Outbreak of the Living Dead (Book 1)

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Outbreak of the Living Dead (Book 1) Page 25

by Guerra, Aaron

  The woman ignored him as her eyes were dead set on the beast that stood on a pile of dead police officers. Tristan jumped off the car to fall to his knees. They were in pain for a moment, but it wasn‘t enough to keep him down.

  “I have to stop her before she gets herself killed!” he thought to himself. His entire body began to shake when the demon finally noticed the woman. It’s massive body slowly moved back to release a mighty roar that woke up most of the bodies that was surrounding it’s feet. The woman in black stopped in her tracks as she gripped the handle to her blade tightly. Tristan forced himself to run to her side even though his own fear tried to keep him from moving. He was able to grab her arm tightly and yank her back a few inches to snap her out of death‘s invitation. She turned to face him as her light blue eyes stared directly into his.

  “My fight. My mission! You escape now!” she said to him. The woman easily broke herself free from his grip before she turned back to face the direction of the large beast. But it wasn’t standing there anymore. They looked around the entire area but they couldn’t see a single trace of him.

  “This is bad! Let’s get out of here!” he said. They were able to hear the chilling roar of the beast which echoed everywhere around them. It must’ve found someone else to kill in another street near them. For some reason she didn’t want to leave. Seeing all the reanimated police officers got her excited. The woman took a step closer to get ready for battle. But she felt a strong force hit the back of her head. She was able to turn around to see Tristan holding the empty pistol in his hand. Her blonde hair followed her movements when she collapsed onto the road with her machete falling out of her hand.

  “I won’t let anyone else die! You‘re crazy if you believe that you can take on so many of those things by yourself,” Tristan said. He lifted her over his shoulder while picking up the machete from the road. Some of the reanimated cops started to scream loud with their eyes turning red. Each of their bodies began to twitch and shake with blood leaking out of their mouth.

  “Here we go again,” he said to himself.

  The red eyed creatures were hot on the man’s trail. He held the woman’s legs close while she was unconscious over his shoulder. Tristan tripped over some debris that was scattered all over the sidewalk near an electronic store. The blonde woman landed in front of him as the reanimated cops finally passed the building’s corner to see the two laying on the sidewalk.

  “SHIT!” he let out in a shout. Tristan quickly climbed on top of the girl to protect her with his body. One of the flesh eating cops began to scream with blood oozing out of it‘s rotting mouth. The moment it tried to get closer, it’s head exploded all over the others behind it. The creatures turned to see a car driving into them at full speed. Most of their bodies flew through a large window to the store while the others had collided against the thick walls. Tristan slowly turned his head to see the end of a gun coming at him. The man had been knocked out while still covering the blonde woman from underneath.

  “Hey Crystal! Look who I just found!” a familiar voice had said. The woman had exited the passenger’s seat before resting her arm on top of the car. Rebecca opened her door to step out the vehicle with her pistol in her hand.

  “Are these the people you’re looking for? I thought there was three of them?” Rebecca asked.

  Valerie kicked Tristan off the blonde woman with the end of her gun pressing against unconscious woman’s chest.

  “I don’t recognize this cutie. Where the heck are the two girls that were with him?” said Valerie. Crystal placed her hand to the back of her neck when remembering the one that had attacked her from behind.

  “I don’t know, but if he’s here. Then that means that they’ve got to be somewhere close by. Valerie, put them in the back. It wouldn’t be nice to leave them out here with these deadheads, now would it?” Crystal said with a cheerful tone in her voice. Crystal had patted the top of the car before returning to her seat with a wicked smile on her face. Rebecca slowly walked towards the unconscious blonde woman on the sidewalk. Her eyes narrowed from the sight of her familiar face. Her gun slowly moved down to the woman’s chest before she began to speak up.

  “I believe we have a problem here,” Rebecca said. Valerie and Crystal looked at the woman when she said that.

  “This woman here is part of an organization that I left. If she‘s here, then that means more of her people are located within the town,” Rebecca said while spitting to the side of the road.

  The woman had knelt down to lift the blonde’s hand up. On the black glove, there was a strange insignia that was stitched on it. “No doubt about it. If she’s here, then a larger group of her people are in this town as well. They‘re highly trained so these monsters shouldn‘t be a big deal to them,” she had added. Crystal slowly smiled when her legs crossed within the vehicle. The girl chewing the gum walked over to Rebecca as she smiled at the blonde unconscious woman on the sidewalk.

  “So we get to play with her for some information? I love it!” Valerie shouted. Rebecca Lee had helped Valerie put the two into the backseat before anymore unwanted guests made it there.

  “I’m sure that the creature I’m looking for is around here now. The sun is up so we can search more ground if we split up,” Rebecca insisted. The woman in the passenger seat had waved her finger around in the air while shaking her head slightly.

  “Not quite yet, Ms Lee. We need to question those fuckers in the back to find out where the other two are hiding. Then, and only then…will we help you track this tall, dead and handsome experiment that escaped your lovely embrace,” said Crystal.

  The rooftop was quiet and lonely for the only survivor up there. She would had to wait until the creatures down below would leave to find something else to chase down. They were still in the alleyway that she ran in earlier during the storm. Her gun was placed down on the hard rocky floor that she was sitting on for the longest time. Well, it wasn’t really that long since she was forced to climb up there.

  “I wonder where Susan ran off too?” Kim asked herself. “Please just let her be safe. That‘s all I want to know is that she‘s safe hidden away somewhere nearby,” she said to herself. Her hands started to dig through the black bag that she carried through the whole night. Kim pulled out a small plastic baggie with two sandwiches in it.

  “These were the extra ones that we couldn’t eat earlier,” she said. Her eyes felt heavy, but she still fought off the sandman’s magic the best that she could. “I’ll stay up just a little longer. Hopefully Susan is on another rooftop like I am. Hopefully…” Kim told herself.

  A small weakened smile grew on her face as she began to bite down on the delicious sandwich that she prepared. Chewing slowly, the girl reached back into the bag to retrieve a large plastic bottle of water. Kim took a few sips of it before setting the bottle down beside her. “This is really good. I’ll save the other one for Susan when I find her,” said Kim. After she was done eating what she could, the girl put everything back into the black bag and laid down on her side. The bag was used as a pillow, even if it was wet and uncomfortable. But the sun was already up while the storm that had covered the town finally left. It was hard at first for her to relax, since she could still hear the ugly creatures clawing at the wall from down below.

  “Just ignore it Kim. You have to get some sleep. You won‘t be able to do much without any rest,” she said to herself. Kim talked herself into taking a nap when her eyes couldn‘t stay open any longer. She was hoping to get as much sleep as she could to energize her body and mind for later.

  A loud horrible sounding roar came from the streets below which had awoken the girl on the rooftop. The sun was already in a different location when she looked up. It ended up blinding her for the moment when she stared at it.

  “Something is in the streets…and I don’t like the sound of it,” she said, worryingly. Kim grabbed the black bag and slowly started to walk to the other side of the building. She looked down to see a horrible loo
king creature standing in pile of bodies on the road. Her eyes had shifted to the side of the street to see two people arguing in front of it. “Is that…?” She thought to herself. The woman felt a ray of happiness and relief when she spotted her friend down there. Kim began to jump up and down while shouting his name to get his attention. But she must’ve not have been loud enough for them to hear her. However, the thing down below, did.

  “Oh boy,” she said. It growled once more before heading her way. It was faster than any of those red eyed monsters she had faced in the early morning.

  “No No! No! No!” Kim let out one after another. The woman quickly turned around and darted off to where the ladder was located. Whatever it was, it was fast enough to already climb up to the top when she had reached the other side of the rooftop. Both of them stopped in their tracks to look at each other dead in the eyes.

  Kim slowly looked over to her side to see the gun on the floor. It’s body had bent back with it’s bones cracking and popping from the random rapid movement it did. The loud roar echoed throughout the air as it watched her pick up the handgun. Now that it was in her possession, she began to fire the last few shots at it from where she stood. She was able to find a clip with some bullets inside it before her nap. Instead of flinching or falling over like most of them would‘ve done, it just roared once again before charging towards her at high speed.

  “Nope!” she said. Kim dived to the side when it had reached where she was just standing. The creature ran off the building and landed on all the red eyed ones that were still standing there in the alleyway. The woman glanced down to see that they were all crushed from it’s oversized body. Some of them tried to crawl away but it was too heavy for them to really move. “Now’s my chance to escape and find Tristan!” she said with a victory cheer. Kim immediately climbed over and onto the ladder. She decided to slide down as fast as she could before any of the things could crawl out from under the big meathead.

  Once she stepped onto the hard concrete, the large beast finally forced itself up from the dead bodies. It’s massive size overwhelmed her when it stared down to the girl. It swung one of it’s large arms towards her, but she had fell back before it could make contact with her. The thing’s fist had made a large hole in the brick wall beside it as it’s red devil eyes stared down at her.

  “NO!” she let out. That was all she could say when it finally released itself from the bricks that held it‘s large arm down for a brief moment. The woman turned around and started to run when it stood up tall. She finally escaped the dark alleyway only to be chased by the new monster that wanted her dead. Kim was already feeling the burning sensation in her legs from all the running she was forced to do since yesterday evening. Her eyes scanned her surroundings from left to right as she ran for her life.

  She kept moving away from the white-eyed normal ones that just moaned when they watched her run on by. The sound of heavy grunting and large footsteps behind the girl made her feel as though death was going to greet her sooner than she thought. Through a mirror dangling from a vehicle beside her, she could see that it had raised it’s large arm up high to strike. With bare instinct and a primal urge to live, she was able to dodge it’s attack. Kim swiftly rolled over on the road before getting back up onto her feet. She was able to see the tall creature collide with a police car from the attack. It’s sheer brute strength was something she never wanted to feel. The police cruiser had slid a few feet away before it landed on it’s side. Still in motion, the car continued to ram into a few of the normal monsters in it’s path. The overgrown beast had swung it’s arms around randomly before turning around to see her on the side walk.

  Slowly it walked up to the woman with it’s large hand reaching down to her direction. Kim instantly rolled over to the side again to escape it’s grasp before she ran for her life. It let out a massive roar while she was still running away. The large monster took a few steps after her but soon stopped and stood still. It’s white flesh started to bubble up near it’s chest with something black slowly started to slide out of it. The beast fell to one knee when the rest of the dark substance came splashing out and landing on the road. It was dark and black which gave off a terrible deathly odor. The chest started to close up after the beast stood up tall. It tried to smash the unknown substance with it’s foot, but it had slithered away under a car to hide. It’s red eyes had glanced back to the girl who was still in sight. A low grunt came out of it’s mouth when it ignored the black tar substance under the car. He started to head after the woman once again while his fingers stretched out wide.

  Kim had looked back to see that it was walking in her direction instead of running.

  “Did I tire it out? Maybe it took some damage when it kept hitting everything?” Kim whispered to herself. She stood there for a moment to catch her breath. It continued to walk to the girl with the same slow speed. Kim turned away and ran off to where she was separated with Susan a few hours ago. Near the base of a large old tree, she found a handgun with some blood on the end of it. Her head had slowly shifted up to see a sight that crushed her heart. The gun slipped out of her hand before she fell to her knees. She could see someone laying on a tree branch within the shade up in the tree. It was her friend from what she could tell by the long red hair. “SUSAN!” Kim called out to her, but there was no response. The girl had called out to her multiple times, but there was still no answer. Tears started to roll down her cheeks when it finally clicked in her head. Before she could reach up and say anything, the creature had caught up to where she was. It’s large fist smacked against the tree which caused the body up to slide off the branch. The teenager’s body landed in front of Kim with dark blood leaking out of her mouth. The bullet hole was right between her closed eyes. The thing let out a roar when it picked Kim up from the ground. The woman was kicking and screaming as it glared at her with it’s red devilish eyes. “LET ME GO!” Kim demanded.

  She had successfully kicked it’s head hard enough to where it released her from it’s hold. The girl fell to the ground next to Susan’s lifeless body. Her hands searched through the grass for the gun that she had dropped. It stepped back a few times before screaming it’s head off louder than last time. Kim brought her hands up to her ears to try and block off the horrible scream. When it was done screaming, it brought both of it’s arms high in the air. She couldn’t help but jump out of the way when it had smashed down into the ground. Susan’s body however, was forced into the dirt with her blood splashing all around the area.

  “SUSAN!” Kim let out in a spirit shattered scream. She found the handgun on the ground next to her. She quickly brought her friend’s gun up high to shoot it nonstop in the head with her eyes filled with fury. “I HATE YOU!” she yelled out. It started to growl with each bullet piercing it’s flesh. The sharp metal fragments were damaging it’s brain like the others. “LOOK WHAT YOU DID TO HER! SHE WAS MY NEW FRIEND!” Kim shouted at the beast.

  She ended up throwing the handgun at the monster‘s head when it was finally out of ammo. The creature had screamed in anger with it’s arm swinging to her faster than before. The girl didn’t have enough time to dodge his attack. She was smacked across the grass from it’s brute strength. Kim had rolled over to her side when she landed on the ground. She couldn’t help but hold her stomach from the pain as she started to cough up some blood.

  “I’ll never…let you win,” she told the beast.

  It had started to walk to her with it’s bloody hands opening and closing. She noticed all of the reanimated fiends heading their way from the distance. Kim had smiled briefly when she was lifted up again in it’s hold. “You will die…monsters always do,” she said in pain. The creature had moved her up high with it’s mouth stretching wide like a snake. The beast had sharp fangs that could be seen as it moved her closer to it’s face. In the back near the buildings, a few men in black uniforms came over with heavy machine guns in their hands. One of them was on a rooftop not that far from where everyone was positioned. Th
e man knelt down and planted his rifle on the edge of the building. Through the scope, he could see the back of the creature and the woman it was holding.

  “Target on sight. Wait, he has a civilian in his hand. I‘m going to get it‘s attention first. Prepare to fire on my signal,” said a soldier in black. The creature felt a large round from a rifle pierce it’s back. The girl was released from it’s hold as the beast turned to face the other direction. “OPEN FIRE!” he let out over the walkie-talkie. All of the soldiers in black began to hold their triggers down, causing a barrage of bullets to pierce through it’s flesh easily. Kim regained some of her strength when she heard the gunfire. She started to crawl away past the trees to keep herself safe from the flying bullets in the air. The rotting titan had roared once again to cause the men to become disoriented. The strength of it’s loud shrieking howl was enough for them to drop their weapons and cover their ears. It went on the offense. It’s large body made it over to where they were in just two jumps. It’s fist had punched two of their heads clean off while their bodies landed down beside their comrades. They quickly started to retreat to get some distance from the large monster.

  “FALL BACK!” the soldier yelled.

  It lifted one of the soldiers up off the ground with it‘s large bloodstained hand. The man started to scream for help when the beast placed his other hand around his upper body. He instantly tore the guy in half with his blood and guts spilling out for everyone to see. There was only two soldiers that were left standing. The sniper on the roof had looked through his scope to take aim. The crosshair lines were directly on the oversized monster’s chest. He had hoped that the heart was still within it’s meaty flesh.


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