The Phoenix King

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The Phoenix King Page 21

by Keegan Long

  Emma gave the order for another volley of arrows to be fire that produced the same results, but their forces continued to draw closer and closer every passing moment. They were now close enough to her where she had no other option. She then gave the order to charge.

  The swordsmen and spearmen began to run towards Luther’s few remaining calvary and the rest of his foot soldiers that trailed behind. The two opposing sides violently clashed with one another. The battle had officially begun.

  Emma took Layla up into the air with Bri and the rest of the pegasus following her lead. She hovered over cautiously and proceeded by taking Layla into a deep dive straight towards Luther’s army.

  She slashed her sword as forcefully as she was able to at the forces bellow her. One of her unlucky victims found her blade at his head and died instantly. Another’s arm was separated from his body. This continued on for quite some time.

  The battlefield was engulfed with painful screams from both sides. Bodies quickly fell and began to cover the rock and grass bellow. Blood splattered and body parts flew. It was the most gruesome scene Emma had ever seen.

  “Watch out!” Bri yelled and caught her off guard as an arrow flew directly at her, but before she could react a fellow Valkyrie flew in the path and took the arrow for her as she fell to the ground bellow.

  “NO!” Emma screamed as she watched the girl’s body fall.

  Emma became infuriated and began to dive and continued slashing as before. She desperately looked around the field for Luther but he was nowhere to be seen. There were too many people to easily spot him from above, or he was hiding behind his army like the coward he was.

  She took Layla close to the ground as she glided above the heads of her foes. Another arrow was soon heading towards her but this time she was prepared. She jolted Layla to avoid the arrow but took the turn too fast. She lost grip and fell of Layla’s back as she rolled to the ground bellow.

  “EMMA!” She heard Bri scream from above but she was already too far away.

  A group of enemy soldiers had noticed her appearance to the ground and readied themselves launch themselves against her. She prepared to fight but knew the odds were not with her. There were too many of them and only one of her. This was the end she feared.

  She closed her eyes and prepared for the worst but when she expected it to come she was surprised to find herself still standing. Then she heard it. A horn being blown from the horizon.

  The fighting stopped as everyone turned to see where the horn had been blown from like she had. She smiled and cried as she saw the familiar figure. They had been saved.

  It was Carter. And behind him was an entire army.

  The horns began to blow once more and the new forces charged down against Luther’s forces on their horses at full speed. Then there was a roar above them as three giant creatures appeared from behind the sun with eagle wings and beaks and lion bodies. Griffins.

  Emma took this moment to strike her opponents when they were distracted and the battle continued. She continued to slash and block at every turn. Nothing could stop her from winning now. With Carter and her remaining forces combined, they outnumbered Luther vastly. There was a new determination and spirit on the battlefield now. And it was with Andros.

  “Impossible!” Luther suddenly appeared behind her all torn and dirty from the battle.

  “I told you,” she smirked as she held her sword at the ready. “Now face the wrath of the Phoenix King.”

  “I would rather die than bow to him,” he spat.

  “That can be arranged,” she smiled and charged towards Luther as the two began to fight.

  Luther had surprised her at how talented he was with a sword, but that didn’t stop her from hold her own ground. The two continued to clash against each other for several long moments as the battle raged and Luther’s forces began to quickly deplete.

  Emma began to grow tired but used what strength she had left to defend against Luther’s attacks. She was then caught off guard when he had swiped at her legs and fell to the ground now defenseless. Her sword now feet away with Luther’s sword pointed at her neck.

  “Your reign ends here,” he began to swing his sword as Emma embraced for certain death.

  Instead, she saw Luther’s body fly feet into the air and far away by the casting of a spell nearby. She turned and saw Magnus looking down at her with his arm extended.

  She smiled and eagerly took his arm.

  “Was that you?” She enthusiastically asked. “You can do magic!”

  “Yeah,” he answered with red cheeks. “I learned a couple things about myself while we were away.”

  She didn’t know what had overcome her in that moment, but in that trance she got close and kissed him. And he kissed back.

  She was relieved when she saw him smiling back at her when they finally broke apart.

  “I’m sorry-” she began but Magnus stopped her and kissed her this time.

  “Don’t be,” he smiled when they broke apart again. “Because I’m not.”

  Just when she thought the world was going to end, Emma found that it had actually given her so much more.

  “What’s going on here!” Anna appeared.

  Emma noticed Magnus’ face quickly turn red and couldn’t help herself my laughing.

  “Shouldn’t you be shooting your arrows or something!” Magnus yelled at his sister.

  “No need,” Carter rushed in on his horse with a large red egg in hand. “They’re in full retreat.”

  The Andros forces cheered as they continued chasing out the remaining Troja forces until they were well beyond their borders. Emma smiled brightly at the sight with her friends by her side once more with an unfamiliar red haired face and others she was yet to be introduced to.

  The day was won, but the war has just begun.



  The day was won. The battle was over. The threat had finally passed. For now at least.

  Everyone had gathered back in the city that night for a feast of celebrations. There would be food, drinking, games, and much more. Carter was happy and looked forward to the festivities that night.

  As he walked around the palace, everyone he passed praised him for his heroics. He was now even a bigger celebrity compared to his last visit to Andros. There was no one in the city who didn’t know his name.

  The griffins fit right in with all the pegasus as they were free to fly around the open sky at anytime. Carter had even took them flying later that day for the first time. He was scared at first but slowly begun to enjoy flying as he bonded with the creatures that were now so close with him. It was in the air when he finally knew what to name them.

  He learned from Gordon that they were all siblings. Two brothers and a sister. He decided to name them in honor of the family he never knew he came from. The griffin that attacked him he named Malvis and the other brother would be Osmund. The sister would be named after the only Phoenix Queen Olympia has ever seen, Elyana.

  Sara had tagged along and rode atop Elyana, despite her better judgement. She was thrilled during the entire ride, unlike Carter. She yelled at the top of her lungs with much joy and excitement as her hair flew behind her as the wind rushed at her face. This made Carter laugh and have more fun than he had ever had before.

  “Who would have ever guessed!” She yelled over the loud breeze.

  “Guessed what?” Carter yelled back as he flew by her side on Malvis.

  “That I would one day be flying a griffin!” She laughed.

  “Or taking care of a phoenix egg!” Carer added. “The very last of its kind.”

  “No one!” She smiled. “Not a damn soul.”

  The two took the griffins down to the platform bellow when they saw their friends wave for them to come down.

  “You look a lot more comfortable on the griffins than you did Layla,” Emma commented as the griffins landed by the group.

  “I guess so,” Carter agreed. “It was a good test run.”r />
  “It was amazing!” Sara exclaimed. “Being up there in the sky feels so-”

  “Free,” Emma finished.

  Sara smiled in agreement. “Exactly.”

  Carter proceeded to introduce Sara and Ashly to Emma and explained everything they had done for him. He made sure to give credit to Ashly for turning the Hunters of Artemis against Olympia and to join him instead. He also made a note to himself to tell Emma everything that had happened during their travels, but that would have to wait until the evening. It would be a very long story.

  “Well, I’m glad you guys are on our side,” the queen said and introduced herself.

  “As are we,” Ashly agreed. “But be aware. Olympia will come for us.”

  “I am aware,” Emma sighed. “But for now we should celebrate our victory!”

  The group roared in agreement.

  “We best be going then,” Emma lead the group inside. “They got my favorite ale waiting for me.”

  The celebration that night was more wild than any pirate gathering Carter had ever seen before. All kinds of drinks and meats were served. Cakes were made that were almost as tall as him, but his favorite part was the singing and dancing.

  The bard and band that night had created a song in his honor that told about the heroics of ‘Carter: The Phoenix King.’ He thought the song was a bit over dramatized but all songs these days were.

  Carter and his friends sat at the head table with Emma and the top officials of Andros. He was the center of attention that night. People from all over came to offer gifts to the young savior, while the scene of giggling girls were seen at every corner he looked at. He tried to ignore this as the truth was he already had his eyes on one.

  “I haven’t seen a feast like this in many years,” Gordon called across the table and took a sip from his cup. “Truly spectacular.”

  “We have our gracious host to thank for that,” he stated and glanced over towards Emma.

  “It’s the least I could do,” she smiled. “It was you who saved us.”

  “Not me,” Carter shook his head. “All of us.” He pointed across the hall.

  “It was Magnus who saved the queen,” Bri added and nodded towards the young mage.

  “It was nothing,” his cheeks turned red. “Seriously.”

  “It’s true,” Emma vouched and took his hand. “I would be dead if it wasn’t for him.”

  “And are you guys going to tell us what going on here,” Anna interrupted and pointed towards the holding hands.

  The two both turned bright red but everyone knew and they were happy for them. The two ere perfect for each other and deserved it.

  “Seriously, Anna,” Magnus bickered.

  “We’re a thing,” Emma announced. “There. I said it.”

  Everyone laughed besides the two who were being picked on.

  “It’s about time!” Anna playfully punched her brother. “I never thought he would have the guts!”

  “Hey!” He protested as he rubbed his arm where his sister had punched him.

  “It just kinda happened,” Emma explained.

  “I called it from the beginning!” Bri exclaimed. “I saw how the two of you looked at each other.”

  “I saw it too!” Gibson joined in.

  “I had no idea,” Carter laughed and scratched his head.

  “That’s because your oblivious,” Sara joked.

  The setting of the party soon changed as the band began to play a more slow and smooth song compared to the upbeat ones they had been playing all night. Magnus and Emma looked at each other and were soon off to the dance floor while everyone watched from afar.

  Carter felt the egg’s heartbeat slow as it matched the beat of the song as if it was feeling the same he was when he watched the two trail off to dance.

  “They are cute together, aren’t they buddy,” he mumbled to the egg.

  “Did you say something?” Sara asked as she overheard him comment.

  He was embarrassed that she had heard his comment and tried to think of something to say. Instead, he used this opportunity and mustered up what courage he still had.

  He stood up and reached out his hand. “Could I bother you for a dance?”

  Sara was flustered as her cheeks turned bright red but smiled brightly back. “It would be my pleasure.”

  She took his hand and the two made their way to the dance floor, leaving behind the phoenix egg with Gordon.

  The two held each other as they swayed back and forth with their arms around each other. Carter stared into her emerald green eyes and it was like time had stooped around them. He smiled down at her and she back at him.

  “How am I doing,” she jokingly asked. “I’ve never danced before.”

  “I was raised by pirates,” he joked back. “Neither did I.”

  “I think we’re doing pretty good then,” she smirked.

  “Not too bad for first timers.”

  Carter looked back at the table as Sara buried her head into his shoulders. Gordon and Gibson smiled down on him and even slipped him a thumbs up.

  Suddenly, the throne room’s doors slammed opened and a messenger came running through the hall. Carter and Sara quickly separated to look at the courier running towards them.

  “A message for the Phoenix King!” A young boy ran with a group of guards chasing after him.

  Emma signaled for the guards to stop and allowed the boy to deliver the message.

  “What news to do bring?” Emma demanded.

  “News from Lotheria,” the boy answered in between in labored breaths.

  The crowd silently muttered amongst each other. It was impossible. Lotheria was a fallen kingdom. Ran by nothing but organized barbarians known as The Exiled.

  “That’s impossible,” Emma said.

  “I have a letter here,” the courier held out a parchment. “Lotheria has recently been taken over. The leader of that assault claims to be your uncle.”

  “What,” Carter exclaimed as his heart began to beat faster than ever. “That can’t be.”

  “He’s alive,” the young boy said. “Your father was King of Lotheria.”

  How could this be? His parents were royalty to another kingdom. Carter had so many thoughts and questions forming through his head.

  “CARTER!” Gordon interrupted before Carter had any chance to respond.

  He quickly turned around and saw that the phoenix egg was glowing brighter than ever. The egg continued to grow brighter and and quickly began to blind the entire room. He rushed over and took the egg into his arms. Then the room went dark.

  Several long moments passed until Carter’s eyes slowly began to open once again. The hall was still dark but the natural light had crept in. He turned his head and saw the entire room staring at him with horrified faces.

  “What?” He quietly spoke as he saw Sara’s widened eyes looking straight at him.

  “Carter-” she mumbled but couldn’t finish.

  Carter then heard a low groan and turned his head. He now understood why everyone looked at him so surprised. Propped on top of his left shoulder was a small red feathered bird with a golden colored beak.

  It was a phoenix.

  Carter was speechless like the rest of the crowd before him. The egg that has been dormant for so many decades had finally hatched.

  The phoenix gave out a slight burp and a small cloud of fire erupted from his mouth. All Carter could do was smile.

  “A phoenix haas been born!” Gordon came to his side and addressed the crowd. “What name does he hold?”

  Carter firmly stood up and faced the crowd. “Orellius.”

  “All hail Orellius!” Gordon projected.

  “Hail!” The room responded.

  Carter stared down at the crowd and saw all his friends smiling back at him. His eyes meet Sara’s once again and after seeing her bright smile, he smiled back.

  The crowd followed Gordon’s lead as everyone got down on both knees and buried their face into the floor

  Orellius gave out the loudest roar it could muster.

  The throne room echoed in unison.

  “All hail, The Phoenix King!”



  “My Lord,” a soldier in black cautiously approached the dark sorcerer.

  “What is it?” The hooded figure hissed back. Annoyed that his peace had been disturbed.

  “News from Olympia, sir,” the scared soldier continued. “Our agent has been defeated.”

  The hooded figure remained silent and breathed deeply to show his frustration. He continued to overlook his army from the tall cliff as thunder roared throughout the dark sky.

  Monsters roared from bellow by the thousands. Giants, minotaur, cyclops and more. Of all of them, the majority were made up of the fearful dark creatures with glowing magma eyes.

  Titans they were called.

  “Not to worry,” the sorcerer smiled sinisterly from the corner of his face. “Everything is going according to plan. Anubis has escaped and has regained control of the East. The Phoenix King has revealed himself. The world is divided.”

  “What’s next then?”

  “We must remain patient,” the sorcerer held out a steady hand. “Our time will come. Tartarus hold a valuable prisoner we must free. That is our next move.”

  “Very good, My Lord,” the soldier bowed.

  “There’s something else you have to tell me,” the leader suggested. “I can sense it.”

  “More news from Olympia,” the boy stuttered. “Our spies spotted the Phoenix King traveling with a Greybeard. It was Gordon.”

  The dark mage grinned at the name he thought he would never hear again. “So… the apprentice lives.”

  To Be Continued…

  About the Author

  KEEGAN LONG is a self published author known for his works, including The Awakening, The Revelation, and The Resurrection. He is currently on track to graduate from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln with a degree in Secondary Social Science Education. He currently lives with his family in Omaha, Nebraska.


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