Trust Me to Know You

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Trust Me to Know You Page 14

by Jaye Peaches

  “Gemma, I’m taking you down.”

  The cuffs were released and my arms dropped to my sides, the sudden rush of blood made my arms heavy and numb. The dripping wet vibrator was removed. He picked me up and lay me face down on the bed, untying my legs and breasts too. There was a pause while he went and fetched something from the bathroom. I smelt scent, a strong sweet fragrance. He sat astride my legs, not resting his weight on me. Smooth, well-oiled hands were on my back and slowly he started to massage my shoulders and back.

  “Good?” he asked.

  “Oh God yes,” I sighed, the sensation was returning to my arms.

  He worked down my back towards my buttocks and began to knead my cheeks with his knuckles. Fingers slipped between my buttock cheeks. I tensed slightly.

  “Shhh, baby. I am preparing you.”

  He spread my cheeks and started rubbing oil on his hands. Oh my, his intentions were becoming clearer and his erection was resting on my bottom. A well-oiled finger poked into my bum hole.

  “Lift you bottom up,” instructed Jason and he placed a couple of cushions under my hips. “Ready for me?”

  “Yes, sir. Please can I come for you?”

  “Sure, baby, you’ve been very patient.”

  His cock pushed against me, he met some resistance, and then he entered, stretching my insides. He leant down into me and I heard him groan in delight. “So fucking tight, you gorgeous girl.”

  I quivered at his erotic comment. It became a long sensual fuck, he took his time and eased in and out as if he was doing press ups on me. I gripped the sheets with my hands and pushed my hips back against him, meeting each thrust. The trembling sensation built and I could not contain myself. I rubbed my clit up and down on the fabric of the pillow as I moved with him and came.

  “Arggghhh, fuck! Fuck!”

  I was increasingly vocal. The strain of being suspended and flogged had made me keener and my skin super sensitive to touch. He pressed down on me and filled me with his warmth. My bum was hot all over, inside and out. He rested there until he was aware that he was too heavy on me. He withdrew and stood by the bed, reaching down he removed my blindfold.

  “Bath.” He went to turn the taps on and I staggered to my feet, following him in.

  The warm water lapped around us, as I lay in his arms with my back against his chest. He massaged my sore shoulders.

  “Mmmmm. Nice,” I was relaxed if sore.

  “Good. That was a very pleasurable fuck.”

  “Are we going to bed now?”

  “No. You said you wanted to go longer, so we will,”

  Oh, I did say that, didn’t I? He had a good memory for my utterances.

  I was dry and kneeling again in front of the divan. We had taken on refreshments: water and biscuits. It had helped give me a second wind.

  He was sitting in front of me. Lifting my chin, he looked me in the eyes.

  “I want to use you on that,” he pointed to the whipping bench. “Are you ready? No canes. No fucking. A paddle perhaps, time to start you back on it. We’ve avoided it for long enough.”

  I could not describe the sudden angst that rushed through me, but I wanted so much to please him, so I smiled and nodded. Jason did not look convinced. He rubbed his chin for moment thinking.

  “Come, stand.” He led me over to the bench. We stopped, right next to it.

  “I’m not going to bind you or blindfold you. Just a few swipes with that thin paddle there.”

  I looked at the implement, it certainly was not the meanest paddle that had ever struck me. My legs though had gone like lead and in my head was a memory, becoming vivid, almost too real. I shut my eyes and swallowed, it would not go away. I could feel my shoulders shake.

  “What? What are you remembering?” Jason spoke gently in my ear. He held my upper arms to steady me.

  “I’m seeing everything upside down. Like when you’re bent over the bench. Just his feet and the tip of the cane. He’s tapping on his legs.

  “Go on,” Jason stood closer to me, his naked body brushed against my back.

  “I can see my feet, such a crazy position to be in,” I laughed nervously. “If I peer up I can see more of him. He’s... he’s wanking himself. Such a big cock.”

  “What bigger than mine?” Jason’s attempt to humour me did little to relieve my anxieties.

  “Short and stubby,” I snorted. “Very wide, the widest cock I’ve ever had. It always needed me to be well prepared for him, really aroused to take him fully. I watch him lift the cane...” I sobbed.

  “Babe, Gemma. Don’t torture yourself,” said Jason kindly.

  “No, you see I’ve remembered something else. When I came to and I open my eyes, I’m looking upside down and I can see my legs. There was this trickle of blood running down one of them. My blood mixed with his.... I know what he’s done. He tore me to get in. The doctor told me I had been torn.” I was crying uncontrollably. Jason embraced me, my head under his chin. “I didn’t think I could ever fuck again. Then you came along and I felt this feeling inside me grow and you made me hot for it again. I had forgotten, blanked out the trauma of it all. But the bench, the sawhorse, I’m sorry, I cannot bend over it. It’s so like his... Please don’t make me...”

  I turned and he held me in his arms as I shook. Bending down he picked me up and carried me out of the door straight to the bedroom. I was still naked.

  “No more sex tonight. Sleep. Try not to dream.” He covered me with the duvet and climbed into bed next to me.

  “I’ll get rid of it.” Jason stroked his finger down my arm. I took a sharp intake of breath. I looked at him, as he looked at me tenderly, not the stern master who punished me yesterday.

  “You want to use it though, it is important to you. I can tell. Masters love their whipping horses,” I murmured to him.

  “True. It is a favourite,” said Jason resting on his arm. “We can get another, different style. There are plenty to choose from, I can get one made especially for you,” he looked like an excited schoolboy for a moment. Perhaps he was right. There were several styles, the one he owned was the simplest, and I had been on others. Perhaps if I felt different lying on it, the memories would not haunt me.

  “Yes, that sounds like a good idea, Jason,” I smiled at him. “Please will sir help me find a new whipping bench for your pleasure?” I curled up next to him.

  “Oh I think we have a quest to find my dear subbie a new bench,” he looked delighted.

  Sleep came to us both and I had no nightmares.


  I wandered through the dawn lit house. I was not dressed yet and wearing only a bathrobe. I found Jason in his study looking at his laptop screen. He smiled as I came into the room. The smile felt extra special that morning.

  “Enjoy your lie in?” he smirked at me.

  I came round to stand next to him and blushed when I saw what was on his laptop screen.


  My face must have looked a picture because he was suppressing a laugh at my expense. He pulled me on to his lap.

  “I’m doing some investigating. Looking for alternatives. Like we agreed last night,” he explained.

  “So I can see.” I held the mouse and scrolled down the screen, there were many photographs.

  “Do you see anything you like the look of?” he whispered seductively in my ear.

  “Well, normally I don’t shop around for this stuff. Kind of provided for me, remember?”

  “Of course. This time you get to help choose,” he told me.

  I tittered at the idea.

  “We don’t have to buy anything off this website,” he clarified. “It’s just for ideas. I have contacts who can custom make anything I require.” He started to rub his hand up and down my thigh. A light caress of his palm through the fabric of my gown was sufficient to transmit his growing intent towards me.

  “Contacts at your secret club?”

s. Very useful contacts. We need to agree a design and give measurements, material choices and then hey presto!” He was starting to kiss the back of my neck.

  “Measurements?” I flushed at the thought and tilted my head to one side.

  “A perfect fit for the both of us,” he said between pecks.

  Oh my! I had never thought about the dimensions of these tailored made pieces of furniture. I stopped scrolling and paused at one photo. “This one?”

  Halting his oral exploration, he zoomed the picture out from the thumbnail. “Um, I can see why. Different shape, the elaborate spanking bench.”

  “I like the fact I won’t be upside down, you know it is longitudinal, supports my torso the whole length, not my hips only.” I pointed at the screen.

  “Lots of places to strap you down. You can even use knee and arm rests. Very luxurious for whipping,” he chuckled with wicked thoughts going through that head of his.

  “You can fuck me on it to. It looks very flexible,” I commented. From below, I got a definite response - he had an erection.

  “You want to be fucked on it?” He questioned me quietly, nuzzling his nose in my hair making my scalp prickle.

  “I think it is something I could work towards,” I murmured. I was very aroused by the subject matter of our conversation and I knew he was too.

  “God, Gemma, I need you now,” he reached round to kiss my lips with his open mouth, tongue reaching into me.

  He paused and those eyes looked for my response.

  “Please, sir, fuck me.” I was his kindred spirit.

  He leant forward and with one hand swept off the neatly piled documents on his desk then he pushed me forward, bending me over. My robe pulled off unceremoniously to the floor. He stood behind me and I spread my legs, eager and quivering with desire.

  Chapter 10

  Monday lunchtime and I was picking at my sandwiches while stabbing at my keyboard. The girls in the office were gossiping. Penny was a follower of celebrities and avid reader of glossy magazine. Her bitchy friend Amanda was dissing other managers she thought she knew well. Pencil thin Libby was the quiet one who eagerly lapped up all the conversations and no doubt regurgitated them later to other friends. I kept my head down and tried to type an email while chewing on my bread.

  “Yes, yes it is true, Jason Lucas must get it from someone. He’s too dishy not to be doing it,” smirked Amanda.

  My ears pricked up at Jason’s name and I looked across as they hunched over there lunch boxes, knees practically touching each other in their cosy circle of chairs.

  “Oh come on who with though,” exclaimed Penny. “Well, not work colleagues, unless it’s with interns who visit his office.” She looked across at me and guffawed.

  I turned scarlet. I could not help it as the thought of Jason naked flashed through my mind. Little did they know when it came to the truth.

  “She blushed, look!” said Amanda.

  Oh God, they had noticed. Why couldn’t I control myself better!

  “What are you hiding, Gemma?”

  They were all looking at me now.

  “Nothing! All I did was show him my work, my asset stuff. I’ve told you before.”

  “Oh yeah, your work. Your assets!” said Amanda sarcastically as she nodded with a big grin. “Appreciating your assets was he? That’s it, Mr Lucas fucks his interns! I wonder if he lines them up outside his office! Probably with Gemma at the front of the queue.”

  They shrieked with laughter making me blush deeper.

  I was sure they were only joking. I ducked my head back down and busied myself with my computer, trying desperately to ignore them. The whole time they continued to concoct scenarios with Jason and me, or other interns whom they knew. I did not know how to intervene without digging a bigger hole for myself. I was good at hole digging when flustered. Andy, my manager stuck his head out of his office and called for Penny. Lunch had ended thank goodness.

  Later that day, I was busy by the photocopier and a couple came by, their voices were hushed, heads together.

  “The interns that’s what I’ve hear. Yes, it’s all round the sixth floor.”

  I went pale. How did this silly gossip get up there? I thought of quiet Libby, dangerous and probably suffering from a serious lack of judgement or maybe motor-mouth Penny was the more likely candidate. By Wednesday, I was receiving funny looks off people, especially from those on my floor who knew my name. The situation was starting to become out of hand. Andy came out of his office at half past two and called us over for “a chat”.

  “This has come down from on high,” he said hands on hips, sweeping the room with his eyes. “Email and phone calls are not for personal use and especially not for spreading rumours. We’re here to work, people. Get on with it, unless you want to be out of a job.”

  I realise he had had his ears chewed off, I could tell. We shuffled back to our desks and I tried not to look anybody in the eye.

  All evening I was plagued with anxieties. On high – how high? Jason high or just department heads? What would he do if he found out I was mentioned in all this. By bedtime, I was relieved that my phone and personal email on my old home computer had remained quiet. He rarely contacted me at home. I was overreacting I told myself. I must try to sleep my worries away.

  Ten o’clock in the morning a text beeped at me. I glanced away from my paperwork and saw the message was from Jason. My heart sunk as I read it.

  : You’re working late this evening. Wait for a call.

  No pleasantries or sign off. My hand trembled. Did I reply? Ask him what was wrong? Deep down I knew I should keep quiet and not bother him as it was going to make things worse for me. The day dragged by, I barely touched lunch. At least everyone was knuckling down to work and the chitchat was at a minimum.

  By five o’clock, I was hungry and I nibbled on my sandwiches. I knew he often worked to seven or eight in the evening. Gradually everyone drifted off, I told them I had to finish my work off and I was glad that they did not query my late night. At seven o’clock, a security guard stuck his head round the door and went to switch the lights off. He started when he saw me.

  “Sorry, Miss.”

  “That’s OK. Late night” I pouted in a friendly way.

  “Sure, happens a lot round here,” he said sympathetically

  “Won’t the cleaners be here soon?” I asked.

  “Oh no, they do an early morning shift. I’ll leave you to it,” He waved at hand and was gone.

  Fifteen minutes later my phone rang, tentatively I picked it up.

  “Yes,” I whispered.

  “Miss Marshall,” Carla said. She sounded flustered and in a hurry. “Can you come up to see Mr Lucas now please?” The phone was hung up before I could reply.

  I smoothed my skirt down and stood. My legs were twitching in an annoying unwanted fashion. I shut my computer down and turned off my desk light. Taking my handbag, I made my way to lifts and the top floor.

  The lift door opened and I stepped out, looking about. The open space was eerily silent, no Carla or the rest of the PA team. She must have been on the way out the door when she rang. Her computer was shut down and desk cleared. Jason’s door was slightly ajar. I put my handbag on Carla’s chair, out of the way. Taking a deep breath, I knocked timidly and walked into his office.

  Jason was by the window looking down at the streets way below. His mobile phone was in hand and he looked like he was about to ring someone. Seeing me, he tossed it on to his office chair. I nudged the door shut with my back.

  “You’re here then.” Jason folded his arms across his chest.

  His face was impassive and I was pierced by his blue eyes. I looked at the floor in front of him knowing he was seriously displeased with me. I clenched my fists so he could not see me shaking.

  Fingers snapped and I darted across to stand where he was pointing.

  “Down!” He hissed at me through clenched teeth.

  I was on my knees at his feet, head bowed and hands on my thighs. Whatever happened next I would need to be the perfect submissive.

  “Do you appreciate how angry I’ve been with you? All around the office, this rumour that I fuck interns,” his voice was laced with dangerous undertones.

  “I didn’t start it...” I blurted out.

  “Don’t you dare speak to me without permission,” he shouted at me.

  I jumped at the acidity in his words and tried to look as small as possible. His hands rested on his hips, he started to paced up down in front of the window.

  “Fucking interns. That’s what is going round and then if that wasn’t bad enough your name is mentioned.” He stopped by me again. “I told you no hanky panky and be discreet. Yet I find you are a topic of conversation by the water cooler.”

  I kept looking at his shoes.

  I can explain, was what I pleaded silently.

  “Have you said anything about us?” Definitely a direct question.

  “No! No! Sir, please believe me I would never. It was the girls in my office, they were joking around about interns and I , I... I think I blushed or something, and it just put silly ideas in the head.... it has been like Chinese whispers..,” I ran out of steam. “I’m so sorry, sir. I didn’t expect it to get so out hand. I would do anything to protect your name.”

  “Protect my name!” he growled at me. “I don’t give a fuck about my name. Don’t you think there are rumours, not just here in this office, in the gutter press. I’ve had them since I hit the big bucks years ago.”

  He grabbed my ponytail and yanked my head up. “It is you I’m disappointed in. You let me down with indiscretion. Your stupid inability to deal with the situation.”

  He dropped my hair with a swipe, almost hitting me. Tears sprung into my eyes. Jason was mad at me. For a brief moment, I felt afraid of him. What kind of man was an irate Jason Lucas - controlled or a crazy maniac? My instinct to bolt out of the door was strong and I fell back on looking contrite and demure. I hoped that my meekness would dissipate his anger.


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