The Phoenix King

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by Keegan Long

  Copyright © 2019 by Keegan Long

  All Rights Reserved.

  No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  ISBN 9781651891179

  The Terran Chronicles

  The Phoenix King

  Keegan Long

  Other Books by Keegan Long:

  The New Revolution Series

  The Awakening (Book 1)

  The Revelation (Book 2)

  The Resurrection (Book 3)

  For the Freeburg Family.

  Thanks for showing me the mountains.



  It has been over 300 years.

  Over three-hundred years have passed since the time of the Titan War. The time where the Olympians and all the people around the world banded together to fight off a common enemy of darkness that threatened to destroy the world.

  Millions of lives were lost. Kingdoms, cities, towns, and more were burned to nothing and became a far distant memory. Humans, dwarves, elves, centaurs, and more became a part of the ground in Terran.

  Out of darkness there is always hope. The Phoenix King emerged from the battle and would lead the people of Terran through an age of prosperity and peace. With powers never seen before and the ability to control and ride a phoenix, he lead all the different races and people throughout Terran from the Ruby Throne. It was during this time that the capital of Terran, Olympia, was formed.

  People moved on with their lives and began to forget the enemy of the past that had come so close to ending them all. The Titans now were nothing more than a fairytale. But this enemy was very much real.

  Kingdoms were rebuilt. Towns began to form and flourish the lands across Terran from West to East. All the people were united under the rule of the Phoenix King as he rode his phoenix across Terran and protected the peace. This would not last forever.

  The Phoenix King and his dynasty ruled from Olympia for many strong and long years from the Ruby Throne as his powers were passed on between sons and daughters. But suddenly, the most recent heir and his family vanished many years ago. Nothing was found except a pile of ash in the royal throne room. The Eternal Flame became extinguished and burnt no more on Ember Island. The king left behind no family, no wisdom, and no heir.

  It was at this moment when the violence would erupt across the lands of Terran. Some rejected the new High Council of Druids that marched in with their armies and claimed the rule of Olympia. Many believe the Druids killed the king with dark magic, but no one could prove this. Some remained loyal to the crown while others simply ignored the capital and cut themselves from the outside world. Life has never been the same.

  And so many long years after the disappearance of the last Phoenix King.

  Our story begins…


  “Hey, boy!” the man in the coat of red armor yelled as he threw a small rock pebble at the kid sitting down alongside a rock.

  The kid was young and could be no older than fourteen years of age. He had short blonde hair and was dressed in a loose grey cloak. This was his first journey outside the great walls of Olympia.

  “Lucas!” the knight in red yelled again at the boy. “Get up boy!”

  “Yes, My Lord,” Lucas quickly replied as he put his water pouch away and rushed to the side of the knight.

  The knight in red was annoyed by the lack of experience of his newly appointed squire but he knew he was a good kid. In time he would learn.

  The knight was suited up in a nice layer of heavy armor colored in dark red with a little black to be seen as well. On his chest piece, as well as his shield, the symbol of a Phoenix could be seen as he wore it proudly. He had been a part of Olympian Guard for many years, as his age showed for it, and he planned on serving for the many more years to come.

  The Olympian Guard was bound to serve the Phoenix King, but as history will tell, there has been no Phoenix King for quite a long time. Now they serve the High Council of Druids as they patrol and protect the streets and other territories under Olympia’s rule.

  “I know it’s hot, Lucas,” the knight began again. “But the sooner we get done here the sooner we can get out of this hell hole.”

  Lucas looked around and took in his surroundings. The knight was right in this land being nothing but a dark desert wasteland.

  Titan was the birth place and home of the Titans that existed many years ago. The force that had come so close to destroying anything that breathed or showed any signs of life. Now they were gone, and their home showed nothing but signs of abandonment for well over a hundred years.

  Once a year, a lucky pair of knights were selected to make the travel to Titan and conduct a surveillance check to make sure no forces of monsters, or humans, were gathering up here or doing something they were not meant to do. Over one-hundred of these trips have been made and each time nothing was ever found.

  “Don’t worry, boy,” one of the other knights joked with the kid. “Nothing here can hurt ya. There’s only the occasional giant or dragon to be seen.”

  Lucas felt a sense of fear in his throat as he nervously swallowed.

  “Shut up all of ya,” the main knight came to Lucas’s rescue. “No dragon has been seen in these parts, or anywhere, in well over a hundred years. There are no dragons in Terran anymore.”

  Lucas looked up to the knight curiously. “So, what happened to them?”

  The knight looked back at the kid with a stern face. “They died.”

  “Well, that’s good for us,” Lucas tried to joke nervously.

  “Don’t you worry chap,” one of the other knights chimed in as he gave Lucas a rough slap on the back. “The old captain here has made this trip how many times sir?”

  “Too many,” the aged knight said with a sigh. “But this time it feels different.”

  Suddenly, during the peak of mid-day, the sun disappeared behind a thick dark fog and everything around them went quiet. The horses around them began to scream and panic as they sensed something was out there. Something dark.

  “What in the name of Thor?” one of the knights muttered to himself as he looked around and began to panic.

  “Thor ain’t here no more you twit,” one of the fellow knights spat. “Thor is gone with the rest of the Olympians.”

  “No gods in Terran anymore,” another added. “And especially no gods here in this cursed place.”

  The Captain looked over into the thickness of the dark and unnatural fog. He stared at it for a long while until he was convinced he saw the slightest of movement.

  “Ready your weapons!” he ordered to his fellow companions as he drew his own sword from his side. “There’s something out there!”

  The other knights followed the captain’s order and unsheathed their swords from their sides as well. Lucas had no sword, nor had he ever been trained to handle a sword, but pulled out his small dagger he had been given to use if the circumstance was to arise.

  “This isn’t natural,” one of the knights cried out as he stood nervously in his defensive position with his sword at the ready. “What is this?”

  “Magic,” the captain uttered. “Dark Magic.”

  From beyond the fog a loud cry echoed the surrounding area as if it was coming from some type of animal.

  Before anyone could say anything, or react, the Captain noticed a figure emerge quickly out of the fog and began to rush towards the group with incredible speed.

  “WATCH OUT!” the Captain yelled to his group, but it was too late.

bull shaped figured rushed towards his nearest target and struck his horn into one of the knights.

  The knight screamed out in pain as the bull’s horn pierced the knight’s side and into his skin.

  The Captain quickly launched himself towards the bull figure and swung his sword. The bull returned by letting out a cry of pain before it fell to the floor dead.

  Upon looking down now at the dead figure the Captain noticed this was no ordinary bull. The figure had the head and legs of a bull but the body of a man.

  “Minotaur,” he muttered to himself. “Impossible.”

  He knelt down to the injured knight and looked upon his injuries. He laid on the ground as a pool of blood began to form behind his back. Before the Captain could act or do anything else the knight lost consciousness and laid lifeless upon the ground. He was dead.

  “We need to get out of here,” the Captain announced to his fellow knights and squire. “NOW!”

  The group quickly made a break for it and ran in the other direction from where the Minotaur had come from. Lucas quickly kept at the Captain’s side, but they would never make it. The dark fog was quickly following their trail and would be upon them soon.

  There was suddenly a scream from one of the fellow knights as Lucas looked over to his side and saw one of the other knights get pierced by an arrow and fell violently to the ground.

  “Don’t look back, Lucas!” the Captain yelled. “Keep running, boy!”

  Lucas did as he was ordered and continued to hear screams from the knights that had come with him as they were met with the same fate one by one. It was not long after when the Captain and Lucas were forced to stop as the fog had now surrounded them from all sides.

  “Stay behind me!” the Captain ushered to Lucas as he held out his sword.

  This time a different figure appeared slowly from the fog. They were in the shape of a human but covered in a torn black wizard cloak.

  “Who goes there!” the Captain ordered to the approaching figure.

  The wizard did not respond but only gave a sinister laugh that echoed all around them.

  “Show yourself, Sorcerer!” the captain commanded once more. “What are you? A Druid? A Greybeard?”

  This made the dark figure stop just a mere feet away from them.

  “Pathetic,” the sorcerer grinned. “Do you think a Druid or Greybeard could ever do this?”

  Then it hit the Captain.


  The figure replied with an evil grin. “Yes.”

  “Impossible,” the Captain countered in disbelief. “You guys are supposed to be dead. We killed you all.”

  “There’s a lot you don’t know,” the Necromancer replied. “Too bad you won’t be around to figure it out.”

  Before the Captain could react, the Necromancer pulled out his wand from his sleeve and casted a spell straight at the Captain. A red stream of light emerged from the tip of the wand and hit the Captain straight in his chest. His armor shattered apart, and his body spiraled backwards with his eyes still open as he hit the ground.

  Lucas quickly rushed to the Captain’s side and noticed a burnt hole in the Captain’s chest. He was dead.

  Lucas dropped his dagger by his side as he began to shake even more now. He knew he would be dead in within minutes and all he could find himself thinking about was wishing he was back home.

  His body began to shiver more violently as the hooded Necromancer knelt by Lucas’ side.

  “Was he good to you?” the evil voice asked as it continued to echo like before.

  Lucas simply nodded as he continued to shake.

  “You have seen much death here today,” the Necromancer continued. “But you will not be one of them. Not today.”

  Lucas let out a sigh of relief but still continued to shake out of fear of what was to come next.

  “Go back to Olympia,” the Necromancer spoke into Lucas’ ear. “And tell them what happened here today. Tell them the Dark Lord has returned and the Titan of Tartarus will soon follow.”


  Thieves’ Landing

  It was a bright summer morning in the tropical paradise of Thieves’ Landing. The waves were calm as the trees blew alongside the wind ever so peacefull and gently. The sand on the beaches sparkled elegantly when the rays of the sun reached the beaches. This is everything a paradise looked like, except for one thing.

  It was ran and lived on by pirates.

  No one ever came here for a get away or to experience a little vacation spot. Thieves’ Landing consisted nothing but gambling, drinking, fighting, and much more. Paradise? Maybe for some.

  Thieves’ Landing was currently under the control and rule of the Pirate Lord named Agnes. Leader of Clan Agnes. How original.

  Agnes had controlled Thieves’ Landing and has ruled for the last twenty years on the Throne of Skulls. During the Crossbone War, Agnes took the opportunity to take the throne while everyone else was too busy fighting among each other. A civil war of sorts amongst the several pirate clans. Now all united under a king. Or at least most of them.

  Out of all the pirates that lived on Thieves’ Landing, there was one in particular that was not like the others. Carter had known nothing but the pirate life ever since he could remember. He did not enjoy this life, but it was what he had, and he did what he needed to survive.

  Agnes had provided for Carter ever since he was a small child but was not his biological parent. Carter never knew his real parents or where he had originally come from but faced the facts that this was his life. There was nothing special about him and he was just another person trying to survive in this crazy world.

  It was a normal day for Carter, or at least he thought it was going to be.

  Carter had just begun to start getting ready for the long day ahead of him. On days like these, when there was no voyage to be conducted, he was out in the farm fields either picking the crops or attending to the livestock on Thieves’ Landing.

  Suddenly, there was a loud knocking from the other side of the Carter’s wooden door that lead to his room.

  “Come on boy! Get moving!”

  “I’m going!” Carter blasted back. “Chill out!”

  Carter lived in the Pirate King’s Royal Palace. Well not quite.

  Carter lived in the little shed in the back of the palace’s yards. His home consisted of one extremely small wooden shack with a small bed in the corner. It was nothing compared to how everyone else was living on Thieves’ Landing. Living the life of kings. But not Carter.

  He never complained though. Carter knew it would never get him anywhere and probably even worse off if he tried to do anything about it, so he lived with what he had.

  Carter quickly rummaged through his partly torn, and very worn down, clothes and choose something light to wear for the day. He quickly ran his fingers through his thick, but short, black hair and set off out the door and towards the crop fields on the other end of the island.

  As Carter walked through the village, he took his time as he enjoyed the morning ocean breeze coming across his face. Carter had always been very fond of the ocean and was always a place he could escape to be by himself. Away from the pirate’s life for once.

  “Morning, Carter!” a man called out as Carter approached the beginning of the crop fields.

  “Morning, Gibson!” Carter waved back at the older man.

  Gibson was the only person that Carter considered a friend on this pirate island. Gibson was in his mid-fifties and has a short grey beard that accompanied his always dirty face. He was a bit short, and chubby, like many of the other pirates that were around.

  Like Carter, Gibson had been born into the pirate life and has always lived on Thieves’ Landing. He had always kept to himself, for the most part, and is why he never climbed up the ranks to lead a clan of his own like many pirates had done before him.

  Agnes may have adopted Carter, but Gibson had always been more of a father to Carter than Agnes ever had been. Gibson raise
d Carter ever since he arrived on the island when he was a little boy. But when Carter had come of age, he was forced to live on his own and work for his stay in the pirate kingdom.

  “Sleep good, boy?” Gibson asked as Carter started to get himself situated for the day ahead.

  “Eh, nothing knew,” Carter answered. “Had the weirdest dream but nothing out of the usual.”

  “Oh, yeah,” Gibson questioned as he threw Carter an empty wooden bucket. “Care to enlighten me?”

  Carter took a deep breath as he tried to recall his dream as best as he could. “Not sure really what it was. It was a dream but felt so real. It was a huge battle of humans against these dark monsters that I have no idea what they were. They were dark and looked like some type of undead creature but with the ability to fight and reek chaos. They were just pure evil. I could feel it.”

  “Huh,” Gibson commented as he curiously looked upon Carter, but Carter did not notice. “I bet it was nothing, boy. Just a bit of a nightmare by the sounds of it.”

  Little did Carter know that Gibson was lying, and that deep-down Gibson had felt the feeling of something that he had not felt in a very long time. The feeling of fear.

  “Why don’t you be a good lad and fill that up for me with some water,” Gibson ushered Carter as he pointed at the nearby wooden bucket. “Let’s start the day by tending to the cows and other livestock.”

  Carter did as he was told and soon later the two of them were roaming through the outer fields and making their way through the vast wheat fields across Thieves’ Landing.

  Carter never complained about having to get up so early each morning to tend to the fields and livestock of the pirates. Actually, he quite enjoyed it. It gave him the chance to escape the filth and annoyance of pirates and their constant babbling of nonsense. The pirates of Terran were not the smartest but they sure knew how to fight.

  “Did you hear the news?” Carter started to talk as he continued his way through the fields behind Gibson.


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