Withstanding Me

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Withstanding Me Page 1

by Crystal Spears

  Table of Contents

  Withstanding Me


  Copyright 2013, Crystal D. Spears

  A letter from the Author


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13 - Part - 1

  Chapter 13 - Part - 2

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Shadowing Me

  Other books by Crystal Spears

  Contact the Author


  Withstanding Me

  Crystal Spears

  Copyright 2013, Crystal D. Spears

  FBI Anti-Piracy Warning: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of a copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to five years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

  Advertencia Antipirateria del FBI: La reproducción o distribución no autorizada de una obra protegida por derechos de autor es ilegal. La infracción criminal de los derechos de autor, incluyendo la infracción sin lucro monetario, es investigada por el FBI y es castigable con pena de hasta cinco años en prisión federal y una multa de $250,000.

  Copyright 2013, Crystal D. Spears


  Copyright © 2013 by Crystal D. Spears

  ISBN: 9781301790418

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher Crystal Spears except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  All names, work of arts, places are fictitious and from the imagination of the Author.

  This material contains New Adult/Mature acts and/or situations along with language.

  To contact the author for any reason, you will find contact information at the back of this novel.

  Cover images for Graphic Design licensed by Shutterstock and Canstock.


  Crystal Spears


  Katie Mac’s Indie Express LLC: Katie Mac

  Graphic Design

  Crystal Spears


  Crystal Spears

  A letter from the Author

  Dear Readers,

  You will have questions all throughout this novel; those questions will be answered as you continue to read Withstanding Me. Although you can read Withstanding Me as a standalone, I feel it would be best if you read the series in order. Each character has his or her own story. I would also like to warn you that I did not hold back on any details with certain aspects of writing this novel, and some areas might be difficult for you to read. I wanted to make my fictitious world gritty, raw, and full of angst. Nothing is held back. So here is my warning before you enter the world of ‘Breakneck’. If you can’t stand reading about drugs, violence, sex, murder, and vengeance, then this isn’t a world for you. It also contains explicit language. Although I thank you for purchasing my novel, I feel it is my duty to warn you ahead of time.

  For my readers that read Seize Me, I took all your advice, critiques and much more into consideration with writing Withstanding Me. You will notice there is a lot of broken language and this is due to the fact my readers wanted the bikers to seem more rugged. And I would also like to address that although you may think a rogue biker gang is all peaches and cream, they are indeed not. You have your good MC’s and you have your bad. I grew up around bikers. My step-mom was with one and my father happened to purchase a tattoo shop from a biker gang. At the age of sixteen, I watched a man walk straight into my dad’s tattoo shop with a bullet jammed into his head, bleeding onto the tiled floor. I was alone and waited with this biker until the cops showed. All artists cut out and left me there with this patched member all alone. People told me to write what I know and I am doing just that. No one paid attention to the sixteen-year-old girl sketching out tattoos. No one thought that girl was listening, when in fact, she was. Not all Motorcycle clubs are bad; in fact, there are some very caring ones out there. But the ones I grew up around… not so much.

  My life is no secret; I use no pen name. I have no reason to lie about such things. Most of what my series contains is fiction, but some of it is not. You be the judge. I’ve taken some of the most negative moments in my life and used them to create this world. The truth, readers, is that not everything is sunshine and rainbows. I would also like to address that some of my Seize Me reviews mentioned that I condone violence. I DO NOT condone violence. I am simply storytelling, some from real life and some of it not. I have another novel coming out next year that will have some of my real life in it told through my character. So no, I do not condone violence at all. And to my readers, thank you for following me and reading my series. It’s because of you that my dream of becoming a writer is real.


  Crystal Spears


  Kathryn Crane, because she never stopped believing in me!

  Chapter One


  It’s been two fuckin weeks since Mira stopped by the damn clubhouse wanting to talk to my daughter. What gives her the fucking right? She left me to raise a child at the age of thirteen, and eighteen years later, she thinks she can magically return into Tatiana’s life? Yeah, that’s right; I’m a thirty-one year old man with an eighteen-year-old daughter. Judge me bitches. I don’t give a shit. I admit I’m sitting at Club Sated and getting wasted off my ass over this shit. Why am I here, and not at Breakneck? Well, there’s plenty of naked pussy around, and when any man is upset and feeling down, he wants to be around pussy. Don’t let any of them lie to you. But there’s this one bitch here that I want and for the first time in my life, a bitch doesn’t want me back. I don’t see what the big deal is. I just wanna take her home and fuck the shit outta her. Hell, we don’t even have to leave the club. I can fuck her right here. I’m sure Winter and Braxxon wouldn’t give a shit, but then again, they just might because the bitch my cock is aching for is their manager Storm. And shit do I wanna ride that Storm.

  Storm is just another piece of ass, but for some reason, something about this woman fascinates me. She’s a fucking young buck too. She’s Winter’s age, only twenty-two. That’s literally only four years older than my own daughter is. You would think that alone would detour my cock, but it doesn’t.

  I’m twirling my shot glass in between my fingers as I watch Storm work. For someone who was once a junkie and basically trafficked when we found her, you would think she would be broken down and hiding in a fucking hole or something. But these women around here are all strong. Hell, Winter was kidnapped and fucking raped, and she’s now my club President’s fiancé’.

  Dammit does Storm look good. Winter took her out to celebrate her a promotion, and she had her already blonde hair brightened, had black tips added to her ends and through her bangs, and had her hair shaped, whatever the fuck that means. Her hair is now in layers and her bangs swooped over to the side. She�
��s way hotter than the Storm from that damn comic book. And that little diamond in her nose is just begging me to flick my tongue at it. Fuck, I need to get laid.

  “Another shot, ZZ?” Piper asks, stopping at me and standing on the other side of the bar.

  “Yeah, darlin,” I hand her my shot glass and light up a smoke. Piper was another one of the girls that we found. The club was helping rehabilitate three of them, but Haley, the pregnant third one, was killed. God rest her and her unborn child’s soul. Piper is mainly a bartender, but when she’s feeling frisky, she gets up on stage. Storm and Piper get to do pretty much anything they want because they respect the club and they respect Winter. They love her, so that makes both of them untouchable. Fuck with them and you fuck with the rest of us.

  “Here you go,” Piper says putting two more shots in front of me.

  “I ain’t drunk enough for you, sugar,” I say with a smirk.

  “Oh baby, but you are. You’re just not drunk enough to get served up another hot platter of rejection yet again. I’m doing you a favor.”


  “Piper you and that smart mouth,” I grumble throwing my shots back. She’s really come out of her shell these last two weeks.

  “What can I say? I’m feeling like my old self,” she smirks walking away from me.

  It’s time to face the Storm. I can fucking do this. How hard is it to get a bitch to fuck you? I just wanna get a taste, and I pray that it’s enough for me to move the hell on. I can have any pussy I want except for that one. I’m not a bad looking dude for fucks sakes. Hell, I’m muscular, and stand at 6’3’’. I’m hung with a huge cock laced with a Jacobs’s ladder. I mean shit; my brown eyes have been referred to as a chocolate ocean; my chestnut brown hair is just the right length, and messy enough for bitches to comb and ram their fingers through it while we fuck. I strut towards her, and when she looks up, her blue eyes smile at me. Yeah baby, keep smiling like that.

  “Storm,” I greet her in my huskiest voice. She’s the only one who hasn’t dropped at my damn feet when I use that tone. Drives me fucking crazy.

  “ZZ,” she greets back jutting out her lip and blowing her bangs outta her eyes. Shit that’s sexy, and my balls tighten even more.

  I lean against the end of the bar, crossing my legs and arms. Her fingers tighten on the clipboard in her hands. Yeah sugar, keep on telling me no. It’s not gonna last much longer.

  “Zig Zag, I’m busy. Can we do this another time?”

  “That depends. Are you gonna tell me no again?” I grin at her.

  “You have an entire flock of pussy lambs and yet, you want mine. I’m not looking to be fucked just once, ZZ,” she says leaning towards me, her pink lips coming just a foot away from mine. “Because I’ve been fucked one too many times just once, and the next time a man enters my pussy, it’ll be for more than just one fucking time.”

  I groan and my already blue balls tighten even more when she uses the words pussy and fucking. Dammit, I want her.

  “How about if I promise at least two rounds.” I say seriously, because fuck, I am serious. I’ll come and then get hard again and repeat the process. I’ve went nine rounds in one night before I can do it again.

  Storm places the clipboard down on the bar. She presses her little body into mine as she leans into my ear. “I don’t doubt you could go for round after round sexy. Let me put it in words that a biker can understand. I’m not looking for a one-night stand. The next man to make me come will have that honor because he wants more than just my pussy. You get what I’m saying to you handsome?” She flicks her tongue down my earlobe causing me to growl.

  She drives me fucking crazy!

  “ZZ, quit harassing my manager,” Winter interrupts our little tirade, and I can’t get pissed because my President is right beside her as they walk up.

  “You seen Pyro?” Braxxon asks.

  “Naw Prez sorry,” I say truthfully. Pyro has been MIA since the woman he loved was killed a few weeks ago. Her name was Lana, and she was the sweetest fucking thing to walk this earth. She was also Winter’s best friend.

  “Shit I can’t even locate my fucking VP,” Braxxon curses. “I’m gathering a few of the brothers to collect from the pipeline. You’re coming too. We need more. Angel here has some more businesses she wants to open.”

  I don’t know why we need to go dig up more gold. Angel, which is Winter’s nickname, is a fucking millionaire too. She’s inherited one hundred and twelve million dollars that her mother has left her, and her mother ain’t even dead. She’s just hiding from Winter’s mafia family. She’s Russian and just so happens to be a mafia princess and her mother’s bloodline is of royalty. And about these businesses, what’s she trying to do? Become too busy?

  “More businesses?” I ask.

  “Yep,” Winter answers. “I’m gonna own what you guys don’t own of this town. You know why? Because then we will own every single fucking inch of it. The next person to cross us won’t have shit left when we’re done with them. And then I’ll move on to the next town over too.”

  And there she is. Braxxon’s hell’s Angel. She’s went through so much shit, she’s bound and determined to control every aspect of her life, and I can’t blame her.

  “Ain’t she fucking perfect,” Braxxon smiles as he yanks her to him and kissing her hard. “So anyways, we need lots more money. I ain’t having Angel pay for fucking everything when we’ve got the means too.”

  How the hell could they go through one hundred and twelve million dollars?

  “That’s a lot of money to have plans for.” I frown.

  “Don’t be silly ZZ, what I have planned won’t use a tenth of my money. Braxx here just has a complex about helping me do it,” Winter laughs.

  “Of course I have a fucking complex about it. You’re doing this to better our family so why the fuck would I want you doing that without the club’s help? We are all family,” Braxxon growls getting upset.

  “Do I need to take you to my office?” Winter coos at him.

  “Yes, ma’am,” he obviously answers.

  “Ma’am!” She yells shoving him away. Winter hates being called ma’am because she’s only twenty-two. Braxxon picks her up, throws her over his shoulder, and takes off without a goodbye.

  “I know now that staying was the right decision.” Storm laughs beside me.

  She has my full attention now. “You were planning on leaving? Why?”

  “I don’t know. I just was. I only planned on staying until Winter could heal up emotionally and then I planned on leaving. But she offered me friendship, family, a secure job and to pay for my schooling. I could never leave her now. I would feel like I’ve lost something. I belong here,” she finishes in a hushed whisper like she didn’t want me hearing that last part.

  But she’s right. Storm does belong here. Fuck does she.

  “How much longer are you gonna keep withstanding me, darlin?”

  Storm stands up straight and grabs the clipboard off the bar before answering me. And what she says blows my fucking mind wide open.

  “Just until you fall in love with me,” she says seriously.

  Love? “I don’t fall in love, baby.”

  She slowly backs away smiling. “Oh, but you will and it’ll be with me,” she says with a wink.

  Fuck Me.

  Chapter Two


  Six Weeks Later

  Fuck if I ain’t pissed off. Since Pyro’s been off on his healing quest shit, I’ve been stuck doing VP shit. Don’t get me wrong, I’d do anything for my brothers. But I’m worn the hell out. Between monitoring gold digging, Tatiana’s college shit, and Ma still grieving over dad’s death, I feel like I’m an eighty-year-old man. I mean for fucks sake, I can’t even get my dick up. Every time I try fucking a woman I see Storm’s face, and it ruins it when I remember I’m about to stick my cock into someone other than her. I don’t know why she just doesn’t put us both outta our fucking misery and just give that pussy up a
lready. I mean a few sweet fucks, and it’ll be over.

  “Jesus I need to get laid,” I groan sitting on the couch in the community room watching Bom Bom play on the pole. If I haven’t tapped that shit so many times, it might’ve worked to clear my head of Storm. But Bom Bom’s pussy is old pussy, which makes it boring pussy. She can sure suck a cock though and just when I’m about to order her down to do just that, my damn daughter comes stomping into the clubhouse followed by a very pissed off Shadow.

  “Dad call off your brother,” she seethes.

  Dammit, I’m not in the mood for this shit. She’s going to kill me, that daughter of mine. Tatiana flops down in front of me. Shadow stands beside the couch with his arms crossed looking like he might burst at any damn moment.

  “Baby… I’m not in the mood for any bullshit.”

  “Don’t baby me daddy… he’s ruining my damn life!” She screeches.

  “Will someone please tell me what the fuck is going on without all the damn dramatics? I’ve got a splittin’ headache,” I groan rubbing my temples.

  “Get this shit, brother. I was out running club errands when I stop at a stop sign, and I just so happen to look inside that damn ma and pop restaurant and see your daughter dining with none other than Travis,” Shadow says quirking his brow at Tatiana.

  “THE FUCK!” I roar standing up. “WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!”

  Shit. Fuck. Damn. Son of a bitch.

  “Daddy what’s the big deal?” She cries.

  “The big deal?” Fuck this day just keeps getting better and better. “The big deal, my fuckin’ irresponsible daughter, is that Travis is the new president for the Gunners!” Jesus Christ, Braxxon is going to kill me. The Gunners are one of our many rival clubs, and the old President raped Winter.

  “He wasn’t wearing a cut,” she exclaims. “I didn’t know!”

  Motherfucker! He’s set his sights on my daughter. This is the same fucker who said he wanted peace after he took Snake’s position in the club. I knew it wouldn’t be quiet for very long. Looks like Travis is turning into a man just like Snake. A sneaky little bastard.


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