The Phoenix King

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The Phoenix King Page 16

by Keegan Long

  Carter couldn’t help himself but smile at them. For one of the few times in his life he felt proud and honored. That was his family and they were able to accomplish all of this and make a change in the world. Now it was his turn.

  Carter looked over and saw Anna looking up at the statues with just as much enthusiasm as amazement as he was. He smiled again because of this.

  Upon reaching the entrance to the city, the group was met with a group of guards in dark red armor. Not the most welcoming type, however.

  The guards looked and examined the group fiercely. When they looked upon the griffins they were a bit confused as they all exchanged looks at each other but decided to ignore it nonetheless.

  “State your business,” one the guards demanded. “What business brings you here to Olympia?”

  “Visiting family that lives in the city,” Gordon lied to the guard.

  Carter was surprised how easily Gordon was able to lie and keep a straight face, but if it is what needed to be done to get them into the city he could care less about it.

  He looked upon the massive metal gates that protected the city and was intrigued by the artwork on the gate. It was a golden illustration of a phoenix that spread across the entire gate. The artwork had slowly began to depreciate over the many years but it was still just as elegant and beautiful.

  “Very well,” the guard answered shortly after. “Enjoy your stay.”

  Gordon looked back and smiled at the group to Carter’s delight.

  The ground bellow them began to shake as the giant metal doors began to slowly open inward revealing the alive and busy city.

  Carter eagerly looked in to see what the city looked like as their horses gracefully walked through the city’s gates with the griffins behind them.

  “My gods,” Anna commented. “It’s beautiful. Who knew there was this many people or a city as beautiful and massive as this one.”

  “And I thought Andros was big,” Magnus agreed. “This must be at least twenty times as big.”

  “Probably even more than that,” Carter added.

  “You’re not in Thieves’ Landing anymore,” Gibson joked.

  “Welcome to Olympia,” Gordon smiled at Carter this time. “Capital of Terran. City of Kings. Home to the Phoenix King.”



  When Magnus thought the world couldn’t get any bigger, it seemed like he was always proven wrong.

  Andros was a surprise already when coming from his small village but now there was Olympia, and that was on a whole new level. His entire village wouldn’t even take up a town’s square. Millions of people lived here while Yorktown didn’t even hold a hundred.

  As he rode through the front gate and into the city, Magnus found himself in awe with the amount of people and buildings that were spread about. The city spread farther than his eyes could see.

  Temples and statues could be seen throughout as they slowly made their way into the heart of the city. He loved seeing how much history and art there was. He wanted to learn about it all.

  People began exchanging confused and wary looks towards the group as they passed by. Most were probably due to the three griffins that followed them from the rear. No one alive had ever seen these creatures and that they even existed still.

  Magnus was afraid that people would start making conclusions about who they really were. He knew that most people in the city probably already heard of the news about someone claiming to be the Phoenix King roaming around Terran and it was only a matter of time until he came to the city.

  “Who knew, huh?” Magnus turned over towards his sister. “I didn’t even know cities like this existed.”

  “No wonder why no one pays attention to a tiny village like ours,” she said. “They got kingdoms full of people to worry about.”

  “And all of them are on the brink of having to choose a side and join the war. Andros and Troja are just the first to choose their sides.”

  Anna glared alarmingly at her brother signaling him to be quiet. “Be quiet. We don’t know who’s listening.”

  Magnus looked around and sure enough there were more than just the ordinary citizen around. The guards in red, like at the entrance, watched and patrolled the streets in groups. He even noticed some hooded figures look down at them from the top of houses and the city’s walls. There was something about them that made Magnus feel worried and uneasy.

  “What’s with the hooded guards?” Magnus quietly asked up front to Gordon.

  “The Hunters of Artemis,” Gordon replied scornfully. “The elite protection force to the Phoenix King and the royal family. At least they used to be.”

  “What happened?”

  “The Phoenix King disappeared,” Gordon sighed. “Alongside the entire royal line. The Druids came and claimed the throne for themselves. The Hunters are loyal not to the city but the throne. So, now they serve the Druids instead.”

  “Sound more like traitors to me,” Anna scorned.

  “Don’t have them hearing you say that,” Gordon teased. “But I agree.”

  The two exchanged smiles with each other.

  “And the city just let the Druids walk in?” Magnus asked.

  “Of course they did,” Gordon retold. “They showed up with their armies and surrounded the city. There was no leader for the city. Instead, they opened the gates and welcomed the Druids and their forces with open arms. Now the world is in chaos and unbalanced. Terran has erupted into a civil war and it only gets worst from here.”

  “I can’t believe they would just let them into the city,” Magnus vented.

  “I think more people were in shock and looked for answers. The Druids had one. A new world order under their rule.”

  “Everything about this is wrong,” Carter shook his head. “What happened to the last Phoenix King?”

  “No one knows,” Gordon looked down as he revisited the painful memory. “He still to this day has not been found or his family. Until you.”

  “So, I must be related to him somehow then,” Carter pondered the thought.

  “That’s the only explanation,” Gordon smiled. “But how? I do not know.”

  As they continued throughout the the city, Magnus was horrified to see how the people lived once they reached the beginning of the lower ring. Buildings and houses were falling apart. The streets were covered in mud and animal manure. Trash covered the many alleyways.

  No one should have to live like this.

  “This is wrong,” Carter commented as he too was having the same thoughts of Carter. “People should live equally and united. Not separated.”

  “And they did for hundreds of years under the Phoenix King and his line,” Gordon explained. “There was to separation. There was no upper ring and lower ring. There was only Olympia.”

  “The Druids I’m guessing,” Anna clenched her fist.

  Gordon nodded. “The wealthy and warriors live in luxury, while all the others struggle to get by on a daily basis.”

  “Unfortunately, Olympia is not the only kingdom like this,” Gibson reminded the group.

  The group later arrived at what looked to be a blacksmith shop in the lower ring as Gordon got off his horse and ushered for the rest of them to follow him. The shop was unopened by the looks of it. This put a trouble look on Gordon’s face.

  “What is it?” Magnus asked. “What is this place?”

  “An old friend,” he replied. “This is his shop. I thought he could be a help to us.”

  “It looks abandoned,” Anna pointed out.

  Magnus examined the shop and and saw the door was not opened or none of the outside stalls had been set up for the day, but it did not look abandoned to him. There was no signs of abandonment such plants or roots growing along the house. The house was still maintained and had been recently.

  “I don’t think so,” Magnus countered. “There is no signs of abandonment. The only thing I see is shop was not open today or possibly the last couple weeks at most.”

  “He’s right,” the Greybeard agreed. “Maybe he’s inside. Let’s pay him a little visit.”

  Gordon reached for the door handle but was soon later interrupted by a voice of a girl behind them.

  “Stop right there!”

  Magnus quickly turned around and saw a young girl who with red hair holding a bow and white arrow aimed right at them. She looked as if she couldn’t be older than him by only a couple years.

  Anna quickly responded too as she pulled out her own bow and loaded an arrow at the ready to fire. Magnus held out his arm to ease her, but she still pulled back on her bow string ready to fire.

  The griffins quickly jumped in front of the group and growled and spread their wings at the girl. Magnus noticed she was caught off guard at the sight of the magical beasts but that didn’t stop her from lowering her weapon.

  “What the hell are those!” the girl yelled.

  Magnus quickly noticed that the girl was dressed in the robes and attire of the guards the hid in the alleys he noticed when coming into the city. Gordon later pointed them out as the Hunters of Artemis.

  “Griffins,” Carter guardedly answered as he held out his hands to stop his beasts from attacking.

  “Never heard of them,” the girl spat.

  “Not many have,” Carter grinned back.

  “What brings you all to my house?” the Hunter demanded.

  “I’m looking for an old friend,” Gordon responded. “I was to believe that Aemon lived here. Does he not?”

  “That’s my father,” the girl said shocked as she slowly lowered her weapon.

  Gordon ushered for the rest of them to lower their weapons as well. Much to Anna’s despite though.

  “It’s been a very long time,” Gordon continued. “Way before you were born.”

  Magnus noticed the girl carefully was studying them before she choose her next words.

  “You’re him,” she spoke and looked directly at Carter. “Aren’t you?”

  Gordon went to speak but Carter quickly cut him off. “How did you know?”

  “You’re with a Greybeard,” the girl nodded towards Gordon. “It’s not that hard to figure it out.”

  “I guess I am,” Carter smirked. “Is that going to be a problem?”

  “Shouldn’t be,” she teased as she approached the group.

  Magnus saw that Carter smiled brightly back at the girl. Something was going on there he thought.

  “I’m afraid we got off on the wrong foot,” the girl walked past the griffins and reached out her hand towards Carter.

  Carter grinned, “I believe we did,” he answered as he took her hand. “The name is Carter.”

  “Sara,” the girl smiled back.



  Sara had to admit that when she arrived back into the city, and went separate ways from Ashly and Gordon, the last thing she expected was for the Phoenix King to be waiting at her front door. How did he even get into the city? But the more she thought about it she realized it actually wasn’t that hard to sneak in unnoticed.

  Sara did not know how to react at first. But after talking to him briefly she realized there was more to him than she was giving him credit for. She thought she would find some power hungry child, but she realized he was not like that compared to most royalty. He was subtle and timid but underneath all that he was smart and wished the world was better than it really was. Like her.

  She even thought he was a bit attractive compared to what she was expecting. He was not skinny but not big and muscular either. What Sara would describe as more on the average side.

  Sara quickly snapped out of it before she became too lost. What was she thinking? She didn’t have time to think about boys or even a future for herself. This was her life and that would never change.

  “I’m afraid my father isn’t well,” she informed the group as she unlocked the front door and lead the group in while the griffins remained outside. “He never mentioned befriending a Greybeard.”

  “Like I said,” Gordon smiled. “It’s been a long time. Plus, if you go around here saying that type of name it will only get you into trouble.”

  “Agreed,” Sara acknowledged. “He’s been sick for weeks. Can’t walk and barely moves. He hasn’t been able to leave his bed.”

  “That’s not normal,” Carter commented. “No sickness I know of has ever lasted that long that still leaves the victim alive.”

  “Because it’s not the normal type of sickness people usually get,” she elaborated. “It’s dark magic.”

  Gordon’s eyes widened suddenly, “how can you be so sure?”

  “No medicine has helped him,” Sara explained. “And similar cases have been reported as well outside the city. My friend and I have concluded it could be none other than that of a Necromancer.”

  “That should be impossible,” the Greybeard protested. “They haven’t been seen or heard of since centuries ago.”

  “I don’t like the thought any more than you do old man,” Sara countered. “But it’s the only explanation I got.”

  Gordon stood there in silence as he began stroking his beard and pondered the thought. Sara looked towards the others as she looked for an explanation but was only answered with blank and confused expressions like herself.

  “Take me to him,” Gordon broke the silence. “Maybe there’s something I can do.”

  Sara lead Gordon alone back to where her father’s room was. When she arrived at the door she closed her eyes and prayed like she did every she went to see him. Prayed that he was not dead and somehow by a miracle still clinging on to life. Before she opened the door, however, she was caught by surprise the gentle touch of Gordon’s arm reaching her shoulder.

  “I can go in alone if you would like,” he offered.

  “No, it's okay,” Sara said. “It’s just hard to see him like this.”

  Gordon looked down at the young girl and smiled. “In my over three hundred years of existence you may be one of the most strongest and courageous girls that I have ever met.”

  “Thanks,” Sara smiled as she rubbed the tear that had escaped from her right eye. “Wait, did you say three hundred years?”

  Gordon laughed, “I’ve been here since the first Phoenix King and gods darn I’ll be here for this one as well.”

  “So, you really think he’s the one?” Sara asked.

  “Without a doubt.”

  Sara nodded and turned towards the door. She took a deep breath and slowly opened the door and walked in with Gordon right beside her.

  She was relieved to find that her father was still alive. His labored breathing continued as his eyes remained shut like they had been for the past weeks. His skin remained pale and his brown beard had begun to grow out more than he ever kept it. He hated growing his beard and always kept his face clean and cut.

  “Oh, Aemon,” Gordon sighed as he made his way over to the bed and knelt besides him. “My old friend. The years have not been kind on you have they my friend.”

  “How do you know my father?” Sara asked.

  “Your father was a young knight when I met him,” Gordon recounted. “Proud that he had just become an official knight of the Olympian Guard.”

  Sara couldn’t help herself from smiling of the tale. She had always wondered about his time of being a knight as he did not like to talk about it much.

  “What happened?”

  “I was sent on a diplomatic mission,” Gordon continued. “When I finally arrived back home after months away the flag of the Phoenix King had been replaced to the burning tree of the Druids. So, I left and returned to my home in Northgard and never looked back.”

  “He was ripped of his title,” Sara said. “He is no knight anymore.”

  “I know,” Gordon sighed. “We kept in touch through letters throughout the years but never talked much. He told me about the Great Purge against the Sages and insisted that the Greybeards intervene.”

  “Why didn’t you?”

  “Our culture forbids it,” he explained. “We are to take no action as we are bound to serve only the Phoenix King.”

  “Would you intervene then if Carter asked?” Sara questioned.

  “Of course,” he answered. “And I know he will here soon. The queen back in Andros took him in and they developed quite a strong friendship. He will go back to help her.”

  Sara then pondered a thought that came across her. She wanted to save her father but help Carter as well. If there was anything Sara admired more it was loyalty. Especially to friends.

  She knew he was probably feeling nothing but guilt as his friend had stood up to defend not only him but his name as well. Now Andros was at war. He had no army but neither did she. But she knew someone who might know people who might help him. And she knew the reason he came here in the first place.

  Sara looked over and noticed Gordon’s hand had began to glow blue as he waved his hand around her father’s body. Soon later, a blue aura surrounded her father’s body as if a shield has been casted around him.

  “That should help him hold on a little longer,” Gordon explained as he finished casting the spell. “But it won’t hold forever.”

  “Thank you,” Sara smiled. “I don’t know how I can ever repay you.”

  “No need,” Gordon said. “He may be your father but he’s also my friend that I should have never left. You were right. He was infused with dark magic. I could sense it when I casted my spell.”

  “So, there is a Necromancer?”

  “I’m afraid so.”

  The two of them left Sara’s father to rest as they went out to the living area to rejoin the group. When they arrived Sara was surprised to see that her eagle, Rayla, had decided to start attacking Carter by pecking at his hair.

  “What did you do?” Anna yelled as she stood cautiously away at a distance to avoid being attacked as well.

  “Nothing!” Carter yelled back.

  “Well, you must have done something,” Magnus said as he tried to help Carter but with little success.


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