why.

  Arella moved behind him, and stood next to Michael. Their calm demeanors made me relax just a bit.

  “Are you going to put me to sleep?”

  They all began to laugh.

  It was a rational question. I really didn’t want to be put under, not when I still had so many questions. Not to mention the fact I had just met them.

  “No.” Raphael grinned, placing his hand on my forehead.

  As soon as he touched me, a rush of dizziness and tingles jolted through my body. It felt similar to the effects of the potion, only much more potent. I felt woozy and grabbed his arm to steady myself.

  “It’s okay. Just close your eyes, relax, and breathe.”

  “What’s happening?” I questioned.

  “He’s healing you,” Michael answered.

  Arella nodded kindly, her beautiful smile never left her lips. “Kade’s vial was filled with Raphael’s healing magic, which we shared with Alaine. The reason why Kade was in possession of the vial was because he knew from whom it came, and how it worked.”

  It was like a light flicked on in my mind as I remembered all the times I needed help, and Kade was there, offering me the magical potion.

  After another a minute, Raphael stepped back. “You should be good as new. Now tonight, during your transformation, you shouldn’t feel as much pain. And, you are now free from any infirmity.”

  “I had infirmities?”

  “A few bruised ribs and a broken heart. The heart might take a while to mend, but eventually it will. I promise you.”

  I didn’t see how. I knew as soon as they left and I was alone again, I would start to drown in my sorrow.

  Arella walked forward and stood next to Raphael. They looked into each other’s eyes, and for that brief moment, I saw nothing but pure unconditional love. It was a look Kade and I had shared.

  His mom then turned, leaned over and hugged me. “Thank you, Emma, for loving our son. He never loved anyone as much as he loved you.”

  “He was everything I could have ever wished for.” I fought a never-ending battle with tears that would not relent.

  “Remember… it wasn’t your fault. We all know what happened, and Lucifer will pay a pretty price for what he’s done,” Raphael added. “You don’t have to worry about him. You have drawn the attention of the Creator, and he has made sure Lucifer is kept under tight reigns. He has been bound to the Underworld, with no portal to escape. And now that Lucian is gone, there will be no more senseless killings of Nephilim. You have fulfilled the prophecy.”

  “But the cost was great,” I sobbed.

  “There has always been death and mourning, and it will continue until the end of time. Those who have passed are no longer in pain. It’s the ones who remain who suffer the most. But we must remember to celebrate their life, and not mourn their death.”

  “It’s so hard.”

  “But don’t you see, Emma? You haven’t even transformed yet and you’ve already fulfilled the prophecy. Lucifer is gone, the war has ended, and all Nephilim will be free,” Arella added.

  “It’s been a rough road, but we know you will make it. Look how far you’ve come. And we will all be watching over you,” Raphael added.

  “Thank you,” I said, appreciatively.

  “I have to leave on a mission, but my dear Emma, it was an honor to finally meet you. I hope it won’t be the last time we see you,” Raphael said, taking my hands in his. “And, don’t fret my child. Have faith.”

  I nodded not seeing how faith would help.

  Arella wrapped her arms around me one last time and kissed my forehead.

  “Goodbye, Emma. If you ever come to Grandia, please come and visit us.”

  “I will,” I smiled. “Thank you again. It was such an honor to meet you.”

  “The honor was ours,” Raphael said with a nod, then grasped hold of his wife’s hand.

  They both turned and acknowledged Michael before they walked back into my closet. With a flash of bright light, they were gone.

  Michael stepped forward, holding his arms out to me again.

  “I’m so proud of you,” he said as I walked into his embrace.

  “Michael, grandfather, which should I call you?”

  “Whatever you are comfortable with. I realize I’ve just appeared into your life and I won’t be offended.”

  I smiled. “Could I ask you a question?”

  “Of course,” he said, with a glint in his eye.

  “I thought all angels who mated with mortals were executed?”

  A wide smile grew on his face. “Yes. It was a rule, but only if caught in the act.”

  “But then, why was Lucifer’s brother killed if he wasn’t caught?”

  “Because some of the rules in the Underworld were altered after the Fall. Though they kept most of the rules, the ones which would be punishable by the Creator, the others were mildly amended. Lucian made his own rules. He wanted to overthrow Lucifer, and accusing him was his way of attempting that feat. Lucifer blamed his brother because it was the only way to turn Lucian’s wrath away from him.”

  “So, you’re not going to be executed?”

  Michael roared with laughter. “No, dear child. I most definitely will not be executed.”

  “That’s good,” I exhaled. “You haven’t met Alaine yet, have you?”

  “No,” he said. “And right now is not the time. I came because of you needed me most. But one day soon our paths will cross, and I will finally meet my daughter.”

  “Should I tell her I met you?”

  “Let’s keep it secret for now.”

  “She will just die. You’re even more amazing than I ever could have imagined,” I said. “Michael the Archangel is my grandfather.”

  Michael laughed. “The feeling is mutual. Such greatness in such a small package.”

  “It’s in the blood,” I acknowledged.

  “Yes, I guess it is,” he smiled. “If you like, I could send someone to help you through
your transformation.”

  “No. I think I’ll be alright.”

  He nodded with a proud smile. “If you change your mind, just speak the words. I have someone who is highly skilled to aid in the transition and will help you cope afterward.”

  “Okay. I’ll consider it,” I said. Maybe having someone with me who knew what to expect would be good for me.

  “Good,” he said, hugging me again. “I must leave, but you have a lot of people surrounding you who love you unconditionally. So don’t fail to ask if you ever need help.”

  “I won’t,” I said. “Thank you for coming. You’ve helped me more than you know.”

  “I knew it was time. I’m glad you called out,” he said, leaning over and kissing the top of my forehead. “Goodbye, Emma.”

  “Goodbye, Grandfather.”

  He turned and winked at me before stepping through the doorway and disappearing into a burst of light.

  I fell backward onto my bed.

  “Oh my God,” I said out loud. I couldn’t believe everything that had just happened. It was all like a dream. I never, in my wildest dreams, thought I would meet Kade’s parents. They were the most amazing, caring beings I had ever met. They understood his motives and accepted his actions. I guess that’s how they could cope with his passing so easily.

  Being touched by all of them eased some of the pain.

  I took in another deep breath, taking in their sweet scents before they faded away.

  In a few hours, I would be transforming into who knows what. I would become immortal, but didn’t know what gifts I would be given. Would I have invisibility, or something else?

  The ache in my heart was a reminder that as an immortal, I would be spending the rest of eternity alone.

  I still had the choice to become mortal. All I needed to do was go and see Ephraim. I guess I would have to see how it worked out. Even with the sleeper, I was still exhausted, and Raphael’s healing touch made my body relax.

  My eyelids were heavy, so I closed them and tried to rest.

  THERE WAS A KNOCK AT the door, and Alaine entered with a tray of food and handed it to me.

  “You need to eat,” she said. You’ll need your strength.”

  My stomach growled as soon as the aroma hit my nose.

  “Thank you,” I said, lifting the cover. It was a bowl of steaming beef stew, and a hot buttered roll. I immediately took it to the bed and started eating. The meat was tender, like biting into soft butter.

  “Will it be alright if Thomas and Dom come to see you?” she asked. “They’ve been very worried.”

  I nodded. “Sure. How’s Alex doing?”

  “He’s stable. We will have to wait another day or two to be sure he’s out of danger, but he’s holding on. Luckily, Lucian missed his heart, but the immortal blade did a lot of damage.”

  I nodded sadly.

  “I’ll let the others know they can come up in a bit. You finish your dinner.” She gave me a small smile and closed the door on her way out.

  I was happy I would get to see them, but knew my heart would be battered again, not seeing James or Malachi.

  I fought the tears. “No. Not now.” I quickly focused back on my meal, trying to block everything else out, but it took a lot out of me.

  When I finally finished and set the tray aside, there was another knock.

  “Come in,” I said, standing, waiting for them to enter.

  I tried to paint on a smile, but as soon as Dom walked through the door, and I saw the look of pain in his eyes, I lost it.

  “Emma,” he said, holding his arms open to me. I ran to him and hugged him tightly.

  “I’m sorry, Dom. I know how much you loved them,” I sobbed.

  “Yeah, I miss that big ol’ grumpy brute,” he said, trying to make light of it, but the look in his eyes said how much he truly hurt. “And Kade,” he continued, placing his hands on my shoulders, tears filling his eyes. “Kade was my best friend. He taught me that there is so much more to life than simply existing. That if we take time to look at all of the beautiful things around us, it is easy to see how much we really have to live for.

  “I know what it’s like to lose someone whose heart has been connected to yours. It feels like your heart has been ripped out, bashed, and stabbed repeatedly, with no hope of the pain ever stopping. It kills your will to live. But you can and will live, just by waking up each morning, breathing, and making it through the day. Every single day will be hard, like taking your first steps, but as you keep at it, it will start to get a little easier. Then one day, you will realize you are running on your own.” He looked into my eyes with sincerity. “You will live again, Emma.”

  “How could I not with all of you surrounding me?”

  “I know we’ll be heading back to Midway soon, but if you ever need me, I will drop whatever it is I’m doing and come. You just say the words. Kade made me promise to watch over you if anything ever happened to him, and I will keep my word. No assignment will ever be too important. Understand?”

  “I do. Thank you,” I said, wrapping my arms around him and kissing him on the cheek. “Thank you so much.”

  Thomas stood to the side, his hands folded in front of him. “The same goes for me. Kade was my friend and brother, and I will always be here for you should you need me.”

  “Thank you, Thomas,” I said, hugging him.

  He awkwardly hugged me back, like he didn’t want to break me. Then he added, “But I doubt you’ll need us. After you transform you’ll probably be more kickass than both of us put together.”

  “Yeah, so I might be calling you instead,” Dom added. “But we’ll keep that between us. We wouldn’t want rumors to leak about me needing help from a chick. I have a reputation to uphold.”

  “Deal,” I said, giggling.

  I glanced behind them and saw a faint smile on Alaine’s face. I nodded to her and she nodded back.

  “Well, I don’t think any of us will be getting any sleep tonight knowing it’s your transformation. I think we will all be like proud parents, waiting and anticipating the birth, or in your case… rebirth,” Dom said.

  “Well, hopefully I’ll still be alive to show and tell you all about it in the morning.”

  “Someone better put the sleeper on me tonight. I’m not kidding. I still have a lot of healing to do,” Dom said, rolling his eyes.

  “I’ll tuck you in,” Thomas said.

  “Fine, but don’t you dare try to fondle me.”

  “Dude, you’re disgusting.”

  “So I’ve been told,” he said raising his brow. “And Emma, when you get up, come and wake me up. I’ll be in the room next to yours. Thomas will be across the hall.”

  “I will. I promise.”

  “Good luck, princess,” Dom said.

  “Thanks.” I smiled.

  “Bye, Emma. See you in the morning,” Thomas added.

  I hugged them both once more, and they left.

  Alaine stayed a bit longer and gathered my tray.

  Before she left she turned back to me. “Remember, if you need us—”

  “I promise to call.”

  She smiled. “I love you, sweetheart.”

  “I love you too,” I answered. Her smile grew, then she turned and walked out.

  I’d just come out of a shower, where I stood under the stream of water for almost a half hour. The uncertainty and unanswered questions of the transformation consumed me. My heart rate elevated, and my stomach was twisting.

  My mind began to spin, rewinding to all of the horrific images of death which had been hardwired into my mind, and I couldn’t stop it. It was making me relive the deaths of Ethon and Kade, over and over again, and it was making me sick.

  I then realized being alone wasn’t working out like I’d planned. At least, not while I was still so weak. I needed help. I was scared and didn’t really want to be alone. If there was someone to help me through it, maybe my mind wouldn’t constantly be focused on the negative.

  I remembered Arella and Raphael’s words to me… to celebrate life instead of mourning death.

  All of my good and positive memories were stored in my photo album, and the only reason they were here was because Kade went all the way back to L.A. to collect them. He knew having them would help me through the hard times.

  I reached under the foot of the bed and pulled it out. The last person to touch it was Kade. I held it to my heart, not sure if I was strong enough to open it.

  Laying the album down in front of me, I slowly flipped the cover.

  There on the first page were my parent’s smiling faces beaming back at me. God I missed them so much. I closed my eyes and tried to revisit them in our old house. But as soon as I did, the negative would jump right in, and take me to the accident and the hospital. I hated I had to fight against my own mind.

  The next few pages were of me, Lia, and Jeremy. Random shots of our school years together. I smiled at their wide smiles, wild poses, and goofy faces.

  As I flipped to the next page, I couldn’t breathe.

  It was filled with pictures of me and Kade. Lia had taken them while she was here. How did she develop them? And when did she find the time to put them into my book without me knowing? I didn’t remember Lia taking half of these pictures… my own little paparazzi.

  It was as if he were still alive, his beautiful face radiated so much joy as he held me in his arms.

  My eyes landed on one particular photo. It was the night of the masquerade ball, and we were the only two on the dance floor. He looked so unbelievably handsome; his hazel eyes were fixed on mine. We looked so happy, so perfect, so in love. That picture defined who we were.

  I traced the outline of his face, and my insides ached with a mixture of happiness and extreme sadness. Tears dropped down onto the pages, so I closed it and pushed it back under the bed.

  I was a mess, and could feel myself slowly start to crumble. There were forty more minutes until my transformation, and I wrestled with the decision of having someone with me.

  Thirty minutes remained, and I finally agreed I was going to do this alone. I clicked on my lamp, turned off the overhead light, and crawled into bed. Closing my eyes, I tried to slow my breathing. But as time grew closer I began to get more apprehensive, and found myself jittery and uneasy. Maybe I should have asked for help.


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