Caught In A Lie (The Caught Series Book 3)

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Caught In A Lie (The Caught Series Book 3) Page 3

by C. M. Steele

  “Oh, Milo,” she moaned as she rose up, almost in full reverse cowgirl on me. She started sliding up and down on my pole. I pushed her back down on the bed before pulling out.

  I sat myself on the bed, against the headboard, then lifted her back onto my dick. “Ride me, April.” She slid down my cock with ease and started lifting herself up and down. In the process, her tits were bouncing and I was missing such a sexy sight, so I took off her top. She proceeded to tear at my shirt, ripping the buttons off, trying to get to my chest.

  “Oops,” she murmured.

  “That’s fine, babe.” I helped her take off my undershirt because I’d like to have something to wear back to the estate. Her eyes opened wide as she ground into me and stared at my hairy chest. She ran her fingers through the fur. “You like it, babe?”

  “Yes,” she hummed as she started rubbing her breasts on it.

  I groaned because she was a fucking menace to my manhood. I felt like a fucking teenager with raging hormones and no staying power, just ready to nut. I gripped her arms and pushed her back and lowered my head to her fat titties and sucked my mark on to her. I could feel her shaking, and I knew her ass was going to come hard. Holding onto her hip and one of her tits, I started fucking up into her without releasing my teeth from her reddened breast.

  I growled, “I own this pussy.”

  “Ah! Shit! Ah!” she cried as she bounced her orgasm out on me. I followed suit, pumping my come up into her.

  After I was done emptying into her, I pressed her to my chest and held her to me, feeling her heartbeat racing with mine. “I hate to say it babe, but I actually have to go,” I groaned in her ear.

  “It’s probably for the best. I don’t think I could handle another display of your alpha tendencies.”

  I smirked and commanded, “Take a shower and then soak your pussy because tomorrow I plan to show you how alpha you make me feel.” We both got up and I got redressed while she jumped in the shower. Without knocking, I walked in and opened the shower curtain.

  “You best keep that damn deadly weapon away from me. I think you killed my kitty.”

  “It’s okay, babe. It’s got nine lives.” I smirked and reached into the shower, pulling her mouth to mine. Our kiss was wet and deep. I pulled away, remembering I had to leave.

  “I’ve got to go.” That was all I said before I ran out of the bathroom and rushed out of her apartment before I was tempted to stay. Once I drove from her apartment, I felt a sudden emptiness inside. I shook off the feelings because I had shit to do. Someone was still out to get Jackson and Elizabeth and that was my priority.

  Chapter 4

  I couldn’t sleep all night. My mind had been on April. I should have come back after I was done meeting with Mike; I felt like a prick for leaving. Not to mention I still wanted to be in her pussy.

  It was almost time to leave with Jackson and April wasn’t at her position at the guard shack. I walked over there to see her and she was missing. I asked the guard on duty about where she was, and he told me she took the day off. Just as I was about to walk out of the shack, the asshole from last night showed up.

  “What…you didn’t know your little whore took off? Maybe that lay wasn’t as good as you thought if she wanted to avoid seeing you,” he goaded. He was trying to get to me, but all he did was fuck himself.

  I got in his face and with a calm expression let him know what it was. “You just sealed your fate, fucker. I was going to let last night go, but you couldn’t keep your mouth shut. You’re done here. I’ll see to it personally. It’s clear you got a case of blue balls going for her. You come near her, and I’ll butcher you.”

  I walked away from him before I murdered his ass. He not only insulted my woman but did so in front of someone else.

  The moment I marched away from the shack I walked into the house and into the study. “Mr. Blake, did she quit?”

  “Who? April? No…she just told me she needed the day off. Why? Do you think she’s after Jackson? She is young and beautiful. I wouldn’t be surprised if she were after him,” he suggested. I would have snapped, but I saw the gleam in his eyes. The twisted old fuck was playing with me.

  “Actually, I gave her the day off. I saw what happened between you two last night and the confrontation with Mr. Kowalski. I think he’s got a thing for her. So I thought it was best to dispel any tension. I called her this morning and told her to rest.”

  “What did she say?” My curiosity getting the better of me.

  “Thanks, but she didn’t need it. However, I insisted. By the way, her number is here.” He handed me a sticky note with her name and phone number on it.”

  “I have her number,” I grumbled. It was in the file I got from the security agency she worked for.

  “Then why didn’t you just call her to ask why she didn’t come in? I thought your interest was more than investigational purposes,” he questioned.

  “It is, but for the time being I’d like to keep it under wraps. She’s already catching shit from that Kowalski fuck. I don’t want to have to bury someone.” My anger was clear in my tone. I wanted the fucker gone, but I couldn’t outright tell him what to do. Once I was done with this assignment, I was taking April with me. She wouldn’t need to see that fuck head again.

  “Understood,” William Blake replied.

  “Thanks,” I said as I shook his hand, then left his office to call her.

  She picked up just as the call was going to go to voicemail.

  “Hello?” she answered not knowing who it was.

  The sound of her voice was sexy. It was sweet and raspy, yet still very feminine. I was smiling without realizing it. “Hey, beautiful, how are you doing this morning?”

  “I’m fine. I don’t know what do with myself.”

  I thought about what I could do to her, like work her out, starting with her throat muscles. “Damn, April. I’ve got to go in with Jackson today, or I could keep you very busy,” I hinted and she just giggled.

  “Somehow I don’t doubt that, but as it is, I think you broke my goodies last night. I can’t walk right, and my hips are aching like I’m ninety,” she griped.

  “I’ll take care of you, babe, when I get back after work. Just relax in the bath or something. Do me a favor. Don’t go anywhere today,” I told her.

  “Do you think something is going to happen with Jackson?” I didn’t like the way she said his name and suddenly Mr. Blake’s teasing got to me.

  “Why you so worried about Jackson?” I asked accusingly.

  “Isn’t that why you’re here in the first place?” she asked.

  “Is that why you’re here?” I regretted that as soon as I said it, but I couldn’t take it back.

  “Seriously, I’m done with this conversation.” She hung up the phone. I was about to call her back, but Jackson yelled for me to say he was ready. I’d deal with her ass later, or so I thought.

  Chapter 5

  Since we got into the office, it had been chaos galore. One thing after another. When I decided to come with him today, I didn’t know I was going to be carrying out a naked broad. I was sure that my girl wasn’t going to be happy with that, but I knew Elizabeth was going to be furious when she found out that crazy chick wanted to fuck Jackson. Elizabeth didn’t have shit to worry about because Jackson loved and worshipped her.

  I couldn’t believe what Jackson just said. They were in an accident. We rushed to the truck. I should have driven, but Jackson didn’t want to waste time; I didn’t know where the hospital was. Shit, and I thought the shit we’d been through this morning was crazy. We didn’t know anything, which scared me the most. When they told you less, there was more to be concerned about. Damn.

  We’d gotten to the hospital and Jackson jumped out of the truck, barely putting it in park before tossing me the keys to take care of it.

  Once I got in the hospital, I was taken to my brother who, thankfully, would survive. He was asleep when I first got a chance to see him. I didn’t like t
he way he looked; the color was gone from his face. Rage filled me as I learned that it wasn’t just a car accident—they’d been shot.

  It was some time before Mike woke up. While I sat by his bedside waiting for him to wake, I got an update on the women. “Hey there, it is great to see your ugly ass finally wake up. How you doing, bro?” I could see the apprehension in his eyes, but his only concern had been the women, particularly, Zoey.

  He tried to get up with his side bandage, ignoring the obvious pain I knew he had to be in. He frantically asked, “Where is she? Tell me she is okay! Damn it, how is my Zoey?” His Zoey? Hmm?

  “Calm down, she just got out of surgery, too. She is going to be fine. A couple of cuts on her head that required a few stitches and a broken ankle. She’s resting like you should be doing.” I pressed the button to alert the nurses that Mike had woken up. A minute later they walked in with the doctor.

  “Mr. Mancini, it is good to see you’re awake. How are you feeling? Is there any pain?” the doctor asked kindly.

  “What happened?” Mike was still half dazed, not knowing what happened to him.

  “You had a concussion and several lacerations that needed stitches from the broken glass and a fractured rib from where the bullet lodged. We were able to remove it without further damage to the area. You were a very lucky man, an inch lower and it would have it your organs. The police believe the bullet hit your chair first, which slowed it down.”

  After learning what happened, he started asking about the other women. “How is Mrs. Blake?”

  “She is recovering. She has been sedated and is with her husband,” said the doctor as he checked Mike’s vitals.

  Mike ducked his head in anguished guilt and groaned, “Damn, I failed to keep them safe.”

  “Sir, it was not your fault. You should be proud. They wouldn’t have made it without your quick actions. With injuries of your own, you still managed to get them to safety,” the nurse said with admiration.

  “I want to go see Zoey,” Mike snarled. He tried to get up again, but I had his ass pinned down. I knew he wouldn’t fight me on this.

  “I’m sorry sir, but that is going to have to wait until the morning. It’s late and she needs her rest. Please know she will be just fine. Now get some sleep.” They had injected some medicine into his IV. It wasn’t long before I felt the tension ease from him, and he fell asleep. I let him go and took a seat by his side.

  As I sat there, I thought about April. I wanted to call her, but I wasn’t in the mood for another fight. My level of pissed off was already too high. Somebody tried to kill my brother; vengeance was all I could think about. I had only been sitting in the chair for about three minutes when I got a text from April.

  Sorry about your brother. I hope he’s going to be alright.

  I walked out into the hallway and gave her a call. “Hey, April. He’s going to be okay,” I said.

  “Oh, that’s wonderful. I was so worried.” I could hear the relief in her voice.

  “How are you doing?”

  “I’m okay,” she replied hesitantly.

  “I’m sorry about this morning. It was just something someone said to me as a joke that made me feel a bit jealous,” I admitted.

  “It’s fine. That’s the first thing I heard when I started here. That I didn’t have a shot with Jackson and to just give it up.”

  “Why? Were you interested in him before?” I tried not to be jealous, but I couldn’t fight the feeling.

  “No, but I was shown a picture of each family member, and I mentioned that he was handsome. Ever since then, John started on me about wanting Jackson or anyone else that was close to my age. I didn’t even meet the man until the other day and frankly, in my opinion, he doesn’t hold a candle to someone else I know.”

  “Oh, yeah? Who is this other someone?” I inquired while smiling on the other end.

  She paused, then described her man. “He’s big, strong, tall, dark and rugged. He’s too hot for his own good, and his touch sets my body on fire,” she purred.

  I groaned with her description. “Babe, you need to stop it, or I’ll be making my way to your place for another fucking round or six of worshipping your body.”

  “You can’t. I’m on my way back to the Blake Estate,” she interjected in a rush.

  “What? I thought you took today off. You shouldn’t be working right now.” I was going to have to have a talk with Blake, but either way she wasn’t going to be working tonight.

  “John called me because of the accident and told me I was needed at the Estate.” I heard a car door close and the start of her engine.

  “Forget that. Come get me from the hospital.”

  “But I’ll get in trouble,” she whined.

  “No, you won’t.”

  “I can’t get out of work because we had sex.”

  “That’s not why you’re not working. Come pick me up now,” I demanded.

  “Fine, but I have to work.” I knew she’d do as I asked. That’s my girl.

  “Okay,” I had no intention of letting her work today. She wasn’t going anywhere near Kowalski.

  I went to let Mr. Blake know that I was leaving for the night. I knocked on Zoey’s door, and he opened it with his finger to his lips for me to be quiet.

  I said just above a whisper, “Mr. Blake, I’m going to leave for the night. By the way, April is not working tonight.”

  “Was she supposed to?” Mr. Blake questioned with a perplexed expression. I thought it didn’t make much sense to have security tight at the house when we were all at the hospital.

  “She said because of what happened, John called her in to do extra patrols tonight.” I hated that guy.

  “Oh no! I forgot to mention it because of what happened, but I fired him before I got the call.”

  “You fired him!” I yelled.

  He hushed me again, then said, “Yes, Amir told me what he said about April this morning, and I can’t have supervisors demeaning my employees baselessly, so I dealt with it.”

  “So he tried to get her to show up at the Estate. For what?” I asked angrily.

  “I don’t know, but meet her and keep her safe. I’ll deal with him tomorrow. I need to get back to Zoey,” he said tilting back to his baby girl on the bed.

  “Yes, sir,” I said with a wave as I left her room. I stopped by Elizabeth’s room to let Jackson know I was leaving, but he was sleeping with his head on Elizabeth bed.

  I walked out of the hospital just as April pulled up. I walked around to the driver’s side and opened the door. “Get in the passenger seat.” She hesitated, but the look I gave her said I wasn’t in the mood for attitude. She got out of the car, but that was as far as she got. Missing her like crazy, I pushed her against the car and attacked her luscious lips. Our kiss was hot as hell as I gripped her ass and pushed her core on my dick that was hard the instant I’d seen her.

  I needed to get her back to her place so I could be inside her. Groaning, I pulled away, grabbed her hand and tugged her around to the passenger side.

  “You don’t need to rush me in the car.”

  “Oh, baby. I need to rush more than you know,” I groaned as I pressed her hand to my pants, letting her feel my reaction to her.

  “I’m starting to catch on,” she teased as she painfully stroked it at her leisure.

  “Get in,” I snarled, moving my cock out of her reach. “Catching on fast, fucking tease,” I grumbled as I closed her door.

  “We won’t have time for a little quickie. I have to go to work.”

  “No, you don’t. Kowalski lied. You didn’t have to go in at all. I think he wanted to ruin your night by making you come in for nothing.” I didn’t tell her my real suspicions because I didn’t want her to worry, but I had every intention of dealing with Kowalski later.

  I slid my hand onto her thigh, giving it a squeeze as we drove down the dark, lonely road. She didn’t stop me him when I crept my hand up her thigh and into her apex. My fingers teased her
mound over her pants. April started to moan and squirm as I continued to torment her.

  “Fine. You win!” she conceded, and I chuckled.

  “Honey, I won yesterday. Right now I was just trying to get you as hot as I am because I’m going to fuck you on the first surface we find,” I informed her how fucked up she had me.

  “Oh,” she whispered with a blush.

  “Yes, oh, baby. I’m going to fuck you so good. You won’t be looking for another,” I said with a scowl.


  Oh, my. He’s acting like he wants more than just temporary pussy. That wasn’t good for us. It didn’t work for me. I had a secret I wasn’t ready to reveal to him. Milo was supposed to be my entry into the adult world. Once I was ready to end our secret affair, I’d tell him the truth about me and he’d run. But hell, his touch was so damn tempting.

  We pulled up to my apartment building, and he walked around the car to escort me out. He was a gentleman until he closed the front door to my apartment. Then like a whirlwind, he started tearing off my clothes. I was glad I had a spare uniform or two. I attacked his suit and both of us were bare in moments, and his fingers were already playing inside my pussy, sliding in and out quickly, bringing out all my juices. I started purring and squirming against his hand.

  He dropped down to the rug in the living room on his ass. “April,” he groaned, as he parted his thighs and stroked his cock from the base to tip. “Come here, baby. It’s time for you to ride me.”


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