Crissy Chance

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Crissy Chance Page 8

by Douglas E Roff

  “Can’t make an omelette without breaking an egg. Of course, I told him something. My job was to get him here, find Laura and protect you Gaea. If you don’t want that anymore, I understand. But I’m out now too. And if you know what’s good for you, Edward and Anna, you are too. You promised me things and then you lied. Adam doesn’t need this and neither do I.”

  Anna said, “And how about Adam’s little girlfriend, what’s her name, Nocera Lee? Triad, Yakuza and assassin. How many murders are on her hands?”

  Adam stood up. He was about to throw his parents out of his home bodily, by the scruff of their necks.

  “You fucking pieces of shit. Get the fuck out of my home. I hate to say it Misti, but did I call it or did I call it?”

  “You called it. I’m very sorry. I should have known better.”

  Noki asked everyone to quiet down. “I believe the comment was directed at me, so I believe I should answer for our group. I am Adam’s girlfriend of three years. We are very happy, and Misti has agreed to help us with our business dealings. She’ll be coming to live with us here or wherever we go.”

  Noki stood up, looking down on the seated Edward, Anna, Crissy and Gaea.

  “Now here’s what I understand of the situation. You two are Adam’s birth parents only; you were miserable failures as actual parents and preferred Crissy, the lawyer, to your own flesh and blood.”

  “Seems like he did well enough.”

  “Not, however, because of you. That was Misti’s parents and family, and him. You two are selfish, overbearing bullies who put yourselves and this witch ahead of the interests of your own son. You didn’t even try. He’s successful because he’s brilliant and has good friends and advisors around him. He is kind and gentle. I love your son, and one day, God willing, I hope we will marry. Misti has agreed to help us all be better people, so her contract with us is long-term.

  “You two hollow souls abdicated being loving parents long ago. Maria and Agustin Suarez are Adam’s real parents; Cindy Suarez, Rod Suarez and Misti are his siblings and best friends. I hope to meet them all one day.

  “As to murders, let’s talk about that. It’s true I am reputed to have four kills, none confirmed, just suspected. Edward, you like to hide this and, Anna, your heart is so black you refuse to deal with reality, but Papa St. James here has eleven murders to his credit. Of course, my little teddy bear is said to have twenty-three, and that’s just the ones people think they know about. None are confirmed though. So, let’s take count here. I have zero confirmed, Adam has zero confirmed and Eddie has eleven. Who’s the murderer? That would be you, Eddie. And since Anna was in on it, the conspiracy statutes, or felony murder rule, take your pick, makes mommy guilty too.”

  She turned to Crissy and said, “The New York Cannons of Ethics say if you have a client who is about to commit a crime, you must contact the police.”

  “Attorney Client privilege, dearie,” said Crissy in a snotty tone.

  “For past crimes only. Not for future crimes, crimes you may have helped to plan or commit. Conspiracy, and, oh oops, you’re in jail too.”

  Noki continued, “Adam built a company with Kalindra’s expert assistance. Sold for well over five billion and he’s got sweet deals that make him very, very wealthy for eternity. He’s also very smart, lethal and philanthropically minded. He wanted to help Gaea here and her friend Laura for some unknown reason. Without him, you got nothin’. Certainly, you two has-beens plus your lawyer daughter, can’t do any of the heavy lifting. Adam, Misti and I can.

  “So, Gaea, if you want your friend back, for you to stay alive, and for us to help you get whatever it is you’re looking for, I would think carefully about who you want on your team. If the Triads were involved, they would go after Edward and Anna, then Crissy to get at you. After you talked under torture, you’d give up Laura and that would be that.”

  Crissy stared to say something.

  “Shut the fuck up, all of you, and get out of our residence. You three stay on four, if you must, but do not venture up here to five. Gaea, you have twelve hours to decide. Personally, I’ve lost interest in your bullshit. Good luck staying alive. This has nothing to do with us; I’d like to keep it that way.”

  Chapter 10

  The next day was shopping spree day for Noki, who already had clothes and accessories from the past three years but still needed trendy replacements. Misti had had practically nothing that wasn’t shorts, t-shirts and underwear, so they left together mid-morning with Hanford to shop ‘til they dropped. This was not in Hanford’s job description, but if Miss Noki was involved, he would be there toting bags and whatever else she wanted.

  Adam asked Hanford if he and his wife would consider moving in to the five-story with conditions, and the word came back yes. Hanford’s wife was a liberal, a women’s rights activist who organized and marched, but understood that her husband’s job required secrecy and discretion. As a Brit she would do her part. The boys, aged thirteen and fourteen were delighted too. But New York City was not their home. They wanted to finish school at a military academy in the UK, then follow their Dad into the SAS.

  While the ladies were gone, Adam received a call from his father, Edward, who had left early in the morning with his entourage from the five-story. “We’d like to come over and have a talk. Might you have some time later today or tomorrow? We don’t want to miss your deadline for Gaea, so as time is of the essence, we’d like to talk sooner rather than later.”

  “The girls are busy presently, but when they are available we can arrange a chat for later today. Where are you?”

  “The Briarwood.”

  “I’ll send my driver but it will likely be dinner time. Who’s invited besides Gaea?”

  “Your moth … Anna and Crissy.”

  Adam’s voice was still unfriendly to his father after the evening before. “This is business only and, bedsides Gaea, you and Anna, I see no relevance for Crissy.”

  “I promise you will. I didn’t at first too, I agree, but then she’s raised some legal issues we must consider. I know you feel she abandoned you, but she is a brilliant lawyer.”

  “A brilliant lawyer whose career is entirely owed to you and your wife.”

  “An argument can be made that we only opened doors.”

  “She’s dead weight, and you know it, and I don’t think she abandoned me, I know it. She’s your daughter and you have no son. That’s the state of affairs. I hope you’re happy.

  Edward was silent. “See you at dinner.”


  The girls got home earlier than expected; Misti said she had decided to go home to Barrows soon to pick up the things she wanted for New York and the Rock. She also said that Noki and Adam should visit too; Edward and Anna would be here in New York City, leaving only Mark the Constable as a reason to never return. Misti wanted to sit the family down and explain the new living arrangement with her Mom and Dad. She was certain that the entire clan would love and welcome Noki as their new daughter. Spanish lessons and cooking tips would follow soon thereafter, but Misti would remind Maria that Adam would let no one except “Mom” into his kitchen.

  “He’s still fussy like that and only trusts you. Says we all get everything wrong, we put dishes away wrong and don’t clean correctly. He means like you.”

  As a teen, Maria had once said to Misti, “He is my best student. My only student actually; I love you and Rodrigo, but God help whoever you two marry. Adam’s wife will hit the jackpot.”

  The ladies put their new purchases away, which they said they bought for themselves to wear, but were actually presents for him; a few pieces of lingerie and new hardware were just for them but mostly they were thinking of him.

  “We also each got copies of the Kama Sutra, though we sometimes had to turn the book upside down to figure out what those Hindus were doing.”

  Adam said, “We could start on page one. Or Misti could start on page one and go forward, while Noki starts on the last page and goes backward. Te
am project.”

  “Do we get reward for good grades? A diploma at the end? Tests and pop quizzes?”

  “In fact, I’m giving you your rewards up front. That’s how confident I am in you guys to keep me on the path and make me a better man.”

  “A surprise?”

  “Yes. Here.” He handed them a legal-size envelope, one with each of their names on it.

  Noki said, “What is it? Looks like legal stuff.”

  “It is. Irrevocable trusts for you both. Turn to the very last page, Exhibit D. Read what it says.”

  The girls took their time, then looked up at Adam.

  “It’s too much. And we don’t need it. We just need you.”

  “I agree, I’m everything a woman could possibly want but, on the money side, I think you do need it. I expect that there could be problems down the line with the Three Amigos. I want you protected now. Besides, it’s done. Can’t change anything. The trusts are irrevocable. If I die and none of us are married to each other legally, then Edward and Anna could get everything. If I do this by Will, there could be a legal contest that could go on forever in court. This is neat and clean. Kalindra has hers, Rod and Cindy have theirs and the girls have theirs.”

  “What about you?”

  “I still have almost two billion left over, after tax. I think I can squeeze by.”

  Misti said, “You gave us each two hundred fifty million, two hundred fifty million each to Rod and Cindy and one hundred fifty million each to the girls. Kalindra already got five hundred million.”

  “Correct. And the rest of mine goes into an irrevocable trust with my leftover centavos going to each of you proportionately if I go first.”

  “We get so much.”

  “I sleep with you guys; the rest of the world will have to make due with paltry sums.”

  Adam was expecting great joy, but the girls looked sad.

  “What’s the matter. I thought you’d be happier.”

  “We never think about money. It makes us sad that you might ever be … gone.”

  “Not going to happen! Cheer up; that’s why you’re here in my life. This way I don’t fuck up and do stupid shit. I’m telling you, this is a good thing, not a bad thing.”

  Misti said, “I guess when you put it that way, we’ll probably earn every cent.”

  “Oh, I can promise you that.”


  “The other news is that I got a call from Edward. They want to stop by and chat before the deadline. I said they could come over after you get home. My preference is to do this now. Thoughts?”

  “Call them and let’s get going.”

  “My plan is to keep Edward, Anna and Crissy in the first-floor apartment while the three of us and Kalindra talk to Gaea alone. That way we get the unfiltered truth. Agreed?”

  Both nodded.

  “OK, then. I’ll call the Old Man.”


  The four arrived an hour later and started inside right away. Adam, Noki and Misti blocked the door.

  “Gaea comes with us to five. You three stay down here on the first floor in the waiting area. We’ll call if we need you.”

  Crissy said, “I’m her attorney. I need to be present at all talks. That’s final.”

  “Good then leave. That’s final. I don’t need you or whatever this project is or is not about. I’m a billionaire you know; I can do whatever the fuck I want. Besides, you need me; I don’t need you. I want the truth, not whatever BS you’re pitching, Crissy.”

  He turned to his parents, “And as for you two, the truth is so bendable, it’s practically rubber. Gaea comes with us alone, or you can all leave. Up to you. Besides, Gaea is the client; you’re just the hired help and I’m not sure why I need any of you.”

  Gaea said, “I’ll go alone. I may not like you much, Dr. St. James, but I hear you’re the best. You can find people and solve problems. Just so you know up front, I cannot pay you.”

  “Good start. Luckily, I take things on pro bono. My girlfriends may be a different story, and Misti is expensive, but I can give them a stipend if we all agree to help. Gaea, come with us, and you three move into that room. Don’t come out, or Hanford will show you the door. He’ll be stationed just outside.”

  Crissy said, “Is that really necessary?”

  “Most certainly. You’re all liars and criminals. Maybe I should have minders with you inside the apartment. No doubt you’ll try to steal more than ash trays.”

  “You recording?”


  “I don’t consent.”

  “Then leave. This isn’t phone sex. Besides, there are papers to sign inside waiving all sorts of goodies. No changes allowed, and Hanford will verify that you haven’t revised anything. Now go.”


  Gaea and the three went up to the fifth floor; Gaea sat at the kitchen table with Kalindra. Adam made coffee and hot tea.

  “I can make you something if you want?”

  All passed on food.

  “Before you start, I love your name,” said Adam. “Do you spell it Gaia or Gaea?”

  Gaea said, “My parents went with ‘Gaea’, but I can go either way.”

  “Well, that’s good news,” said Misti, her reputation and proclivities now well-known beforehand to Gaea.

  “Spelling, I mean. Spelling.”

  “Of course. That’s what I meant too,” said Misti.

  Adam continued, a slight smirk on his face. “Now, Gaea, what’s this all about? I know nothing except somebody is after you and your friend Laura, presumably for information. Correct?”

  “Yes. But there is another piece too. I am an anthropology graduate student at he University of Arizona.”

  “Good B-ball.”

  “Yes, and excellent Graduate Studies in Anthropology. I’m almost done with my Ph.D.”


  Gaea looked at Adam curiously. Was he really this polite, or was this going to be a quid pro quo situation? The three downstairs said that QPQ was not his MO, but then he hadn’t seemed like the nice guy they all said he was before last night.

  “I have a friend, Laura, also an anthropologist. She graduated two years ago from U of A, then got field work in China under a National Geographic grant through the U of A.”

  “Is she a China expert?”

  “No. Has some very minor language skills, but that’s all.”

  “Does that at all seem suspicious? I mean it seems pretty convenient.”


  “Yes, but continue. Ignore me.”

  “Not that easy.”

  “I’ve been told worse. By both my girlfriends.”

  Misti said, “You two stop flirting and let us all hear the story. Please.”

  Gaea said, “I wasn’t …”

  “Yes, you were,” said Noki. “It’s fine. He has our full permission. Don’t let it distract you.”

  Adam said, “I know I was. I apologize for being me; I’m incorrigible.”

  “And you guys are OK with …”

  “A lot of things. So is he.”

  “If I tell your everything, even about me, will you tell me everything about you and the three nut cases downstairs?”



  “I met Laura as a new Master’s student while she was in the Ph.D. Program, and we became close friends, you know, BFFs right away. We roomed and did everything together, visited each other’s family. We are, in every respect except blood, sisters. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for her, or her for me.”

  “Something happened in China I suppose?”

  “Yes. I got an email, ‘urgent come to Beijing’. I was to told to check in at some hotel and not to worry, it was all paid for, she said. We’ll meet on such and such a date, at such and such a time. All good. She wasn’t excited about a find at the site she was working, it was something else. Something mind blowing she said. Something important, historical and that will etch our names into history. She
wanted to share credit with me. It’s just like Laura to do something amazing like that.”

  “Go on.”

  “I get there, check in to the hotel and … boom! No Laura. She checked out of the hotel quick and got the hell out of China fast. Left a note saying she was sorry, but she was fleeing for her life and would be in contact when she got home.”

  “Home being where?”

  “San Diego. But she probably meant the larger context of the entire US. Parents haven’t seen or heard from her; had no idea where she was or where she is. Couple of Chinese guys in suits and looking rich and mean showed up asking around. Same at U of A with all her friends. Her Dad is ex-SDPD, so he knew they were packing and foreign, so he notified the FBI. The FBI, so far as I can tell, is not involved. No identifiable crime, Laura seems not really to be legally ‘missing’ if she’s back in the US, which I know she is. The local field office in San Diego told me to have her call them and come in for a visit. Maybe there was something they could do to help.”


  “Laura thinks the US government is knee deep in whatever this is, and the FBI is looking for her too. She’s scared to death and needs help. She’s freaked out of her mind. My friends at U of A and my Dad’s friends said I should find you, but that seemed like a problem as they had no idea where you were or how to contact you, so they said I should talk to your Mom and Dad …”

  “You mean Edward and Anna?”

  “Yes sorry, no disrespect intended.”

  “None taken.”

  “I found them In Barrows Bay; they sent me to Crissy Chance and said wait, they’d come to New York City if Crissy said yes to my story. That’s when we called you, and the rest is history. I don’t know or care why you don’t get along with the three downstairs, only that my friend is in hiding and scared. If you can help, I’m begging you to do something. I don’t have much, but whatever I have is yours.”

  “You know what’s causing all this ruckus?”

  “Yes. I know most of it.”

  “Do the three down below?”

  “Only the headlines. Not the details.”

  “Not your lawyer?”


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