Hide to Stay Alive (Club Release 1)

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Hide to Stay Alive (Club Release 1) Page 18

by Pixie Moon

  “How are you liking living on Zaphin?” Babshi asks. Her light blue eyes and pink lips starkly stand out compared to her maroon skin. All of the beings here are interesting and very healthy looking. Looks like the red being was right.

  “It’s nice here. How long have you two been here?” I ask, desperately trying to seem normal.

  Lingma pats my hand with her green tail. “Give it time, Hallie. I was once a wildling too.”

  “A wildling?” I wonder what that means. I wish my translator would have recognized the word so I wouldn’t have to ask. I long to fit in.

  “Yeah, you know. A person that lives alone on a planet and survives in the woods. Sometimes a wildling can live with a few others, but they always live in the woods. I like living here better. The males are quite impressive. Soon you’ll fit in. This club will be your second home—a very good home.” Lingma smiles sexily as she looks at me and then Babshi.

  Oh, she’s good. “Are you a mind reader?” With the wild thoughts that go through my mind that wouldn’t be good at all. Especially, when Zar is around looking all hot and making me want to jump him.

  A sweet laugh comes for Lingma. “No. Your eyes gave you away. I read emotions very well. It makes me good at my job. The other night when you fell asleep in Din Zar’s arms I talked to him for minute and found out you were a wildling like me.” Her green tail pats my hand again. “Trust me you are going to like it here on Zaphin.”

  “Yeah, there are so many hot males here at the club.” Babshi rubs her maroon hands together. “I’m guaranteed as much sex as I want. This is the best place I’ve ever been.”

  Lingma enthusiastically nods her head causing her dark blue hair to bounce. “There’s always plenty of sensual fun to be had.” Her black gaze excitedly zeros in on me. “Din Zar is a great lover. That’s one male that loves some raunchy sex.” Her eyes glaze over.

  “That’s for sure. He once mastered the two of us together in one of the rooms. By the time it was over we had a crowd watching. That was so hot. I’m getting horny just thinking about it,” Babshi says in a dreamy tone. “You’re so lucky to have him. I hope you two put on a show tonight. Do you know if you’re going to?”

  Dread fills me up and nearly suffocates me. I don’t think I can do that. Being totally naked in a club doesn’t seem like a good idea. My heart pounds as I worry about him forcing me to put on a show for the others. A naked show! Shit, I don’t think I can do it. My stomach hurts as worry builds within me. I’m a terrible seema. Why couldn’t I have been left in the woods?

  Lingma’s soft green tail wraps around my wrist and tugs gently. When I look up she smiles and releases me. “I’m sorry. I didn’t think about how new you are. I love sex and get excited about it. Din Zar is a good male. He won’t force you into doing anything you don’t want to do. He may push your limits sometimes but he’s smart enough and caring enough to not hurt you. Trust him, honey, he knows what he’s doing.”

  Babshi nods her head and then takes a drink of her stros. Her eyes brighten as she licks her naturally bright pink lips. “All of the owners are good males. Trustworthy. Now let’s get back to your question. I’ve been working here for ten years and Lingma has been here for fifteen years.”

  Lingma pats me with her tail again. A serious look fills her expressive dark eyes. “We wouldn’t have stayed if it was a bad place. We may be horny beings but we’re also smart. Din Zar and his warrior friends are honorable. They are also picky about the people they hire to work here. We’re lucky to be what they need.”

  Relief has my shoulders sagging. These two have just confirmed what I thought about Zar. His heart is good. My lips purse as I wonder about the playthings. “How did you two get here?”

  “I saw Din Ryk on my planet, Tasroc, and asked him if I could work for Club Release. After he looked me over to see if I was what the club needed, he had me interview for the position on his spacecraft. I was thankful for the job and still am.” Lingma shivers and her black eyes glaze over again. “Now that male can fuck.” She fans herself with her tail.

  My jaw drops. It takes time for me to pick the slack thing up. “I didn’t realize people on other planets knew about the club.” How popular is this place? I try not to picture Din Ryk fucking others without protection. I have to ask. “Isn’t it unsafe to have sex without knowing if the other person has a disease?”

  “Oh, never doubt a horny zaphinian male. When they are interviewing a live-sex-plaything, they wear condoms,” Lingma assures me and Babshi nods her agreement.

  “My story is similar to hers. Most of us asked to be here. Club Release in known around the universe. Males talk,” Babshi says, her eyes wide and expressive.

  I feel like the wildling Lingma called me. Living the way I did was safe but it kept me ignorant of the world I lived on and of other worlds. My stomach sours as I think about the whole universe knowing about this place. That means the lizard-men that took me probably know about it too.

  “Do they let anyone in?” I don’t like that at all. A tremor runs down my spine. What if the human eaters come here? I don’t want to be someone’s dinner.

  “No, the owners are selective about who gets in the doors. They have plenty of fire-power backing them up. Since live-sex-playthings are needed here on Zaphin, they protect us at all costs.” Lingma’s tone is filled with respect for her bosses. I appreciate it.

  That respect from a plaything makes me feel even better about living with Din Zar and giving him a part of my heart. “Why do they have to get playthings from other planets?” I figure that while they are willing to give me information I had better ask all the questions I can think of.

  Babshi’s full pink lips break into a large smile. “Because they need people to dominate.” She shivers and crosses her maroon thighs. “I love them dominating me.”

  A green tail swishes around and pops Babshi on the shoulder. “Cool down, horny chick. That didn’t answer Hallie’s question.” Lingma’s black eyes look over at me. “Zaphinians produce a few more males than females and the females they do have are usually dominant like the males. They aren’t afraid of their species becoming extinct but this situation puts the warriors in a bad position. The answer is simple. Hire or buy submissives and work them at clubs like this one.”

  Babshi raises her skimpy top and fondles her breasts. She rolls her dark maroon nipples. “For beings like us that have high sex drives this is paradise. All those big cocks out there are just waiting to get in me.” She pinches her nipples harder and shudders.

  Lingma fans Babshi with her tail. “Cool down, chick. She needs to know more.” Dark eyes look my way. “Club Release is a win-win place. Horny healthy beings like myself get to have sex with the warriors, plus their guests, to get the sexual release we need.”

  Babshi’s light blue eyes brighten. “We all get what we need.” Her gaze moves around the room. “The environment is safe and they feed and house us well. I almost never leave the club. I have no reason to.”

  Lingma’s dark gaze roams over me and then her tail pats my arm.

  “You’re looking healthier. You could use a few more pounds. Fucking’s better if you have a few pounds of soft flesh on your bones. Din Zar is taking good care of you.” Lingma’s tail reaches out and swats Babshi’s hand. Her gaze switches from me to her friend. “Stop playing with yourself before you come. You know the warriors like to heat us up. Control yourself, we get to go have fun in a few minutes.”

  “I heard the males practiced hard today. That means they’ll have lots of tension to relieve. I can’t wait to start helping them out.” Babshi’s pretty blue eyes glaze over. Her maroon tongue runs over her pink lips.

  I bite my lip as I think about how delicious Zar’s cock is. I can understand why Babshi is ready for some action. Some of the other men flash through my mind. They are handsome but I don’t think I could have sex with them.

  “Do you two ever think about leaving the club and settling down with one male?” After the words s
hoot from my mouth, I realize they could be taken the wrong way. “Not that there’s anything wrong with your lives now,” I quickly add.

  A throaty laugh comes from Lingma. “I won’t be leaving this place for a very long time. When I do have to leave, due to old age, I plan on having a few males lined up to live with. I love variety. Being here has made me accustomed to having many males dominating me within safe walls. I’ll want something close to this when I leave.”

  “Me, too.” Babshi releases her breasts and slides her top back into place. “This is the best place in the universe. I’m not leaving it to settle down with one male. I love the variety of sexy males I get here. If you want more than one male, you should think about becoming a plaything.” She enthusiastically bobs her head causing her short wild hair to dance.

  A blast of heat crosses my cheeks. “I think I’ll stay with Zar for now.”

  Lingma’s green tail darts out and swats my hand. “Address him properly when in public. Zaphinians like to be called by their title.” Her dark eyes gleam. “Unless you want him to punish you, that is?”

  Babshi shivers and grins. “I love it when they strip us down and spank us. It fuels the fire in them and then they fuck with wild abandon. There’s nothing else like it. I think I’ll be bad tonight.”

  “Chick, you are so sexually devious. I love that about you. Maybe you can be bad to two males at the same time,” Lingma suggests as she fans herself with her tail.

  “Double the sex. Double the fun.” Babshi licks her bright pink lips and slides her hand between her legs.

  Lingma’s tail darts out and swats Babshi’s hand. “Stop it. You know they want to work for it.”

  Pink lips pout. “You’re right.” Her light blue eyes suddenly brighten. “I do love them working for it. All that muscle and commanding dominance directed at me.”

  A few naked females walk by us and then come back. Two of them are humans but they are a good six feet tall. I haven’t met any human females that tall on Earth. Due to the lack of food, I’m considered tall at five feet seven inches. I wonder where they got enough food from to be so tall.

  The tasrocian with them looks familiar. A second later, I realize she’s the one that Din Von had sitting in his lap and then sent off the first time I was here in the club. She’s just as pretty as Lingma. But then all of the females and males that work here are good looking in their own way.

  Green, pretty, and proud, the tasrocian says, “Hi, I’m Morsa and these two are Kammy and Diana. Are you from Bluemoon like them?”

  “No, I’m from Earth. I didn’t know humans were settled on other planets?” I must be the most ignorant being on the planet. But at least I’m doing better in a crowd now that I’ve set my mind to it. That’s one good thing.

  “Humans are on a few planets,” Diana says. Her gaze glances down my body. “Are you a plaything now?”

  “No, I’m Din Zar’s seema.” All three of the females look at me with sad eyes.

  Kammy’s green eyes soften. “He’s a nice guy. If you ask nicely, he’ll let you come to work here. This is where all the cock is.”

  Diana’s blue eyes light up. “That’s right. This is the place to be. Lots of sexy males just panting to dominate us.”

  Fire touches my cheeks. I can’t imagine sharing my body with so many different males.

  Morsa’s lips form an O. “That shy look is going to get you a lot of attention. Zaphinian males do like a challenge.” She taps her dark green tail on the edge of the table. “Unless, you only want one male.”

  All of the females around me gasp in horror.



  ~ Hallie ~


  I feel terrible. I don’t want to be passed around. I remember Lingma and Babshi saying how much fun Zar is when playing with the two of them. Doubt fills my chest. I don’t know if I can make him happy. My stupid heart is falling hard for a male I don’t think I can satisfy. I don’t want to hold him back. What am I going to do?

  The door opens and Din Zar walks over to me. All of the females around the table freeze and one at time they look into his eyes. At his nod they relax and leave the area. His gaze lands on me. I look away. He clears his throat and I look up into his eyes.

  “You are to hold my gaze until I release you.” He looks into my eyes and then inhales through his vents. A moment later he nods.

  I look down at my hands and wring them. Shame wells in my chest. I can’t make him happy. That makes me sad.

  The cuff being slapped on my wrist draws my attention. I look up into his intense eyes. “Come, seema. It looks like we need some privacy.” He helps me up, clasps my hand with his, and leads me out of the room.

  Fuck. He’d just absorbed my emotions and now he knows I’m not right for him. Will he take me back to the platform from hell? Is that where we’re going? I don’t want to leave Zaphin. I don’t want to be sold again.

  A low growl coming from him has me looking up. Zar isn’t looking at me, he’s busy making a path through the crowd. I’m a step behind him and forced into walking fast to keep up. Worry has my heart pounding. He growls again but he’s so focused on guiding me through the crowd that he doesn’t look down at me. It has to be bad if he’s growling without even looking into my eyes.

  He leads me close to one of the bars and to a door that blends into the dark wall. I haven’t notice the door the couple of times I’ve been led passed it. Zar presses his hand to the handle and leads me through the door.

  In the corridor, behind the closed door, the sound of the music is muted. I follow him into a room and quickly look around. It appears to be a lounge. There is a small bar in the corner and several causal seating areas. Of course, the furniture is massive just like the males that use it.

  My cuff coming off has my attention snapping way up and into his lightly glowing eyes. Oh, shit. I know for a fact that his eyes only glow when his emotions are running high.

  I briefly wonder if I’ve done something wrong that I’m not even aware of. Moving to a new planet is not an easy thing. If he wants to get rid of me, I hope he takes me back home. I worry my teeth over my lower lip.

  He inhales deeply and then his gaze softens. “What’s bothering you, seema?”

  Fuck. I wring my hands and look at the floor. The floor is safe. His laser gaze will do me in if I look into it. I really like him. If I lie convincingly maybe I can keep him. My parents have to be rolling over in their grave. With lots of compunction, I answer, “Nothing really.”

  His boots move into my line of vision. I start slightly when his thumb and index finger gently pinch my chin and raise my face. There’s fire in his eyes. “Don’t lie to me, Hallie Mead. Your scent stinks of insecurity and worry. What did the playthings say that set you off?”

  I shiver at his commanding tone. A satisfied gleam enters his mesmerizing eyes. Fuck. He knows I’m going to cave so I may as well do it. “I can’t get naked in front of all the club members.”

  A dark brow raises. “And?”

  Searing heat blazes a path across my cheeks. “I d…don’t want to be passed around to other males.” I lower my gaze to get away from his intense one. I don’t want to share him with other females either. My heart sinks. I wish I could be like everyone else here.

  His thumb rubs along my bottom lip. “I can work with you not being totally naked in the club, for now. Look into my eyes, seema.” He waits as I slowly bring my gaze to his. The fire in his eyes is hotter than ever. “You belong to me. I’m not going to give you to other males.” He inhales deeply. “Tell me what else is bothering you.” His tone is back to being commanding.

  I shiver and swallow hard. “I don’t want to share you with other females,” I whisper passed the lump in my throat. I gesture around. “I understand that’s what happens here, but I can’t do it.” I clutch his powerful forearms desperately. “Are you going to sell me now?”


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