For Logan (Chicago Syndicate Book 5)

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For Logan (Chicago Syndicate Book 5) Page 9

by Soraya Naomi

  Astounded, I stare at Rosa, entranced by the sexy Italian accent.

  “Nothing. They’re retaliating because we’ve been eliminating their members,” Luca fills in.

  “And now what?” I inquire.

  Luca explains it further to Rosa and me, “We’re going into lockdown for one night while we dismantle that entire crew – Henry’s discovered all their safe places. Adriano and I have teams already in position; but first, every family member of the Syndicate needs to be in one of our safe places. Most of the women and children have been brought here. There are enough rooms in the underground club to accommodate them. While they’re here, the entire club will be shut down– supposedly for renovations. Adriano’s staying with Cam at the hospital. I wanted to lead the operation with you, Wade, but Henry’s coming here too, and I’d rather you stay here with him. Adriano’s sister, Mary, and Fallon are also here. You and Henry, along with our guards, stay with them.”

  Nice to see that Luca’s acknowledging my almost-rank as head Capo since I was his first choice to lead an operation. However, the pleasure that swamps me at the thought of staying here with Rosa is a bit disconcerting.

  “Where’s my mother?” Rosa asks.

  “Alessa is at another safe place,” James replies. “We had to put everything in motion quickly and she was up north – too far away to bring her here.”

  “We need to go,” Luca announces. “James comes with me, and I’m going to end all of them except Dimitri Medlov.”

  Rosa’s eyes widen with all the intel Luca’s disclosing, and I realize that she’s never heard any of us talk Syndicate business. But Luca and James are busy with this last-minute operation, and they clear out in a hurry.

  I close the door to the office as Rosa claims one of the padded chairs and weaves her hands in her hair.

  “Are you okay?” I stoop low before her.

  She drops her arms. Spotting some blood on her hands, she grimaces but doesn’t make a sound at first. “I need to clean up.”

  “You can shower downstairs if you want to.” I nudge her chin up with my thumb. “Are you okay?”

  “I don’t know. I felt like I was living someone else’s life for a moment.”

  “It was either him or us, Rosa. You made the right decision.”

  “I guess,” she utters, not bothering to hide her disbelief. The wounds are still too fresh. In time, she’ll learn she doesn’t need to feel guilt over this.

  I straighten and offer my hand. “Come. I’ll make sure you get the nicest room.”

  She smiles as she slips her palm over mine. “Logan, thank you for not treating me like the baby of this family. For telling them to update me for my own safety. If I’d known what was going on, I never would’ve ditched my guard or thought about ditching you.”

  I’ve gotten so used to her calling me Logan that I’m starting to like it. “You wanted to ditch me?” I flash her a provoking smirk.

  “It crossed my mind,” she replies before I lead the way to the elevator in the office, which will take us directly to the underground club where she can join the other women and children and get settled in a room.

  As we descend, I realize that I’m treading on thin ice and allowing her to get too close to me. It’s risky, getting involved with this woman when I’m not an official member.

  Her presence is testing my control, and I’m about to snap.



  Logan escorts me into a large room with a king-size bed. “You can take this room. I’ll get you some clothes from the staff. Go. Shower.”

  Without waiting for an answer, he exits, closing the door behind him with a soft click.

  I wanted to be with him just a little longer since I still don’t know who he is exactly in this organization, though I did uncover valuable information. Grabbing my phone out of my purse, I call Mykhail.


  “Hey. Are you at my pool house?” I demand.

  “Yes, we’re here. Where are you?”

  “At Club 7, in lockdown for the night. There’s big trouble between the Ukrainians and the Italians because a couple of Ukrainians tried to kidnap me. They’ve amped up the search for your father and you.”

  “Oh, my God! Are you hurt?”

  “No, I’m fine. Listen, since I have to stay here, you must stay there. I think you and Adam will be safest in my pool house for now. There’s food in the kitchen, and as long as you keep the doors locked, no one will go inside while I’m not home – not even the housekeeper. I’ll contact you if there’s any news.”

  “Okay. Be careful, Rosalia.”

  “I will. You too.” I end the call.

  My brain has been in overdrive since this morning. Not only from the shock of shooting a person, but also my doctor’s appointment and my mixed feelings toward Logan. He has a gentle side that enhances my attraction to him, and secretly, I’m looking forward to the upcoming night. Now is my chance to make him see me as more than a girl. I’m infatuated with Logan, and I desperately want him to kiss me.

  After a hurried shower, I go in search of him.


  As the evening starts, I trudge up the staircase to Adriano’s office on the second floor where I find Logan. He regards me questioningly from behind the polished desk before his stare flickers to the tight white t-shirt that makes my breasts much too noticeable and quickly back up to my face. “That was fast. Did you miss me?”

  “Maybe,” I murmur, shutting the door behind me.

  His lips curve up. “I never know what to expect with you, Rosa.”

  “Same goes for you, Logan.”

  He cocks his head and leans back in a relaxed manner, every movement showing off his compelling physique. “How so?”

  The way he’s examining me is heating my blood. “I think there’s much more to you than the arrogant guy you pretend to be.”

  His stormy blue eyes narrow slightly. He seems unnerved yet hides it expertly, feigning offense. “Arrogant?”

  “Yes, you know damn well that you’re arrogant. At least, you were to me. Come on, what am I supposed to think when a guy calls everyone baby,” I tease. “But you’re more than just an assface.”

  He chuckles. “I was an assface because you were—”

  “Yeah, yeah, I was blunt,” I finish. “But you’re much nicer than you appear to be.”

  “Much nicer?” he says, amused.

  “Yes, you’ve helped me today. I...” Words die as all the events of this morning barrage my brain.

  “You can talk to me, Rosa.”

  “I know,” I confess honestly before letting it out. “Is it weird that I don’t really think about the fact that I shot a person today?”

  “No. In this case, I think it’s best since your guilt would be useless, and guilt would be the only thing you’d feel.”

  That sounds very pragmatic. And true.

  “Don’t overthink it,” he advises, not adding anything else.

  His practical guidance does work. My first instinct to get my mind off things was correct. Well, then I’ll switch the subject back to him. “Okay. Now, you still owe me some answers.”

  He casually stretches his long legs out in front of him. “Ask away.”

  “Are you one of the members in this Syndicate? And have you been ordered to guard me?”

  “No and yes. I’m not one of the members yet because I haven’t pledged into the Syndicate. And yes, I was ordered to keep you safe, hence why we’ve suddenly seen each other so often.”

  Inching toward the window, I process the information, and he reels around in the chair as I pass him. “What are you thinking?”

  “Why do you want to know?”

  “I’m curious,” he says in a tender tone that’s profoundly appealing.

  “I’m trying not to dwell on everything,” I explain, studying the blueish hue of the sky.

  “It’ll become easier. It just happened today.” He gets up, moving behind me, meeting m
y stare in the window’s reflection as I edge back against the hardness of his chest, and his hands come up to rest on my shoulders as he dips his head, his lips touching the shell of my ear. “Don’t feel guilty for protecting yourself. You’re a part of a mafia family. Guilt is a useless feeling; that’s what the Syndicate has taught me.” His voice becomes melancholic. “Only, I figured it out it too late. Stand by your choices, even if they seem ruthless, and then you won’t have to live with so many regrets.”

  I turn my gaze toward him. “Do you have regrets, Logan?”

  He nods, and the tormented look on his face is heartbreaking.

  “What kind of regrets?”

  He swallows and it seems like he isn’t going to answer, but then he speaks, “Regrets about some choices I made when I was a soldier and an agent. I was a soldier before I was recruited by the CIA five years ago. And I regret not being able to help Jenny and Logan.”

  “Your sister died of a drug overdose. There was nothing you could’ve done. It wasn’t your fault. Neither is what happened to Logan.”

  “I realize that, but it doesn’t lessen the pain of losing someone you love.”

  Hearing him mention the word love surprises me. I rest my head back against his chest, making him groan softly as he massages my shoulders. We press into each other with minute movements.

  “Don’t overthink it,” I give him his own advice with a smile, his breath fanning my cheek while we’re standing much too intimately. “You’re a good man.”

  Pulling back a fraction, he looks me in the eye. “You think I’m a good man? I just told you that I’m willingly becoming a member of the mafia that sells drugs while I’ve lost two people due to drugs.”

  “I still believe you’re a good man,” I explain.

  “I’m not,” he states – as if he needs to remind himself of that fact. “I was naïve to think that I’d find justice by joining the military, because I only saw more death, decay, and inequality. There are no intrinsically good or bad men; it’s how they react to their circumstances that makes them one or the other. Everyone does things for personal gain, and I’ve finally accepted that. If the Syndicate doesn’t sell drugs, someone else will. Rich or poor, drugs, murder, and injustice will always be there; I’m just choosing to join the wealthy side. That’s the kind of man I am.”

  He studies me, making sure I understand his words. Yet his explanation doesn’t scare me away, so I don’t waver under his scrutiny.

  “I somehow like that you think I’m good people, but make no mistake, Rosa, I’m not,” he repeats with yearning blazing in his sapphire eyes. His fingers lace into my hair, and he grips it tightly.

  The electrifying attraction that’s been brewing between us bursts out. My panties must be soaking wet already. Reaching up and behind me, I palm his neck as he inches his face closer. The corner of his lips brushes against mine, and I’m teetering on the edge, wanting to plunge in – to taste him.

  One of his hands glides over my shoulder, toward my collarbone, caressing it lightly, back and forth. Running his fingers beneath the chain of my gold necklace, he brands me with a necklace of his touch while his other hand roams down my arm until he tangles our fingers. Then he pushes against me, and our knotted hands rest on my stomach as he holds me tight.

  “I’m not a man who settles for a kiss, Rosa,” he tells me, his low voice sending sparks through me and heightening my thirst for him.

  As his nose traces up the side of my neck, a sensational shiver blazes up my spine. He kisses me on the sensitive skin behind my ear, steadying me while I lean against him with all my weight, his arousal poking my ass. He’s seducing me forcefully, relentlessly – controlling the angle of my neck and the closeness of our bodies.

  “Fuck, Rosa,” he groans hoarsely, nipping the soft flesh of my earlobe.

  It’s titillating, sending my nerves ablaze.

  I’m surrounded by his sandalwood cologne, dragged into his world of sexual fantasies as he whispers, “All I can think about is stripping you naked and licking your nipples.” His fingers dig into the skin of my stomach beneath the hem of my shirt while he clutches my hand. “But we shouldn’t,” he comments, trying to convince himself.

  Our eyes meet, and his words are in contrast to his actions since he doesn’t stop. His evocative stare that’s fixated on me causes me to let out a whimper while I writhe against him. His mouth inches closer, his breath on my lips.

  But we’re interrupted by a knock, and it’s as if a bucket of water splashes over us. Releasing me and looking downright uneasy, he retreats a step just as a guard opens the door, and I turn around, groaning inwardly. I want to stay here with Logan and finish this before he changes his mind. He seems worried, but I can’t figure out why. He kisses so many women. That thought now leaves a foul taste behind.

  Unfortunately, the guard doesn’t notice he’s interrupting and starts firing questions at Logan, so I step out of the office, forced to have to deal with Logan later, which is something I crave more with every passing second.

  This is attraction and seduction in its most passionate form, and I plan to explore it further.



  “Christ!” I scrub my hand down my face and adjust my constricted pants after the guard leaves.

  My dick is currently overruling all common sense, and my resolve to keep my distance from Rosa lasted for about an hour. The second she’s in my sight, all my blood flows south and it refuses to return to my brain. My cock is so hard, it might punch through my pants.

  Abruptly, I realize that with all the chaos in my life, I haven’t been with a woman in a week. Utterly confused about these uncontrollable sensations Rosa stirs awake inside me, I stride out of the office. I should avoid her, yet I need to take the edge off and only she can satiate me. I want to spread her legs wide and feast on what she’s offering me willingly. This is bad.

  She’s almost kissed me three times. But this last interruption isn’t going to douse this firestorm. I’ve resisted her pull with great effort, until now – I’ve lost the battle to wait until I’m officially pledged in.

  Descending the staircase toward the first floor, I zero in on Rosa in that skintight shirt, perched on the edge of a table with her back to me. She’s talking to Mary, who’s settled in a wine-red chair next to Henry.

  Guards, wives, and children are milling about the club, but my attention is glued to the one woman who’s doing something to me I can’t understand.

  As I approach them, Rosa is speaking to Henry. He gawks at her cleavage until Mary coughs, and he shrugs in defense.

  I’m tempted to punch Henry. Especially when I catch him peeking at Rosa’s chest again.

  Dammit, serves me right for giving her a shirt to wear that’s a size too small for her voluptuous breasts.

  Henry meets my scowl and mouths, “They’re in my face.”

  “Tone it down,” I mouth back.

  His eyes crinkle, and he dips his chin, causing Rosa to look in my direction. She sends me a coy smile, hopping down from the table with ease, and her breasts bounce. I swear to God, she does it to tease me. And it’s working.

  I drag a couple of vacant chairs over for Rosa and me and sit next to her as the waitress places whiskey shots on the table. We all down them and Henry, who’s lost in conversation with Mary, is already ordering more.

  My foot hooks around Rosa’s chair leg, and I glide her closer to me until my knee brushes her thigh. “I still want to finish what we started in the office.”

  “I though you weren’t interested in a kiss?” she points out boastfully.

  I muster up a smirk and lower my voice. “That’s not what I said. I said I won’t settle for a kiss...I want to see you naked and lick your nipples.”

  Her long lashes flutter for a second. “Wow, you amp up fast.”

  “I know what I want. You. Now.”


  I laugh. “No, not here.”

  She licks her plump
lower lip. “Okay.”

  With a half smile, I lean forward and skim my palm up her thigh. “I’ll find you later, cricket.” I don’t wait for a reply. Instead, since Mary and Henry are observing us with interest, I get up and bend low to Henry to quietly inform him, “You do know she’s Adriano’s Mary, right? His little sister.”

  His eyes widen, and he shakes his head.

  “Yeah, I got the feeling you didn’t with all the Syndicate men who have family members named Mary. I’d find another target tonight, my friend. Don’t forget, you’re not a member yet,” I warn him while I disregard my own advice and journey toward the back entrance that’ll take me to the elevator that leads to the underground.

  Inside my room, I strip my slacks and dress shirt as I enter the adjacent bathroom to take a quick shower.

  While I’m drying off, I hear the click of a door lock. I’m immediately on alert, but when I recognize tentative footsteps, I grin and drape the towel low around my hips, tucking one edge in the front and raking my wet hair back with my fingers while I wait to see what Rosa does. Yet all I get is silence. I slip out of the bathroom and she has her back to me, her hand on the doorknob, ready to tiptoe outside again.

  “Rosalia Calderone, if you take one more step, I’ll follow you out naked and drag you back with me,” I dare her, leaning my shoulder against the door frame.

  She stills and, with infinite slowness, turns her head as she rotates the knob.

  “Don’t even think about it, Rosa.”

  Her movement stops. “I was just passing by.” At last, she faces me fully, and I cross my arms over my chest.

  “Really? After everything that’s happened today, you’re going with that answer?” I hadn’t expected to begin to like her this much.

  “Don’t look so superior,” she throws back and scans my torso, sighing softly.

  I almost don’t catch it, but that indulgent sound makes my cock stiffen as I’m staring at her hard nipples in that damn shirt. Slowly, I shift closer. She inches sideways, and we make a half-circle until I’m standing with my back against the door and lock it.


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