Sweet Obsessions: His Beauty, Her Beast

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Sweet Obsessions: His Beauty, Her Beast Page 7

by Christine Gray

  “You’re laying it on a bit thick. You need to dial that shit down,” he hissed as they walked along.

  She threw him a nasty stare before she asked the man another question. The man jumped into an animated answer before he waved her over to show her what he had meant.

  No longer able to keep silent, he grabbed her.

  “I’m sorry about this morning, now stop this shit, now. I’m on the verge of fucking up one of these men,” he snarled. He had never experienced such a violent, possessive reaction over a woman before.

  She blinked, confused. “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “Don’t play dumb, Lakyta. The only reason you’re asking all these questions is to piss me off, and it worked. Now—”

  “Fuck your arrogant rich ass,” she spat, jerking her arm free.

  He took a step back.

  “You think that everything is all about you, you fuckin’ asshole,” she said loudly.

  He didn’t have to look to see if the workers on that level had put down their tools to listen to the argument. He could feel their eyes on them. All work stopped, creating silence.

  “You never thought that I was asking those questions because I’m really interested in learning so that I will be good at my job? Wait,” she snapped, holding up her hand to shut him up. “Of course not, cuz all I’m good for is sucking your dick and spreading it wide.”

  He pinned her with his gaze. He reached out his hand. Lakyta knocked his hand away. He could see the raw emotion shaking her body.

  “And for the record, I’m not as dumb as you think I am. Over there,” she pointed, “that’s a high bearing wall which means you need a steel rod enforcement running down the entire wall to ensure that it doesn’t collapse under the weight of the other floors on top of it, but if you look here, that beam isn’t thick enough. Your dumb ass wouldn’t have even noticed that because they were going to cover it up.”

  “We’re fixing that mistake now, sir,” stuttered the manager in his defense.

  “Calm down and let me talk to you. I—”

  “No, and if you would have introduced me as your soon-to-be wife, instead of just a woman that was tagging along, then maybe they would have given me respect,” she thundered.

  “Enough,” he shouted. His voice vibrated throughout the floor.

  “Suck my ass,” she shouted back before she walked away.

  He ran his hands through his hair. He couldn’t care less about the reactions of the men when they began to chuckle, clap, and make comments because they were all right. He had been acting like a damn fool since yesterday. He took after her. He was amazed at how fast she was able to move in the black heels she had on. He frowned when she marched passed the car and headed for the sidewalk. He began to run and yell her name, but she didn’t stop.

  She knew he would soon catch her. Lakyta debated running, but she wasn’t going to chance falling and giving him the opportunity of having to come to her rescue.

  He reached out, pulling her back.

  “Stop, please stop. I’m sorry for—”

  “Embarrassing me…for making me feel like I’m beneath your punk ass. I know you don’t love me, Brick, and I know that you really don’t want me beyond fucking me, but you could at least give me an ounce of respect,” she mumbled.

  He held her fast when she tried to pull away.

  “I know I’ve been an asshole to you, and I’m sorry. I’m still adjusting to everything,” he explained, weakly.

  She looked at him with a wide eyed stare. “You’re adjusting,” she chuckled. The way her full lips twisted made his stomach turn. “Oh, so you were the one whose father threatened you upon death because he wanted to sell you like a slut to line his pockets. You were the one that was fighting back tears of shame because your clothes were dropped off in fuckin’ garbage bags like you’re a damn hobo. Goodbye, Brick.”

  He felt his heart drop to his knees. “What do you mean, goodbye?”

  She jerked free. “Oh, don’t worry. It won’t be forever.”

  She pulled out her cell phone, and began to walk toward the busy street.

  Brick danced on his feet as he followed her with his gaze. In a matter of a few seconds, she had hailed a cab to disappear from his sight.


  “Is that just tea?”

  Lakyta smiled at the site of Dustin and two of her other friends as they approached the table.

  “Yes,” she sighed. She needed this. She needed to be with people that reminded her of who she was and gave her the comfort of her past.

  “Damn, that’s a big ring. Are you sure this guy isn’t into you?” questioned Esmeralda.

  “Oh, he’s been into her a few times. That’s why she got the ring,” chuckled Heidi. “Sorry,” she smiled at the look Lakyta gave her.

  “Look,” she sighed leaning across the table. “We all know this could be much worse, if fate hadn’t stepped in. At least you won’t mind giving it up,” pointed out Heidi.

  “Hell yeah, most women would be jumping up and down if they were you. Who gives a fuck if he gets all PMS every now and then, just smile and count that money,” stated Esmeralda.

  “Shit, you have your own Sugar Daddy for the next five years. That’s better than what any Sugar Baby out here has. Milk his ass, just like he’s going to be getting what he wants from you every time he fucks you,” added Heidi.

  “You guys make her sound like a prostitute,” huffed Dustin.

  “No, she’s his wife—”

  “And will be the mother of his children,” remarked Esmeralda, cutting Heidi off.

  “That’s the only bad part of the deal…the kids,” mumbled Heidi. “But since you didn’t sign your rights over, you’ll just get a good lawyer to fight for you. You’ll have the money to do so.”

  She glanced behind her two friends and began to count the number of couples that were in the restaurant. She knew that is was crazy for her to have thought she and Brick would be like them.

  Dustin, being her closest friend, was able to read her mind.

  “You two chicken heads forgot one thing,” he said, at last weighing in on everything. “Five years is a long time, and a lot can happen. Maybe you and him will be able to get it together within that time,” he held up his hands to shut the two girls that were more poison than actual friends, up. “All I’m saying is for Brick to be the one to walk into that room was some amazing shit. I’m not saying that what he did was right, but he is making changes, just like you are. People don’t always react smart every damn time.”

  He watched Lakyta’s face while she processed his words. He prayed that she would see the wisdom in his words. In Brick’s shoes, he too, would be a bit froggy after stepping into a pile of shit that was going to change his life forever.

  She didn’t know if it was out of fear of wanting to make things work with Brick, or the fear of rejection when they didn’t, but she smiled and agreed with Esmeralda and Heidi. Dustin cursed and rolled his eyes in anger. He always hated those two girls. He was sure that they were encouraging her for their own selfish motives. Either to use her new position for gain or to fuck around with Brick behind her back. They hid their envy good.

  “What you need is a night out,” suggested Heidi.

  “No!” snapped Dustin.

  “Why the hell not? I haven’t been out in a while, and this time…I won’t have to lie about where I’ve been,” replied Lakyta while she flashed the huge rock on her hand.

  “Then I’m going too,” he demanded.


  Across town, Forester walked onto the office without knocking. He hadn’t come to play games or hold his son’s hand.

  “What the hell happened?”

  Brick leaned back in his chair. He tossed the papers he had been trying to figure out on the desk. Since the mess with Lakyta, he hadn’t been able to focus on anything for too long. He snatched up his phone, typed out another message, and sent the text over.

  “Why don’t you c
lue me in on what you’re yelling about?”

  “Don’t fuck with me, son. You know damn well what I’m talking about.”

  “Is this about me or is it Ma that you’re upset about?”

  His father narrowed his eyes. “I would enjoy punching you in the face right now.”

  “I could use a good fight, old man, so don’t push me,” growled Brick as he threw his phone down on the desk. “Why the hell she isn’t responding?”

  Forester didn’t have to ask who he was talking about. “From what I’ve heard it’s because you were a shitehawk. What the hell happened? The last I saw, you two were getting along just fine.”

  Brick closed his eyes and rubbed his forehead. “I don’t know. I might have said some things that were off colored,” he sighed.

  His dad took a seat, at last. “Which means you did. Well—”

  “Don’t worry, though. I’ll still go through with it, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

  “Oh, I know you are,” nodded Forester.

  “Does that mean I don’t have a choice?”

  “No, it means that I could see that you want that girl. Pike told me about her before he left,” replied his father.

  Brick went still. He could only imagine what Pike had told him. That he used to make excuses to be at her locker between classes so he could talk to her. Even after all these years, he could still recall every conversation they had. That he used to masturbate to the image of her. That he used to hate it when the other kids in their circle used to talk shit about her, but he kept quiet out of fear because he didn’t want to be an outcast for liking her. That she used to be all he wanted to talk about when it was just him and his brother. That for years, he wondered what had happened to her. That Pike could see the glimmer of excitement in his eyes when he had realized just who she was that night.

  “I’ll work it out,” he whispered. He tilted his head to examine his father. The normally energetic man looked worn out. “Is it that bad…Ma, I mean?”

  “She wants you to call her,” he answered, choosing to ignore the question.

  “I take it she’s come to terms with having two black daughters-in-law?” asked Brick, dryly.

  “She’s still reliving the shock of it daily, and she’s doing her best to put on a brave face in front of the people she seems to value the most,” replied Forester, stiffly.

  “And you…how are you dealing with her?”

  Brick eyed his father when he got to his feet to leave. “I’m dealing with her as little as I can get away with, but every man gets tired, son. I hope you’ll prove to be more like me than her this time around.”

  Forester squared his shoulders and left the room.


  By the time it had turned 1:26am, Brick was beyond mad. He was enraged as he paced through the sitting room. He had already stripped down to nothing but his loose fitting jeans, gone into the small workout room, and pumped iron three times to release some of his pent up energy, but nothing seemed to be taking the edge off. His chest and arm muscles throbbed from the torture he had put them through. He knew he was going to regret it in the morning, but at that moment, he felt no pain. His adrenalin was so high, and it cancelled it out.

  He picked up his phone, dialed her number again, and waited. His pulse quickened when he heard her line pick up.

  “I’m going to fuckin…Lakyta…Lakyta,” he yelled into the phone, before he realized that her line had picked up by accident.

  He growled while he shook his phone in frustration. Quickly, he put the phone on speaker, set it down on the coffee table, and went back to pacing as he listened to the chaos and laughter on the other end. From the music, he could tell she was at a club, with God only knew who. He froze in mid-step. He could hear a woman telling Lakyta about some guy that said he wanted to talk to her. He heard Lakyta laugh, a few male voices, then the line went dead.

  It wasn’t until 2:40 am that he heard the key moving around in the door. Brick slowly got up from the chair he had been sitting in and walked into the hallway toward the front door. He could hear whispers.

  Dustin glanced up. It was like looking into the face of a demon as it materialized out of the shadows. It wasn’t the expression of Brick’s face that was murderous that turned his blood cold. It was the lack of one.

  Brick eyed the man while he slowly closed the space between him and them. Dustin was doing his best to keep Lakyta on her feet, she was so drunk.

  “I’m so sorry. I told her not to go out, but—”

  “How did you get through the gate?” asked Brick, in a low, controlled tone.

  “I…well, I tossed her over it, and then I climbed it,” panted Dustin.

  “Ah, that explains the dirty clothes,” nodded Brick.

  He stopped a good distance away as he put his itching palm into his jeans pockets.

  “Well, if you would just take her, I’ll—”

  “Did anything happen that I should know about, although, I doubt you’ll tell me if it did, Dustin,” Brick sneered.

  “Look, I know what you heard. All fuckin’ night long, they told her not to answer her phone, then all of a sudden it picks up at just the right second. I’m the one that hung it up when I saw what was going on. I promise you, that she did nothing wrong,” Dustin swore.

  Brick stared at him silently. His gaze scanned her hunched over and shaking body.

  “Nothing happened, but she’s dressed like a damn whore,” hissed Brick.

  “That was one of her fri…no, she’s not a friend. It was one of the envious bitches’ idea. I can’t tell you what to do, but maybe you can break up that friendship, ‘cause God knows I’ve tried,” suggested Dustin.

  Her weight was starting to become too much. He had already dragged her out of the taxi cab that was still waiting outside on the street, across the manicured yard, after jumping the gate, and rolling down the hill. He stumbled back to hit the open front door. Lakyta started to laugh and scream while she rocked.

  “Leave her,” commanded Brick in disgust.

  “Well, you need to come get—”

  “Didn’t you just say you can’t tell me what to do,” growled Brick, taking a step toward him.

  “Look, I don’t want you hurting her,” warned Dustin.

  “Get the fuck out before I smash your fuckin’ face,” roared Brick.

  He snatched Lakyta from Dustin’s arms, placed his strong hand on the man’s face, and shoved him out of the front door, before he slammed the door. He let go of Lakyta, dropping her on the floor to lock the door.

  “Ouch, that wasn’t very nice,” she giggled.

  He towered over her as she lay on her back. The satin dress she had on looked more like a shirt, it was so short. He had no problem looking up it all the way to her pale blue, lace hipster panties.

  “Close your legs,” he grumbled, bending over to close them for her.

  “Why?” she teased as she opened them wider. She reached between her legs and began to rub on her cunt. “I thought this was the way you liked me most.”

  “You need to be quiet. You’re fucking drunk,” he shouted. “I thought you were going to control that?”

  She shrugged, slightly. “I was stressed, so I needed a little—”

  “But you can’t do that every time it gets hard. What if McCormac was here?”

  “Is he?” she questioned, sitting up.


  “Then why the hell are you worried about it?” she slurred.

  She rolled onto her side, and after a few failed attempts, she managed to get up on her feet. Brick ran his hand through his hair as he tried to get in control of his anger.

  “Now, stop your bitching and get this black pussy,” she smirked. She staggered towards him. He reached out a hand to keep her away.


  “Oh, come on,” she pouted.

  She grabbed the hem of the dress and pulled it off. Next, she opened her bra and tossed it on the ground.

��I’ve been told by the guys that when I’m drunk, I have no gag reflex. I’ll be able to suckie, suckie a long time,” she smirked in a painful voice.

  “Is there a purpose behind this?” he asked in a cold tone.

  “I’m just trying to be want you want me to be,” she explained.

  “What I want is for you to stop acting like a drunk slut,” he growled.

  “Then don’t treat me like that’s all I’m good for, you sorry sack of shit,” she yelled as she pushed him hard on the chest. She stumbled back, caught her balance on the wall, and began to walk away.

  “I’m not done with you yet,” he announced, grabbing her by the arm.

  “Okay, on the wall,” she offered.

  She leaned back. She opened her legs wide, and pulled her panties aside for him to see her pussy.

  He had enough. He picked her up, forcibly. Without a word, he walked through the large house, opened a panel of glass, and stepped outside.


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