For Logan (Chicago Syndicate Book 5)

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For Logan (Chicago Syndicate Book 5) Page 26

by Soraya Naomi

  “It’s for Rosa. James destroyed so many lives simply because he didn’t want me with Rosa, Henry. This was all unnecessary.”

  He lets out a sigh. “No one really pays attention to the bodies at the warehouse, anyway. I’ll take care of it. The family is fighting, by the way. Fallon, Cam, and Rosa are on your side though.”

  “How’s Rosa?” I lean forward, eager to obtain any update.

  “I haven’t seen her,” he informs me.

  I don’t ask him to give Rosa a message. The fewer people who know about him aiding me, the safer for him.

  “How are you going to prove James set you up and clear your name?” he questions.

  “I’m not sure I can, so I need a backup plan to show the Syndicate how dependent they are on me regarding the Dimitri case – their most important assignment currently. I’m going to break him out and deliver him to Adriano if Adriano contains the situation within the organization and gives me back my rank.”

  He frowns. “How are you going to do that?”

  “That brings me to my second request. I’m going to do it with you and the help of Senator Tara Kaden. I’m the only contact with the higher-ups; none of the other high ranking men have these connections. More importantly, I’ve got some dirt on the lovely Ms. Kaden – I discovered she has a contact in the prison.”

  “Savvy,” he comments around a grin. “Am I hacking into the Department of Corrections?”

  I smirk, standing up. “Yes. And I’m speeding up the process of deleting every trace of Dimitri’s case at the FBI with CIA software as we speak. I called you five minutes ago, so you have my new number. The second you’re into the system, call me.”

  “I’m on it, Capo,” he mock salutes. “But you owe me.”

  I dip my chin, accepting the debt. Striding out into the fog-shrouded night, I don’t waste any time contacting Tara Kaden and bring my phone up to my ear.

  “Good evening, Mr. Wade,” she answers formally.

  “Kaden, is this a secure line?”


  “I can eliminate Dimitri much sooner than the six month deadline if I can get someone on the inside to drug him and carry him out for me.”

  “How soon are we talking?” she inquires.

  “Days,” I bluff, crossing the street and dodging a car. “I need a name of a head correctional officer inside that prison. I can continue investigating all of the officers and lose weeks, but I think you can assist me. I’ve read that you have a contact within the prison you haven’t even offered to me, senator...” I let the words trail off. “And even more interesting are your affairs with several high powered men that have been documented by the CIA.”

  A stretch of silence ensues as she mulls over her options. Eventually, she concedes and plays along, “The sooner he’s gone, the better. You do realize I’ll contact our employer.” She means the president.

  “Yes, I know. I’m sure he’ll be appreciative to hear how you assisted the Syndicate in ending Dimitri within a week. I’m already deleting his Ukrainian mafia’s system and everything the FBI had on him. The trace is being destroyed as we speak.”

  “You work fast. I’m impressed. I’ll message the warden. He’ll be your contact.”

  “I’ll update you when it’s done.”

  “I expect to hear from you soon,” she finishes, ending the call.

  I inhale deeply, taking back the control that was stolen from me one step at a time. But the battle hasn’t been won yet. If I fail, then I’m a dead man.

  Within twenty-five minutes, I’m seated behind the walnut desk in my room at CIA headquarters, confirming on my laptop that Dimitri’s records and files have been erased. It’s as if the Ukrainian mafia never existed. The first part of my plan has been successful. Despite my partial victory, joy doesn’t come, and I hunger for Rosa.

  Ultimately, I dismiss an earlier decision and involve another person to relay a message to Rosa.



  I’m adrift in a lonely sea of emotions, staring at my father’s casket going down into his grave on this cloudy day, with the spring wind rustling through the leaves on the trees. My mother’s arm is tucked into the crook of mine as she stands next to me, keeping her composure in public, and I cry soundlessly.

  “We commit his body to the ground; earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust. The Lord bless him and keep him, the Lord make His face to shine upon him and be gracious unto him and give him peace. Amen,” the priest speaks as dirt is cast onto the coffin.

  The ceremony ends and the close family stays behind. I’m not surprised not many people are attending. It’s been only three days since his death. Three days without any sign from Logan, without having answers about how my father died. I’ve been trying not to believe that Logan killed him because it’s impossible to accept that I’ve lost my best friend, my father, and my true love in the span of one week.

  Kneeling down, I touch the cold soil. “I’m so sorry. I don’t know what you did, and that makes me angry, but I can’t live in anger like Mom. I love you, and you should’ve had more faith in me. Until we meet again, Dad.”

  “You do know what happened,” my mother grumbles, standing behind me. “You’re just in denial.”

  Her treating me like I’m the enemy is draining me. I stagger to my feet and inhale a breath, turning around. “Let’s not fight here.”

  “Then why is no one telling me what’s going on?” My mother looks from Adriano to Cam to Luca to Fallon and to Henry, who are all flanking me.

  “Alessa, Rosalia’s right. Don’t do this here,” Cam advises in a firm tone, also becoming agitated with my mother’s attitude.

  “Someone tell me!” Rage underlines her clipped words.

  Fallon and I startle while Luca and Adriano exchange a glance.

  “Do you have Logan?” Mom demands from Adriano. “The man who killed James.”

  “Stop accusing Logan,” I state. “There’s no evidence that he did it.”

  “Why did he run?” my mother retorts, swiping a tear away angrily.

  “Because James made a mess,” Fallon helps me. “I know you’re grieving, Alessa, but stop blaming Logan for a situation we already know was caused by James.”

  “Fallon,” Luca interrupts, placing his hands on her shoulders.

  But she ignores him and continues, “No, I’m sick and tired of Logan being treated like a condemned man. I didn’t know James well, but I do know Logan, and you’re missing the big picture here. The Consigliere betrayed the head Capo.”

  My mom’s glare shifts between us as we stand opposite her. “All of you believe Logan is innocent. James was the boss for years. This Logan has been with you for a mere few months.”

  “The fact remains that James murdered our Capo’s grandmother,” Henry adds calmly.

  “No! I can’t handle this now,” she mutters with a scowl, stalking off.

  “I’ll talk to her,” Cam offers, embracing me.

  “Don’t bother. I just need a moment alone without any arguing.”

  “We understand,” says Fallon, motioning to the others to follow her.

  As Henry passes me, he takes my hand and slides a piece of paper into it. I frown, and he sends me a pointed look before he catches up with the rest. Hurriedly, I make a fist to hide the paper when Adriano stands beside me as we watch my father’s grave being filled with dirt.

  “Do you have an update on Logan?” I ask him.

  “No.” He combs his unruly dark hair back with one hand in a manner that reminds me of Logan. “But I wanted to ask you, why are you so sure Logan’s innocent?”

  “Because he loves me,” I confess. “He’s been loyal to you, Adriano.”

  He studies me intently before explaining, “We found the security tape at the nursing home. The guard did kill Logan’s grandmother, so I’m inclined to believe you.” His tone turns softer, compassionate as he catches my eyes. “You didn’t handle things well with Mykhail, but I think
you know that. The carnage it’s caused is enough of a punishment for you. You’re Cam’s sister, so I’ve kept this all on the down low within the organization, but never lie to us again, Rosalia.”

  “I promise,” I say in good conscience. I’ve learned my lesson the hard way. “The second I see Logan, or if he contacts me, I’ll tell you. But, can you promise me not to act until we know the entire story?” I start weeping, worried that the Syndicate might murder Logan. “Please don’t kill him in anger. I love him, Adriano.”

  He pulls me into a hug. “I won’t. I promise you.”

  “Thank you,” I whisper as he releases me, and I’m appeased because Adriano doesn’t make empty promises.

  As soon as he turns around to leave, I unfold the paper Henry inconspicuously gave me.

  Mykhail. Heaven’s Pond Graveyard. White marble.

  The location is on the other side of town, so I race to Mary’s to pick up Adam before I drive to Heaven’s Pond.


  I wander inside the second cemetery I’ve visited today, holding hands with Adam, who’s skipping and sucking on a cherry lollipop. A slight drizzle has started to drop from the grey clouds shrouding the sky. I pull the hood of his jacket over his head, but he yanks it back, loving the feeling of the tiny raindrops on his face.

  We pass the first row of burial markers. The first square, white marble stone covered with a beautiful array of white roses catches my attention. Halting, I clutch my chest and read the black inscription: Mykhail Medlov. Beloved Big Brother. Beloved Friend. May you rest in peace.

  Then, on the left side of Mykhail’s grave, I note three similar white headstones and check the names on those: Jenny Wade, Logan Wade, and Rose Wade.

  His Nana and I shared the same name; that’s why he always calls me Rosa. More importantly, Logan’s back.

  His family is buried here, and he laid a part of my family to rest here as well. The love bleeding through my veins for him ignites instantly. Baby Logan’s grave is so small, and my heart slams in my chest as a lone tear escapes from the corner of my eye.

  Adam is riveted by the flowers on the graves. Thankfully, he doesn’t sense my gloomy mood as I kneel down onto the grass in front of Mykhail’s plot and swipe the moisture of the rain off with the sleeve of my trench coat.

  In what I can only describe as the darkest of times, Logan has managed to uplift me. This is his sign for me to wait for him; I’m positive. I’ve always known he and I share something few others will ever experience. The lusts and pains of a love so strong that being apart rips out your very core.

  Sitting back on my haunches, I explain to Adam, “This is where Mykhail is buried.” Adam has mentioned Mykhail in passing, although less and less.

  He stops next to me and flings his arm around my neck, leaning his weight on me. Since I’m seated, we’re face-to-face. It’s endearing how he constantly cuddles into me.

  “Myk?” His button nose scrunches up. “Where?”

  I point to the burial plot in front of us. “This is where his body is, so we can always visit him from now on. But he’s also here”—I place my hand on his chest—“in your heart.”

  “Hi, Myk,” he comments cutely.

  Adam’s adorable innocence has me hugging him securely, but for too long. He wiggles lose and skips away.

  “Don’t go too far and only walk on the path. Okay, sweetie?”

  “Yes, Mommy,” he replies with his back to me.

  My gaze shoots to the right, to Adam. “Why did you call me Mommy?”

  “You said to Mary you’re my mommy,” he simply answers, picking a flower from the grass and hopping back to hand it over to me.

  He beams, and my affection for this sweet child multiplies. He misunderstood me when I told Mary that I’m the only mother figure Adam knows, yet I’m incapable of correcting him.

  “Thank you, sweetie.” I accept the flower as he flops into my lap and reclines back against me. Kissing the top of his head, I loop my arms around his middle and ask, “Do you want me to be your mommy? To live with me, and I’ll take you to school in a couple of months?”

  “Yes,” he replies immediately.

  “But Mykhail won’t be there. It’ll just be you and me.”

  “I want to stay with you.” He looks up and smiles.

  Without hesitation, I make the decision that’ll alter my life. I love Adam, and I’ll be his family forever. Though I can’t afford to be irresponsible anymore. At the end of the day, I’m still unaware of the complete truth. What if Logan did kill my father?

  Before I change my mind, I reach inside my coat pocket to get my phone, unlock the screen, and type a short text message, sending it to Adriano right away.

  Rosalia: Logan’s back. Mykhail’s body is buried next to Logan’s Nana. I haven’t seen or spoken to him. I only received a message with the address of Mykhail’s grave.



  I’m wiring over twenty thousand dollars to the warden, who’s arranging on the inside to have Dimitri drugged and incapacitated in order to be delivered to me. The remaining twenty thousand will be paid when I actually have Dimitri. My money is draining like wildfire, but if I can’t be with Rosa, I don’t need the damn money anyway. I’m using all my personal resources to finance this mission and speed up the process. In addition, Henry has gained access to the prison’s security system so that I don’t need to involve any others.

  Early Wednesday morning, as I finish dressing in my room at CIA headquarters, my phone chimes in before my plan for Dimitri has been executed.

  I snatch it off the bed, surprised, and answer, “Adriano?”

  “Logan,” he says in a cool tone. “I think it’s time you start explaining what you and Rosalia have done. She told me you had Mykhail buried.”

  My instinct tells me that Rosa has probably been questioned and honest about her answers, so I do the same, partly. “She and I didn’t do anything except date each other. James discovered it months ago and waited for his opportunity to destroy our relationship. I didn’t kill Mykhail. I only stole his body from the warehouse after James set me up. And two of your guards were involved as well.”

  “Did you kill James?” he demands to know.

  “My rank’s been stripped. I can’t talk unless I’m reinstated, Adriano. You can understand that.”

  It’s quiet on the other end before he says, “A couple of things I never told anyone is that I never found James’s phone, and the security footage of the mansion has been deleted.”

  Even though Adriano appears to be hinting that he’ll protect me, it would be foolish to confess right now. Ignoring his statement, I steer the conversation back on course. “I can and will explain everything in person. But I haven’t betrayed you. While I’m unsure of my position, I’ve done my job. I have Dimitri,” I bluff. If this call had been made after I had Dimitri that would’ve been better for me.

  “Is this a veiled threat? Because if it is, I’ll hang up and continue with my plan A, which is having my men hunt you down.”

  “It’s not a threat. I left since I know how this world works. I’m not against you, and you need me too. I’m your only line of communication with your most important partnership with the government, and I have the man we need to eliminate.”

  It takes a moment until he retorts, “Well played, Logan. However, I have my demands as well. I want you to disclose the entire truth to me about James. Then I want to see Dimitri and end him myself.”

  “That’s fine, if you reinstate me.”

  “No,” he responds calmly, “it won’t be that easy. James, you, and Rosalia made quite the mess. Now, I’m going to clean it up, but I want you to stay away from Rosalia until I have Dimitri – as a precaution. And also, until I’ve smoothed things over within this organization.”

  Annoyance sidles up. I can’t press my luck though, sensing that Adriano accepts Rosa and me and is in our corner, where I need him to stay. “Fine.”

  He hesitates be
fore he asks, “Do you love her, Logan?”

  “I do,” I answer with conviction, and we’re both quiet again.

  To keep the control over this situation, I conclude before he can, “I’ll text you an address where we can meet tomorrow night. I need your word that you’ll come alone, without Luca or anyone else.”

  “I’ll come alone,” he replies.

  And I hang up immediately, before he demands a time – I call the shots.


  I prowl through the forest in the dead of night on Thursday, waiting across from the Department of Corrections on the north border of Illinois. A correctional officer that the warden paid off was supposed to show up with Dimitri half an hour ago. Wondering if he deceived me, I lift my hand to check the time on my chrome watch.

  As I look up from behind a tree, the gate opens and the alarm doesn’t go off. Along the tall wall of the prison, a man with long, brown hair rolls a white laundry hamper toward me as I round the tree, exposing myself.

  “Your order.” He stops in front of me.

  I peek into the hamper, seeing Dimitri huddled inside, unconscious in his orange jumpsuit.

  “The rest of the money will be transferred within twenty-four hours,” I tell him and place my hand on the handle, wanting to finish this mission ASAP.

  “Pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Smith.”

  Of course, I used a fake name. I nod and wheel the hamper through the forest for over an hour. Determination to make amends with Rosa keeps me going through the mud and cold wind spitting against my cheeks. Eventually, I reach the road on the other side, where I parked my car, and dump him into the trunk.

  Then I drive toward the address where I’m meeting Adriano, a diner that’s located alongside the highway just outside the Loop, although dread sneaks up my body because I’m not sure if he’ll show up alone. If he doesn’t, then I can only conclude that he doesn’t trust me. In that case, a reconciliation between Rosa and me will be out of the question.


  I sit in my vehicle in the parking lot, watching Adriano step out of his silver convertible, which he parked in front of the nearly-deserted diner, before walking inside. No one’s with him, so I move inside too, sitting opposite him in a booth by the window as the waitress places a glass of water in front of him.


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