The Art of Retaliation

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The Art of Retaliation Page 13

by Kingsley, Arabella

  He pulled the covers up further around Mara who was too tired to respond. Her eyes began to close. Stephane folded his hands on to his lap awkwardly refraining from making any further intimate contact.

  “Maxine is safe you will be pleased to hear,” he laughed nervously. “Her brother is quite formidable. He wouldn’t believe anything I told him. He said that if I laid a finger on you he’d kill me,” he spoke with a disbelieving tone glancing out towards the window.

  He remembered Christophe’s exact words and his obvious frustration when the Police refused to search all of the rooms in the Chateau. He waited eagerly for a reply, some comment, something in her voice that he could detect whether or not there was an attraction between Christophe and herself. The man was clearly in love with her. The billionaire had seen it blazing in his eyes through his anger when he’d come banging on the Chateau’s front door.

  Mara may be in love with him. Stephane groaned inwardly. He sounded like a jealous child.

  When he received no answer he leaned over her and laughed softly. She was sound asleep clutching the bed covers protectively against her chest.

  “The tigress is at peace,” he whispered bending over to kiss her lips.

  He stood up and prowled around the room looking for a chair. Finding one he drew it near to the bed determined to watch over her and not to have her wake on her own. He didn’t want to leave her in her fragile state and sat down tilting his head on the side of the padded chair to watch her sleep. It wasn’t long before he fell asleep himself, exhausted with the whole affair.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Mara spent the rest of the day sleeping and by the evening she actually felt hungry and awake. She found one of the maids sitting at the side of her bed reading a book when she woke late afternoon.

  The maid announced that Monsieur Garreau had instructed her to care for Mara and see to her every need. The Count was obviously concerned for her health despite the situation and had spent the majority of the day watching over her while she slept.

  Surprised, Mara dressed for dinner and made her way downstairs confused but touched by Stephane’s action but not enough to dispel her annoyance with him. Maybe he had just wanted to ease his guilty conscience?

  There was no one else seated at the dining table when she entered the room and she was able to enjoy a small meal on her own. It was the first time in a long time she had enjoyed eating. When she finished she decided to take a walk in the grounds.

  The air was still hot with the heat of the day even though it was early evening when she stepped out on to the terrace. She went further towards the bridge that crossed the moat in the hope of feeling a cool breeze of the water. The sun was beginning to set, fingers of orange and red streaking the sky intermingling with the first stars of the night.

  Mara’s walk led her down the side of the grounds to an area that she had not explored. The dusty path weaving through the carefully manicured lawns on either side ended at the stables. The stable hands were locking the horses up for the night. She moved away from them not wishing to attract any attention. Mara wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone.

  She walked a little further on and came to the building that housed the kennels. Two of the hunting dogs were lying lazily outside of the kennels, unable to bear the heat inside. One of them raised a reluctant paw to swat a fly buzzing around his nose. He sat up sneezing as the offender landed on his nose and noticed that she was there. Curiosity getting the better of him, he slowly walked towards her. Mara smiled and bent down, poking her fingers through the wire holed fence to stroke him as she softly talked to him. He sniffed the air and began to lick her fingers.

  “I see you have found the dogs,”Stephane said walking up the path towards her.

  She stood up and backed away from the fence. The dog lost interest and wandered back to the kennel to flop back down again.

  “They are beautiful hunting dogs aren’t they? These dogs are a cross between English Foxhounds and Poitevins. We have a hundred of them that we take out on hunts. We don’t have as many as Chateau Chevreny though, they have over two hundred. Do you ride and take part in a hunt, Mara? I know Ryan went on a few. He said he belonged to the local hunt.”

  She looked at him with distaste.

  “I do not approve of hunting and I wouldn’t believe everything Ryan has told you. I would have thought you would have realized that by now.”

  Mara gritted her teeth when she saw the billionaire Count bend his head to hide the smile appearing on his face at her words.

  “No I suppose you are right,” he answered.

  Stephane moved closer to the fence and called to one of the animals to come to him. The dog who had just returned to his position raised his head inquisitively towards his voice. He gave a small toss of his head and lowered it again annoyed at the interruption. The dog closed his eyes to emphasize that he was not to be disturbed again. Undeterred Stephane continued calling to the animal.

  Mara moved on towards a small building next to the kennels decorated with a plaque stating “Trophy Room” for the many tourist visitors of the Chateau in the few months that Mr Garreau allowed to see the inside of the Chateau as a contribution to displaying his country’s heritage. The main room was decorated with stags heads and antlers. Not an inch was uncovered. She looked around in despair as she tried to imagine how many of those majestic animals had been killed in sport.

  “There is over 2,000 antlers in this room,” The Count said proudly as he entered the room as though he had heard her thoughts. “I got this one in January this year.”

  Mara refused to look at the antlers he was pointing to.

  “It’s so cruel,” she murmured and quickly walked out of the room sickened by the tour of his blood sport triumphs.

  She didn’t want to speak to him. Mara was wary and tired of the game they were playing. She began her walk back to the house.

  “Are you all right, Mara?” he asked catching her up.

  “Fine, as well as I can be after being drugged now will you please leave me alone. I’m tired.”

  He gave a laugh.

  “How can you be tired? You have slept all day.”

  “And who’s fault is that?”

  He was silent for a moment and then he changed the subject.

  “I’ve got some good news for you. Ryan wants us to meet him in Paris tomorrow evening. I told you he would come.”

  “You call that good news,” she said quietly breaking out into a run and disappearing in to the house.

  Mara’s room was locked the whole of the following day. She supposed Stephane didn’t want to take any chances on loosing her, not now, not when he was so close to getting Louise back. Mara didn’t care. She didn’t seem to care about much anymore. Everything seemed to be decided for her she had no control over her life. She felt hopeless and she missed Maxine.

  Mara knew that things were really starting to get on top of her and she had to fight it but how there was no hope. Even if she escaped with Ryan, he would take control of her life again. He made it obvious on the phone in Stephane’s study that he wanted her back and when he wanted something he would relentlessly pursue it until it was his.

  She was instructed by the housekeeper to be ready by six o’clock that night for dinner in Paris. Mara wore a pink fitted sleeveless summer dress that defined the curve of her body elegantly but that was sophisticated enough to make her feel power dressed and confident.

  Stephane and Leon spent the journey to Paris talking to each other in French and Mara found herself watching what she could see of the countryside in the dimming sunlight behind the protective cover of her sunglasses. They eventually reached Paris and drove to the pier to join the boat on which they would be having dinner.

  A solitary figure stood away from the crowds of tourists. She knew it was Ryan straight away. She could tell by the way the figure was standing, tall with shoulders upright, like his father had drummed into him. They made their way towards him. His short thick unru
ly fair hair was a contrast to Stephane’s neat short dark style as were his brown eyes. Next to Stephane Garreau he struck a pathetic figure. He continued smoking on his cigarette and smiled at them all like they were old friends. Mara’s stomach turned.

  “Mara, are you okay? I’ve missed you,” Ryan moved towards her after dropping his cigarette and stubbing it out with his foot. “You look stunning as always.”

  Mara backed away and avoided his hands that reached out to hug her. Stephane frowned.

  Ryan gave her a puzzled look but didn’t say anything to her. He lowered his arms and turned to Stephane with a grin on his face.

  “She’s annoyed with me. I suppose I can understand that,” he said.

  The billionaire shook his head at him.

  “Can we get on with this please?” Mara demanded unable to take anymore, just wanting it to be all over. She marched past Ryan in her heels and made her way to the end of the pier where the passengers were boarding.

  The small group made its way to the top of the boat an in to the open air. Stephane’s mobile rang and he was forced to take the call. Leon and the others went to the bar to order some drinks before being led to their table as the boat got ready to move off.

  The boat moved away from the pier for its cruise down the Seine. When Leon’s back was turned for a moment Ryan caught hold of Mara’s bare arm in a tight grip that would leave bruises. She had found it difficult to even make eye contact with him let alone speak to him. Mara gasped when he roughly swung her round to face him causing her to drop her pink silk wrap on the floor of the boat.

  Without a word he marched her back towards the stairs and to the side behind a pillar and slammed her up against it out of view.

  “You stupid fool. I was just getting this together. If you hadn’t got in the way I could have been worth a fortune in a month. I was so close and you just had to interfere. Why couldn’t you stay away from Paris out of the way? I was coming back to you,” he angrily whispered leaning in towards her ear, his hand holding her chin in a painful grip.

  “Let go you are hurting me. I had business in Paris and I didn’t ask to be kidnapped,” she snapped trying to keep her fear of him at bay.

  Ryan squashed her face between his fingers.

  “You made it easy for him to find you by coming to France.”

  “You’re mad. He was coming to England to get me. You underestimated him, Ryan and you are just taking your frustration out on me. Just like you always do Let go you are hurting me of me.”

  “Hurting you? You will learn about what it truly means to hurt when I sort this mess out and I get you back, baby. I love you but I am going to have to punish you for this one. I was so close.”

  Ryan clamped his heavy hand around Mara’s neck and pushed her further back against the pillar. She clawed at it with her nails trying to draw blood, anything to stop him choking the life from her. It didn’t seem to register.

  This is what drowning must feel like she thought, slowly going under as she struggled to breathe the air his hand denied her.

  “I’m trying to salvage something out of this. The money was supposed to be for us. I can’t believe you messed it up. We were going to be happy. I had it all planned. I was going to make you pregnant straightaway. Everything was going to be perfect.”

  He was spitting the words out, watching the tears roll down her cheeks, terror in her eyes. He was sick. Mara followed his eyes darting back and forth across her face and then he smiled. It was a smug smile and she knew what it meant. For once in his life he held all of the cards. Both her own and Louise’s lives depended on him.

  She knew that with slightly more pressure he could kill her and his troubles would be over. Stephane wouldn’t be able to use her as a trade off. He strengthened his hold and she listened to herself begin to choke. She pleaded for her life with her eyes terrified by the sadistic glee in his own and then suddenly he let her go. He watched her sink down the wall partly fainting through lack of oxygen.

  Mara put her hand to her throat and greedily sucked in air. She felt him staring and tried to calm herself, showing him fear would only make it worse and cause him to react again. She looked up at him.

  “How could you do this? If this is your way of trying to impress me . . .” she snapped, faking bravado and stood. “It didn’t work.”

  “I don’t give a dam about Louise. I was doing this for you. I had to marry the bitch.”

  Ryan raised his hand to slap her. Mara shut her eyes tight, her body instinctively curving and sinking from the expected blow. It didn’t arrive. Leon had found them and was approaching. As he neared Ryan pulled her into his arms and harshly kissed her lips forcefully probing his tongue into the silky lining of her mouth as she fought his attack.

  Leon coughed to let Ryan know he was there. Mara struggled to get away but Ryan was too strong for her. He looked up and pretended that he had just realized that Leon was there. Mara’s ex fiancé smiled.

  “Just saying hello again,” he told Leon who was frowning looking at Mara’s trembling figure as she struggled to get her breath back.

  Mara pushed passed Ryan out into the open gasping as she tried to take air in. Couples were beginning to dance to music that a band was playing at the front of the boat. She made her way through them to the side of the boat clutching her neck.

  She looked at the white foam churning in the water as the boat travelled down the Seine. Perhaps she could jump, try and make it for the steps that climbed the concrete river bank at regular intervals. Maybe if she did she could get away. Her thinking was irrational but she didn’t care, she was desperate. If she did drown would anyone care? At least she would be free. A voice in her head was screaming at her for her thoughts but she still found herself pushing her body close up the rails and leaning over daring herself to do it.

  “Mara, come and sit down. You don’t look so good.”

  She looked up to find Stephane standing behind her. His hands were resting on her shoulders trying to guide her away. Her hands maintained their grip on the rail. The billionaire looked at her in surprise. He reached down and tried to release her hands from it.

  “Mara, what’s the matter? Let go. You are leaning too far over. This is dangerous, you could fall,” he said firmly.

  “Who cares?” she said bending her head. “I want this to end.”

  Mara kept her head bent refusing to budge. It was a battle of wills not to turn around and bolt or do something stupid like throwing herself into Stephane’s arms like he wanted her to.

  “What is it? What has happened?”

  She whimpered when his persistent male strength succeeded in removing her hands from the rail. He took hold of her shoulders and turned her around. The frown creasing his brow softened and then grew sharp and more pointed. The same look he had in his eyes in the farmhouse when Jacques had attacked her returned. The Count took hold of her chin and thrust it upwards. She gave a small painful cry. He ignored her and continued his examination of Ryan’s red hand print tattooed on her neck.

  “What the hell did he do to you? Leon said you were alone with him for a moment but you were kissing.”

  “What do you care? I’m fine. I’ll do what you want. Just don’t pretend that you care.”

  She knocked his hand away impatiently and turned back to the black swirling water.

  “Don’t do this again. Don’t act as though you are invincible.”

  He attempted to turn her back but her hands were clutching the rail with a death grip like before. A knot in the pit of her stomach broke free and rose up her throat escaping her mouth in a wail of pain. She bent double over the rail surprised by its fierceness and eagerness to show itself. Mara had a notion that it wouldn’t stop until it was spent.

  Stephane stood behind her and leaned over her body covering her like a protective black cloak, holding up her collapsing form. He prized her now slack hands away from the rail and gathered her into his arms. She could hardly stand. He looked for an empty table ne
ar by and sat her down reaching for her hand.

  “Are you in pain? Can I get you anything? I will kill him for this.”

  Stephane gently rubbed his thumb over her fingers. Rage swelled inside him as he sought Ryan out from the crowd. There being no fruit in his search he turned back to Mara clinging to his hand. Her pretty alabaster neck was swelling and he could already see the first faint sight of bruising appearing in the center of Ryan’s fingerprints.


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