Heirs of War, Crown of Flames

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Heirs of War, Crown of Flames Page 7

by Mara Valderran

  “It felt real.”

  “You've been through a lot, Ariana. More than any one person should ever go through. It's possible that your mind is still trying to cope.”

  “By giving me visions of someone else being tortured?” she asked skeptically.

  “Maybe you need someone to rescue.” He could relate. It was nice to have someone to fight for instead of always having someone to fight against. Ariana had given him that.

  “And if it is Zelene?” Ariana pushed. “If she has my twin sister? What then?”

  He blinked at her, certain she wasn't hinting that they should return. “We hope the Duillaine do a better job of finding her than they have of finding you.”


  Ariana had to be wrong, Isauria told herself while rushing through the corridors. If Zelene or anyone else had gone missing, she would have heard. She knew she would. The Duillaine wouldn't keep something like this from her. Would they?

  These same questions repeated through her mind as she stood in the antechamber and knocked on her sister's door. No one answered, so she opened it and went into the apartment.

  A young man with blond hair sat on the edge of Zelene's bed, twirling a rose in his fingers. Startled, he leapt to his feet when he saw Isauria. “This isn't what it looks like. My name is—”

  “I know who you are, Cedwen. Where's my sister?” Isauria demanded.

  “I don't know,” Cedwen answered, disheartened. “I've been waiting here all day in the hopes of apologizing to her.”

  That didn't bring Isauria any comfort since it was well past dark now. “When was the last time you saw her?”

  He shrugged. “A few days ago. She's not very happy with me right now.”

  Isauria didn't care about that. She closed her eyes, trying again to find the thread leading her to Zelene. She felt traces of it, but couldn't actually touch it with her mind. She left Cedwen in the middle of his sob story, the panic welling in her chest. Someone had to have seen Zelene lately. Between the Duillaine and Varrick, Zelene would never be able to just sneak away.

  Only she had, hadn't she? Zelene had tried to run away right after Kyle was kidnapped, and she would have succeeded if not for Ellowyn. Isauria had seen it all, and her pace picked up with this thought. She pounded on Rhaya's door, then Terrena's. No one answered, so she continued knocking on doors in the corridor of what she called the Water building, desperate to find someone to help her.

  She turned around to be face to face with Liam and threw herself into his arms. “Dad, I don’t know what to do.” She pulled back. “I can’t find her. I can’t find anyone, and I have to get help. We have to help her.”

  “Isauria?” Terrena asked from the walkway. Seeing how distraught her cousin was, she rushed over.

  “Breathe, Izzy,” Liam said, rubbing his hands up and down her arms. “What is it? What did you see?”

  Isauria shook her head, fear overwhelming her and interfering with her ability to speak. “I can't. I can't see Zelene. Ariana had a vision and she thinks Kellen has Zelene, and I can't see her, and I can't find her.”

  “I'm certain Zelene is fine,” Terrena assured her. “She dresses like the Tainted so she can blend in, which is probably why you can't find her.”

  “No, you don't understand,” Isauria insisted. “I can't even see her with my gift. It's like she's out of my reach.”

  Terrena's eyes widened at the implication and she turned to Liam. “We'll check her usual spots. Perhaps there's a rational explanation for this. Liam, find Varrick. He’ll know if something is wrong with Zelene. I’m sure everything is fine.”

  “When was the last time you saw her?” Liam asked Terrena, his concern growing.

  “Days ago,” she admitted with reluctance. “But I don't see Zelene often. She spends more time with her maid than she does with her family.”

  “She doesn't know us.” Isauria surprised herself by defending her younger sister's attitude. More often than not, Isauria found Zelene looking sad instead of angry, but only when she thought no one was looking.

  “Yes, and she won't unless she actually speaks to us,” Terrena muttered and then shook off the thought. “No matter. We will give her a proper lecture on family values when we find her.” She nodded to Liam before he sped off, and then guided Isauria away.

  Isauria and Terrena raced down the stairs and through the hallways until they reached the laundry area, but Zelene was nowhere to be found. They checked the gardens and the kitchens, and then began to ask around several other places. No one had seen her, though the servants would have hardly realized who she was. Isauria tried time and time again to find her, but she still couldn't reach her sister.

  “This is bad,” Isauria said in a shaky voice. She clutched her chest, terrified of what Kellen might be doing to Zelene.

  Terrena placed her hands on Isauria's arms. “Stay calm, Isauria. We can't think the worst. Not yet.”

  “How can I not?” Isauria shook her head and began to pace. “I've seen what Kellen is capable of. She's haunted my nightmares for a long time. I watched her kill my own mother and torture one sister. Now she's going to hurt the other. And I can't do anything. All I can do is watch.” She rested her hand against the wall to steady herself as she began to hyperventilate. “That’s all I ever do is watch. It’s the worst ability in the world. I’m still so powerless.”

  “We should check with Cedwen. They're betrothed now, so perhaps she snuck away for a moment of privacy with him.”

  Isauria's head snapped up. “Betrothed? Really? No one tells me anything.”

  “The Duillaine finalized the terms last week. We'll find him, and Zelene will be with him.”

  “He's waiting for her in her room,” Isauria said slowly. “She's gone, Terrena. And the Duillaine didn't even notice. They aren’t going to save her. They won’t even save Ariana. What are we going to do?”

  “Ellowyn,” Terrena blurted out. “She's always with her, and she's always hiding from everyone else. I'd wager that she's in Ellowyn's room.”

  They both ran off in the direction of the servants' quarters, which was all the way on the other side of Anscombe circle in the middle ring of buildings. Terrena led Isauria down to the basement floor, where the Tainted were housed, ignoring the questioning stares of the people they passed.

  “Which room belongs to Ellowyn?” Terrena demanded of one of the passing servants, who pointed a shaky hand three doors down.

  Isauria didn't bother to knock; she simply burst in and nearly fell to her knees at the sight of her sister sitting with Ellowyn. They were both looking at a book and laughing over something, which infuriated Isauria. She stormed in and tearfully ripped the cloth from her sister's head that disguised her as one of the Tainted.

  “Ow,” Zelene clutched her head. “What the hell, Izzy?”

  “What are you doing?” Isauria shouted. She waved the cloth at Zelene. “You can't just go around like this, hiding from everyone who's supposed to be protecting you. What if something happened to you? How would we know? You've been missing for days, and no one even noticed.”

  Zelene stood up, her gaze shifting between Isauria and Terrena, who’d slipped inside and closed the door behind her. “I'm pretty sure Varrick would. That's kinda his job.”

  “Did he know when you tried to run away before? After Kyle?” Isauria retorted heatedly. She stared at her sister, so defiant and full of life, and who understood so very little about how dangerous of a situation they were all in. “Kellen already tried to lure you away once.”

  Zelene grew somber at the reminder. “I know, and I'm being careful now, Izzy. I promise. I won't run away again. Now what's going on?”

  Isauria plopped down in a nearby chair and buried her face in her trembling hands, trying to collect herself. “Kellen has someone. Someone close.”

  Zelene paled and knelt down in front of her sister. “Ariana?”

  “No,” Isauria answered. “Ariana saw it. Keeps seeing it, from what she said. She's
seeing through someone else's eyes, someone that she feels close to, while Kellen tortures them. Kellen referred to them as family.” She looked at Zelene. “And now Ariana thinks Kellen has you.”

  Zelene stared at Isauria, her eyes terrified. “But Kellen doesn’t have me.”

  “I know that, but Ariana doesn’t.”

  “Dammit,” Zelene muttered. “We have to find Ariana before she does something stupid.”

  Isauria shook her head fervently. “No, you can't!”

  “Not me,” Zelene clarified impatiently and stood. “Well, not me alone anyway.”

  “Don't be ridiculous,” Terrena spoke up. “We are not going after Ariana, Zelene. It's absurd. We'd all die.”

  “So everyone keeps saying,” Zelene said darkly. “But how long are we supposed to wait on the Duillaine? They aren't doing anything.”

  The door opened and Solanna stood before them with a disapproving stare. “I beg to differ, Zelene.” She came inside and turned to Ellowyn, who had been silently watching the exchange. “Ellowyn, would you be so kind as to fetch the paion? I'm afraid Isauria is in need of an elixir to help her relax. Close the door behind you, dear.”

  Ellowyn looked to Zelene for approval, and her friend nodded. “Yes, Banair Solanna. Right away.” She bowed her head and then left, shutting the door behind her.

  Solanna shifted her attention to Isauria. “What's this about Kellen having someone captive?”

  “Ariana is having visions,” Terrena explained. “Kellen is torturing someone she’s referred to as ‘family’ in an attempt to lure Ariana back. Ariana thinks it might be Zelene.”

  “And why would she think that?”

  “Because she's seeing through the other person's eyes,” Isauria explained. “She thinks that because they're twins and magical, they have a bond strong enough for her to do something like that.”

  “Is that possible?” Zelene asked uncomfortably. “For her to, like, possess me or something?”

  “Shared consciousness would be more accurate, and I don't know,” Solanna responded simply and shrugged. “You five girls all seem to defy the impossible.” She turned back to Isauria. “Why did you think it was Zelene?”

  “Because I couldn't see her. It was like she was out of my reach. Is that…?” Isauria hesitated and pressed her lips together. She had so many questions for Solanna since they shared the same ability, but she knew this was probably the hardest one for her aunt to answer. “Is that what you felt with my mother?”

  Solanna stiffened, and her eyes grew haunted. “No. I saw everything with your mother. You watched her last moments. I watched my sister while she was tortured and out of my reach day after day.” She cleared her throat, composing herself. “The only times she felt out of my reach were when I surmised that you were using your gift to see her, which is why you couldn't reach Zelene this time. I was using my gift to watch her, and I'm certain you were already exhausted from spending the day using your powers to keep watch on Ariana.”

  “You were watching me?” Zelene repeated accusingly.

  Solanna shifted to face her temperamental niece. “Yes, I was. You see, Zelene, you tend to go missing quite often. I use my ability to find you so that Sylvanna doesn't tear the castle apart looking for you and discover your little secret of dressing like the Tainted.”

  Zelene threw her hands up in the air. “Is there anyone who doesn't know about my disguise?”

  “Yes,” Solanna answered. “Sylvanna. If you'd like to keep it that way, I suggest you get used to my watching. And stop this silly talk of rescuing Ariana on your own. You know nothing about the lands, your powers, the people you would be up against. It's foolish and is only causing those who care about you,” she gestured to Isauria, “to worry.”

  Zelene glared at her aunt. “What exactly are you guys doing to help Ariana, huh? Last time I checked, your stance was that her fate was out of your hands.”

  Solanna stepped forward, lowering her voice. “None of your fates are in our hands, Zelene. The Prophecy made certain of that. We will find Ariana and rescue her, if she doesn't find us first. As for what we are doing, we are doing what we must, and you'll forgive us if we do not run everything by you. Seeing as how you've taken so little interest in this world and your role as one of its future leaders, we are less than inclined to explain our position to you.”

  Isauria resisted the urge to let out a low whistle when Solanna put Zelene in her place. She waited for Zelene to blow up in return, but she didn't.

  “There's still the question of who it is that Kellen has,” Terrena pointed out.

  “No one,” Solanna turned around and spread her hands out. “If anyone was missing, I would know.” She turned to Zelene. “Yes, even when some of you decide to run away. Varrick and I were both in pursuit before your maid found you.”

  The door opened and Bianca rushed inside. She knelt down beside Isauria, already beginning an examination. “Are you all right, Izzy? Ellowyn said you were out of sorts.”

  Isauria threw her arms around Bianca's neck with relief, but still worried. Though she was happy that Solanna said everyone was accounted for, she couldn't help but feel that they were all missing something vital, and that someone would get hurt as a result.

  “Let’s get you back to your room,” Bianca said and helped Isauria to her feet. She linked their arms together and placed her free hand over Isauria's.

  “You should all return to your rooms,” Solanna suggested. “And Zelene? You might want to put that headwrap back on if you plan to keep up this charade.”

  “Doesn't seem to be much of a point,” Zelene mumbled but took the cloth from Isauria and let Ellowyn help her put it on.

  Isauria threw an apprehensive glance over her shoulder at them before she left with Bianca, not certain that allowing Zelene to walk around incognito was the best plan. She hoped Solanna knew how to handle Zelene. She seemed like she did, and with an ease that left Isauria wondering what their mother had been like.


  Rhaya stopped in the doorway of the classroom, a triumphant grin on her face as she watched Zelene flipping through a book next to the fireplace. She knew her cousin would come around. Resisting the urge to cheer about teamwork, Rhaya walked into the room with a bounce in her step.

  “You're here,” Rhaya said, not hiding her surprise. She plucked the book from Zelene's hands and read the cover. It was a study of the Tainted of Dhara and titled as such. Tate used it as a reference during one of his lessons to help explain why the girls had never felt like they fit in there. “I thought we were meeting later.”

  “We are. I mean, we will. Have you found anything out yet?” Zelene asked. She snatched the book back and hugged the cover to her chest.

  “Not yet,” Rhaya said. “Sylvanna's got me pretty much booked up today with lessons and fittings for dresses for the festival, but I'm going to go to the library tonight after dinner and see what I can find out.”

  “There's a library?”

  “Of course there is,” Rhaya answered with an amused tone and waved a greeting to Adelphi and Tate as they entered the room. “Every castle has a library. You just have to look for it.”

  “Ainnir Zelene,” Tate said with a bow that denoted more sarcasm than respect when he joined the group. “So nice to have you finally grace us with your presence. To what do we owe the honor?”

  Zelene aimed a snide look at him. “Just wondering how the master of espionage was doing.”

  His lip curled. “Truant.”

  “Snoop,” she muttered back before forcing a smile as Adelphi walked over to them.

  “Greetings of a bright day to you all,” Adelphi greeted them and then lifted her eyebrows at the site of Zelene. “I wasn't expecting this many pupils today.”

  “Looks like this is where the party is,” Zelene noted and took a seat at the long table in the center of the room.

  Adelphi sat at the head of the table. “Well, I am glad to hear it since today is a specia
l lesson that I will be leading. As the Duillaine Banair have told you, Anscombe is planning a festival in celebration of Imbolc this year. So I thought it might be prudent to explain the four saoire to you. Do you know what a saoire is?”

  “That's kinda like a holiday, right?” Zelene asked, flushing at the shocked looks on their faces. “What? My father told me about them before. He said that each one represents an element and those are the days that the Duillaine Banair are born.”

  “Correct,” Adelphi said. “You were each born on a saoire and usually tribute is paid to the Duillaine Banair and the Duillaine Ainnir of the element that is being celebrated. For example, normally at Samhain, tribute would be paid to Zelene, Ariana, and Nandalia since they were born under Fire. However, circumstances being what they were this year, the Duillaine Banair opted not to celebrate but to hold vigil instead. It will be different for Imbolc. We will be honoring both Solanna and Isauria at this festival because it represents Air. Lugnasad is our festival for Water and Beltane is our Earth festival.”

  “I'm still kind of bummed that there's no Christmas,” Rhaya said with a pout. “How long do the festivals last?”

  “Imbolc is one day, Beltane is two, and Lugnasad and Samhain are three days,” their teacher answered pleasantly. “Of course, there might also be a Wassail festival to follow provided there are any women who are of the age to marry. That festival lasts two days with the first marking the beginning of a marriage and the second day reserved for any joining ceremonies that need to take place.”

  “What's the difference?”

  “Well, think of the first ceremony as more of an engagement. It is when two people come together and promise to spend the next year with each other in the hopes of agreeing to a more permanent bond,” she explained, folding her hands onto the table in front of her. “A joining ceremony is what you would know as the actual wedding. Once a couple has remained together for the allotted year, they decide whether or not to stay married. If they decide to commit to their union, they are joined together permanently in this ceremony.”


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