Outbreak of the Living Dead (Book 1)

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Outbreak of the Living Dead (Book 1) Page 22

by Guerra, Aaron

  “No Roxanne! It’s too dangerous! We’re just teachers, not super heroes! We can’t fight against these-these things from hell. Please, lets just wait for someone to come and save us,” Chris said to her. The woman poked his chest again when learning that she wasn’t getting anywhere with him.

  “If you won’t help, maybe the principal can!” Roxanne said to him before she had quickly stood up and left his company.

  The leader of the school had turned around to see the science teacher head on over to his way. He had quietly told the students to keep to themselves until the time was right, and it wasn’t that time just yet.

  “Ah! Ms. Delarosa, what can I do for you now?” Joe asked her. He had returned to his old bitter self, hoping that she wouldn’t catch on to what he was planning.

  “Principal White, I wish to leave through the back of the Cafeteria. Chris still doesn’t understand what’s going on and I was hoping that you could stay back there and let me in when I return with help,” Roxanne had said to him while holding her hands together in a begging motion. The man had looked back at the students, then to her again.

  “I think that’s an excellent idea, Ms. Delarosa…Roxanne,” he said with a sly smile. She had smiled big with her arms opening wide in excitement.

  “You’d allow me to leave and find survivors to bring back here?!” she said to the principal. The man raised his hand up to try and calm her down.

  “Yes, but on one condition Roxanne,” he said as he turned over to look at the teacher sitting alone. “Would you be a dear and take Chris with you? He is pretty strong from what I’ve seen throughout the years. Maybe he can fend off those monsters for you during your brief but successful journey?” he had added.

  For a moment she thought it was a bad idea to take him with her. He was taller and more stronger but was still ever so slow in the head.

  “I think I’ll be just fine on my own, Principal White,” she said. The man smiled as he started to walk towards the back of the kitchen area. She soon followed after him with a smile on her face as well.

  “Please, do be careful Roxanne. We wouldn’t want to have another one of our staff fall victim to this, horrible disease,” said the Principal. His boney hand had reached over to the bolt that locked the large door shut. It slid open so easily as if death was just on the other side waiting for her to come through. The sound of rain had entered the large kitchen as he opened the heavy looking door. Roxanne ran out quickly with the Principal shutting it tightly after. The lock was placed back where it was after he had made sure it was closed completely.

  “Goodbye, Ms. Roxanne Delarosa. You will not be missed…” he said under his breath.

  The woman in black was holding onto Tristan’s hand tightly as she forced him through the tall wet grass. Her sharp machete had swiftly sliced through any fiends that had tried to attack from the darkness around them. The rain wasn’t making things any easier, but the bright flashes of lightning did. For a split second, they could see where the things were in the darkness. They knew exactly where to run and not get stopped by the flesh eaters.

  “TRISTAN! WHAT HOUSE YOU SAY THEY IN?” She had to shout, it was the only way for him to hear her through all the shit that was happening around them. The heavy rain, the thunderous roars in the sky, strong gusts of wind pushing them back with the sound of screams coming from the creatures of death.

  “Follow me!” he said as he sped up to lead the way. Whenever one of the ghoulish fiends came close enough he would simply kick it away with the strength he had left in his legs. The woman with the long blonde hair had watched their back while keeping her machete very close.

  “Can you tell me your name now? Random beautiful lady of my dreams?” he had asked her politely. She had squeezed his hand tightly which caused his fingers to pop in pain. “Alright I get it! You’ll tell me when I prove myself as a man! I get it!” Tristan said in some minor pain.

  They finally made it to the neighborhood where she rescued him. Kim and Susan must’ve been in the house that he ordered them to go to.

  “Hey Lady! That house with the lights! That’s where we need to go!” said Tristan. The woman abruptly stopped him in his tracks as her blue eyes scanned the area. He was too preoccupied to notice anything during the last flash that lit up the entire area.

  “We no go. Death cover place,” she said to him. Tristan looked through the darkness to see nothing but red eyes piercing through the shadows.

  “All of these things have changed?! That’s not good. We need to find shelter now!” he told her as he took a step back. She had slowly reached into her coat again to equip another hidden machete.

  “Lady you’re both beauty and weirdness. But even I know you can’t take all of these creatures by yourself. We have to leave for now! If we go to the house they‘ll just follow us. I‘d be putting the girls in more danger,” Tristan said.

  One of the creatures had started to scream from the distance which caused a chain reaction to take place. All of them started to growl as they lifting their heads back. Blood escaped their mouths as the combined massive roar filled the entire neighborhood. Finally another flash of light had covered the entire town, which was terrible luck for the two survivors on the street. The infected creatures had found where they were and began to launch their attack. Each of them lifted up their boney arms and sprinted towards them with hunger showing in their blood red eyes. The woman had moved quickly with her blades swinging like lightning. Limbs were flying all over the place with their blood spilling out of the clean cut wounds. Some of the armless creatures continued to attack, but were easily dealt with. The woman had swung up high to slice their heads off as their bodies began to drop down like flies.

  “Amazing!” he said in amazement.

  Even if she was gifted with those small blades, he knew well that they would eventually break. More and more of those creatures came running towards them from the neighborhood. She couldn’t handle them all, so he had to step in as well. Still In pain but ready to fight, Tristan went out using his fists against them. But sadly, he was no use to the woman. Each time he tried to take one on, it would pin him down and she would have to slice it’s head off before it took a chunk out of him.

  “Not Manly!” she told him. All that he could do was roll the bodies off of him after she would remove their heads. It wasn’t long after the fight started that the smell started to attract more of the regular ones from the other houses. Their white eyes had shined from the flash of lightning. Sooner or later, those regular ones were going to turn into the fast moving flesh eaters that never stop until their heads are removed or the brains completely destroyed.

  Tristan had forced himself up from the wet surface when seeing the dead corpse from before. It still had the gun jammed in it’s mouth. He dodged a couple of the creatures as he ran over to the head on the road. Quickly he yanked the weapon out of it’s mouth and loaded the last clip into it. It would take all of his bullets to take one of them out. She was the one cutting through them like butter with her dual machetes.

  “Hey Lady! Come on!” he said. She was covered in fresh slimy blood that wasn’t hers. The woman instantly kicked another headless creature away before running alongside him to the house with the lights. They started to bang on the door hard to get a reaction from the girls inside, but there was no response.

  “Don’t tell me they left? They left without me?!” Tristan said in shock. The woman suddenly removed a few of creature’s heads when they had got closer to the front yard. She was standing in the wet grass to buy him some time. Tristan nervously slid his hands through his hair while trying to figure out where the girls might’ve gone too.

  “Change of plans! We’ll go your way for now! Come on!” Tristan said as he had grabbed her by the hand. He pulled her out of the battle that she was clearly enjoying. But she had ended up in the front to pull him with her instead.

  “You don’t deserve to lead me!” she said to him. A weak smile formed on his face as he nod
ded in agreement.

  “I will show you how manly I can be where it counts!” Tristan said quietly. He was lucky that she didn’t hear that, rather possibly she just didn’t want to hear it at the moment.

  They had ran through the tall grass again with the horde of red eyes following after them. The creatures seemed to be more active than the normal ones that had attacked the town. Tristan and the woman had ran into a gas station to find a few of the slow creatures eating some remains of the customers. The woman finished them off rather quickly when compared to the ones chasing them. But she grew upset when one of her blades had finally broken apart. Tristan watched as it fell from her hand with one of the creatures from the back limping towards her. The man had grabbed the weapon from her hand to hack the monster’s head with all the strength he had. It was stuck between the eyes as the black blood spilled down the fresh wound. The body fell down onto the floor with the woman retrieving her only good blade from it.

  “You no take without asking, stupid man,” she said.

  He finally lost it when she insulted him just then. Everything she would say made him feel bad about himself. She then was forced to look at him with his hands gripping her arms tightly.

  “Listen here you! I have half the mind to strike you for calling me names! If you haven’t noticed, I’m pretty banged up because of some crazy bitches that captured me and my friends awhile ago! You don’t even know me! You don’t know what I’ve been through! So lay off or get lost!” he finally said to her. Her blue eyes had looked him up and down while he still had a strong grip on her arms. The moment he had let her go, she slapped him across the face with all her strength. The slap was hard enough to knock him down onto the cold floor below. The woman once again got on top of him while using her long dark coat to hide the two from plain sight. She placed her hand over his mouth to keep him quiet. He could hear the horde that had followed them run past the store. All of them were disgusting to watch, but they didn’t bother trying to get in. They must’ve found another snack to chase down. That wasn’t a nice thing to think about, but at least it wasn’t them.

  The officer of Little Bow was helping some of the students remove the chairs and desks from the only exit to the room. When they finished unblocking the door, she told them to move on further back to the wall. Sarah entered the hallway to find nothing that was considered a threat.

  “Max was lying this whole time,” she said to herself. She turned around to look at the floor near the teacher‘s desk. His lifeless body was still there with the scissors in his neck. Daniel decided to put the teacher’s coat over the cold dead body. It was so that the other students wouldn’t have to look at him in that state.

  “Is it clear? Can we leave?” he asked.

  Sarah watched as Daniel came to her side near the doorway. He already had his backpack hanging over his shoulder with everyone else lining up behind him.

  “Alright, you guys have to listen to me and listen very closely. Those things out there, they aren’t human anymore. If one grabs you, it’ll try to take a chunk out of you with it’s mouth,” Sarah carefully explained. A student in the back had came out from the group of teenagers. She started to move her glasses around in front of her face before adjusting them back for her to see.

  “Ma’am! Are you saying that, these things are exactly like the monsters from the movies we’ve seen on TV? Z-Zombies?” the young girl asked. Most of the students began to laugh at her bizarre statement. She started to move back to the end again of the line from being laughed at. Sarah ignored the others that were still laughing and went over to face her in person.

  “Do you think that’s what these things really are? What’s your name sweetie?” Sarah asked her. The girl had pigtails on and basically looked like a teenage version of Jen, one of her friends from the police department.

  “My name? I’m Sammie. Sammie Rodriguez,” the girl had said. She started to fix her glasses again because they were the wrong size. Every time she moved her head, they would slide down.

  “Sammie? You say these things are, Zombies? Why do you think that?” Sarah asked again. The students returned to their own desks while Daniel stood by the door to keep a lookout in the hallway.

  “Well you say that they try to bite you and that they’re not human anymore. That’s what you and your fellow officer on the news said yesterday evening. So, they’ve got to be Zombies! But my favorite zombie movie always had them scream out for Brains. Don‘t know why, but it always made me more scared if something chased me while screaming for my brains. Wouldn‘t it be worse if those things out there could talk while chasing you?” Sammie had asked the officer.

  Sarah looked at the other students to see them simply shrug off her words. One of them started to laugh while they looked away from the nerdy girl.

  “She’s into that Sci-Fi crap. No wonder she feels right at home right now,” a boy had said. Sammie looked down after he had said that about her. Sarah figured that she was probably bullied like this all the time.

  “You stop making fun of her! I’m pretty sure that the knowledge she has about these things could very well save your life, including mine,” Sarah said proudly. The young girl had walked over to the window where the officer came through earlier that night. She started to climb up onto a desk to look down at the things trying to get in.

  “You see, they aren’t as stupid as the mindless ones I’ve seen in the films. They know we’re in here, and they would probably stay out there until their bodies completely decompose just to get us. Then there’s this one with the red eyes,” Sammie explained. She could see the damage all over it’s face.

  “Officer, did you try aiming for it’s brain?” Sammie asked. Sarah walked towards Sammie before climbing up onto another desk to look down through the window.

  “Yes! I emptied a clip into it’s head but it kept getting back up. The others would normally go down after one shot, but I don’t know why this one didn’t,” said Sarah. The girl examined it some more before hopping down to the floor.

  “I think I will call those red eye zombies, Revivals,” Sammie said. The officer landed beside her as the other students walked up to them.

  “Revivals?” Sarah asked with a confused look on her face. The nerdy girl fixed her glasses again while smiling.

  “Precisely! They will continue to rise again even after you’ve damaged the brain. We’ll have to test out my theory though, which will be extremely dangerous,” Sammie said while rubbing her chin.

  Daniel suddenly closed the door when one of the creatures entered the hallway. The student was holding onto the doorknob while keeping it shut so that it couldn’t get inside. Some of the students ran to the other side of the room. They held onto their things tightly in their arms as Sarah went over to Daniel with her pistol. Sammie went to the door with both excitement and fear.

  “Officer! I have to see if it’s one of the Revivals or not!” Sammie demanded. Sarah moved her back gently while shaking her head to the side.

  “Now isn’t the time to do that little experiment Sammie! I have to deal with it now before it ends up letting the others know we’re here too,” said Sarah.

  Rotted hands started to bang against the windows in the back of the classroom. The bodies outside were climbing on top of each other to try and get into the classroom to eat the remaining students.

  “OH SHIT!” Daniel let out as he ran over to the window with a few other students. He took charge of his classmates and had ordered some of them to lift up more of the desks for him to use. He started to place them against the window to keep the hungry monsters from getting inside.

  “Officer! I think we need to move to the hallway before they get in through here!” Daniel had said. The woman removed the clip from her gun to make sure it still had six bullets in it.

  “Alright Sammie, I guess we’re going to have that thing come in. You open the door when I say to and immediately hide behind it,” Sarah ordered. The nerdy teenager stood where Daniel was earlier to fi
rmly plant both hands around the doorknob. The officer lowered herself in a tackling position as the door was forced open by the monster. It was indeed a Revival that came running in. It was sent back into the hallway when Sarah had kicked it as hard as she could in it‘s chest. The creature landed on the floor with it’s body twitching from the blow it received. Sammie closed the door partially so that she could see the police officer battle against the monster in the hall.

  Sarah planted her foot on it’s chest to keep it pinned down as it struggled to break free. She quickly moved away before it could claw at her legs.

  “Whatever you do, don’t let it bite or scratch you! I believe that that‘s how the disease spreads!” Sammie told her. The teenager attempted to give some advice to the officer through the cracked door. But Sammie soon shut the door when the creature had turned to glance at her with it‘s blood red eyes. The officer snapped her fingers to get its attention once again. The body lowered down before lunging itself at the woman. Sarah easily dodged it’s attack as her pistol was finally brought up high before taking aim. She unloaded all six shots into the back of it’s head as it fell over in front of her.

  Black blood started to spill out from the holes that the bullets made from the impact. The teenager opened the door again to see Sarah standing over the body.

  “If I’m correct, it’ll get back up again in a few seconds,” Sammie was quick to warn the officer about that because deep down she was hoping to be wrong. But sadly, the thing did get back on it’s legs and sniffed around the hall. It turned around to find Sarah standing there with the gun landing on the floor.

  “Sammie! I want you to close the door and don’t open it until I say so!” Sarah had told the girl. It’s body had bent back as it started to scream loudly in the confined hallway. Each classroom door that was closed shut began to shake violently with blood spilling out from under them.


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