The Phoenix King

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The Phoenix King Page 9

by Keegan Long

  “It’s important to remain in the shadows,” Ashly explained as she saw Sara noticing some of the other Hunters. “Our job is to protect this city at all costs and that means also listening to news and rumors that people spread to one another. We only intervene if absolutely necessary. The Olympian Guard is the brute force of Olympia. We are its ears.”

  “And what have you heard about today?” Sara asked curiously.

  “Nothing good,” Ashly looked away. “Just some troubling signs.”

  Before Sara could ask any further, she noticed they had reached their final destination. They now stood at the foot of the main gate of the royal palace. She looked up to see the royal palace reached and extend up high and above the clouds. The highest point in the entire kingdom Sara was told. The Olympian Keep. Home to the Phoenix King.

  The guards positioned at the gate let the group in with ease but instead of walking up towards the palace they began walking towards an entrance located inside the the hill on which the palace stood on.

  “Not a word,” Ashly cautioned Sara as she lead her into the entrance.

  As she made her way into the the side of the hill Sara found herself amazed of what lied within. It was a massive temple filled with a variety of different carvings all across the walls. The only source of light was from the many torches that had been places carefully throughout the temple. She could even feel the cold breeze as she continued to walk deeper in.

  “What is this place?” Sara asked amazed. “It’s beautiful.”

  “It’s the beginning,” Ashly answered as she continued to lead Sara into the temple. “Legends say this is the birthplace of the Phoenix King. We call it the Temple of Malvis. The first Phoenix King.”

  “Malvis,” Sara repeated to herself.

  Ashly lead Sara down the stairs where there was a giant open space except for a small raised altar that held some type of item but Sara could not make out what it was due to it being covered by some type of dark cloth. This item also marked the very center of the temple.

  “This is what can help us,” Ashly pointed on the covered item. “This is how we kill the Necromancer.”

  “What is it?”

  Ashly carefully pulled the black cloth off to reveal a dark red egg. It was much bigger than your normal chicken egg and Sara got the uneasy sense that whatever was in there was extremely powerful.

  “That’s impossible,” Sara said as she continued inspecting the egg. “Is that a-”

  “A phoenix egg,” Ashly answered for her. “The birthright to any Phoenix King or Queen. This was has been dormant for many years though. Or that’s what everyone thinks at least.”

  “Phoenix Fire,” Sara uttered as she came to realization on why Ashly had brought her here.”

  “Exactly,” Ashly said. “Of course there are many problems this presents.”

  “Like how are we going to get this egg to hatch,” Sara added.

  “They say a phoenix egg will only hatch in the presence of a Phoenix King or Queen,” Ashly elaborated. “And the last Phoenix King disappeared many years ago.”

  “So what do we do?”

  “There is a chance,” Ashly continued. “I just received news today that someone has entered the kingdom of Andros and are claiming they are the Phoenix King.”

  “What!” Sara yelled. “It can’t be.”

  “That’s exactly how I feel too,” Ashly agreed. “I don’t believe it though. A usurper trying to seize power probably.”

  “And what if they really are what they say they are?” Sara asked.

  “Then it’s only a matter of time until he comes to Olympia to claim what is rightfully his.”



  After centuries of imprisonment on the most secure place in the world, Anubis was not free.

  The Daughters of Anubis had now freed their father. Their king. And the last known living Olympian in all of Terran. Their path was now more clear than ever. Take back their homeland. Restore the king to the Golden Throne. Rule the East.

  Jadyn knew that the other kingdoms in the East would fight against Anubis’ rule, but after seeing the extreme power that the Olympian possessed within the palms of his hands she had no doubt they could crush anyone who got in their way. Fort the first time in all of her life Jadyn did not feel scared anymore. She felt powerful.

  Anubis had gone around the group and personally greeted everyone who had embarked on the mission to rescue him but when he came to face Jadyn he stood still.

  “You’re the one that shot that arrow,” his deep voice spoke to her.

  “Yes, My Lord.”

  “You have done me a great favor,” he went on. “I can sense much power flowing through those veins. You will make a great warrior in my conquest to retake Anuba and reunite the East under my rule.”

  “It would be my honor,” Jadyn bowed once again towards the Olympian.

  Anubis smirked at her and walked past her as he made his way to the center to begin addressing his warriors once again.

  Jadyn had heard the screams of nearby Shades grow louder as they had now clearly sensed that their most prized prisoner had now escaped. Raj lowly growled too at the noise.

  “Easy boy,” Jadyn mumbled as she stroked the tiger’s ear.

  “My daughters,” Anubis began dressing the group once more. “You all have done well and will be greatly rewarded. But it is time that we retake our home!”

  The group cheered and raised their weapons in agreement.

  “Anuba awaits!” he yelled once more as the strength of his voice echoed throughout the entire prison. “Onward!”

  With their new orders, the Daughters of Anubis began journeying back throughout the prison with their weapons drawn as Anubis lead the charge.

  As Jadyn continued running close behind the group with Grace and Raj by her side, the screams of the Shades continued to grow louder and even more restless and enraged. The Labyrinth was not a quiet place anymore as the prisoners it held now filled the halls with cries and uproars. Jadyn noticed a small prison cell that held a Minotaur as she quickly ran by. The beast continued to ram his horns against the metal caged doors that refused to break open.

  “Ahead!” June pointed out as the figures of three Shades came into view and began violently flying towards their location.

  Jadyn and Grace quickly made their way towards the front of the group as the two of them simultaneously drew an arrow from their quiver and launched it from their bows towards the approaching creatures.

  The two arrows went straight through two of the Shades they were meant for as if the arrows had only hit the air in front of them. Grace and Jadyn looked at each other in fear as they now knew their weapons would have no effect on these creatures.

  “They’re creatures of not only darkness but were also created by the means of magic,” Anubis explained as he noticed the distraught face on the two of them. “That means they can only be destroyed by magic.”

  Anubis lifted his fist once again and shot a force of red energy towards the approaching group of Shades. The creatures screamed violently as they came into contact with Anubis’ spell and were disintegrated on impact.

  “Let’s keep moving,” the Olympian grinned at Jadyn once more.

  June took charge as she began leading the Daughters outside the prison walls. Jadyn looked back and noticed the Labyrinth and its misty fog had began to slowly disappear from view as they continued to put us much distance between them and the prison as possible. Jadyn could still hear the cries and screams from the prisoners and Shades from the distance as she made a silent prayer that she would never have to go back to that place ever again.

  It was not long after that June had begun to slow down and the group behind her followed her lead. “I think we’ve put enough distance between that prison and ourselves for now.”

  Jadyn was glad as she was now finally able to get a break and catch her breath. She could not remember the last time she had to run so much and as long as
she did today. She did remember that one time she was caught stealing some apples from one of the markets in Wilbro, but was able to loose the guards easily as she climbed on top of the buildings.

  “I can’t believe we actually made it out of that mess,” Grace interrupted Jadyn’s thoughts as she approached her side. “About half of everything I have ever disbelieved has been proven wrong today.”

  “You don’t have to tell me that twice,” Jadyn replied. “Heck, all the talk about Olympians I thought was just a mere fairytale for children. But here there is a living Olympian walking right in front of me.”

  “Who can match power like his?” Grace asked as she fearfully looked towards Anubis.

  “No one,” Jadyn answered coldly.

  “There is one,” June had joined in as she quietly had made her way towards the back of the group.

  Jadyn looked upon June and expected to see an annoyed and disgusted face present across the leader but she was shocked to find that was not the case. June looked like a completely different person. Someone who was cautious and fearful. She was scared of Anubis.

  “Who?” Jadyn asked.

  “The only person who has ever defeated him before,” she went on. “The person who imprisoned him in the beginning. The Phoenix King.”

  “The Phoenix King?” Grace asked a bit too loudly.

  “Shush!” June snapped. “Don’t say the name too loudly. Who knows how he will react.”

  June cautiously looked towards Anubis as he continued leading the group from the front and was relieved to find he had not overheard them.

  “King of Olympia,” June quietly continued. “And claims to be the rightful ruler of Terran.”

  Jadyn could tell that June despised of this so called Phoenix King. She would not be surprised to find is she blamed this ruler for every problem or hardship she has ever had to face. More importantly, Jadyn knew that June blamed him for not having a home. She wanted a home for all of her life. She wanted Anuba.

  “And this Phoenix King is someone we should fear?” Grace cautiously asked.

  “Very,” June answered. “If he was alive. The Phoenix King disappeared many years ago alongside his family. The Druids of Lumbar now control Olympia which has plunged many of the other kingdoms in Civil War against the capital.”

  “The world is out of balance,” Anubis abruptly interrupted as the three girls began to feel the sweat trickle down from their brows in fear.

  Jadyn was relieved to find there was no retaliation from the Olympian as he continued walking calmly ahead without looking back to face them.

  “It is my destiny to restore it,” the Olympian continued. “We will start with the East. Uniting the East is the first and most essential step in restoring the balance of the world. From there we will take over one kingdom at a time.”

  Jadyn looked at Grace and June stunned as she never thought she would be getting herself involved in world domination. Jadyn never had the desire to rule or have all the power in the world. She preferred to stick to the shadows and watch from a distance.

  “And with what army?” Jadyn asked.

  Jadyn felt a strong nudge to her arm come from her side as June stared at her with wide opened eyes.

  “How stupid are you?” June hissed at her.

  “Not to worry,” Anubis held out his arm to calm her down. “She brings up a valid point.”

  Jadyn looked at June and gave her the biggest smirk she could master. June rolled her eyes in response.

  “When we get off this wretched island I will send out the call,” Anubis continued. “All my warriors that have been hiding, much of like yourselves, will answer the call. There will be more than enough to take back Anuba from those filth that lay in our house.”

  “We would like nothing more,” June sinisterly added.

  “This island is weird,” Jadyn agreed with Anubis’ previous comment. “There’s something about this place that doesn’t feel right. Like something has been asleep for a very long time and has finally begun to awake.”

  Jadyn looked towards Anubis and saw his face had become uneasy and refused to respond and remained quiet as he looked onward and towards their ship that had slowly came into view.

  “Like what?” Grace asked her friend.

  “I’m not sure,” Jadyn answered. “But all I feel is darkness.”



  “How long are they going to make us wait?” Anna complained as she continued pacing around the room like she had been for the last several minutes.

  Upon arriving to the front gates of the great Kingdom of Andros, Carter and his group were greeted upon a patrol of Andros knights. When Carter told them who he was they immediately flew the group up to the mountain side and ushered them into a private room in the royal palace.

  Carter had to admit he did not like the fly up to the steep mountain side. He much more preferred to stay on the ground rather than above the clouds. Anna, on the other hand, enjoyed it greatly Carter had observed. The whole way up she kept boasting about how amazing it was but the moment they were escorted and locked in the room is when she had went back to her previous and more stubborned self.

  “They can keep us in here as long as they want to,” Gibson groaned as he took a seat on the nearby couch.

  “And took our weapons,” Anna frowned. “They better give me my bow back or else.”

  “Why are they doing this anyways?” Magnus asked.

  “Because they don’t believe me,” Carter suggested. “Heck, if I was them I wouldn’t believe me either. It was just yesterday we all found this out and saw me not get engulfed in dragon fire.”

  “Pretty damn cool though,” Anna grinned. “Not many people can say they survived a dragon attack. Or say they’ve seen a dragon too I guess.”

  Carter snickered at Anna’s polite and strange comment. “Thanks.”

  “I just can’t believe you’re the Phoenix King,” Magnus said. “Like what are the chances.”

  “Somewhere deep down I still don’t want to believe it,” Carter replied as he slowly walked towards the window and looked down the mountainside. “But I can’t deny what we all just went through. My real question is how is it possible?”

  “One of your parents had to be related to the royal family line,” Gibson suggested. “But we don’t even know who your parents are so the real question we need to be asking is where do we even begin?”

  “Does it really matter?” Anna asked. “He’s the Phoenix King. This changes everything.”

  “Of course it matters,” Magnus explained. “The Phoenix King is more than about the power they supposedly posses. The name itself suggests they have the sole right to the Olympian throne and all the lands of Terran. Without the true connection with the family line their claim is almost worthless.”

  “He speaks the truth,” Gibson agreed.

  “I don’t have any desire for the throne,” Carter told them. “I am more worried about is why there was a freaking dragon flying freely in Terran. Aren’t they supposed to be extinct?”

  The room remained silent as no one knew what words to say. Then there was a knock on the door and everyone perked their heads up and towards the door as three figures emerged from the other side.

  One was was older man with a a brown beard and had emerald green ceremonial robes on. The other man was much older and had a dark grey beard and wrinkles across his face. What really made him stand out was his black robes he was wearing that hard a strange pattern of symbols and writing across the rim. Lastly, was a young beautiful girl with blonde hair that stopped just before her shoulders. She wore a long green ceremonial dress that dragged behind her and was wearing an elegant crown with a large green emerald in the center. It was clear to them all that this was the young princess that had just been crowned the new Queen of Andros.

  “My Queen,” Carter quickly offered the courtesy as he went down on one knee and bowed his head slightly.

  He noticed that the rest of the
group had followed his lead.

  The girl gave them a hand motion as they all got up on their feet once more. Carter looked upon the young queen and noticed that she had slightly blushed at the courtesy he and his group had offered her earlier. She was new to royalty just like he was. He knew exactly how she was feeling at this moment.

  “And you must be the Phoenix King,” the girl began. “I am Queen Emma of Andros and the two men with me are Loris, High Warden of Andros, and Gordon, leader of the Greybeards.”

  “A Greybeard as I live and breath,” Gibson commented in amazement. “What a honor.”

  “The honor is all mine,” Gordon returned the pleasantry.

  “Greybeard?” Carter looked over at Gibson confused.

  “An ancient group of people,” Gibson informed him. “Sworn to serve no ruler or leader besides the Phoenix King. And last time I checked a group that did not get along very well with our current rulers in Olympia. The Druids.”

  Gordon sighed. “This is true. The Druids have no right in ruling Olympia. That right only belongs to the Phoenix King.”

  “And that’s why you just had to come see me for yourself,” Carter said. “To see if I was really him.”

  “I have served many Phoenix Kings and even a Queen in the past,” Gordon smiled. “I have come to offer my services once again. But if you don’t mind me asking how do you know you are the Phoenix King?”

  “I was attacked by a dragon,” Carter told the story. “And didn’t burn at all.”

  “Impossible,” Loris interrupted outraged. “Dragons don’t exist.”

  “That’s we all thought too,” Magnus tried to kindly argue. “But we all saw it. There’s no denying it.”

  Carter looked at Emma straight into her blue eyes and could tell she understood him. She felt for him. He did not ask for this. He was a nobody yesterday but today he was now the most important person in all of Terran. For the rest of his life people would challenge his claim and even plot against him. Many would even see him as a usurper and try to kill him because of it.


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