Forever Guarded

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Forever Guarded Page 5

by Kathleen Brooks

  “Miss Violet, let my bodyguard go,” Aiden heard a woman call out from what sounded like very far away.

  Aiden was released and when he stood up, the old lady named Miss Violet winked at him. He winked back and she blushed. As he looked around for his principal, a woman in a tight-knit, gray, mini sweater-dress with a very low scoop neck and thigh-high black-heeled boots strode toward him, wiggling her ass. Aiden wasn’t expecting a slag to approach him so boldly in the middle of this crowd to procure a john for the night.

  “Hi, handsome,” the woman cooed through overinjected lips that resembled a pair of wax candy lips from when he was a child. “I’m Nikki, and I’ll happily show you around our little town.”

  She leaned forward and her oversized tits teetered out. The sweater’s yarn strained under the weight and eventually lost out to gravity. One thing was clear. This woman was all fur coat and no knickers.

  “Oopsie,” Nikki laughed, taking her time to stuff herself back into her sweater. “As I was saying, I can show you a whole new world. I’ll stop by tonight.”

  “Bad!” a young woman dressed in a suit called out a second before she squirted Nikki with a water bottle. The young woman turned to Aiden as Nikki fumbled to reattach a gigantic false eyelash. “I’m sorry about that. I’m Addison Rooney, the town prosecutor. You must be looking for Piper. We’ve had a little bit of excitement here tonight when someone tried to kill her, but we’re all good now. Here she is.”

  Addison gestured to the woman walking toward him with a slightly surprised expression on her face. She would have looked like the woman he’d seen pictures of, except for the bruises and cuts on her face. Her mostly light-brown hair, streaked with natural blonde highlights, was pulled back from her face into some kind of messy bun. There was no pretentiousness surrounding her. Dressed in scrubs and worn sneakers, Dr. Piper Davies was still the most beautiful woman Aiden had ever seen. It wasn’t the kind of beauty that left a man speechless. It was more of an everyday beauty that was sincere and unassuming. And by the way Piper was now standing in front of him nervously holding her breath as her hazel eyes took him in, she had no idea what a beauty she was.

  “Aiden Creed,” he said, holding out his hand for her. A man with military written all over him stepped up behind Piper and protectively put his hand on her shoulder. Aiden didn’t frown as he wanted to, but in that split second, both men acknowledged that they’d sized each other up.

  “I’m Piper Davies,” she said as she placed her small hand in his larger, rougher one. “You’re my bodyguard? I thought you would be older.” Aiden nodded as he squeezed her hand gently while he shook it and felt like cursing. The number one rule of close protection work was to keep your emotional distance from the principal. Emotions and feelings did nothing to keep your principal safe, but emotions and other things were growing with every second he touched her.

  “A pleasure to make your acquaintance,” Aiden said, reluctantly dropping her hand. “Would you like to tell me what happened here?” He directed the question to the man similar in height and build to himself.

  Aiden was 185 centimeters and was able to look this man in the eyes, which made him slightly over six American feet tall. However, the man looked to have a couple pounds on Aiden’s 14-stone body, but not much. They were both near two hundred American pounds.

  “Walker Greene, SEAL,” he said as way of introduction. Ah, yes, the man who was betrayed by his own team leader. Aiden remembered reading about him.

  “Aiden Creed, SAS,” he replied, shaking the man’s hand.

  “If y’all wouldn’t mind, could we move this somewhere else?” Piper asked as she lowered her voice.

  “Is she still in danger?” Aiden asked Walker. Piper rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest, which jutted her lovely breasts up at him.

  “You think this is bad?” Piper asked, gesturing to the crowd. “That’s nothing compared to what will happen when my mother, aunts, and uncles show up.” She paused, and in that moment Aiden saw exactly who Piper Davies was. She was someone very uncomfortable being the center of attention, which was so different from his other clientele who loved the spotlight.

  Aiden held out his hand, wrapping it around her shoulder and gently pushing her toward the SUV. “Then let’s go.” Aiden didn’t miss the release of breath Piper was holding when he told her he’d take her home. He also didn’t miss the uneasiness she had when he opened the back door to the SUV instead of the front.

  Piper slowly slid in the back while Walker stopped at the front door. “Why don’t I come with you and fill you in on the drive? My wife can pick me up at Piper’s house.”

  “That’s fine with me, but make sure your wife knows Piper is likely unavailable to guests.”

  Walker snickered. “The Davies family, hell, the whole town of Keeneston has no understanding of what the word unavailable means. If you thought keeping Piper safe from the people after her was the hardest part of the job, you have a surprise coming. A five-foot, very pregnant surprise.”

  “Welcome to Keeneston, young man,” Miss Violet called out. “We’ll pop by with a basket soon.”

  Walker chuckled as he shook his head and walked around to the passenger door. Maybe this assignment wasn’t exactly what Aiden had anticipated, but pivoting at a moment’s notice was something he excelled at.

  Aiden closed his door and drove while Walker recounted the day’s events. By the time they arrived at Piper’s house, he was completely caught up. “Do you have any idea who is behind the threats?” Aiden asked when he opened the door for Piper.

  She shook her head and a piece of her hair fell into her face. She shoved it behind her ear and looked up at Aiden. “None. I don’t even know how they found out about my project, but more importantly, the dangerous state that it’s in.”

  “Nash is working on it,” Walker told her before looking to Aiden. “Want me to do it or you?”

  “I will,” Aiden said, pulling his gun from his hip. “Stay here with her.”

  “I have a name, you know,” Piper called out as Aiden walked up the sidewalk with the key to her house in hand. He grinned to himself as he unlocked the door and swept the house for intruders. He took in the small living room leading to an open kitchen, the short hallway with the bathroom, guest room, and master bedroom with attached bath. The house fit Piper’s personality perfectly. It was well cared for, pretty, and cute. All of which described his principal.

  “I like that painting in the living room,” Aiden said as a way of letting them know it was safe to come inside.

  * * *

  “Thanks. My cousin Tinsley Faulkner from South Carolina painted it for me,” Piper said as she walked up the stairs toward him. She kept her eyes focused on the door and not on her bodyguard, who was so hot she could fry an egg on him.

  She hadn’t known what to expect, but it wasn’t the smooth, toned, and sophisticated Aiden Creed. His accent only made it worse. It was like it upped his sexiness whenever he spoke.

  Piper had expected someone militarily or law enforcement trained, but not someone trained as an elite SAS and appeared to be only five years older than her twenty-nine years. Someone who wore a suit cut perfectly to his body and not fatigues. Nope and nope. And not someone with the sexiest hazel eyes she’d ever seen. Emerald and gold glittered back at her whenever he looked at her, which was why she was currently keeping her eyes on the floor.

  “Pack a bag.” Aiden’s English voice washed over her, sending her blood pumping—until she realized what he’d just said.

  “Excuse me?”

  “Pack a bag. We’re leaving.” He didn’t ask her what she thought. He didn’t tell her where they were going. He simply ordered her as if she were one of his soldiers.

  “Where are we going?” Piper asked as she stood rooted to her porch. Walker closed the distance, and she could feel him frowning behind her.

  “My job is to keep you alive. I can’t do that here. As Walker confirmed, even if we tell peo
ple not to visit, they will. The old lady with the saggy breasts, the slag with the breasts that didn’t bounce, and Walker’s wife—”

  “You better not mention Layne’s breasts,” Walker warned.

  Aiden ignored him and kept his eyes locked with Piper’s. “As they’ve all said, they will be stopping by, along with your family, to a house we know is no longer secure. Is that a correct statement?”

  “Why does everything come down to breasts?” Piper asked. Even as she told herself not to look down at her average ones, she did anyway.

  “The perfect pair of breasts can take a man down. I’m sure you know that.” Piper looked up at Aiden and when his eyes dropped to her chest, she had no problem realizing he approved of her breasts. Wow, so that’s what it felt like to be seen. Normally she didn’t like it, but if it was Aiden seeing her, she was afraid she might become addicted to it.

  “Hey,” Walker said, interrupting them. “You are not here to get laid.”

  “No, I’m not. I’m here to keep her alive and to do that we are getting out of this house—a house that has been broken into, searched, and probably bugged.”

  Piper saw Walker’s jaw tighten before he nodded. “You’re right.”

  Aiden put his hand on the small of Piper’s back and gave a little push to move her through the door. “Thank you for your help today. Here’s my number. Call if you discover anything.”

  Piper looked over her shoulder as Aiden gave Walker a card and then closed the door on his face. He flipped the dead bolt, leaving the two of them completely alone. “Pack your bags, Piper.”

  Piper rolled her eyes at the order but headed to her room anyway. In minutes she had enough clothes for a week tossed into a gigantic duffle bag. She needed one more thing, but it wouldn’t be easy to get to. Her notes.

  “Can you help me move the couch?” Piper asked as she dropped her large bag on the living room floor.

  “Now isn’t the time to redecorate,” Aiden lectured even as he moved to help her.

  “My concept notes for all my projects are hidden. I keep them in a fireproof box in case any of my patents are challenged,” Piper told him as she let Aiden move the large couch as if it weighed nothing. She rolled back the rug, ran her hand over the hardwood until she found what she was looking for, and pressed. The large rectangular piece of hardwood popped up enough for her to put her fingers underneath and then pop off.

  “A spring-loaded hidden panel. Smart. No scrape marks from prying it open.”

  Piper looked up and felt herself heat under his praise. “Thank you. I designed it myself.” She reached down and pulled out the fireproof case before closing the hidden compartment and rolling the rug back over it. Without being asked, Aiden pushed the couch back into position and stood.

  “One last thing. I need your phone,” Aiden said, holding out his hand.

  “Why?” Piper asked, holding tight to her cell phone.

  “Do you trust I will do everything I can to keep you safe?”

  Dear Lord, she hoped so. Right now it was easy to believe someone like Aiden Creed could defeat many of the battles in her life, but even this one might be too big for him. Nash and Ahmed hadn’t figured out the source of the threat yet. All they knew was they were well financed and had plenty of manpower.

  “Yes, but—“

  “No buts. Hand over your phone.”

  Piper reluctantly handed over her phone. She saw him pull out a new phone, take out her SIM card, and place it in the new phone before dropping the old one in the back of her silverware drawer. “This is a secure phone that won’t be able to be traced. You can use it as you normally do.”

  “Thank you.” Piper took the new phone and bit her lower lip as she thought about what was happening to her. “Where are we going?” She asked as he lifted her bag and opened the front door. Walker was still there looking pissed.

  Aiden didn’t answer her as he opened the back lift gate and set her bag down before opening the back door for her. Piper sighed and climbed in. Through the windshield, she saw Walker and Aiden exchange a short word before Aiden climbed into the SUV.

  “We’re going someplace I can keep you safe.”


  Some place safe turned out to be a large historic mansion in the countryside of Lexington. Lexington was neat like that. In one mile, you could go from thriving community to farmland. The old brick house was built in the eighteen hundreds and stood overlooking the training track at the attached horse farm.

  “I know this farm,” Piper said, looking around at oil paintings of horses and large glass chandeliers in the entryway. “This farm has been in the Burnstine family for generations. They had the Horse of the Year two years ago.”

  “That’s right,” Aiden said as he carried her bag up the sweeping wooden staircase.

  Piper followed close behind as she took in the classic elegance of the house. “How did you get permission to use this house?”

  “Mr. Burnstine is a satisfied client. He’s in Florida for the winter and gave me permission to use the residence while he and his family are gone.” Aiden stopped at a door with its antique bronzed handle and turned it. “This is your room. My room connects, leaving you an exit in case of emergency. There’s also no exit other than this door and the connecting door.”

  Piper looked around the pale green room at the solid mahogany four-poster bed so tall there was a step stool to get into it, the two large floor-to-ceiling windows that overlooked the farm, a rocking chair by the window, and a chest for clothes.

  “There’s a bathroom there.” Aiden pointed to a closed door. “And my room is right here.” He turned to his left and opened the connecting door. The rooms were similar, but his was pale yellow and had a balcony. One she’d kill to sit out on and watch the horses, but Piper understood why it wasn’t her room. She was contained in her room. His had an external entry and exit. If she could get in and out, so could someone else.

  “I still need to go to work,” Piper said, deciding it was time to put her foot down.

  Aided nodded his head and ran a hand over his five o’clock shadow. “I know. Do you usually go at a certain time?”

  “I usually get to Lexington by eight-thirty. And then my secret lab in Keeneston is anytime I can get there,” Piper explained. “And I’ll need you to sign a nondisclosure agreement.”

  “No problem. But we’ll leave here tomorrow at ten. You’ll be to work in less than twenty minutes. We will never arrive to work at the same time or via the same route.” Aiden looked down at his watch. “Would you like to rest or anything while I make dinner?”

  Piper felt her eyes widen. “You cook too? Is there anything you can’t do?”

  “No,” Aiden said, his lips spreading into a smile that turned his face into one Hollywood actors only wished they had. “I’ll call when dinner’s ready.”

  Piper watched as Aiden closed the door behind him and held her breath as he walked down the old staircase. She heard every footfall and every creak the old wood made. When he was finally out of earshot, Piper grabbed her phone and made her way into the bathroom. It was obvious it had been renovated. The countertop was marble and there was a solid glass shower with multiple showerheads. But it was the old cast-iron claw-foot tub sitting under a stained-glass window that caught her eye.

  Piper was undressed and running the water when her phone rang. She wasn’t going to answer, but Abby didn’t call very often, so it might be important. “Hello?”

  “Aiden Creed? Mallory got Aiden freaking Creed to protect you?”

  “Hi, Abby. I’m alive, thanks. And how are you doing?” Piper asked sarcastically.

  “I know you’re alive. I get the Keeneston text tree in Washington, DC. Aiden Creed hardly ever takes on new clients. I saw him once at a conference, and let me just say it would have been worth whatever to get one night with that man.”

  “Abby! He’s not here to sleep with me. He’s here to keep me safe.”

  “He could watch you even close
r if he was in bed with you. Oh, and I’m supposed to ask where you are.”

  “Ah, that’s the reason for the call. Who called you?” Piper asked, feeling the water with her hand and adjusting it.

  “Layne. She found Walker on your porch and you were gone.”

  “I’m not supposed to say.”

  “That is so hot.”

  “Abby!” Piper said, the censure no longer in her voice as she laughed.

  “Tell me you didn’t think about pushing him against the nearest wall and having your wicked way with him,” Abby challenged. Well, it wasn’t the wall . . . “See,” Abby said as she laughed at Piper’s silence.

  “Okay! I admit it. He is drop dead sexy. But he has zero interest in me, and right now I kinda just want to live long enough to fix my mistake.”

  “I’m only a phone call away and I want all the details! You wouldn’t believe what I heard about his peni—”

  “Goodbye, Abby,” Piper said hurriedly. She didn’t want to hear the details. That was like waving a fresh batch of brownies under a girl’s nose and telling her she couldn’t have a taste. Piper was not the kind of woman to inspire men to lose control. She was the best friend. The buddy. The girl next door who lived through her friends’ lives because no one liked to date a girl who forgot pencils in her hair and worked on things most people couldn’t understand. And don’t get her started on dating other scientists. Those men couldn’t face the fact that she was smarter than most of them. It wasn’t like she tried to be. She thought it would be helpful to show them where they were wrong in their work. Right now she’d give anything for someone to show her where she’d gone wrong.

  Piper turned off the water and slid into the tub. The hot water enveloped her as tired and sore muscles slowly began to unwind. Piper turned the music from her phone on and closed her eyes. Chemical equations swirled in her mind as she let go of everything else and let her mind go down the rabbit hole.


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