The Vampire's Protector [The Protectors 4] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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The Vampire's Protector [The Protectors 4] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 9

by Doris O'Connor

  Chapter Eight

  Pleasure surged through Eva, hot, hard, and all the more intense, because she wasn’t meant to. The barely functioning rational side of her brain screamed at her that he was going to be so very pissed at her coming, but the sensation overload he’d subjected her to, pushed her on and on into a never ending orgasm that took her breath away.

  Every draw from his bite mark, renewed the tremors, and her sensitive tissues screamed at her, as Dimitrius pounded her into the cross, ruthlessly seeking his own release. When he came with a shudder and a groan into her neck, heat bathed her insides. While she was still shaking in aftershocks he withdrew, and her world spun as her restraints gave way.

  She’d have slid to the floor, had he not yanked her up and the next thing she knew was the cool feel of leather as he pushed her face down onto a surface, and drew her arms up above her head. The support around her waist fell away so that her breasts were exposed, and a few more dizzying adjustments later, her knees were secured to pads, and pushed far apart. Something was tied around her waist, and with her ankles, legs, wrists and arms also secured, she couldn’t move an inch.

  Renewed excitement coursed through her veins, when she realized that she was completely exposed to him in any which way he chose, and his earlier words crashed into her brain.

  I will fill all your holes tonight.

  Gentle hands turned her head until it rested on another pad, and Eva realized that she must be tied to his spanking bench.

  “Si–ir?” She had to clear her throat to get the word out, and she strained to hear what he was doing, but it was useless over the sound of her blood rushing in her ears. A small trail of hot liquid slid down between her breasts from his bite in her neck, and fear replaced her excitement temporarily, before his raspy tongue swiped the residue away. It left nothing but heated awareness in its wake, and his low chuckle of amusement sent shivers down her spine.

  There was an almost menacing undertone to that laugh, confirmed by his next words, as something light tickled the underside of her foot. Eva curled her toes under in an effort to get away from that slight pressure, but it was useless. He had her trussed so tightly that she couldn’t move at all.

  “Nooo.” Eva knew she was whining, but she couldn’t help herself, as he continued to tickle her with what had to be a feather. The lightest of touch turned into sensual torture, as he trailed that feather up the inside of her legs. By the time he reached her labial lips, Eva was ready to scream, and she tried to get away from that light touch that nonetheless sent her climbing the rungs of arousal again, as he brushed the feather across her hugely swollen clit.

  “No, please, nooo...I can’t.”

  A low chuckle was the answer to her incoherent pleas, and then there was the unmistakable hum of a vibrator. Everything inside of her stilled, and then hurtled toward a mind-blowing orgasm as he held the toy right above her clit.

  “Please, no…”

  A swat to her ass took her breath away, and she breathed a sigh of relief when he relented and then took the toy away.

  Two more openhanded swats to her ass cheeks, sent heat through her veins, and she groaned long and hard, when he massaged the hot flesh.

  “No is not your safe word, myshka.” The deep growl in her ear made her turn her head that way, but as quickly as he appeared here, he was gone. There was another feather light touch to her other foot this time, and Eva held her breath as he slid the feather up that leg and repeated his earlier actions. Just like before he withdrew the vibrator, before she tumbled over the edge, and he swatted her ass again.

  The air moved and he was in front of her, swiping her hair off her perspiration soaked face and then something cool touched her lips.

  “Here, drink, something. It’s just water, and I don’t want you dehydrating. I’m not done with you yet.”

  Eva swallowed the cool liquid eagerly and he murmured his approval. The deep tones dripped into her consciousness and she smiled, as she felt herself slip away.

  “Give me a color, sweet girl.”

  “Green,” she murmured. It turned into a groan as that damn feather now circled her nipples. The already hard buds swelled further under that gentle torture, and Eva held her breath when something cold replaced the feather, and Dimitrius rolled one of her nipples between his fingers, before something clamped down hard on the needy flesh.

  Eva jerked, and his deep voice was back, next to her ear.

  “Shhh, they’re nipple clamps. Take this for me.”

  Eva tried to open her mouth to reply, but nothing came out bar another moan when he turned his attention to the other nipple, and attached the second clamp, and her nipples were pulled toward the floor by an unseen weight.

  Pleasure flared anew, as the pain morphed into arousal and the vibrator flared to life between her legs again.

  “If you could see yourself, myshka, all hot and bothered, your beautiful skin marked by my hands. Come for me now, hard. I want to hear you scream.”

  Eva had no problem at all complying with his wishes, as the wicked vibrations sent her over the edge again, and she came with an intensity that made the world go dark. No sooner had she come down from that high, and Dimitrius urged her into another.

  “Again, you can do it.”

  On and on he pushed her, until Eva was nothing more than a sobbing spent mess of feminine goo. He chuckled softly and switched off the blasted toy. He ran his hands up and down her spine and delved between her legs. Eva could do nothing but moan as he ran his fingers through her slit, and then brought the slickened digits up to her anus. A renewed thrill went through her, as he slipped first one and then two digits past that ring of muscle and thrust in an out of her slowly.

  “I did promise you to fill all your holes, myshka, and I can’t wait to finish off in here, but first…”

  She whimpered when he withdrew and cold lube dribbled down her butt crack, seconds before the blunt end of something pushed against her nether hole.

  “This is a plug to stretch you some more. Open for me, sweet girl.” His voice dropped an octave, taking on that edge of command she couldn’t resist and Eva made a conscious effort to relax, as he pushed the plug past her rim.

  It burned, and she started to pant as the widest part slid through, but his voice grounded her, and eventually the thing slid in. He wiggled the end, and Eva groaned as nerve endings sparked to life, and tingles of need shot to her clit.

  God, he was determined to kill her with pleasure, it seemed. Was that her punishment, to die of orgasm overload, per chance? It seemed so, because in the next instant he curled his fingers up inside her channel, and found her G-spot with devastating precision.

  “No, please, no more.”

  “Oh yes, again, or I’ll shove that dildo in here, and you will have no chance but to come again and again. Just imagine how full you would be. Then again, I might just do this.”

  Eva had a second’s warning, before his hairy thighs connected with hers, and then he thrust his cock inside her with enough force to shake the bench. It triggered another orgasm, just as intense as the ones she’d already had, and Eva couldn’t breathe, couldn’t scream, could do nothing but give herself up to the incredible fullness.

  “Yes, so good. Fuck, you’re tight like this, baby.” The strain in his voice registered over the waves of sensation that consumed her, and everything heightened at that moment. The creak of the leather underneath her, the heavy feel of his body as he draped himself over her back, the harsh breaths in her ear, and her own desperate struggle to breathe. Every inhale brought with it his scent and sent her eagle wild. She wanted to bite him back, to cement this bond between them, and fuck the consequences. She was his and he was hers, of that she had no doubt.

  “Please, I want...need...god…yes.”

  Another orgasm tore through her when he pulled out of her cunt and yanked the butt plug out at the same time.

  There was a brief flare of pain as he replaced the plug with his cock, and then not
hing but blinding, all-consuming pleasure that sent her eagle into a frenzy, as she bucked against her restraints. Her talons ran out, and Dimitrius swore softly into her neck, as he continued to thrust into her with a dizzying speed, and acting purely on instinct and relying on her inner animal’s ability spun her head round and bit down blindly on the corded muscle in front of her.

  Thick blood flowed into her mouth, and the world spun, as Dimitrius swore and they somehow left the bench behind and slid to the floor, as she drank her fill and cemented the bond between them. Power surged through her, and her eagle squawked her delight and soared, before she settled down with a smug grin. Eva lost all sense of time, lost in her body’s surrender to the forces binding her to this man, as color exploded behind her eyelids. By the time she could breathe normally again, Dimitrius had moved them to the bed, and she absentmindedly licked her bite mark on his shoulder, dimly aware of his murmuring words to her in Russian that she didn’t understand. Her heart latched onto the hoarse words, however, the emotions behind them unmistakable, and when he angled her head to kiss her she put all of her emotions into that kiss.

  Lord only knew what all this meant for them, and how on earth they were going to work this rather unusual relationship they found themselves in, but Eva had never felt happier than right here, right now in the arms of her mate.

  When he let her come up for air, she blinked up at him, and his sardonic smile was firmly back in place.

  “Hey, there, back with me, I see.” He winked at her and kissed her nose, and Eva sighed and let her fingers trail over her mark on his shoulder. Oddly enough it hadn’t faded like she’d have thought it might. No, it was there for all to see, and that thought made her want to skip about like an overexcited rabbit. Not that she had the energy for that right now. Eva could sleep for a week she was sure, and Dimitrius grinned at her when she barely suppressed a yawn.

  He moved her off him and she made a grab for him, but he gently swatted her hands away.

  “Don’t go,” she murmured, sleep already claiming her, and he shook his head.

  “I’m not going anywhere, myshka. I’m just going to get some supplies to get us both tidied up a bit, that’s all. You’ll be more comfortable once you’ve freshened up.”

  Eva frowned at him, and his grin deepened.

  “Are you saying I smell, Sir?”

  She spoke to thin air, however, because Dimitrius had disappeared from view. He reappeared seconds later with a whoosh of air, and brandishing a bowl of warm water. Tears rose in her eyes, at the careful way he washed her down, and she snuggled into him, when he picked her up and carried her across the dark landing back to his bedroom.

  “Don’t go,” she murmured when he tucked her into the covers and kissed her forehead.

  “Never, you’re mine now.”

  Happiness bloomed inside her at the growled words, and she let sleep claim her.

  * * * *

  Eva woke up to the late afternoon sun illuminating the bedroom, and she frowned when she reached across and encountered cold, empty space. His scent still surrounded her and the pillow held the indentation of his head, one dark hair curling across the cream linen further testament to the fact that she hadn’t dreamt his snuggling up to her all night, or what had been left of the night, anyway.

  The light changed in the room, and her heart sunk at the realization of what the date was. All Hallow’s Eve, and she would be expected at Mrs. H’s for the yearly telling of the Origin of Middle Brook. It was a fascinating tale, but Eva didn’t need the reminder of how the village’s fate was linked to the vampires they fought. Vampires like her mate.

  Pulling back the covers, she padded across to the bathroom and having taken care of her need to pee, she smiled at her reflection in the mirror. Her body showed the marks of his possession, and while parts of her rejoiced at those, she knew questions would be asked. Nothing escaped Mrs. H’s attention, and the cold finger of dread snaked up her spine, and threatened to take away her happiness.

  She traced the puncture marks on her neck, breasts and the matching pair on the inside of her thighs, and some of her earlier happiness returned. This couldn’t be wrong, regardless of the logistics of their situation, and besides, he was her mate. She had cemented that bond by biting him last night, and her eagle squawked in indignation at her thought processes. She had to go and see, him, bury her face in his chest, inhale his spicy scent and this niggling sense of impending doom would leave her.

  She missed him, that was the only reason for these crazy thoughts, that, and the sunset she was now witnessing through the windows, because it meant she would have to leave him, for a few hours at least.

  Eva made short work of freshening up, and donning one of his shirts went in search of the man himself. He was in the house, she could sense that much, and he wasn’t happy, far from it. His dark mood wrapped itself around her senses, and she shivered at the sheer force of the turbulent emotions she sensed. She caught a glimpse of him on the phone in what looked like a study, come library in one of the downstairs rooms she hadn’t explored yet.

  Barefoot, and wearing his usual tailored trousers and shirt he paced the oak flooring while positively growling at someone down the phone in Russian. Judging by the sheer amount of nyet she heard him say, he wasn’t at all happy or agreeing with the female voice at the end of the phone. The stab of jealousy assaulting her took her breath away.

  Whoever this person was he spoke to had to be important to him, otherwise he surely would have cut off the conversation long ago, especially as every toned line of his body screamed his unease at this conversation he was having.

  Eva jumped when he shouted down the phone, turned, and clocked her standing outside the room.

  His eyebrows drew together, and she wanted the ground to swallow her up, before his harsh features relaxed slightly, and his cold eyes warmed a fraction. The ghost of a smile kicked up his lips, as he let his black eyed gaze run over her body, and the blood fizzed in her veins at his silent perusal. It took every ounce of will power she possessed to not squirm under his stare, or throw herself into his arms. When he held up a hand as if to indicate five minutes, Eva took the hint and made herself scarce.

  She was hungry and thirsty anyway, and having left the coffee to brew rummaged through his industrial-type fridge in search of supplies. It still amused her greatly that he had so much food in the house, when he had no need for it himself, but she sure appreciated the selection now. A stack of pancakes caught her attention, and having shoved them in the microwave to heat up she was in the process of pouring herself a glass of the fresh orange juice, when she sensed him behind her. Before she could turn round he had crowded her against the work top. With his hands next to her on the counter, his brawny arms surrounded her, and his erection dug into the small of her back, and she couldn’t stop her whimper of need when he nuzzled into her neck and kissed his fang mark.

  “Morning, or rather evening, myshka.” The gravelly tone of his voice washed over her senses, and she leaned back against him, when he brought his hands up underneath the shirt she wore, and cupped her breasts. He rubbed his thumbs over her nipples, and she hissed in pleasurable pain, as the nubs, still sore after their earlier attention, firmed. Darts of awareness shot straight to her clit and she groaned and let her head fall back on his shoulder, baring her neck for him to nibble, as her body readied itself for him as though she was a puppet on a string under its master’s commands. In a way she was, she surmised, and she smiled at her wayward thought processes. This, here, with him, this connection they shared was all that mattered, and the rest of the world could go and take a hike.

  “Hmm, all those dresses you could wear, and you choose one of my shirts.” He grumbled the words into her neck, as he nibbled the sensitive skin there, and Eva closed her eyes, as she relished in the delicious shivers that raced across her skin. “Not that I don’t approve. I do, very much. It gives me such easy access.”

  As if to prove his point he slid one hand
down to her pussy, and Eva panted in need, when he slid his fingers through her slit.

  “Hmm, so wet for me already. It would be shame to waste the opportunity, wouldn’t it, my sweet.” Grasping her hips he kicked her legs apart and pulled her backward until her ass stuck out. Cold air greeted her heated flesh when he flipped the ends of her shirt up and out of the way, and in the next second the broad tip of his erect cock slid into her hole slowly.

  They groaned in unison as he slid into the hilt, and then withdrew until only his tip remained inside her. Eva curled her fingers around the counter edge for support and pushed against him with a murmured, “Please, Sir.”

  Dimitrius took the hint, and grasping her hips, slammed into her. Eva sighed in pleasure as her cunt muscles grasped his dick, and nerve endings flared to life with every thrust and retreat into her pussy. Arousal flared through her, hot and fast, as she met every one of his thrusts, as the wet sounds of their frantic coupling echoed around the still kitchen.

  “That’s my girl. Let go now, and fly with me.”

  The grunted words into her neck, as he pulled her to standing, lodging himself even deeper inside her body, triggered her orgasm. Dimitrius sank his fangs into her neck, and Eva saw stars, as her climax burnt hotter still and she would have slid to the floor had his iron grip round her waist not held her up.

  Dimitrius swore against her neck, and thrust into her twice more, before, he, too, tumbled over that edge, and stilled inside of her.

  * * * *

  Buried deep inside the warm clasp of his girl’s cunt Dimitrius let the frustrations caused by the phone call from his maker flow away. Here, with Eva’s pussy muscles milking every last drop of his cum out of his cock, there was no room for doubt. Just an overwhelming feeling of complete rightness, as his precious girl sagged against him panting heavily. He held her close and sealed the puncture marks in her neck with his saliva, regretting the fact that he had to. They closed in front of his eyes, but it wouldn’t do to let her leave with such obvious marks of his possession on her body. It was All Hallow’s Eve, and Eva’s place tonight was with the other Protectors as they gathered around the village elder, and celebrated the peace and unity they had achieved here in Middle Brook. A peace that would be shattered soon enough. Damn his maker and her impeccable sense of evil timing.


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