Enchanted: Dotties Story

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Enchanted: Dotties Story Page 2

by Linda Gerald

  “Here, here, what is this? Are you crying again? Why would you cry? Don’t you know that you are safe?”

  These words seemed absurd to the young woman. Either this man was very naive or insensitive. She hoped so intensely that he was not insensitive.

  “No, sir, I don’t believe that I know anything. Surely, you understand that I don’t have the slightest idea where we are. I don’t even recognize my name. I only want to go home, wherever that may be. I am so very sorry. I don’t mean to appear ungrateful. You are most kind.”

  Then, to her amazement, the tears flowed uncontrollably. It was impossible to stop the deep emotion which racked her body. Living in such a state of dependence would be impossible for her. Facing each day, with no memory, would be a constant state of Hell.

  Her host pulled her firmly toward him. She pushed away, shaking her head.

  “No, I may ruin your shirt with my makeup if you try to console me. I don’t want to create any more work for you or Dottie, whomever that is. I am sorry to be such a heavy burden.” Her muffled sobs saturated the quiet night air.

  This kind man gently put his finger under her chin. He raised her face. She could smell alcohol on his breath. There was no fear of him; she only feared her circumstances. The look of compassion, on his face, was comforting. There was nothing at all of danger.

  “Let’s be very clear, right now. I didn’t have to help you, but I wanted very much to be of assistance to you. I’m not sure why. My wife died a very long time ago.”

  The stranger looked at the back of his driver’s head. It was apparent that he listened carefully. The handsome man raised the barrier between the two areas.

  “Miss, I am lonely. My life, once exciting and full, is now filled with trivia. You suddenly give me a purpose. You see, I don’t believe in coincidences. I think God puts people in our lives for a reason. Many people believe this. It is pretty apparent that you were dropped right in front of me.”

  They both laughed at the absurdity of their situation. To her amazement, he put his arm around her shoulders.

  “You must believe me that I do not have an agenda. It is not my intention to seduce you or use you in any way. Maybe, you will find that I am a decent and good person someday.”

  His smile seemed to back his words.

  “Look; you are not in danger. You should realize that you are safe. You are free to leave, whenever you choose. I will help you with whatever decision you make. Why don’t we just enjoy this situation and each other, if possible? We can have great times together just educating you on the joys of New York, until the time that your memory returns.”

  He then described to her their location in relationship to the city.

  They were entering Duchess County located in the southeastern corner of New York State. He mentioned Franklin Roosevelt. This trivia surprisingly caused recognition. She knew that he was a past president. Such a small morsel of knowledge gave her hope for the future.

  He was correct earlier in his statements. What other choice was there for her? She could live in fear that he may harm her, or she could trust him. His outlook was more appealing to her. She started to relax, as she listened to the melody of his voice. He appeared so carefree and happy.

  Apparently, he lived in a place called Millbrook. After about an hour of driving, she began to notice large areas containing lovely old homes. There appeared to be great plots of land with pastures. Was this horse-country? Mr. Grover stated that his home was not very old. He and his wife, Edwina, built it together about thirty years ago. She designed each detail of their rather eccentric home.

  When he mentioned Edwina, he seemed to smile and look away with a detached gaze. There was a longing in his voice. It was apparent that his time with her was euphoric. He looked intently at the strange woman.

  “Well, this is your abode for a short while. I need to explain that my wife was a little different. I suppose that ordinary people are labeled ‘crazy’ if they seem different. The rich are ‘eccentric.’ Soon, after we completed our home, one evening as we returned from a night in the city, she decided to add a remarkable feature. Don’t be shocked. My home isn’t a circus or restaurant.”

  As he looked ahead, she followed his eyes. Suddenly, as they turned, the entire entrance was lighted with hundreds, maybe thousands of twinkling lights. The most beautiful music softly played from speakers. The wrought-iron gates continued to open. They entered a fairly land; unlike anything she had ever seen. Although, she could not remember seeing much of anything.

  “What is that enchanting sound?” She asked in a mesmerized voice.

  “Funny that you use the term, ‘Enchanting.’ It is a song from long ago by a band named the Platters. Edwina loved the group. The song is ‘Enchanted.’”

  The driver slowly drove into a beautiful world. Far-removed from the rush of the craziness outside. Here, no terrorists existed. No arguing or fighting raged only beauty and peace. The stranger later stated, this was as close to Heaven as she could ever feel. The driver slowed, as a large pool reflected the lights which surrounded it. There was a small cottage. She felt safe. The man looked at his home, as though seeing it for the first time.

  “Every time that I return here, it is as though I see it with my wife by my side. I love our home so much. Do you feel her presence? Her death may have transported her away, but she created this.”

  He moved his hand in a sweeping gesture with such joy. Now, the guest felt the essence of his being. She said, at that moment, she felt confident that she would never leave without him beside her for the rest of her life. A chill ran down her spine, as she took in the beauty and security surrounding her.

  “I hate to add to the circus theme here, but the name of our home is ‘Enchanted.’”

  He beamed with joy.

  “Again, my name is Mr. Grover. You are most welcome at my home. It is only me. My housekeeper, Dottie, and her grandson live in another small house on the estate. This cottage is the pool house. I think you will be comfortable for as long as you need help.”

  Those words gave the young woman such relief from the pain and worry which tormented her.


  The black Lincoln pulled in front of a small, stone cottage. The entire estate was well-lighted. Nothing escaped from view. The two men slowly walked, with the guest, toward the door of the little cottage. Ivy surrounded the gates.

  “Do you leave these lights on all through the night?”

  “Yes, we always have. You become accustomed to them very soon. However, if you feel they are a bother, we can turn them off.”

  He smiled sadly. Would this stranger try to change his world?

  “What about the music? Does it play all night long?”

  The handsome owner smiled again with sadness.

  “Yes, my wife loved it so. Again, you have been invited. I want you to be comfortable, so we can do whatever you desire.”

  Chase, the driver, accompanied them. He signed loudly. Apparently, he did not appreciate the concessions his boss was making to this strange woman.

  “Don’t you dare change a thing. I love it so. I’m sure that I will adapt quickly. I am most fatigued.” She lowered her eyes at the impetuousness of her words. It sounded as if she asked him to leave.

  “Yes, of course, how about a quick tour? Then, I’ll be on my way to the main house. First, let me show you the buzzer. If you press this, the entire compound comes alive with lights and our guard. In just a moment, you will be surrounded with protection. You see, you could not be in a safer environment. Everything is always fresh. Dottie makes sure. Well, I’m off. See you tomorrow.”

  With that, he and Chase walked to the Lincoln and quietly drove away a little too quickly. She stood by the window sadly watching their departure. His “tour” had been very brief. Feelings of loneliness and fear pervaded her space.

  Quietness surrounded her. The beautiful “Enchanted,” softly played. Alone, the stranger stood. The sound pulled her to the d
oor. She walked outside. The air was fresh and crisp. Overhead, millions of God’s lights twinkled. The lamps of Enchanted were beautiful. Still, there was no topping the stars in the heavens. She strolled along the paved path to the small stone fence which encircled the cottage. Opening the gate, she studied her new home. It was magnificent. The smallness, of the pool house, in comparison to the largeness of the compound, made her feel in control. The gray stones topped with a steep slate roof. The doors and shutters were painted black. Two black rockers moved gently in the increasing wind. All of the elements produced an elegant little home which was perfect for one person or a couple. Of course, it was merely the pool house. Who were these people with such a fortune? The guest dipped her toe into the cold water of the pool. The wind blew into her face. Lights swirled all around her. “Enchanted” played softly. The young woman felt faint with exhaustion and peace. A large smile covered her face.

  Walking inside, she locked the lock, then bolted the door. The owners had thought of the peace and comfort of their guests. Her thoughts returned to the handsome proprietor. Who was his wife? The power, which she maintained over Mr. Grover even from her grave, was unyielding.

  The stranger tired of all of the thoughts. Touching the shabby chic furniture, she walked to the travertine bath. Turning the water onto scorching, she lost herself in the shower. French soap caressed her body with a very light lilac fragrance. She began to relax. Luxuriating from the heat, she felt like a different person. As she stepped from the shower, she wrapped a thick, white towel around her body. The temperature of the cottage was too warm for her. After locating the thermostat, she plunged the temperature to a lower one, which allowed her to remove the towel quickly from around her body and climb into an antique sleigh bed. The yellow duvet was all feathers. These floated softly around her tired body and spirit. The softness, of the sheets, felt smooth and comforting. Instantly, she thanked God for keeping her safe, through whatever it was she had experienced. Suddenly, she realized that her fear of being alone was unfounded. God, the spirit, surrounded her. She felt his presence. A smile caressed her lips. The little room was well-lighted from the many lights outside. The soft yellow color, of the duvet and walls, was soothing to her spirit. Gently, she closed her eyes with perfect peace. There would never be words to describe the depth of her emotions, deep thankfulness to the handsome man for his immense kindness to her.


  What was that sound? Fearfully, she sat straight up from a profound and peaceful sleep. Where was she? Confusedly, she rubbed her head. It throbbed intently. Strange thoughts swirled in her mind. A woman’s frown permeated through the maze. Horrible yelling and anger caused her to jump from the safety of her feathered bed. Danger! All of the action seemed to be happening in her head, but she could not be sure. She grabbed a blanket and ran to the door. In a fit of fear, she quickly unlocked and unbolted the door.

  As she ran, toward the direction that the car had driven earlier, she realized that she was out of control. Fear consumed her. Heavy perspiration, despite the cold temperature, drenched her body. No shoes on her tender feet, but it was of no concern. She must reach the main house and the kind man who made her feel safe, if only briefly.

  The blanket, which was cuddled loosely around her, fell at one corner. It became snagged on a tree root. The force, of the pull, dragged her onto the ground. Confident that she heard steps behind her, she ripped it from the confines of the tree root. Somehow, she had strayed from the path and was surrounded by trees and natural terrain. Still, she could see the lights of the palatial home. It pulled her, as a massive magnet. Safety awaited. She staggered from the ground. Deep pain radiated through her right shoulder. Still, she ran. That sound, “Enchanted,” began to calm her. Her frantic pace slowed if only a little. Her senses seemed to replace the confusion of before, but there was still a deep fear.

  Looming ahead was the home of Mr. Grover. He would know what to do. Danger alerted her body to, “Fight or flight.” She chose, “Flight.” Peace must be attainable, even for this tormented soul with no memory. Had she done something terrible, or had someone done something cruel to her? Again, the tears flowed. Unable to see clearly, she fell several more times before reaching the front door.

  The grand house looked just like the pool house but many times more magnificent. The stone stairs were cold and rough to her bleeding and torn feet. The pain, in her shoulder, intensified. Where was everyone? Plummeting the door, with her fists, she screamed for help.

  Instantly, it seemed as if every light in the house glowed. She appeared to regain her senses. What a foolish woman, he would think of her. Still, she beat on the door as if driven by a force beyond her control. Was she insane?

  Through the faceted crystal glass, she saw a dark form. He was looking through the window. The door slowly opened. Mr. Grover looked confused.

  “What is the problem? You are bleeding. Someone has hurt you?” He stepped onto the porch and looked intently into the woods. The stranger fell into his arms.

  “I honestly don’t know what is wrong. I fell asleep peacefully, to the music but awakened in great fear. Please, can I sleep here? Don’t make me return to the little cottage alone.” Her breathing was labored. Her skin was wet. He pulled her inside and closed the massive wooden door.

  Without a word, he walked up the grand staircase. Dense, red carpet poshly covered the stairs. She followed without a sound. As they topped the stairs, he turned right. Still, she silently followed. Sconces provided a soft-pink ambiance to the pale neutral-colored walls of the hall. He opened closed doors. They were French-white. He touched a switch. Her eyes surveyed the most beautiful room. A gasp escaped her tired lungs. The blood, from her cut leg, trickled onto the red Persian rug.

  The young woman sat on the floor with the blanket pulled tightly over her. Her attempts, to put pressure on the bloodied site on her leg, seemed to help. The bleeding finally stopped.

  For the longest time, no sound was uttered. The owner watched her, with a look of interest but no emotion. Suddenly, he held his hand to her. Timidly, she received it. He pulled her and the blanket close to his chest. Gently, they swayed, as a parent would hold a child. Once again, she felt like a child being comforted by a parent. This man was kind. She felt confident.

  He pulled back from her. His eyes registered compassion. This stranger needed him. His thoughts returned to his first wife. Edwina refused his desire to care for her, but this young woman had no choice. She needed him. All of his life, there abounded in his soul a desire to care for someone’s need. Everyone in his life had been self-sufficient with vitality.

  This strange woman looked into his eyes fearfully. Her dark hair fell in soft strands around a child’s face. The light reflected from the blue-blackness of her beautiful hair. Dark brown eyes also glowed at him. She appeared to blush from his intense stare. He realized that she was around forty years old. Such beautiful, delicate features looked at him. Her porcelain skin appeared as alabaster. Many years, without his wife, had presented him with profound loneliness. Could this being, in front of him, be the answer to the dream of another life filled with joy and contentment? Her small face and delicate features radiated innocence.

  The woman staggered slightly. Taking her by the hand, he walked with her to the bathroom. Then, he motioned toward the high, claw-footed tub. Unsure, of what action to take, she sat on the edge. Gently, he cleaned her wound with soap and water. He applied an ointment and bandage.

  “Tomorrow, Dottie will know what to do. Now, let me see that shoulder.”

  She pulled her arm from the shield of the blanket. The sheet fell, from her hand, exposing her entire right side. She had inadvertently shown herself from the waist up. Fear and confusion refused to allow feelings of embarrassment. Their eyes met.

  “I don’t know how to proceed. Edwina would know.” He shook his head in disgust. What a strange thing to say, he thought.

  The woman now reached toward his face. Gently, she drew him to her
lips. The kiss was long but very gentle. It was not a kiss of passion. Again, they looked into each other’s eyes. Now, there was tremendous longing and confusion from each.This situation presented such a strange set of circumstances. Every action seemed wrong, contrived. They were both reacting honestly to the situation. Neither had an agenda.

  “Why don’t we just enjoy each day and learn to trust if possible?”

  She looked at him with a smile. He smiled back at the woman-child. Those were his words, from earlier, which she now repeated. Not desiring to leave her, he hesitated. She followed him into the room across from his. He motioned to the bed of his wife.

  “I want you to sleep here. This room remained deprived of beauty for a long time. There is such longing in my heart to fill it with laughter and music as long ago. We don’t know what you may remember. Could you be married with children? There is no ring on your hand.” They both looked at her left hand.

  “We could be setting ourselves up for such pain. This scenario could destroy me. It is impossible for me to lose another love. All of this is preposterous. Of course, any feelings are premature. We don’t even know each other. You don’t know yourself.”

  He shook his head in confusion. They both realized that they were acting hastily and without any real thought about the intelligent way to continue. They both longed for love. It seemed as if God had brought two damaged souls together here at Enchanted. There appeared to exist a need to cling to each other. Could they not follow their feelings? Must they be forced to use caution? He was tired of always living under restraint.

  “I think that we are worth the risk if we follow our hearts but with great care. What do you say?”


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