Crissy Chance

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Crissy Chance Page 14

by Douglas E Roff

“I agree, but it’s too risky with five boys; one of them might have just enough time to call Bonnie and Clyde. Not sure if anyone’s watching Eene but, if someone is there in the hospital, it will be in, kill and out. Very risky if done sequentially. We need to take all seven down simultaneously.”

  Misti said, “We should have brought backup. We’re going too fast. Another day would not have made a difference.”

  Adam smiled.

  Misti said, “You fuck! You brought in backup, didn’t you?”

  “I know I’m pretty; it doesn’t mean I’m stupid.”


  “Octavio Alarcon is our ‘lawyer’ and the Paz twins are locked and loaded. Alex is driving with me while Pablo is with you and Hanford. You get the boys at the warehouse as there are three of you, while I take out Ma and Pa Kettle. Toss the gas, then Pablo goes in first; I think he’s just going to open fire right away, so go in behind him. Use the thermal imager first to find any lurkers.”

  “Very nice.”

  “Hanford then drops you and Pablo at the airport and drives the rented Ambulance to the hospital. Octavio goes in to handle the paperwork and discharge, then I meet up with Octavio and we wheelchair our patient out. Octavio takes the car Alex and I were in and heads north, while the Paz twins take the other rental and follow Octavio. They’ll be home in four hours.”

  “Any hiccups and we head straight to the hospital and snatch her quick. They cannot force her to stay, but the docs may not like a concussed patient checking out early. I suspect an orderly or two, maybe a nurse is on a second payroll, so expect problems. Hanford, you stay back at the car; just have your weapon out. No risk taking; I don’t want to face the wrath of your wife.”

  “Me neither.”


  Things did not go well. The five boys were only four and they had backup too. Adam aborted Misti’s mission, while he found the parents alone at the cabin. He shot them both in the head, quickly, then used GPS to locate the warehouse. He called Hanford to divert him to the airport to get the Ambulance, then sent Octavio in. Adam and Alex drove to the warehouse, then called Octavio. The hospital discharge was no problem but the family had someone placed outside Eene’s room. Adam told Octavio to wait for him then redirected Misti and Pablo back to the airport. By the time Adam was dropped off at the hospital, Hanford already was waiting in the Ambulance.

  Adam went inside, and quickly found Eene’s room. He approached with Octavio and started into the room. The man outside showed his gun tucked in his pants and told Adam to step away. Adam flashed a badge, one of many excellent knockoffs he owned.

  “FBI. Step away sir or I’ll have to place you under arrest.”

  “What’s this all about?”

  “Not your business, but feel free to come inside with us.”

  Octavio went first, then the guard. Adam followed in beg hind the guard, choked him out in less than 30 seconds and spoke to a young woman sitting on the edge of her hospital bed.



  “Yep; time to go.”

  They left, Eene in a wheelchair per hospital policy; Adam, Octavio and Eene were in the back of the ambulance and at the airport within twenty minutes. They said their goodbyes to Octavio and the Paz twins. They were wheel up fifteen minutes later.

  They called New York City; Misti spoke to Alana.

  “We got the parents but not the boys.”

  “Shit, said Alana. That’s bad.”

  “Speaker, please,” said Adam. “No worries. We got them all. Octavio got Eene’s tormentor that morning; he checked out of the hospital he was in and was headed out of town. When we couldn’t take out the remaining four cleanly, I blew up the warehouse. Gas explosion, I think. Terrible tragedy; entire family dies in a series of freak accidents. Dangerous, dangerous world we live in. But that warehouse was in terrible shape and not properly maintained. The boys burned to death in the warehouse and the old couple burned to death in their cabin. Truly sad.”

  Alana said, “You did all that overnight.”

  “I have a big family and a lot of money. My girlfriends love me, and I have your adorable friend sitting next to me.”

  “You wouldn’t …?”

  “What? Take advantage of a fragile and grateful young lady. Probably, but Misti is here and she’s notoriously no fun in situations like this. So, no, I guess I wouldn’t.”

  “You’re not as badass as you think you are. You’re a good man and you did a good thing today.”

  “Shhhh. Don’t spread that around. Rep, sweetie, rep.”

  “Mums the word.”

  “Anyway, she and Misti are now in the back of the plane chatting away like sisters. Hanford and I are playing Cribbage. He cheats. He undercounts me and overcounts himself. I already owe him one thousand matchsticks. He’ll clean me out by the time we get home.”

  “Maybe I can lessen the pain of such a huge loss when you get home.”

  “Maybe. I might be very tired. If I fall asleep, and take a tumble, you’ll have to think of a creative way to get me up.”

  Adam paused for effect. Alana said nothing.

  “You see this is why I don’t get women. That was genuinely funny. Good material.”

  Alana clicked off.

  Chapter 17

  The door swung open and Adam shouted, “Surprise! We’re all home and happy to be alive, intact, and extremely horny. Well, I’m horny anyway. You’ll have to ask Misti and Eene when they get here, and here they come!”

  Eene was walking slowly and tenderly, her face, arms and legs bruised and contused, her eye sockets swollen and abrasions covering every part of her visible skin. She was wearing a sun dress that Alana sent with Misti, along with sandals and an enormous pair of sunglasses. Eene was conscious of how she looked and just wanted to get inside and into her new home as quickly as possible. Hanford parked on the street in front of the five-story, while Adam opened the front door and Misti whisked Eene inside.

  Hanford went home after parking the car underground, with Adam going upstairs first to get everyone prepared while Eene and Misti took their time in the elevator and walking down the halls. When Alana saw Eene, she burst into tears and smothered the young woman with hugs and kisses.

  Eene cautioned, “Careful, careful I missed you too, but I hurt everywhere. Lips excluded, of course. I’ve missed you so much; I thought I was going to die. I thought I would never see you again, never laugh or ever have things the same as before. I’m so sorry I caused all this havoc in your life. And everyone who came and rescued me. They were so brave and I was so frightened. I might have peed a little as we escaped.”

  Adam laughed, “Rental car. Who cares?”

  The ladies all smiled.

  Adam came up to Eene. “And you didn’t cause any havoc or trouble in anyone’s life. It was that psycho. You are never, ever to think for a second that any of this was on you. It wasn’t. None of it. And far from being frightened, it looked to me and Misti like you were exceptionally brave. People were trying to hurt you; I’d say you handled yourself like a pro.”

  Eene stepped toward Adam, hugging him, then stepped back.

  “You’re a wonderful liar about me being brave; I wasn’t. But, somehow, I knew I would be fine as soon as I saw you and Octavio in my room. I knew you would save me. And, I feel more courageous now that I’m here with all of you. Misti told me about my wonderful new sisters and you, Adam, and this beautiful home. I can’t wait to get to know you all.”

  Adam turned serious, “Is Dr. Tangier here?”

  “Right here, Dr. Brat.”

  “Just in case you don’t know everything about my friend Serena, she has the foulest mouth in all of New York City and teaches me words I’ve never even heard of before. It’s reputed she can curse in over fifty languages.”

  Tangier said, “Enough levity. Please Eene, come this way. I’d like to talk to you in private and give you a cursory physical exam. I expect to see you tomorrow in my office after r
ounds, then we’ll do a full workup. You’re going to be fine. And listen to Dr. St. James when he says that this happened to you. You are not responsible. You will, however, do everything I say so we get you up and walking again. All good?”

  “Yes, doctor. But doctor, I must tell you, I have no money. I can’t pay for anything.”

  “All taken care of my dear, all taken care of already. Don’t worry about anything other than getting better.”


  Eene asked Alana to come in her room with Dr. Tangier and they emerged about an hour later.

  “Eene says I can share her condition with you. You will all need to help her recover.”

  Eene and Alana emerged.

  “Eene has bruising all over, significant damage to eyes, ears and some bruising of her internal organs. She has been sexually abused and I suspect she has hairline fractures of various bones all over her body. The monster or monsters who did this to here were thorough and careful, except the last bout. Whoever he was, he went too far, lost his cool and wasn’t careful. He hurt her very badly.”

  The doctor turned to Adam. “Is he under arrest?”

  “I don’t think that’s an option for him right now. Or ever.”

  “Knowing you, I assume I shouldn’t ask?”

  “He died in a terrible accident. We sent our condolences to his family. No, wait that was another family. We killed his entire family then left town.”

  “I see. It would not be the first time predators have disappeared on your watch. I can’t say I approve of your methods but then I’m bound by doctor-sociopath confidentiality. My office, ten o’clock sharp. Don’t be late.”

  “See you then.”

  Dr. Tangier left and Eene said she wanted to rest. The Doctor gave Eene some meds for pain and infection.

  Alana helped her friend into her room. Adam excused himself and went into the bedroom, then came out ten minutes later. He went directly to Eene’s room.

  “Eene, I know we just met, but may I ask you a question?”

  “About my name?”

  “That too. But do you trust me? I mean trust that I would never hurt you ever and only want to see you get better?”

  “Of course. Alana told me all about you; if she trusts you, then I do too.”

  Alana asked, “Adam?”

  “Then I want you to see two of my friends who will be here any minute. They want to help.”

  Adam closed the door, closed his eyes and whispered something in a foreign tongue. Fionna and Hecate appeared. Eene was shocked and frightened.

  Fionna said, “Don’t be scared, I’m Fionna and this is my sister Hecate. We’re healers. We’re also married to Adam as Immortals but don’t live here in this plane of existence. We’ve met Alana who knows a little about us.”

  “What …?”

  “We wish to enter your mind and body and help you. I promise it won’t hurt.”

  An hour later, both emerged, saying that all Eene’s injuries would heal in the next day or so.

  “You’re going to be fine. Would you like us to erase the memories of your brutal assaults? We can do that now but we must hurry. Our Lord gave us little time to return to this place.”

  Adam said, “Please say yes. It will aid in your recovery immensely. I have availed myself of their healing powers many times.”

  “Then, yes. I do.”

  Fionna and Hecate entered Eene again and emerged minutes later.

  “Rest and you shall be fine in a flash. I have removed the drugs from your body and scheduled you for deep sleep in a few minutes. When we leave you will dream wonderful dreams and feel only love and contentment.”

  They turned to Adam. “His Highness is pissy about this but allowed anyway. We’ll be back when he calms down. Hecate will take him back here to Earth then he’ll give us anything we want. Love you.”

  They were gone.

  Eene was already asleep.

  Alana looked at Adam, “Can they really heal her.”

  “Yeah. Eene will be healed and all horrible memories erased. Even the ones from her childhood.”

  “How could you …?”

  “I’m fucking amazing. Surely you know that by now.”


  Kalindra cornered Adam, “Did you get your friends to … you know?”

  “Make her boobs bigger? No.”

  “You don’t have to say anything if that’s how you feel. But if you did for that young woman what you did for me, then I plan to be a lot nicer to you for at least the rest of the day.”

  “That’s what I love about you Kalindra. My punishment always fits my crime. And I would remind you that I actually did nothing. I just have interesting friends.”

  “That you do. Are you going to take a nap? You look tired.”

  “I am, suddenly, now that you mention it. I think I need some emergency sleep.”

  “Need a bunk buddy?”

  “I do if it’s you.”

  “Misti and Noki?”

  “They’ll be busy with the other ladies for while waiting for Eene to wake. Doubt they’ll even notice we’re gone. The big bedroom or more privacy on four?”

  “Four. I want you all to myself for an hour. Can we, you know, maybe do this from time to time? Would the ladies mind?”

  “Not if it’s you. Some other hussy and that would be different.”

  “Can we do the mind thingy and the other things too.”

  “Place your order. I give special treatment to the women I adore. And I adore you.”


  A little over three hours later, Eene emerged from her room looking tired and worn. But her skin was clearing, bruising reduced, and most her pain had vanished too. She couldn’t remember a lot about certain things except that she left the hospital, came to New York with Adam and Misti, and was reunited with Alana. She was somehow healing fast when not long ago she was in horrible shape and in a dreadful amount of pain. She remembered all the events of the previous day and a little about a man who had mistreated her, but not how. She remembered being afraid, but then, all of a sudden, she wasn’t; she was in New York City with her friend Alana and some other people she barely knew.

  Alana came up to her friend and hugged her. The discoloration and bruising were disappearing, and Alana looked her over for other telltale signs of injury and stress but found nothing.

  “How are you feeling?”

  “Great. A little fatigued and tired, but otherwise fantastic. I can’t remember some things though.”

  Adam said, “Probably the concussion and the drugs; I bet you’ll be back and feeling chipper in no time. Some things never come back. Perfectly natural. Don’t you agree ladies.”

  They all surrounded Eene, hugged and kissed her and asked if she was hungry. Adam asked if anyone else was too; he would cook up something healthy for his companions. They all said yes, so Adam went to the kitchen while the ladies took Eene into their warm embrace. They sat and talked while Adam chopped and stirred.

  He was humming an old Beach Boys tune when Alana came up behind him, put her arms around him and buried her face in his back. She held him for a long time saying nothing.

  “I don’t know who you really are, or by what power you do what you do, but I am so grateful to be allowed into your life. Everything you’ve done …”

  “I’m happy to do. Enough said.”

  “I wish there was more I could do.”

  Adam turned around. “Just love me and my family. That’s all I ever want.”

  “How? How do I do that? I don’t even know where to start.”

  “You start by being my friend and by being yourself; all the good and all the warts. It’s easier that way if you don’t ever have to pretend. You’re safe here; you will always be safe here.”

  “And when I leave. When Eene and I have to go?”

  “Who said you have to go? You only have to go if you want to. You owe me nothing. Well, there is that slave labor, indentured servitude thing. I want to seduce your mind for
a good long while. But don’t worry about what hasn’t happened yet. Be happy today. Eene is back and she’s fine. Enjoy her love and friendship. You’ll be happier too.”

  Alana came around and looked up at Adam, then buried her face into Adam’s chest.

  “I don’t want to go.”

  “Would you feel better if I got out the restraints? Kidnapped you?”


  Adam started to pull back to look at his new friend. Alana would not let go and held on harder, pulling closer and burying her face back in his chest. Adam put has arms around Alana and held her tight.

  “Then you get a hundred-year contract to work for me, contingent on you living here with our family. And Eene, too. Let’s work on getting Eene healed and you helping me with my issues.”

  “All of them? I hear there’re quite a few.”

  “I think the hundred years may not be long enough. Shall we give it a try?”

  “If you promise me we can stay.”

  “I promise. And I’ll promise Eene too, if that will ease your mind.”

  “It would.”

  “If we’re going to be conjoined, then you have to help cook.”

  “I don’t know how.”

  “Then go see your friend and make her laugh. Tell jokes about my quirks.”

  “I love your quirks.”

  “That’s the easy part.”

  “And the hard part?

  “Working with me. Like I said. I’m an asshole on the job.”

  “So am I. Should be fun.”

  Chapter 18

  It was Friday and the everyone was in for the evening. Eene was getting adjusted to the residence and the social situation. Alana clued her in on what the house rules were and what Alana would be doing for Adam. She had already started her job in the Lab and was interested in Adam’s work; what she did was equally complicated but the work the two did that had little in common.

  Alana had worked for the NSA and CIA as a “security hacker”, a white hat who did government work aimed at protecting the American people. She was well respected and participated in some of the most famous hacks in American Intelligence history.

  Several years ago, Alana got caught up in a scandal breaking into the cell phones of friendly foreign leaders which went very, very wrong. The shit hit the fan and, since she had done the hacking, she took the fall. She was out with no security clearance and was literally on the streets. She had no trouble finding work, but it was becoming more and more difficult to find good work that wasn’t the black hat stuff which could land you in jail.


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