The Cynfell Brothers

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The Cynfell Brothers Page 26

by Samantha Holt

  “Evelyn, you cannot very well trek around London at this time of day anyway? Dusk shall be upon us in—” he drew out his pocket watch and cradled the weight of one of his few remaining belongings “—two hours. In London traffic, you’ll not get far.”

  Besides which, they were both tired from travelling from Oxford to London. Though the journey wasn’t particularly long by train, the carriage ride on either end hadn’t been easy, particularly when it took so long to make it through the busy roads to his townhouse to collect some of his belongings and then journey on to hers on the other side of town.

  He placed the watch back in his pocket and straightened his waistcoat.

  “Cynfell, you telling me what to do is becoming very tiresome.”

  “And you being a disobedient wench is more so,” he shot back. Pierce let a grin slip across his face. He shouldn’t do it but he couldn’t help himself. Aside from taking Evelyn to bed, riling her was becoming his new favourite hobby. The two days leading up to their trip to London had been one filled with heated moments in the bedroom and simple fiery ones outside of it.

  But there was something more to her determination to ignore his advice, even when it was sensible. He wasn’t quite sure what yet but he’d find out soon enough. Her mouth dropped open and he awaited the inevitable telling off. Pierce didn’t care. Perhaps that was why she’d chosen him. She could spout indignant words at him all day and he’d still like her for it. Particularly because underneath, he knew there was a soft, willing woman who grew pliant and agreeable in his arms.

  There was also a wild cat on occasion. His grin grew. He really did like both of those women very much.

  Evelyn’s gaze narrowed into slits and she turned away to collect her jacket. “Honestly, you make me sound utterly disagreeable.” She shoved her arms into the elegant green coat and began to do up the buttons before turning to him. “If you don’t like it, you know where the door is.”

  “Tired of me already?” Pierce stepped closer. In the confines of the hall, with its narrow corridor and dim electric lamps, he saw colour blossom on her cheeks. “And I’ve hardly had the chance to show you all I can do. What a pity.”

  “Oh do cease,” she snapped back, but the words came out breathy and lost any impact.

  Because he affected her. Pierce loved this discovery. Every time she grew all bold and demanding, he could slink forward, touch her and have her dissolve in his arms. Of course, what she perhaps didn’t know was how much she affected him. When he touched her, it wasn’t simply to combat the argumentative woman she could be, it was for him too. He’d begun to crave it more than the thrill of a winning hand at cards.

  Each time he argued with her, each time he tried to seduce her was a gamble. And one that usually had a fine reward. But would that change?

  He hoped not.

  “If you’re so determined to go on this man hunt, I’m coming with you.”

  “I told you, I don’t need you following me around.”

  “I know, I know. I’m here only to follow you to bed. If I were any less of a man, I’d be thoroughly insulted. Nevertheless, you’re not travelling around London trying to find this blasted witness alone at this time of day.”

  “I am. I could—”

  “If you threaten to cut me off or whatever you have planned, Evelyn, think again. I won’t have my status as your lover used like that.”

  She pursed her lips. “I had no intention of doing so.” Doing up the final buttons on her jacket, she lifted her chin once more and looked coolly at him. “If you think me so fickle and heartless, I wonder how it is you’ve suffered my company these past weeks. Simply because you’ve spent your life dealing with dishonourable rogues and criminal types, does not mean I’m the sort to use a man’s status against him.”

  Pierce stared at her for several moments. He supposed he had been ready to assume the worst. Those with more wealth than he could use him as they pleased. The gambling den owners, the loan sharks...they all had him at their beck and call. And in spite of his insistence that Evelyn would not have him in such a weak spot, he had been anticipating as much.

  Then he studied her glinting eyes and that mutinous pout and laughed. “So indignant. Life would never be boring with you.”

  Evelyn huffed and shook her head. “Nor with you. You’re insufferable.” A smile softened the observation.

  “Well, this insufferable man insists that we rest for tonight. One day will not harm your investigations.”

  And hopefully not his need to appease the loan sharks before they did something terrible.

  He put a finger on the top button of her jacket and tapped it lightly. Her eyes narrowed but there it was, the slight softening of her posture. This time he eased the button through the hole and moved onto the next one. Her lips parted. Damn, how he loved to take her from fired up to ready and willing in mere moments.

  Pierce moved quicker now, flicking his way through the buttons until he’d revealed the prim shirt beneath. He circled a hand around her neck and pressed a thumb against the cameo broach there. Her audible inhale had blood rushing to his groin. Leaning in, he swept his lips across hers.

  “I suggest we have an early night,” he murmured against her mouth.

  Her reply was lost to his lips. He pressed the kiss deep, hungry for the taste of her. Hand still encircling her neck, he used the position to bend her body to his will, moving her up against the wall of the drawing room so he could slide a thigh between her legs. Thankfully she wasn’t wearing some God-awful crinoline. Light seeped in through the partially open curtains, reminding him that anyone could see them. See him pressing this beautiful duchess against the wall and using her body however he wished.

  “This isn’t the bedroom, Pierce,” she whispered.

  He eased his hand away from her neck, enough to move in and nip her ear. “You think I care?”

  A shudder ran through her. “No.”

  Moving his thigh between hers, he grinned to himself when she wriggled against him. Even through the layers of her skirts, he swore he could feel the heat of her. Pierce teased her ear with his teeth, taking the diamond droplet earring into his mouth and tugging lightly. Evelyn responded by curling her fingers into his shoulders. Meanwhile, he undid the broach and flung it aside somewhere. He heard it clatter against the wall and fall to the floor. Evelyn appeared oblivious as she ground herself against him.

  He worked on the tiny pearl buttons, moving quickly until he could see her corset and chemise. Evelyn’s breasts moved rapidly against the confines. Pierce pushed down the strap of her undergarment and eased one full, warm breast out. She tilted her head back against the wall and released a long breath that whispered over him.

  Head dipped, he took a taste of her, savouring her tight nipple in his mouth. She moved her fingers to his hair and held him to her.

  “You’re a wicked man, Cynfell,” she uttered breathily.

  “I’m just getting started, my love.”

  He smoothed his hands down her hip and began to hitch her skirts. Layers of frothy petticoats hindered his progress but nothing could dissuade him from his prize. He slipped a hand inside her drawers and found her hot and wet for him. Using one finger, he skimmed her sex and relished her gasp of delight. Raw heat boiled through him. As her lover, he supposed he should be gentle and tender. As a man, he needed her now.

  He hooked a hand around the back of her neck and kissed her firmly before directing her over to the chaise.

  “Bend over,” he whispered in her ear.

  Evelyn’s eyes took on a wicked, seductive mien and she did so, pressing her bottom out in invitation. Outside, he could make out vehicles in the distance and passersby going about their business. They were not so close to the road that people could look in but he suspected if someone did look hard enough, they’d be spotted.

  The thought merely fired his desire further. With her help, he pushed up her skirts once more and eased down her drawers. It took him mere moments to be free
from his trousers. He lined himself up with her and took her in one long, hard sweep. Evelyn needed no cajoling, no toying with. She was ready. She stiffened and gasped, throwing her head back.

  A palm to her back, he coaxed her down and felt the response of her body. Pierce shifted his hands to her hips and thrust again. Her gasp turned into a moan.

  He lost himself then, swept up into a world that comprised only of her sounds of pleasure, the sweet hotness of her body and the deep burning ache of desire inside him. Giving her no quarter, he gave her what she craved, hard and fast. The chaise rocked and creaked against the floorboards in protest of its abuse but he cared for nothing other than the decadent sensations tumbling through him.

  When he felt that first flutter, he tightened his grip on her. “Yes, that’s it,” he urged.

  Kicking up the pace while his heart hammered in his chest, he drew her to the edge and over. She let out a startled cry, as if her peak had come unexpectedly. It was all he needed. Jaw clenched, he withdrew and spilled over her milky skin.

  “Well,” Evelyn said between heavy breaths as she remained slumped over the chaise. “An evening in it is.”

  Pierce couldn’t help but laugh. What an astonishing woman this creature was.

  Chapter Ten

  A hand to her hat, Evelyn peered up at the building. Palladian columns stretched high on the second level while arched windows covered the bottom. She drew in a breath and managed to resist straightening her jacket. Though it was only lunchtime, frustration burned inside her. None of the clubs so far would let her speak with anyone, let alone step foot in them. How was she to track down this witness and ensure George’s story was true if no one would tell her where the man was?

  It couldn’t be true. Rupert wasn’t a gambler. And she was not some foolish wife who believed her husband was perfect. His flaws were aplenty, as were hers, and together they’d grown to love one another for them. But he was never a weak man.

  Evelyn took the several steps up to the black front door and pushed it open. The scent of stale cigars and brandy washed over her. Funny, because Pierce didn’t seem a weak man either. Yet a tendency to gamble was a weakness, was it not? He certainly made her feel weak. A simple touch and her knees turned to sponges and her insides melted.

  She shook her head at herself as she stepped into the dark foyer. The effect Pierce had on her should terrify her but somehow she couldn’t bring herself to be scared. Even as she told herself that being weak meant leaving herself vulnerable, all she could do was recall his touch and kisses and a foolish smile would skim her face.

  Glancing about, Evelyn grimaced. Several doorways led off the hall. She could well walk into the wrong one and have herself thrown out before she even found one man to quiz. Pierce had tried to talk her out of this or persuade her to hire someone but how could she let people know her husband might have gambled away their son’s inheritance? No, she was too rich and powerful for such a secret to be in the hands of anyone else. That sort of secret was too important. If it was true, it would have to be buried somehow.

  But it wouldn’t be true, and she would not harm her son’s future for the sake of a mere forged letter.

  She settled on the door to her left when a rumble of male laughter broke through her worries. With one last glance about the masculine entrance with its dark wood and red furnishings, she lifted her chin and pressed open the door. The rumble of laughter ceased and heads spun in her direction.

  A bartender straightened when he saw her, his mouth dropping open. The men sitting on the many chairs eyed her with a mix of surprise and disdain.

  She cleared her throat and perfected her most impervious duchess look. “Forgive the intrusion, I’m looking for Sir Lloyd Chapman. I do not suppose any of you might tell me where I could find him?” A man in a well-cut suit stood and stepped in front of her, creating a wall of chest. She glared at him. “I’d like some information, if you please.”

  “You need to leave please, miss.”

  Though tempted to snap back with Your Grace, she refrained from doing so. Gossip often followed her but it was usually vague and not particularly scandalous. If no one established who this strange woman was, going from club to club, so much the better.

  “I merely wish to speak with your members.”

  “You must leave or I shall have to have you removed.”

  A presence behind her made the tiny hairs on the back of her neck prick. She glanced sideways and noted the two dark figures waiting to bodily remove her. Her throat began to ache and she balled her fists.

  “I am doing no harm. I need information.”

  “This is a gentleman’s club,” the man said, his expression like stone. “You must leave or my men shall escort you out.”

  Her spine stiffened when she heard the men step closer. She had no wish to be thrown out onto the streets like some unwanted drunkard. And she was wise enough to know when she was defeated. Evelyn thrust her nose high in the air.

  “Very well. I shall leave you to your inane conversations, endless cigars and brandy.” She made a show of peering around the room. “How disappointing. I really thought gentlemen’s clubs would be more exciting but you are all quite the bore. Good day.”

  She spun and pressed past the burly men who looked as though they would have enjoyed manhandling her. When she spilled out onto the street, her heart hammering, she had to pause and dab her eyes to prevent tears from escaping. How foolish she was to believe she could conduct a quiet investigation on her own. Of course no one would speak to her.

  Ha, these men and their silly little clubs. Used as a refuge from women, as a place to congratulate each other on their success of having been born privileged. Of course she’d get no help from them. What a fool.

  She sniffed and strode back to the carriage that awaited her on one of the less busy streets. After a morning of finding out nothing, her limbs felt like a newborn lamb’s. The deep ache in her chest refused to subside, even when she climbed into the carriage and rubbed at it.

  They were not far from her townhouse so it only took half an hour of weaving through busy traffic to reach it. She wasn’t sure if she wanted Pierce to be there or not. He already had far too good a measure of her and that created a tiny flutter of panic in her belly. He’d needed to speak with someone, he’d said, being unusually secretive about it all. But she wouldn’t begrudge him his secrets. After all, she guarded most information about herself so she could not fault him for having a few of his own.

  Pierce was there when she stepped out of the carriage. The desire to throw her arms about him and burrow against his chest, and perhaps even blub in an unladylike manner, weighed like a stone in her stomach.

  However, she would not give into the impulse. It wouldn’t do to depend on this man—not one who would be gone from her life in a little over two months and enjoyed gambling away things he could not afford. What if he made some gamble that took him away from her? Her heart flexed in remembrance of that similar pain. The grief had been quiet for a long time but occasionally it tore through her like a knife. She’d never lose herself to another person again.

  Evelyn offered what she hoped was a confident smile when she stepped past him and he closed the door.

  “How was your morning?”

  She drew off her hat and gloves and handed them to the butler lingering in the corner. “Not very—” A little hiccup of a sob escaped her. He looked so handsome, his eyes soft and caring, his jaw clean shaven and his necktie tied so beautifully. Pierce pulled at her heart and somehow drew her to him.

  He released a soft smile and enfolded her in his embrace. A tear escaped, then another. Soon his shirt was damp with her tears. But they eased as she inhaled the scent of his cologne and relished the warmth of his firm chest and strong arms.

  Pierce eased her back and swiped his thumbs under her eyes. “What happened?”

  She gave a sniff and he drew out a handkerchief to hand to her. Dabbing her face, she bunched the material in one
hand. “I tried to find out where this witness was but no one would speak with me. They-they...” Her throat clogged again and she blew her nose.

  “Bloody hell, they didn’t manhandle you did they. If they did, I swear I’ll—”

  “No, no. But I certainly came close to being thrown out once or twice.” She released a tilted smile. “I’m not sure they were too happy with me bursting in then insulting them and their clubs.”

  “Damn, I should have come with you.”

  “I can’t have you fighting my battles.”

  Pierce put a thumb under her chin and lifted her face. That same thumb skimmed her bottom lip and pressed into the softness of her mouth. She need only dart her tongue out and she’d be able to taste his skin but something stopped her. The warmth to his gaze perhaps or the way his eyes crinkled lightly at the corners. Fear froze her insides solid, like a wintry blizzard tearing through her. She’d seen that look before—in Rupert’s eyes. It said affection and, well, it couldn’t be anything more, but still, it was too much. Evelyn tried to turn her head away but he wouldn’t let her.

  “I’d like to fight a few of your battles, Evelyn. If you’ll let me. You’re a damnably stubborn woman but there’s no need to make life harder for yourself.”

  “I’m not trying to make life harder, but I am not some fragile woman who needs a man to do everything for her.” When she spoke, she spoke against his thumb, feeling the way that digit cradled her and moved with her words. It sent a deep tingle down into her stomach that began burrowing all the way through her. She tried to force the feeling away but there was no fighting it. It lingered like warm wine in her veins.

  “There is no shame in accepting aid,” he said softly, closing the gap between them. “In fact, it takes great strength to place your trust in another.” Pierce pushed aside a curl and brought his lips to her ear. He let his tongue toy with the dangling earring there before coming up to nip on her lobe. “Trust me,” he murmured.

  A shudder tore through her, coming up deep from her soul. Evelyn tried, oh how she tried, not to give in, not to let her rebellious body follow his command, but her body was weaker than her mind and it trusted him. Even knowing she was placing herself vulnerably again, little parts of her mind seemed to follow. He’d created a whisper there. Trust me, trust me. The words echoed with her heartbeat.


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