Hide to Stay Alive (Club Release 1)

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Hide to Stay Alive (Club Release 1) Page 4

by Pixie Moon

  Movement near me has me scooting back and looking to see what is moving near me. The sight has me scrambling back as far as my chain will allow. A scary being with six eyes is looking Gayle over. It makes some grunting noises and reaches out to touch Gayle. She spits at the being. It makes a spooky sound and then slaps her down to the floor.

  The being’s movements make its body odor waft over to me. I gag at the hideous smell. Gayle rears up and strikes out at the being with her fist. The being makes that noise again and then balls a fist and slams it into Gayle’s face. I cringe as Gayle sinks to the floor with blood running from her nose and mouth. I start shaking as I wonder if she’s dead.

  The six-eyed creature waves the red being over and then talks to it for a moment. I watch in horror as one of our captors comes over and unchains Gayle. Just as I fear, the ugly being grabs Gayle by the arm and drags her away. As it passes me, it looks down at Gayle Balwin and then rubs its belly. I shudder as I watch until the crowd closes around them.

  My gaze is captured by the red being. It looks pointedly at me. I remember the alien’s words, but right now things are looking pretty bleak for me. Gayle has probably scared the zaphinians enough not to buy a human today.

  Will I be the next one dragged off to someone’s cooking pot? I’m not ready to die.

  A tear slips down my cheek. I quickly wipe it away. Crying doesn’t solve anything. Plus, it attracts predators. Keeping my gaze on the floor, I start breathing to calm myself down.

  I startle when I realize I’m no longer alone. Big black boots. Two pairs of them are just off to each side of me. I swallow hard and dare to look up. Will a death blow come? I suck in a sharp breath when my gaze locks with a teal colored one. Heat flares through me. The zaphinian males are back and they are staring at me.

  The red being’s words come back to me. “If you two want a happy life you will do whatever the zaphinian males tell you to do and you will do it quickly.”

  A boulder forms in my gut. The son of a bitch weighs several tons. Gayle didn’t do what they asked and look what happened to her. I shudder and wait to see what they are going to do. I don’t know what to expect or even if I can make them happy. Fear crawls under my skin making me shudder again. I just want to go home and live out my life with my backpack.

  I close my eyes and wish I could go back in time and steer clear of the alien bastards that took me.

  “Stand, human,” a commanding voice orders from the right of me.

  Remembering the red beings words, I stand as quickly as I can. I nervously glance to my right and see teal eyes staring at me. I am drawn to the silver strands in his eyes because they make the teal colors stand out. It suddenly strikes me that he spoke English.

  I crane my neck back to stare straight into his pretty eyes. “You speak English.”

  This close to him I can’t help but notice that he has two small vents on each side of his straight nose. They are strange but they don’t hurt his looks. Neither does his lightly striped skin. My gaze travels to his masculine lips. There is a small white scar under his lower lip. His voice draws my gaze back to his.

  “Yes, that and many other languages.” His eyes turn assessing. “So far you are doing well. Now touch your breasts.” His voice is just as commanding as before.

  With trembling hands I do as he asks. He draws my attention and then smiles at me. “Calm down, little human. I am not going to hurt you. We are willing to buy live-sex-playthings for our club and seemas to take care of our homes and sexual needs. If you want to be one of those things you will follow my orders. Do you understand?”

  Holy shit! Live-sex-playthings and sex-servants. I freak for a moment and then remember the red being’s words. From what I’ve seen so far they are my best chance at staying alive. I nod that I understand. The knot in my throat would make speaking very hard. I hope he understands.

  His beautiful eyes start to glow. “I’m going to touch you because that’s what will be expected of you if we take you to our planet. Keep your hands on your breasts.”

  I steel myself for the horror of being touched. I close my eyes and hope I don’t start crying like a baby. Mentally, I slap myself. Get a grip, Hallie Mead.

  At the feel of his hands on my shoulders, I start badly and then begin breathing to calm myself. His touch is gentle, not rough and grabby like I’ve seen human males do to their females. He circles me, touching me lightly here and there. His scent fills my nostrils. He smells good. Real good. I lick my lips and think I hear him chuckle.

  I open my eyes and see him smiling at me. This time I notice the short fangs that enhance his grin. I’m shocked at the sight but not freaked out. His teeth are a pretty pearly white. Teeth that clean can’t be used to kill, can they?

  I glance up and into his eyes. They mesmerize me. I wish I could look into them forever.

  “You’re doing real well, little human. Now I’m going to touch you more intimately.” There is no apology in his tone, just truth.

  I close my eyes again and fear his touch will be rough. Can I handle it? I startle when his hands rest on my shoulders and then start to slowly trek down my sides. His large hands rest on my hips as if gauging them.

  The wait feels like it goes on forever. When he doesn’t hurt me, I start to relax a little. Then he makes a noise that sounds like approval. I hold deadly still as his hands circle back and lightly squeeze my butt. To my shock, he starts kneading my flesh. It doesn’t take me long to figure out that it’s the best feeling ever. Tension starts to drain from my body.

  As the massage goes on, sexual heat starts to build in my groin. I’ve felt it before but only under my own touch. I shiver this time for a whole different reason. He makes that sound that I think is of approval and slides one hand around my hip and slowly down between my legs. He doesn’t try to make me spread my thighs wide, thank goodness. Needing to know what he’s going to do next, I open my eyes and look down.

  His fingers explore my most private part with masterful skill. A skill I’ve never seen before. To my embarrassment, I feel moisture leak from the junction of my thighs. He makes that sound again and rubs me harder. By now I’m needing it. Without meaning to, I grind my pussy against his hand.

  “That’s it, show me what you can do,” he whispers into my ear. His voice is thick and his breathing is heavier than it had been.

  He slides his hand up my pants and then down inside them. I moan when his fingers touch my clit. My inner muscles clench as desire shoots through my core. His strong rough finger circles the little bud and then presses hard against it. Fireworks go off in between my legs. I shudder and cry out softly as pleasure washes over me. My breathing is heavy as I come down from the high he just gave me.

  The noise around me sinks into my brain. Fire heats my cheeks as I realize where I am. My gaze darts around. The silver eyed male is close to us and is grinning approvingly at me. His trimmed beard makes him look ruggedly handsome. I realize the position of the large males makes it almost impossible for the crowd to see what just happened. Relief washes over me.

  The teal and silver eyed male sniffs the air and then pulls his hand out of my pants. He raises his hand to his nose and sniffs again. My jaw drops and I look away as more heat blasts across my cheeks. How will I ever be able to look at either of them again?

  The silver eyed male walks away. Noise from the crowd roars through my ears and makes me cringe. As the last waves of my orgasm pulse through me, I’m stunned to realize that my first orgasm at the hands of another is with a beautiful eyed alien in front of a crowd of many beings. That’s fucked up!

  In a daze, I see my captor come near me. I cringe back, but all he does is unlock my chain and hand it to, Pretty Eyes. I’ve just been bought. Possibly even saved. I look at the crowd and know I was definitely just saved. The red being steps near me and smiles before she moves on to talk to another being nearby. Relief replaces some of my fear.

  The two males place me between them and then lead me away. I’m tha
nkful for their protection. As we walk through the crowd I remember how they blocked me from the view of the crowd when Pretty Eyes was pleasuring me.

  A small spark of hope flares through my chest. Maybe these aliens won’t be bad.



  ~ Hallie ~


  My nerves are stretched taut as we walk and walk.

  The males surrounding me are huge. The more I think about it the more worried I become. Should I try to escape them? Hiding would be good. My father always said I had a talent for being unseen when necessary. With all of the scary aliens around me, now seems necessary.

  I take a step to the side and my gaze darts around looking for a safe place to stay. A thick arm guides me back in line. A gentle tug on my chain instantly reminds me that my hands are still cuffed and chained. Fuck!

  My breath comes out harshly as my fear escalates. The remembrance of the beings on and around the platform cause me to tremble. I glance around as much as I can. The beings surrounding me are blocking most of my view. When I get a glimpse of a six-eyed beast that looks like the one that took Gayle, I shudder and decide I may be better off hanging out with these guys for a bit longer.

  The ground under me changes, so I look down and notice that we are going up a small ramp. My heart picks up its already fast pace as I realize we are boarding their spacecraft. My pulse thunders through my ears. What will they do to me when they get me on their ship? Will I be raped? Will I be beaten? Will I be cooked?

  Pain shoots through my chest. I spin around to escape but am quickly turned around and nudged into the craft. My chain is tugged. My heart sinks at the gentle reminder that I wouldn’t have been able to escape under any circumstances.

  Inside the craft, I take a fast look around and to my horror I see another male onboard. My heart feels like it’s going to explode. Am I a big enough meal for all three of them? I want to scream but know that’s not the safest thing to do. Staying as invisible as possible is much safer.

  As the panic in me rises, Pretty Eyes leads me down a hall and guides me into a small room. I look around for an exit. Fuck! I don’t see any windows. I hear a loud noise and realize that it’s my own breath sawing in and out of my lungs.

  “Calm yourself, little human. We are not going to hurt you,” Pretty Eyes says.

  My gaze darts up and into his eyes. Just the sight of those amazing teal eyes makes me feel a little better. The vents next to his nose are still a bit weird but I’m getting more used to them. His eyes more than make up for the vents and his strangely striped skin. They are so pretty. His long hair is nice too.

  “Good. Be still, I’m going to remove these cuffs from your wrists.”

  I watch as his large hand pulls a key from his pocket and then quickly unlocks the cuffs. He keeps hold of the cuffs and chain. I vaguely wonder what he’s going to do with them. I don’t want him to put them back on me. You don’t have a choice in the matter, my logical side sadly points out. My heart sinks. I can’t handle this.

  With his free hand, he guides me to the bed. Once again, I freak and wonder if he’s going to jump me. I covertly check out his frame to see if I have any chance of taking him out. Fuck! Pretty Eyes seems to be all thick muscle. I can see the damn things rippling under his dark clothes.

  He nudges me down onto the bed. I start shaking and want to run.

  His nostrils flare and so do the vents next to his nose. His eyes soften. “Calm down, you’ll be safe here. I’m going to help the others takeoff and get us away from this planet. I’ll return to check on you as soon as I can.” His eyes harden. “Stay put.”

  His commanding tone is back. The lump in my throat swells. When he continues to stare at me, I realize he’s waiting for me to respond. I nod my understanding.

  “That’s good enough for now, little human.”

  I watch as he turns and leaves. The chain rattles in his hand reminding me of what I’ve just been through. As soon as the door shuts, I start looking around. As the trauma of the last few days sinks in, I start to shake violently.

  Needing a secure place to calm down, I look under the bed. Not going to happen, it’s only an inch off the floor. On the other side of the bed is a chair, but its low to the floor as well. I go to the door Pretty Eyes went through and try to open it. Fuck, how did he do it?

  Another door catches my attention. It’s smaller than the other one. I go to it and push what looks like a handle. The thing springs open. Looking inside, I see that it’s a closet. Kind of small but that suits me fine. I look over my shoulder, nobody’s there. Getting back to the task at hand, I lift out the material in the bottom of the closet and quickly slide in.

  Reaching out, I grip the door and shut it. Still trembling, I arrange the material over me. I do it with great care to make sure none of me is visible. My body slowly calms to the point where I’m barely trembling. Tears well in my eyes as I relive being captured and brought to the platform from hell. Gayle’s bloody face flashes through my mind. Megan being dragged off to an uncertain fate causes a tear to slide down my cheek.

  You will not think of those things, I tell myself in the firmest tone I can manage. I wipe a tear away and take a shuddering breath. Falling back on my training, I focus on my breathing. In through the nose, out through the mouth. Repeat, repeat, repeat.

  With time, I begin to calm myself. Pretty teal eyes flash through my mind. Heat stings my cheeks as I remember him touching me on the platform. That is my only good memory of that horrible time.

  His softly spoken words come back to me. “We are willing to buy live-sex-playthings and seemas that take care of our homes and sexual needs. If you want to be one of those things you will follow my orders.”

  My breath catches as I realize what I’d agreed to by letting him touch me. I feel panic start to rise in me again. The pressure crushing in on my chest is almost unbearable. I start shaking violently again. I long to hold my faithful backpack.

  The two of us had been a team for so long. I hope someone nice is taking care of Backpack. The pain over the loss of my companion is excruciating. We’d been together for the last five years. What am I going to do now? I have no friends. What are the zaphinians going to do to me? Are they going to toss me in a cage like the other aliens did?

  Just the thought of that nasty cage has my heart racing and my senses going on high alert. My nostrils flare when I catch the faint scent of stale pee coming from my hand and the edge of my pants. Will they at least hose me down before they toss me in a cage?

  My small moment of calm is now shattered into a million pieces. I don’t want to die or live out my life in a cage. I silently scream as a new wave of pain and depression spears through my heart.

  Get a grip, Hallie Mead. Pretty Eyes didn’t hurt you and he said he wouldn’t, my logical side reminds me. Sometimes I hate my logical side but not today. Today she’s helping me understand that things could be a lot worse.

  The zaphinians have been nothing but good to me, just like the red being with the long white hair said. Just because they look different from me does not mean they are bad. I have to focus on how nice they have been.

  I go back to breathing the way I’ve been taught. In through the nose, out through the mouth. Repeat, repeat, repeat.

  Time passes, each second that goes by brings me closer to the calm state I’m striving for. When nothing bad happens for a long while I relax. My aching muscles happily soften. Time continues to crawl. I wonder how long it will take to get to their home planet.

  No, I can’t go there. Horror could be waiting for me on their planet. I need to stay calm. The rumbling of my stomach reminds me that it’s been hours since I last ate. I listen closely. Nobody seems to be milling around. Pretty Eyes and his friends must be still manning the spacecraft.


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