Pure Blooded

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Pure Blooded Page 14

by Amanda Carlson

  My wolf was still focused on making sure the yellow masses couldn’t enter the rest of my body. So far it had been working, but I was going to need my magic to battle Marinette. It couldn’t be tied up fixing my leg. There’s no doubt she’s coming after us, I told my wolf. This is it. We’re going to need our magic to battle her. Do you think we can we do both? Fight and keep the yellow from spreading? My wolf growled. I took that as a no. Well, we have no other choice.

  The bokor gave one last moan and collapsed on the ground, face-first.

  She was nothing more than a skeleton. Marcy was outside the circle, tucked behind a totem pole. She was beginning to groan and that was a good sign. With the sorceress dead, she should be able to break the spell. Danny was right behind me with Naomi. “Stay back here with them until you see the loa enter me,” I told him. “Do not go out there, whatever happens. Once Marinette is occupied with me, go for help. Try and find your way out of this realm. The Pack is right outside searching for us.”

  Danny snapped his muzzle and gave me a low, disapproving bark.

  “It doesn’t matter what you think,” I countered. “I won’t be able to keep Marinette out of me. I don’t have any more spells, and nothing you can do will stop her. She’ll just kill you once and for all. Now, focus on finding the Pack and leading them here. Ray is the only one who can save you. Don’t you dare give up. Do you hear me, Daniel Walker?”

  Danny leaned over and rubbed his flank against me. He was hanging on because he was a strong wolf. I pointedly ignored his yellowing eyes and the missing fur. He had to be okay, and in order for me to make sure he was, I had to fight this loa and win. I just wish I knew how.

  There was a snapping noise. It was the sound of bones breaking.

  I peered into the circle. Ew. She was taking the bokor’s bone marrow.

  Suddenly the phone beeped.

  I’d never gotten to it and hadn’t realized it had stopped ringing while I’d been occupied getting Marcy out of the circle. I bent over and plucked it out of Marcy’s pocket. It vibrated in my hand.

  I turned it over right as air brushed by my face. There were only three words scrolling across the screen.


  “What?” I shouted into the air. What did that mean? “That doesn’t help. I need—” I glanced up right as Danny lunged for me, barking wildly. Wind twisted my hair, and with the force of a tornado, the loa struck, knocking me back into the circle.

  She was inside me before I could take my next breath.


  Coldness filled me, consuming me with its intensity. My limbs were not my own and my veins were filled with ice water. My wolf howled, furious.

  The possession was immediate.

  By the time I hit the ground, she was in control. She had more power than I’d ever thought possible. The bokor had amped her up by giving her everything, even if it had been unwilling. The combined magic tore through me, unwelcome and reckless, overpowering anything I had inside me.

  Try, I told my wolf as my head spun, to grab on to her magic…

  I am here now. The voice in my head was crystal clear, like we were having a real conversation. It’s only a matter of time before you succumb. I will infiltrate every piece of you until you are no longer here and only I am left. Once I do, I will become you.

  Juanita had just told me the same thing.


  What the hell did that mean? I’m not giving up without a fight, I told her.

  Fighting me will not work. I’ve been preparing for this for centuries and I am too powerful for you. She snickered, enjoying herself.

  I was immobile physically—Marinette had control of my limbs—and I could no longer sense anything around me. Her magic was an unruly mass, and as I lay there, it began to attach itself to my magic one strand at a time. NO! I shouted. You can’t take it away from me. To my wolf, I said, If she absorbs it, it will be hers to wield!

  Exactly, she cackled.

  My wolf struggled to keep our magic away from her, trying to yank it back, but it had become slippery and cold, like everything else in my body, and there was no place to take it. My stomach heaved. Suddenly I was on my side retching, expelling everything from my body.

  That’s right, Marinette said. All of your body functions will be laid to waste one by one. I will have no need of them.

  I shivered, my teeth clattering. The yellow masses in my thigh began to change. I could see the poison pooling in my mind. It had become fluid, like thick amber flowing through me. This was her magic—her signature. As it moved, it attached itself to everything. I could no longer see my own magic. Can you intercept it? I asked my wolf. She howled her anger and frustration.

  You cannot. You are not stronger than your creator, my child. Marinette’s voice was harsh. My magic defines you, defines all wolves. Your magic comes to me naturally. It yearns for its master. It matters not that it is muddled with others’ signatures. That will be a bonus to me once I inhabit your body, but it is of no consequence.

  I gulped for air. My lungs were shutting down. I couldn’t fight this. It was different from anything else I’d come in contact with in my life. I wasn’t going to be able to blow this up or knock her out. My brain was starting to get hazy. Marinette was succeeding and I was slowly losing control of all my faculties. My wolf yelped, urging me to do something—try anything. She was battling to keep Marinette back, but we had very little power left.

  Then I felt it. My hand was vibrating.

  I could barely detect it, but something was needling my senses, making me aware. I hadn’t let the cell phone drop from my hands. Juanita was trying to get my attention.

  The Hag cannot help you now, Marinette said. She is too late and this is proof that the Fates can be changed. I will be living proof.

  My mind was growing more and more muddled as Marinette’s anger whipped through me. The beeping continued, but I couldn’t find the strength to lift my lids.

  My arm began to shake.

  I was still on my side from when I had emptied my stomach, and with insurmountable effort I forced my eyes open. I couldn’t see anything at first. I concentrated on clearing my vision, but I realized there was a thick coating of film covering them. Everything looked milky.

  You can try all you like, Marinette said. Whatever she is trying to tell you is inconsequential.

  I ignored the loa. I couldn’t access my magic, but I still had some scant power left. I pushed it into my eyes, forcing myself to focus. I squinted at the phone but could only make out a blur. “Make it bigger!” I yelled into the air, my vocal cords failing at the end like ice had frozen them solid. My teeth chattered hard.

  I finally caught sight of one word.


  “Take what?” I whispered, barely getting the words out.

  What is she talking about? I asked my wolf. What does she mean by take?

  She is grasping at straws, Marinette answered before my wolf could. It will be over soon, don’t you worry.

  I had to do something. I couldn’t just die here without a fight.

  My body wouldn’t move any longer at my command, so I did the only thing I could think of—I tried to distract her and buy us some time to figure out what Juanita wanted us to do. If she was still reaching out to me, that meant there was a way out. Why are you doing this? I asked Marinette.

  Instead of words, I began to perceive a clear image of Marinette in my mind. That’s right. I was glorious and will be again very soon.

  She was in fact glorious. Long blonde hair billowed out behind her as she stood atop a rocky crag, dressed in a gown of what appeared to be spun gold. Her features were feminine and linear, her eyes the purest blue. She was beautiful.

  Why were you killed? I asked groggily. I thought immortals couldn’t die.

  That’s not important.

  I beg to differ, I said. It’s the reason I’m lying here right now. You were an immortal goddess and you died. Because of that, you are seeking r
evenge. I feel your bitterness and your rage like it was my own. This involves me. You’re taking what’s mine and I have the right to know.

  I felt her impersonal shrug, like it wasn’t my business, but who cared if I knew. Fate deemed I was no longer fit to be a goddess, so the Hags stripped me of my form, but try as they might, they could not take my soul.

  Why weren’t you fit to be a goddess? Because you created werewolves without their permission?

  No. She sniffed. Creating a race of powerful supernaturals was what I was born to do. The Earth was evolving and supernaturals who had formed in the beginning were becoming uncontrolled. Unchecked, the supernatural races would’ve taken over, each Sect trying to kill off the other in a perpetual war. Eventually all humans would have died and there would have been none left to breed or to pray to the gods and goddesses. Everything would’ve been lost. So immortals, like myself, were each tasked with creating a new, powerful race—races that would control the balance. More intelligent beings. I chose mine wisely.

  Then why were you punished? I was fading fast and Marinette knew it. Her voice was filled with glee. She would answer any questions now, but only because she no longer had anything to fear. She had what she wanted. I struggled to stay coherent, to hear her answers because they were important. And as I did, something about Juanita’s word pushed at my consciousness, forcing me to listen to her carefully. TAKE.

  They deemed me unfit because I veered from Fate’s path.

  On purpose? I asked.

  Oh yes, she positively cackled. My race was growing strong, fighting and amassing great power, taking down the weak, protecting the humans. The humans were aware that the tides had shifted and they paid me with their homage and prayers, and my power grew by unfathomable degrees. It was a wondrous time.

  It couldn’t have been that wondrous if you died, I pointed out.

  I did what I had to do. I have no regrets. Her voice was harsh.

  You’ve got a captive audience here, and I’m dying to know what you did to piss off Fate.

  Her magic was now intertwined inside every piece of me. We were one and I was hanging on by a thread. My wolf was the only reason we hadn’t succumbed just yet. She was still fighting, trying to push Marinette back with everything she had. I created you.

  I gasped. Me? I was the reason you were killed?

  SHE IS YOU. The knowledge of Juanita’s words dangled in front of me, needling me, begging me to understand.

  Your predecessor, to be exact, Marinette spat. The very same wolf who resides inside you now, who fights me even though you have already given up. I didn’t feel like I’d given up, but I was awful sleepy. I couldn’t see my wolf in my mind any longer. Marinette had masked her from me. Do you not wonder why you—and you alone—have two souls?

  I have two souls? I sputtered. I was equal parts thunderstruck and baffled by her admission. It was true, I could hold a conversation with my wolf, see her clearly in my mind as an individual. She was pushy and independent, but I’d never considered her as separate. I only had myself to go on, and I figured every wolf could communicate with their inner wolf like I could. But, come to think of it, I’d really never asked anyone.

  Marinette laughed at my confusion. Yes, your wolf is separate, of her own mind, unlike your Pack mates. She was actually created with a piece of my very own soul, bred to be the most powerful wolf on the planet. Your predecessor was my greatest achievement, as well as my undoing. Once they found out what I had done, the Hags were only able to kill my living body because my soul was halved. It is also the reason why your body cannot fight me now. Inside you resides my existence, and I’ve finally come back to retrieve what’s mine, like a mother to her child.

  Realization dawned on me with crushing clarity.

  My wolf had been created so this greedy goddess, my creator, could rule the supernatural world through her. Marinette’s hasty actions had probably led to the necessity of a supernatural Coalition—which had been made up of powerful females—females who had likely come into existence to keep what Marinette had created in check.

  Yes. Marinette fed on my mind. She knew my thoughts without me having to project them. Up until then every supernatural had been male. We were only allowed to create males to ensure that humans would remain essential. Her voice held disdain for what she likely considered the lesser race. The male races had been created by magic, fed by Fate, and manifested by the gods and goddesses. But as my valiant Sect, powerful and hungry, fought for their rightful place at the top, they began to falter. The vampires and the fae were gaining leverage and I was forced to do something critical, so I created something that would be a game changer for the supernatural world and everything in it.

  And one female wolf did all that? It was clear to me my creator suffered from delusions of grandeur, but I knew she wasn’t alone in this mind-set. If she hadn’t done it, another god or goddess would’ve done something similar, all to gain the perceived upper hand.

  I pictured a lone female wolf forced to battle all the races herself and shuddered.

  No, not just a female, Marinette corrected me. A female created from my flesh and bones. Created by my blood—my very soul! She would be mine in every way, connected to me for all time, and with that strength used together we would become the ruler of all the races—the single strongest supernatural anyone had ever seen. Her words echoed what Lili had said in the Underworld. The quest for supreme power.

  I struggled to respond to Marinette, to keep her talking. I shouldn’t have to point out to you that the supernatural races wouldn’t survive by a rule of one. It would’ve brought more chaos and more fighting. By creating me, you single-handedly brought about the demise of humans and supernaturals alike. Fate knew that.

  They were blind! she shrieked in my mind. They could not see the vision that was right within their grasp.

  Oh, I think they saw it just fine, I responded. That’s why they killed you and created more females—entire female races like the witches, to turn Fate back on to its original path.


  Juanita’s word filtered through my mind again and again.


  Take what? I still don’t understand. I called to Juanita in my mind.

  Marinette thought my words were for her and replied, Of course you don’t understand. I take what I want. Her voice shook with rage. And I will not be denied this time.

  This time? A spasm of understanding overtook me.


  Oh my gods. I finally understood. Your powerful female wolf creation disobeyed you, didn’t she! She had your soul inside her, but she wasn’t you. You didn’t have the control you dreamed you’d have, because she had a mind of her own. That’s why you died. She ultimately sided with Fate!

  Fury boiled in my bloodstream, heating my freezing veins for a precious second. You know nothing! Fate corrupted her so they could kill me. Now I will exact my revenge. I created the most powerful being the world had ever seen. Now I will become the most powerful being. She blew through my body, her magic so cold it made me ache once more.

  But she couldn’t take hold.

  My wolf was still fighting her.


  Your signature is almost the same color as my own, I said. It’s yellow, though it’s a darker shade than mine.

  That matters not. Soon all the magic in your body will be mine.

  Her signature was yellow, same as mine.


  Dawning washed over me. I sent out a silent prayer to Juanita that this was what I had to do. WE HAVE TO STOP FIGHTING HER! I yelled to my wolf. WE HAVE TO ABSORB HER MAGIC. I tore through my mind, trying to find my wolf. A new batch of adrenaline raced through me, bolstering me. I heard her bark. Do it now! Stop fighting and grab on to her magic.

  You cannot wrestle my magic from me. It’s impossible—

  My blood warmed by a few degrees as another bark sounded in my mind. My wolf had heard me and was doing what I a
sked. Yes! I urged her. Let it become a part of us. LET GO! My wolf howled in response and my temperature began to rise in earnest. Marinette’s amber signature began to undulate. My wolf threw the magic she had kept close at the stream, and I watched it collide, coming together with Marinette’s, the two yellows melding, becoming brighter.

  This can’t happen! Marinette raged. You are not strong enough to do such a thing!

  It has nothing to do with strength or power, I said. My wolf is simply taking her just deserts.

  What are you talking about? I owe her nothing!

  Oh, on the contrary. You created her with half, but she deserves the whole.


  No, Marinette. You made a mistake by infiltrating us. This is what Juanita was leading us toward the entire time! You hand delivered exactly what we needed—what Fate wanted—to finally set things to right after all these years. Your soul. The half we need to make my wolf complete, what she should’ve received from you from the beginning. You made an error thinking you would be the victor, that your half was stronger—but clearly it’s not. You were never going to win. We just had to stop fighting you. I was waking internally now and could see my wolf. She had her muzzle up, howling her joy. My body opened up in a rush as my magic absorbed Marinette’s amber signature as quickly as it could, melding with it like Marinette had stated—like mother to child. It was a homecoming.

  I cannot die this way, Marinette screamed, her voice fading fast. I am immortal!

  I had no idea if she was actually dying in the classic sense. My guess was that she would snap out of existence once my wolf took her soul. That had been the only thing tethering her as a spirit all these years—she’d told us that already. If she lingered after, that would be a very bad thing. My wolf snarled her agreement, both of us on the same wavelength. As my magic swallowed up Marinette, I felt euphoric.

  You may be able to take my magic, but you cannot have my soul, Marinette whispered in my mind, trying to tear free of our grasp. My body temperature began to cool slightly as she fought against us.


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