Crissy Chance

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Crissy Chance Page 16

by Douglas E Roff

  “Good. Did you tell her I need some time too? And you?”

  “Yep. All good. But there is one thing more. She wants payback for her last romp with Francesca. Marked her up as you know. Crissy wants an evening alone with her.”

  “I can’t allow that. I know exactly what Crissy will do; it’s out of the question.”

  “No, it isn’t. It’s on the menu. Francesca went too far, and she needs to be taught a lesson. You aren’t going to protect her anymore. I’m with Crissy in this instance.”

  “No. I won’t allow it.”

  Edward gave his wife a harsh backhand, knocking her to the ground. He was on top of her fast, one hand pushing down on her throat.

  “Don’t ever speak like that to me again. There’s only one ‘decider’ in this family, and that’s me. And try to do something to Crissy as revenge, I’ll put you in a cage for a month. Are we clear?”


  “Yes what?”

  “Yes, sir. I’m sorry. I was out of line.”

  Edward let his wife up but she was far from compliant. One day she would take care of this ignorant prick she married. Him and that worthless asshole Adam, their failed attempt at child rearing. Crissy was everything they ever wanted but, still, Anna hated not being in charge. Most of the time Edward and Anna agreed on matters; Francesca was not one of them.

  Crissy was.


  “Special Agent Mueller please?”

  “Please hold.”

  Adam was calling his old friend from his college days, though Alan Mueller did not attend CalTech with him. He was a mutual friend of Misti’s and had become a frequent visitor to the condo Misti and Adam shared during their overlapping college years. Misti elected to attend UCLA and pursue a degree in Criminology, with a minor in Anthropology. She wanted to take over Edward’s forensics practice when he retired. By the time Misti graduated from UCLA, the relationship between Misti and Edward had frayed over Adam. She decided Adam would always be more important than his parents, so the three no longer spoke. Misti’s parents were delighted. They didn’t trust Anna and Edward and seriously doubted that Adam was their natural child.


  “Alan, it’s Adam. How are you these days?”

  “Still waiting for Misti to fall in love with me but, other than that, all good. I’m back in DC, so pretty busy.”


  “Not so good. Wanted to give you a head’s up that I’m going out of the country and will soon be out of my place in New York City. I have credible intel that the Triads are coming for me over the sale of some personal property. They tried once already, as you know. Not sure when, but I have my private security in my place. If they come in, they’ll be dead. I’d like you to warn the NYPD. They won’t like this but I have a right to defend my home.”

  “Where are you now?”

  “Somewhere safe. That’s all anyone gets to know. I suspect the Triads, or whoever hired them, will keep coming at me until I’m dead or they are. If you guys or the NYPD want to stop this before it gets out of hand, I suggest you reach out to your contacts.”

  “Who hired them? Are they mercenaries?”

  “I think it was Plutarch. They wanted me and the company. But they’re Chinese and I doubt DOD or State would have approved the sale. But they are royally pissed off; they gave me millions in negotiation cash, contingent of government approvals, which they thought I would use to bribe the sale through. I think they think that if they can’t have me, then no one can.”

  “May I ask how you got this intel?”

  “From a new friend and a certain party or parties suddenly leaving the country. Combination of sources. Not dead certain, but there are motivations for both sets of parties to want to see me dead.”

  “OK. I’ll pass this up the line. Stay safe.”


  Crissy landed at Heathrow Airport on an overnight “red eye” flight from JFK to London. She was greeted by a driver holding a card as she came out of Baggage Claim. Beside him was Francesca Cipinari, her parents latest fuck toy and resident torture anthropologist. Francesca was the last person Crissy wanted to see at the airport, but she did throw her a Hollywood kiss and waited with her while the driver brought the Limo around.

  “Anna tells me you want to speak to me privately. What about?”

  “Did she now? Did she tell you that Edward spoke to me about you?”

  “Don’t know.”

  “Not surprised. But it isn’t talking we’re going to do. Edward has given you to me for a night of pleasure. Well, pleasure for me. You, not so much.”

  “Anna will never agree.”

  “Not her call. You’re mine, Francesca, for an entire evening. My room, lots of toys.”

  “Never going to happen.”

  “I’m going to tie you and your perfectly unblemished Mediterranean skin up in little knots, then I’m going to add some hues. Hues of red and pink. And just an FYI. There will be pain.”

  “Nice fantasy.”

  “Where shall we start, you and me? Maybe get you get down on your knees, hands behind your back. I’ll get my ropes and toys and lay them all out for you to see. I should have been a Boy Scout, you know; I’m getting better with knots. We’ll have such fun!”


  Crissy had her one roller and Francesca in tow as she knocked on the door to the immense flat on the top floor of a seven-story building. The top two floors, connected by a large winding staircase, comprised the new London residence of Anna and Edward St. James. It was held in the name of some Panamanian shelf corporation, now with undisclosed Trust ownership. No need to have the IRS snooping around all their hidden assets.

  An adorable young lady of Indian extraction opened the front door, dressed in a skimpy upstairs maid outfit and so well developed that she barely could contain her girls.

  “Well aren’t you cute. Who might you be?”

  “My name is Indira, and I will be your personal servant while you are in residence. If I serve you well and do not displease, I shall serve you at all times and travel with you. I am a gift from your parents.”

  “And what exactly are you asked to do for me?”

  “Anything you desire. Anything.”

  “Well, won’t this be fun? I can’t wait to try you out.”

  “Yes, ma’am. May I take your luggage?’

  “Please do.”

  “Your parents are in the Study with Ms. Yana Alfreddson, the Swedish lawyer. She is most anxious to meet you. Would you like me to show you to your room first to freshen up or go directly to the Study? Your mother has ordered in some clothing and lovely lingerie for you; if you wish me to lay out your preferred wardrobe, you need only ask.”

  “Let’s go see what we have in my room; then prepare my shower and dress me. I shall need your assistance to prepare; you shall learn to bathe me properly. While I look at my options, go tell mother and father that I have arrived.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Indira showed Crissy to her room; Crissy told her to shut the door and attend to undressing her first.

  “Hands and forehead flat against the wall, Indira, legs back and spread. Now, bend over and let’s see what we’ve got here.”


  After a refreshing shower and pampering by Indira, Crissy was ready to join her mom and dad in the Study with the intriguing Ms. Alfreddson. Crissy brought her new pet along and took control immediately.

  Crissy smiled at the three as she entered the room; she now the center of attention in her cute short short skirt, her bra straps showing and her ample cleavage on display. The three negotiators were seated around a large modern chrome and glass table, papers and yellow notepads strewn all around.

  “Stand there,” Crissy said to Indira. “Hands behind your back and be ready to do as I instruct. Are we clear, Indira?”

  “We are, Mistress.”

  “Good. Mommy, Daddy I’m so happy to be home. Can I have a big welcome home kiss? And wh
o is this gorgeous creature you have kept all to yourselves? Not sharing all the fun?”

  “Crissy, let me introduce you to one of our best friends and colleagues, Ms. Yana Alfreddson. Yana, this is our daughter, Crissy Chance.”

  Yana said, “So very pleased to meet you Crissy. I’ve heard so much about you.”

  “All good I hope. Daddy can be very stern with me. Mommy too.”

  Crissy’s voice had changed subtly; her voice sounded more like a younger woman, maybe a teen. She smiled coyly at Yana and fidgeted with her skirt.

  “Come sit by me sweetie, I’d like to get to know you a little better. Your mommy and daddy say you’re a very good girl, and very obedient. Is that so?”

  “Yes, Ms. Alfreddson. I always do what my mommy and daddy say. They know what’s best.”

  “Well you can call me Yana if you’d like. Would you like that Crissy, baby?”

  Yana was mouthing certain key words that were an automatic trigger for Crissy’s psyche. It was a combination of emotional and psychological conditioning together with drug therapy that turned Crissy from a fully functioning professional adult into an obedient fifteen-year-old girl.

  The drug regimen had a long half life in Crissy’s body and was incorporated into the vitamins she took daily, supplied by her “mother” and “father”. It was akin to a “roofie” pharmaceutical but more advanced and used ostensibly to make prisoners of war more compliant to orders and suggestions during interrogation. The molecular makeup had been altered and the combination of drugs and conditioning were extremely effective. Not only did it alter personality and openness to suggestion, almost any directive would not only be followed, then later forgotten.

  Yana was excited not only by the prospect of enjoying Crissy but of having an audience to watch.

  “You can all have a taste if you’d like. I don’t mind sharing. Indira dear, could you come over here. You look quite scrumptious too.”

  Chapter 20

  As the first few ladies began to file into the “enlarged for humans” dumbwaiter, led by Kalindra, Adam asked Alana to hold back and join him in the last group. He wanted to start her on a project as soon as they got on board his jet to investigate a few matters. If she found nothing immediately, he wanted her to keep looking over the next week. He believed that, after his chat with Crissy, he learned more from her responses than she wanted to let on. She admitted nothing, but denied nothing either. All she had done was change the subject to threats, not the response of a confidant woman with nothing to hide.

  “I have a work area in the back of the plane and Sat connections to a mainframe I helped develop. You should be able to get into any company or any database. Here is my username and password to my master file of backdoor entrances to just about any org that matters. I have a thumbprint reader, so just give me the high sign when you need me. Here’s your new encrypted email and password; anything else just ask. I’ll sit with you for a while and give you the overlay of what I have, but then you can just do your magic. I’ve sent you an email of what I want you to look for.”

  Alana said, “These are NSA and CIA codes. Most of them anyway. This one here let’s you into almost anything. Where’d you get these?”

  “If I said, ‘local library’, would you believe me?”

  “Sure. If you also said you believed I’m the hottest woman on the planet.”

  “Which, by the way, you are. Glad we got that settled.”

  When they arrived at the jet, Kalindra showed everyone to their seats and gave them a primer on the refreshments, snacks, and other goodies on board, what to do in case of a crash and where the bathrooms were.

  “There are few tables with seats facing each other if you want to work, doodle or play cards. We have board games too, but don’t let the prince play; he cheats all the time.”

  “She does too; I’m just better at it. At least I don’t show cleavage to distract the male players.”

  “Boo fucking hoo, Adam Stephen St. Crybaby.”

  Eene came up to Adam before buckling in. “Why is Alana in the back alone?”

  “Time out. She refused to kiss me again. I hope I don’t have to reprimand you for the same thing.”

  Eene looked at Adam. “Really? Spill before I narc you out to Kalindra.”

  “OK, OK no need to get all angry and threatening. I asked her for some help in obtaining some information I’d like to have. Once we’re at altitude, she’ll start. Go sit with her for takeoff if you wish. Mums the word on the kissing thing. She can get her ire up real fast with me, as you know.”

  “I know no such thing.” Adam shrugged as she walked back to sit with her friend.

  “Hey,” said Gaea. “Thanks for doing what you did with Laura. No one believed a word you said, but still, we all thought it was sweet. Especially me. What else did she make you promise?”

  “To be nice to you. Which, by the way, is no burden.”

  “You’re lying, and terrible at it, but it works for me,” said Gaea. Can we sit together later?”

  “Cuddling only. Mandatory safety feature. I will keep my hands to myself but you don’t have to.”


  They arrived in Crete at a remote private airstrip, having flown in low, and having sent forged documents that emergency medical supplies were on board. When the authorities arrived two hours later, the helicopter with all passengers on the jet and baggage had left, taken a circuitous route to avoid detection. They had already landed on the Rock’s small helipad and were inside their new home quickly.

  As promised, all new forged, but authentic, documents were awaiting them as they arrived.

  Misti and Noki showed the ladies around the residence, the gardens, and pools and then the underground facility with its safe rooms, apartments, and Adam’s lab. They then walked a large part of the Island, the cliffs facing south and the beaches facing north. The native volcanic rock was beginning to disappear as more of the surface was being filled in with dirt and sod. Desalinized and atmosphere derived water were used for watering; plants were brought in from Crete. The work would halt temporarily while Adam was in residence as a security precaution. Still, most of the Island was now pleasantly parklike.

  When they got back to the residence, Adam had put everyone’s luggage outside bedroom doors but said if they wanted separate beds in shared rooms, he would deal with that later. He immediately set about getting his kitchen in order, water and electrical power restored and telecommunications activated. He promised he would go over all matters pertaining to the island later that day and into the evening.


  Adam was up early the next day awaiting the ladies for coffee and breakfast. Kalindra and Alana appeared earliest, around six, with everyone else except Misti seated and waiting for morning goodies by seven. A boat would bring fresh supplies and perishables later that day, but no one suffered on their first morning on “Noki’s Island”.

  Alana said, “On behalf of the group, we’d like to have a meeting with you after lunch to kind of clear the air about what we’re going to be doing here, now that we’re actually here. Perhaps some additional background on us for you, and maybe a little bit more on you for us. You must have some stories about the Immortals; even Kalindra was blindsided by them, though happily so. But, maybe it’s better if we’re going to share danger, we should also share backgrounds too. OK with you?”

  Adam said, “You mean I get to talk about myself? When do we start?”

  “After lunch. I understand Misti is a late sleeper and a robust eater.”

  “So very true. She’s my kind of girl.”

  Just then, Misti entered the kitchen in her jammies, yawning and stretching. “And you love cuddling, cooking, and cleaning, you fem-boy. What’s for brekkie?”

  “Anything you want my Princess.”

  “Fresh OJ?”

  “Frozen until the boat arrives.”

  “Eggs, bacon, whole grain toast, butter, raspberry jam, and that Ecuadorian coffee you love. And maybe
a bowl of oatmeal. I’m feeling pregnant.”

  Everyone looked at her.

  “I said ‘feeling’, not ‘being’ pregnant. And, I like butter and maple syrup on my oatmeal. No goodies to snack on here at Adam’s health food prison. Him and the warden’s wife, Noki.”

  Adam ignored Misti. “Are you in on the chat this afternoon?”

  Misti said, “Yep. Want to get all the gossip. Especially on you. Wives and kids. Wow, never saw that coming.”


  Before they arrived at the Island, while still on the jet, Alana motioned for Adam to come back and visit with her; she had found something. When he walked back to Alana’s work station, he found Eene asleep on the seats across the table from Alana and looking as peaceful as an angel.

  Adam smiled and said, “She said she wanted to cuddle with me earlier but I think she likes being near you much more,” said Adam.

  “Don’t be so sure, St. James. She’s a fragile doe in a world of hungry wolves. And she falls prey easily. She is trusting and, well, way too gullible, and worse, she knows it. But she also knows everything she needs to know about you. Figured you out right away.”

  “Really? Do tell. I consider myself extremely complicated, an enigma, a mystery and complete mess all rolled up into one. A dense fog of … well, you get the picture.”

  “How do you explain the amazing Noki and Misti?”

  “Poor judgment in men.”

  “Eene told me you had a good heart and soul, that you promised her you would always watch out and protect us, that our running was in the past. We found our home. And our home was with you. Care to comment?”

  Adam thought for a moment.

  “My birth family is crap. I hate them. My real family is Misti, her brother, family and parents, pus Noki, Cindy and my nieces. I believe when your birth family is a mistake, God shows you a new way, with new people where the need is great, and He allows you to fashion your own family. I started with the Suarez family, including Misti, who taught me love, kindness and the real meaning of family; then I met Kalindra and Noki. Now I’ve met and come to know you and Eene. You, Alana, don’t need protection but maybe a family and maybe a home. Eene is different. She’s kind and resilient. She always shows love and empathy. She expects nothing and gives everything. Who wouldn’t want a woman like her around every day? She embodies a way of thinking, of being, that is humble, yet strong.”


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