Crissy Chance

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Crissy Chance Page 12

by Douglas E Roff

  “But I was totally discreet; never said a word, never misbehaved in any way. And,” he protested, “hands to myself the entire time. Extra credit.”

  “Pig,” said Kalindra. “Apologize.”

  “What did I do? If ‘looking’ and ‘imagining’ was a crime, Kalindra, you’d be in jail too. I see the way you check out our sports clients. It’s the pot calling the kettle black. All I did was think. Granted, all prurient, but thinking was my only crime here. So please, let’s move on.”


  “I’m sorry. I’m sorry I find you’re both incredibly beautiful, hot and desirable women who are very brainy and who I find attractive as hell. And who I like very much. There. Happy now?”

  Kalindra shot him daggers for the non-apology apology.

  Misti said, “Let’s all move in closer and talk like grown ups. And you, Mister, stop gawking at Laura and Gaea. I’m sure they’re offended by your chauvinistic behavior.”

  Laura and Gaea looked at each other, shrugged their shoulders and said, “Not really. He was exceedingly well behaved; he has a point. We’ve all undressed someone in our minds. No offense taken, but it still means a little pay back later, right ladies? Teach him a lesson in proper behavior?”

  Misti and Noki readily agreed that some form of punishment, possibly a little corporal, would be in order. Later.

  “But all I did was think. I’m allowed to do that aren’t I?”

  “And ask the ladies to dress a certain way and rearrange the furniture?”

  “There’s that. But it’s not exactly a crime against humanity.”

  Misti said, “OK ladies, you’re on.”

  Laura started. “Probably the best brief summary actually comes from Wikipedia:

  Book of the Marvels of the World (French: Livre des Merveilles du Monde) or Description of the World (Devisement du Monde), in Italian Il Milione (The Million) or Oriente Poliano and in English commonly called The Travels of Marco Polo, is a 13th-century travelogue written down by Rustichello da Pisa from stories told by Marco Polo, describing Polo's travels through Asia between 1271 and 1295, and his experiences at the court of Kublai Khan.

  The book was written in Old French by romance writer Rustichello da Pisa, who worked from accounts which he had heard from Marco Polo when they were imprisoned together in Genoa.”

  Laura continued.

  “I would only add that this account, long accepted as the mainstream historical view, may not be accurate at all, with just of enough truth woven in to make it seem plausible. Marco Polo is credited with being the first European to get to the court of Kublai Khan after traveling the Silk Road, living in China and returning to Italy after approximately twenty-four years. But the historical record contradicts much of what is in the book, omits other facts that should be there and is inaccurate in many other respects. Some historians say he never got to China, and that his story is a collection of stories told to him by Persian merchants who did travel to China. There is no tangible proof one way or another. Disturbingly, there is nothing in the Chinese record of one Marco Polo, Italian merchant.”

  Gaea said, “He claimed in this romance novel that he was governor of a Chinese Province, yet no record from that Province of that time exists. Arguments about all things Polo go back and forth. Perhaps he adopted a Chinese name? It, along with what happened to Julius Caesar’s son by Cleopatra, and the body of Spartacus, remain fertile ground for controversy and polemic. But it’s safe to speculate and write about such an historical controversy since there is no tangible proof either way of historical, verifiable facts. Histories surrounding Marco Polo have simply built speculation upon speculation about what might have been.”

  Adam said, “So?”

  Laura said, “I have the proof of everything that happened to him, the journals of his travels in his own handwriting, DNA of him, his wife and children, documents, seals and correspondence between him and the Great Khan containing diplomatic instructions or reports of encounters. I have artifacts of his titles and authority in gold and silver, along with precious gems. Marco Polo was no myth, he was fact. He never left China, and I can prove it.”

  Adam put down his popcorn.

  “Shit. Shit, shit, shit! This is the greatest discovery since Tut, maybe even far greater. Kids play ‘Marco Polo’ in pools everywhere. The world will go nuts. The value of your artifacts is incalculable.”

  Misti was equally astounded but sensing Adam knew more. The few words he spoke to his parents meant more than idle chit chat.

  Adam continued, “That means the question is, who’s trying to kidnap and/or kill you and why, and when did you find out that your stipend was being paid by my parents?”

  Lara and Gaea looked at each other, clearly surprised. “What are you talking about? Edward and Anna? They did not get involvement at all, until I met Crissy.”

  Gaea turned to Edward and Anna and asked, “Is this why you asked us to get Adam involved and didn’t bother to tell me or Laura?”

  Anna, somewhat coldly, said, “Why else?”

  Gaea asked, “And Crissy? Was she in on this, deceiving me too?”

  “It was her idea. She saw the moving parts.”

  Adam looked over at Misti and Noki. “Don’t ever say I didn’t warn you.”

  Misti said, “I think it’s time for you two to leave.”

  “We like it here. I think we’ll stay. Sit down Misti and shut your fucking mouth.”

  Adam got up and calmly walked over to a wall display of three Katana swords. He removed the top one.

  “These are Katana’s as you know. On loan from the Japanese government as a gift for services rendered. Made by Masamune. Very rare and incredibly valuable. This one might be the only one currently in western hands, albeit only on loan. Every year, a Japanese official visits to inspect it. We have tea, then he spends hours looking at them. I enjoy my time with him; we’ve become friends. He’s told me the history of the weapon, and each kill associated with it. I don’t think he’d mind it if I used it on both of you.”

  “Crissy will know,” said Anna, openly evincing nervousness. Edward was calm, as usual.

  “Yes, but she’ll be dead along with you. I have a ten-thousand-degree incinerator downstairs. The dust will be dust.”

  “I’ve left word with colleagues,” said Edward.

  “I’ll show footage of you leaving in a good mood.”

  “I’ve left letters in my bank detailing everything.”

  “You mean your crimes along with those of Crissy Chance. She’ll be dead or disbarred. I’m petrified.”

  “Everyone knows you hate us.”

  “Exactly. Why would you stay here or even visit? Your reasoning is faulty. We argued again, you left. I just need to sit still, let the FBI investigate and dispose of what little is left of your lifeless bodies. My theory of the crime will include that the Chinese government, or possibly the Triads, probably got to you before the Yakuza.”

  Edward raged at Laura and Gaea, “The journals and artifacts are mine. I want them. Laura, I paid for you. I own you and your research. Now deliver.”

  “The grant paid me to work. I did that; whatever else I discovered away from the dig was on my own.”

  “I gave you clues.”

  “Not openly. And you deceived me. Deceived Gaea and I both.”

  Adam said, “Alright kids, let’s not argue. Edward, Anna, grab your things and go. Leave or I take heads old style.”

  He paused, admiring the workmanship of the Katana.

  The pair left.


  “That was fun,” said Adam. “Now, let’s figure out next steps.”

  Laura said, “Don’t you want to know?”

  “Know what?”

  “Where the treasure is hidden. X marks the spot?”

  “Not really. You should keep it safe and to yourself for now. We don’t need to know until we need to know. Write it down, and we’ll put it in a safety deposit box only you and Gaea have access
to. Does Gaea know where the stuff is?”


  “Then, if I need it, I’ll force it out of her.”

  “Really? How?”

  “How many consecutive orgasms do you think Gaea can experience before she cracks and tells me everything? I can do the mind trick for days. You do know about the mind tricks, don’t you?”

  “Yes. An impossible myth spread by both Noki and Misti, so I’ll need immediate physical proof. Thorough and meticulous physical anthropological research. Should we try to confirm this fantastical legend tonight? The sooner the better so we can gauge just how much danger Gaea is in. I call it essential research.”

  “It’s supposed to be torture.”

  Gaea chimed in, “In that case, please sir, no more orgasms.”

  “Better, but still not convincing.”


  Adam started to get up to do some work.

  Laura asked, “How can we ever thank you?”

  The ladies also stood up and moved toward him as he backed up. Kalindra exited to make sure that Edward and Anna had left, then see to it that the whole house was swept for bugs. As the women came closer, they were each looking up at Adam with very dirty erotic intentions in mind. They didn’t care if girlfriends were watching. There were no wives present.

  Adam said, “No need for thanks, ladies,” as Adam backed up against a wall, Noki and Misti laughing and expecting their fair share of the ‘thanking’ too.

  Laura said, “But if we wanted to, if we demanded our right to compensate you, what might come to mind?”

  Laura’s eyes were insatiably greedy, and Gaea was laughing hard. Laura would set things up, then Gaea would wander into the mix.

  “Naughty, naughty,” said Gaea. “You said ‘cum’. C-u-m.”

  “Did I?” She never took her eyes off Adam, backing him up. “Maybe I meant come, c-o-m-e.”


  Laura said, “Now that I think of it, maybe I did mean cum. C-U-M.”

  “Misti, Noki we may need your assistance with this one. Tell him resistance is futile. It’s four horny females against one helpless male. We wouldn’t want to distract him too much from all his duties; exhaust him too quickly.”

  Misti said, “And he does mind tricks, even while he’s otherwise engaged. More than one subject at a time. Multitasking.”

  Noki said, “And his new tricks are the fun screaming religious kind.”

  “You mean, ‘Oh God, oh God’?”

  “Yep, that kind.”

  “I’m more of an ‘Oh fuck, oh shit’ kinda girl. And I’m loud and proud.”

  “Let’s take him against his will and have our way with him,” said Gaea. “I know he’s got ropes here somewhere.”

  Adam said, “I’ll go quietly; just don’t hurt me.”

  “No promises,” said Noki. “None,” said Misti. “I say we tie him up first.”

  “No,” said Noki. “A round of mind tricks, then we tie him up.”

  “Brilliant” said Misti.


  Edward and Anna talked as they boarded the plane for London. Edward said, “We’ll go to London and stay for a while. Get organized; keep an eye on what they do next. What do we do about Crissy?”

  “Keep working her as long as she’s useful. When she isn’t, we pull our business then she disappears. Maybe dead at Adam’s house. I like Crissy, though. She’s very obedient. A true pleasure.”

  “You just enjoying fucking her. Go ahead. I know how much she enjoys it.”

  “Maybe we can have her in our private little ménage à trois a little more frequently than in the past. She’s very eager and obedient, just the way we like her. Besides, I like watching you with her too. And I know some ladies in London that might want to join in the fun. Crissy or not, they like my brand of discipline. Let’s get her to London on assignment. Big fees for her law firm.”

  “I’ll call her right now. I think she’s out of the hospital. She fucked up with that Poulet fool. She’ll need some stern discipline for that infraction. I think we should both engage her in some recreational punishment, don’t you?”

  “You’re my lamb,” Edward said. “You always know just what to do.”

  “And Adam?”

  “He’s not our son. What do we care? But we need him dead before he marries; then we get his fortune. We’re his only heirs.”

  Chapter 15

  Adam was up at his usual time, making a racket in the kitchen as he made coffee and moved cooking utensils from one area to another, with ingredients and preparations for exotic dishes laid out and ready to combine, mix and blend into submission. Kalindra took note, and though an early riser like Adam, thought that, at four thirty, Adam was overdoing it.

  Misti also took note, briefly opening her sleepy eyes to assure herself it was Adam and not an intruder. A split second later, she was back dreaming about something. Noki was a middle ground girl; never up at five with Adam, she would appear around six-thirty or seven like a normal human being, come into the kitchen and get her first hug and kiss of the day. Sometimes she would climb back in bed hoping her boyfriend would follow, but he seldom did. Work in the morning for Adam meant he would have all evening alone with the women he loved practicing how to be normal.

  Gaea and Laura were still asleep in one of the guest rooms, each in their own bed, broke roommate style. They were friends and used to each others’ habits like siblings sharing a bedroom growing up. They chatted interminably about everything and everything under the sun but almost never about work. There was a wall that had gone up; Adam encouraged it. For now, their secrets should remain so; Adam wanted the girls to trust him completely, so for the time being the location of the treasure would remain only in the minds of two young anthropologists. As backup, the treasure map and explanation of artifacts discovered were recorded in paper form, sealed and placed in a Safety Deposit Box at a large banking institution in New York City. Either or both ladies could access the materials with palm print and retinal scans.

  “You’re pacing, Adam, and making lots of noise while we normal folk are trying to sleep. You’ll wake everyone up, or already have, with this incessant clanging and milling about. Can’t you put this off for a few hours?”

  “What if they come early? They only have a few hours to stay; I don’t want to miss even one second with them. I haven’t been permitted to see my …”


  “Yes, wives, in years. You have no idea how much I’ve missed them. I have children I’ve barely met and won’t meet today either. But I want to commune with my ladies and see everything in their minds. I want everything to be perfect when they arrive.”

  Kalindra sought to ease Adam’s anxiety, which she had never seen to this extent before.

  “When they get here, they won’t see anything but you. Place settings, food, exotic treats won’t matter. They will take you into the bedroom and stay with you as long as they can. I doubt they will eat a thing. They’re not Misti.”

  “I know. You noticed too. She eats all the time and never gains an ounce. And her eating manners are atrocious.”

  “Well, if that is her worst quality, I think we can all learn to live with it.”

  “I guess. Still, she can be gross.”

  Kalindra was not a coy woman. “And what about me, Adam Stephen St. James?” Where do I fit in?”

  “You should have married me years ago. You’re my vision of perfection; the model of womanhood as it should be.”

  “Sweet, but a Holy terror on the phone? Not right for the typical male?”

  “I’m not a typical male. You’re just mean enough, bossy enough, firm enough and understanding enough to rule my heart, which you do. I’ve always loved you, cannot do without you and you know you’re the only person in the world I completely trust with all my secrets. You tell me what I need to hear even when I don’t want to hear it. Especially when I don’t want to hear it. And you ignore my moods, which can be varied and unpleasant. My only
question is, why did you stay?”

  “I loved you and you needed me. What else can fuel a woman’s desire for a man?”

  “Women are a complete mystery to me; you know that. Did Hecate, you know fix that thing?”

  “The excruciating pain of sexual intercourse? I don’t know. I’ll find out when the time is right. I have a guy in mind to help me with the cure?”

  “Anyone I know? That hunky linebacker?”

  “No, he’s a skinny white guy, foul temper and a tyrant. But I’m kinda used to him now. I think I may just try him out to see if I’m … fixed. The Immortals won’t be here until later you know. Not until tonight.”

  “How do you know?”

  “Hecate-gram. Talks to us while we sleep. They’ll be here tonight at six and stay until they are pulled back by whoever the big shot is. Now go do something useful and take your mind off of all this worry. They love you and are as excited as you are about tonight. It’s like a countdown until they arrive; then in the blink of an eye, they’re here.”

  “She failed to mention that to me, however.”

  “She mentioned something else to me though.”


  “Let’s go to my bedroom and discuss. Hecate gave me some … information that might be useful for a first timer.”

  “Are you sure? Are you ready? Maybe you should go slow; be super careful.”

  “I was ready the day I met you. Only one thing ever stood in our way. If it’s gone, then I want to know. I want you to show me pleasure and the joy of holding you close.”


  They emerged two hours later, dishevelled and looking satisfied. The anthropologists were now both up, as was Noki.

  They all asked, “How’d it go?” Apparently, only Adam was unaware of Hecate’s advice.

  Kalindra said, “Blissful. Wonderful. Such pleasure I have never felt and when he does those two things together, it was all I could do to not scream from ecstasy. I tried to be quiet.”

  Laura said, “You’re a screamer, like me. Let it go. Nobody here minds; just the opposite, we’d like to be with you holding your hand and helping out. Adam loves it, don’t you dear. Men; they all think they’re the best at female satisfaction.”


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