Hide to Stay Alive (Club Release 1)

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Hide to Stay Alive (Club Release 1) Page 9

by Pixie Moon

  I can smell anxiety and fear the strongest on her. My need to properly train her has me hardening my gaze. “How are you supposed to address me, seema?”

  She swallows hard and fidgets in my lap. “As Din or Din Zar.”

  “Good, now answer my question properly.” This is a critical moment in my dominance over her. If I show any signs of weakness she’ll be confused about her place. That is something I can’t have.

  Her body moves as she fidgets under my stare. “Yes, Din Zar.”

  I smile and stroke her back. Now her scent reveals relief and a touch of pleasure. She shows great promise. “Now is a good time for you to ask any questions you want.” I watch as her facial expressions change while she thinks about what to ask me. Worry suddenly scents the air around her. I don’t like this smell coming from her. An enemy, yes—her, no.

  She wrings her hands for a moment. “If I don’t work out, you know, if I’m not able to please you, are you going to take me back to the planet you found me on and sell me?”

  The fear in her voice causes my heart to ache for her. “No, I’ll never do that to you. If you don’t work out in my home, you’ll get the opportunity to go live with another Din or become a live-sex-plaything at the club.” I suddenly realize I don’t know her name. “What’s your name?”

  “Hallie Mead.”

  She doesn’t answer me properly but I let it slide as I feel her name sink into my heart. Hallie is a good name for her. It’s lively and sweet.

  Little lines appear between her drawn brows. “What’s a live-sex-plaything?”

  This time, I quickly correct her. “What’s a live-sex-plaything, Din? Say it.”

  She fidgets in my lap. Pink blooms across her cheeks. “What’s a live-sex-plaything, Din?”

  My heart races a little at the sight of her flushed cheeks. I want to see them flushed for a different reason. A vision of her pink and moaning beneath me flashes through my mind. Pushing down my growing desire, I answer, “Live-sex-playthings live at Club Release. That’s the name of the club I’m part owner of. You will become very familiar with it and the playthings.”

  I caress her back and cover her hands with one of my own. She is a delicate thing. Fortunately, she’s mine. Right now she needs information to fully understand her position. “A live-sex-plaything offers sexual release to the warriors that go to the club. Most of the time they are dominated by zaphinians but sometimes other beings are allowed in and the live-sex-playthings see to their needs.” A shiver races through her and her eyes widen. Anxiety wafts from her to me.

  “I don’t want to be a hooker.”

  “Live-sex-playthings are not hookers. They choose to be dominated because it pleases them.” At her confused look, I continue, “They get pleasure from giving pleasure. I’ll admit that live-sex-playthings usually have above normal sexual appetites. Those appetites help the warriors of this planet to unwind after a mission or a hard day of training.”

  “The people you stopped to talk to, they are the ones that dominate the live-sex-playthings?” she asks hesitantly.

  “Yes. That was just one squad. There are a few hundred of us in the area. Club Release comes in handy on a daily basis.” At the scent of worry coming from her, I pull her in to my chest. “Don’t worry, seema. You’re staying here with me for a while. I’ll teach you what you need to know. After you’ve been to the club and properly met my closest friends and a few of the playthings, you’ll understand our ways and can decide if you want to be a seema or a live-sex-plaything.”

  The thought of sharing her doesn’t set well with me. As I cuddle her deeper into my embrace, I push the strange feeling away. In time, I’m sure I can let her go if she decides to be a plaything. For now it’s time to get her used to being in my arms.

  She stiffens and then asks, “Are you wanting sex right now, Din Zar?” Fear has her voice coming out at a higher pitch than before. I don’t like it. I’ll be glad when she fully trusts me.

  “No, little seema. Right now all I want is to hold you. There will be no sex until you’re ready.”

  Pleasure slides through me as she fully relaxes and her worry and fear slips away. I close my eyes and enjoy the feel of her body pressed to mine. Her scent has changed and is now the most delicious one I’ve ever smelled. Soon her unique perfume will be flavored with arousal. My cock hardens at the thought. I can’t wait to see her come.



  ~ Hallie ~


  A cloud.

  I must be sleeping on a cloud. Wait, there are no cloud like surfaces on Earth. At least not where I am from. I jerk awake and stare at my surroundings.


  Memories flood through my mind as I look around the bedroom. I remember Pretty Eyes being in here with me. My touch starved body had enjoyed being next to his. Cautiously, I reach out. Relief and a strange tinge of disappointment zips through my chest when I find him missing.

  Now that I know I’m free to sit up without hitting my head on a branch or bumping into him—that last part is incredibly strange—I sit up and look around. It’s an extremely nice room. In awe, I look around. The shades of tan are comforting. The plant in the corner is dark green with what looks like two large blue petals that come together.

  I smile as I think the petals look like large lips imitating a kiss. I love plants. Most of my life has been spent living among them. My heart skips a beat as I continue to look at the kissing plant.

  Kiss. What would it be like to kiss Pretty Eyes? Do zaphinians kiss? I frown at the thought and then blow out a breath. I guess I’ll find out in time since I’m his play-toy/housekeeper. I don’t particularly care for my position but things could be a lot worse.

  A vision of Gayle and Megan being dragged off the platform from hell whips through my head. I just can’t make myself worry about Gayle, but I really hope Megan is all right. She was so nice and innocent. I know she freaked out at the end but who wouldn’t? I wish she would have kicked our captor’s ass. Her being dragged off haunts me.

  I shiver as I push the horrible memory to the back of my mind. It takes a few tries but I finally get it to stay there. I rub my hands over my arms as I shake off the remembered terror. My hand touches a lump in my sleeve at about the same time as my stomach growls.

  My muffin! I work it out of my sleeve. It comes out in pieces but I don’t care. I’m just glad to have food. As I eat the sweet muffin, tears try to well in my eyes. I’m lucky to be here. The sex thing is a little scary but Pretty Eyes has been very nice to me so far. I look around the room as I finish my muffin.

  I’ve never had it this good before. If he really owns this house and stays here year round that equals stability. Stability is something I’ve heard about but never really seen. Oh, I’ve passed through a few towns where some people stay in a house all year but those people always steal from travelers and the gullible people around them. My parents raised me to be more honorable than that.

  I frown as I suddenly worry about Din Zar’s honor. Does he live like this because he steals from others around him? My stomach sours, I don’t want to be with him if that’s the case.

  My lips twist as I remember him paying for me. A dishonest person would have watched someone else buy me and then followed their target. When the moment was right they would just take what they wanted. Pretty Eyes did not do that. He had been honorable. He’d even been smart enough to have backup with him as well.

  Movement in the door has me leaping from the bed and crouching down beside it. What if the house has been invaded by raiders? Have they seen me yet? I slowly peek around the edge of the bed and see Din Zar watching me. The concern in his eyes touches my heart in a way I haven’t known for a long time. I slowly stand and wait to see what he’s going to do.

  “Here, you have nothing to fear.” He motions toward the bathroom. “Go to the bathroom and then come to the kitchen. I’ll show you our food so you can eat breakfast.”

  Food makes me think of
my pants. The ones with the pecan stash from the evil aliens. “Do you think I can wash my old clothes today?” I miss my own clothes.

  “No, I threw them away. From now own you wear what I tell you to wear.” He pauses for a moment and then his gaze darts to the bathroom and then back to me. “The toilet water is dangerous to humans. It will burn your skin if it gets on you. So if anything ever falls in the toilet let me take care of it. The bowl is made so that water never splashes. The waves just whoosh to the edges of the bowl. Come to the kitchen when you’re done, seema.”

  I watch him turn and leave the bedroom. Silently, I make a mental note to never drop anything in the toilet. I also mourn the loss of my clothes. Those pants were nice.

  Needing to see where he’s going, I look down the corridor and watch his tight ass walking away. Heat burns brightly in my cheeks.

  Something about the guy makes me crazy. The sad part is that I kind of like it. Maybe it’s because you’re twenty-six and half years old. Well past the age for breeding, my logical side ruthlessly points out.

  I shiver as I remember all the dirty human men that have come on to me. None of them ever made me want to have sex with them.

  Pretty Eyes is clean, nice, and hot, my logical side chimes in enthusiastically.

  She’s right, of course. I’ll admit to being a touch curious about sex with him. Some of the women I’ve seen having sex appeared to enjoy it. I never watched for long though. Two dirty bodies getting it on is not overly appealing. I never could figure out why so many people refused to bathe regularly. I personally love to be clean. That’s why I always stay near water.

  I quickly head into the bathroom to do my business. I eye the toilet water suspiciously and am glad to see that the dangerous liquid is pretty low in the large bowl. I go quickly. After washing my hands and face, I go to the kitchen. Din Zar is pouring two glasses of the purple liquid.

  I take the glass he offers and then a take drink. The zing is still there. It helps to revive me. I look up and into pretty teal eyes. “What is this?” At his raised brow, I quickly add, “Din Zar.”

  He smiles, showing his pearly white teeth and short fangs. “It’s called stros. It’s healthy for almost all beings, humans included. We drink a lot of it each day.”

  He sets his glass down and takes my hand. A sensual arc flows from him to me. When I suck in a harsh breath, he grins knowingly. Does that mean he feels it too?

  Of course it does, old maid. A fine piece of tail like him is no stranger to sex, my logical side sarcastically points out. I don’t like her very much at this moment even though I figure she’s right.

  A small spark of jealously shoots through me as I wonder how experienced he is. Next, I wonder if some of those people he’s gotten that experience from still live here but were gone last night.

  I take another drink and then look around. I try to hide my nervousness, not wanting to release the predator in him.

  “Do others live here? If so, are they out gathering food?” People on Earth regularly spend days at a time looking for food in the woods. As big as he is, I bet he eats a lot. I briefly wonder how much food giants eat. Having others to help feed him may not be a bad thing after all.

  “No, we are the only ones living here. We don’t go out foraging for food,” he answers and then takes a long drink from his glass. I worry about him drinking too much. Isn’t it hard to get more stros?

  How does all the food get here if they don’t go looking for it? I don’t worry about it for long. Pretty Eyes leads me around the kitchen showing me where everything is kept. I forget to wonder where it comes from in my awe at how much food and stros there is in his cabinets.

  He also shows me how to run the strange cooking devices and lets me know that he’ll be working from home for a few weeks to guide me through the large midday meal as well as taking care of the house.

  Relief washes over me. I like how patient he is.

  The more hours he spends at home the more time you get to watch his fine ass, my logical side happily points out. She’s right, of course.

  A flock of birds take flight in my stomach. Din Zar being around also means he could want sex at any moment. I peek over at him. That now familiar tingle courses through my core. I’m definitely attracted to him, but I’m not ready to go there.

  He suddenly sniffs the air and frowns down at me. The vents around his nose flare open for a moment. “You have nothing to fear from me unless you directly disobey my commands.”

  I shiver as I wonder what kind of punishment he doles out to disobedient seemas. His pretty eyes harden. “Pick out your breakfast and eat every bit of it.”

  Recognizing his commander mode and not wanting to go against it, I quickly do as I’m told. He watches me until I’ve eaten all of my breakfast. When I put the last bite of fruit in my mouth, his eyes soften with approval. I feel heated pleasure run through my veins. I’m beginning to understand how pleasing someone else can bring me happiness.

  Some of my happiness turns to frustration when he leads me to my room and pulls out a sheer teddy.

  He hands it to me and orders, “Put it on, seema.”

  I look it over and shake my head. He has to be kidding. Some people like to mess with new folks. I’m definitely new here. It’s simply a prank. That has to be it.

  “Zyfing do it. This is what my seema wears.” At my frown he growls. “You are here to please me.” He points at the wisp of material in my hand. “You wearing that will make me happy. It will also get you used to being accessible to me.”

  I swallow hard as I realize that this is not a prank and that me wearing this scrap of material will make fucking me an easy task. My heart tries to beat its way passed my ribcage. Is this the part where he jumps me? And what does zyf mean?

  He takes a deep breath and then hugs me to him. “I’m not going to have sex with you today. The time isn’t right.” He slides his large hand up my back, over my neck, and circles around to my chin. He raises my face and looks into my eyes. His are doing that pretty glowing thing. “All I expect of you right now is to learn how to be a good housekeeper. I’ll teach you to please me sexually later.”

  Relief courses through me. Now I can ask my latest question. “What does zyf mean? It didn’t translate.”

  He sniffs the air and then smiles at me. “Zyf is a general term that we use when we are emotional. We use the word prel as well. Usually we say these words when we are frustrated or excited.” The big guy sniffs again. “Now that you’re calmer, I want you to get dressed.”

  He uses zyf and prel the way I use fuck. Wait a minute. How the hell does he know I’m calmer? I suddenly remember him sniffing the air and his vents opening around me a lot. A wild thought races through my mind. Surely that can’t be.

  Needing to know, I ask, “Can zaphinians smell emotions, Din Zar?” Deep down, I expect him to say no. Maybe he’s just good at reading body language.

  The smile he gives me makes my heart stop. “Yes, seema. Your scent tells me exactly how you’re feeling.” He steps back and points at the sheer material I’m holding. “Now get dressed and meet me in the living room. You have a lot to learn.”

  Oh, shit! I’m not going to be able to hide anything from him. His chuckle lets me know that he’s well aware of my feelings.

  I wait for him to leave the bedroom before I get dressed. The sheer material feels heavenly against my skin. I don’t care for the see-through part of my “uniform” but at least wearing it will make me feel like I’m partially covered. All I have to do is not look at myself.

  Ignorance can equal bliss.



  ~ Zar ~


  I hide a smile when Hallie Mead walks out of the corridor and into the kitchen. I’m sitting on the living room floor doing a little meditation before I have to continue teaching her our ways. She looks just as beautiful in the sheer material as I knew she would.


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