Forbidden Lust (Tales of the Forbidden)

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Forbidden Lust (Tales of the Forbidden) Page 6

by Jaden Sinclair

  He saw the sparkle in her eyes and knew she would move before she did. Pushing from the side of the pool, she went right up to him, using the edge of the pool and the side to rise up between his legs.

  “Who likes being bored?” She closed her hand around his shaft and he sucked much needed air into his lungs.

  “I like excitement.” She moved her hand up to the head and stopped. “Like entertainment.” Her hand moved down slowly. “Like having something to do.” Back up it went.

  “If I, um, if I didn’t know better...” Thinking, talking was very hard at the moment with her moving her hand up and down on him. “I’m...oh shit, Makayla, I can’t think with you doing that.”

  “Good. Thinking can be boring.”

  “Makayla, do you know what you’re doing?”

  “Oh I have a pretty good idea.” She shocked the living hell right out of him by closing her lips around the head and sucking.

  “Shit, Makayla,” he groaned, watching her move, fascinated to a point that he couldn’t look away no matter how intense the pleasure might be.

  Up and down her head moved, lips pulling on his flesh, sucking the very life it seemed right out of him. He wanted it to last, wanted it over, hell, wanted her right this very second, yet unable to stop her. Lucky for him, she took the choice out of his hands.

  Releasing his cock, she used the hold she still had on it to pull him back into the water. With a sparkle still in her eyes, Makayla swam back to the shallow end of the pool and waited for him to join her.

  When he did, her legs and arms instantly went around him, her body welcomed him and he sank into his heaven. He entered her slow and easy, eyes locked with hers. About halfway in she arched, pressed the heels of her feet into his ass, forcing him to thrust the rest of the way.

  Control went out the door. When it came to her, Darius just didn’t have any. He couldn’t make these moments last, couldn’t draw out each intense pleasure to the max. He felt her muscles contract and it was over for him. Nothing he did, including biting the inside of his mouth, could distract his body to hold off. He swelled and exploded, eyes closed tight at the intense pleasure rushing through his body.

  Her legs tightened even more around his hips as she grinded against him, making his climax that much stronger. Everything on him became so sensitive he couldn’t move. When she wiggled, he whimpered and groaned, which in turn had her giggling.

  Where he got the willpower to move, to slip free from her body, he couldn’t say. Rolling over, Makayla took a deep breath and stood up. He lay there on his back, the water cooling heated flesh, watching her walk away from the water and up the stone steps. With another groan, he rubbed his face, scrambled to his feet and followed her back into the house.

  They showered, dressed minimally. She put on her new panties that she left the Compound in and one of his shirts. He tugged on a pair of sweat pants. With a small, simple kiss from her, she disappeared into the kitchen, leaving him alone to do whatever he wanted or needed to do. He did have some work, but with her in the house, he just couldn’t seem to focus on anything but her.

  They ate a small meal she fixed; he took a new bottle of wine up to the room and she watched a movie while he dozed off. The day felt so long, and then at the same time short. When the television went off and, in the dark room, he finally voiced the one thought that had been bothering him all day long.

  “I’m still confused as to why you are so accepting,” he said. “Last night you were ready to feed me to Dane.”

  She shifted on the bed. It was too dark to see her, but he could feel her hovering over him. “You’ve give me something I really never thought I’d get.”

  “Which is what?”

  “Freedom.” Her lips touched his lightly.

  “Okay, you got me curious.”

  Her body slid over his. Right on top of him she laid in nothing more than his shirt. “I’m not going to pussy foot around here, Darius, and lie and tell you that everything I’ve ever dreamed has come true. I didn’t want to go to the Compound and be forced into a marriage, think that much you know.”

  “Without a doubt.”

  “But I also slept on it all that night.” She sighed, sat up and moved again. He half thought that she just took the shirt off, but couldn’t be sure. “I like being around my family and the only way I can do that is by just going along with the flow here.”

  “That easy?”

  Again she moved, maybe she shrugged, but he couldn’t tell. “Sure, why not. We both get what we want, and in a way get to enjoy each other.” The sheet that covered him slid down his legs. The feel of her skin against him had him instantly hard once more. “And I’m discovering that I do enjoy you.”

  He chuckled lightly at her statement, touched her arms and discovered, true to his thought, she had taken off the shirt. However, before things could heat up between them, she moved off him and back to her spot on the bed. He smiled in the darkness, but didn’t move from his spot either. She shifted, covers moved, and soon he heard the even sound of her breathing. Makayla was asleep.

  Darius decided he’d lay there for a bit longer then get up and get some work done, after all he didn’t sleep much these days, not with what he had on his mind and that wasn’t all Makayla. So it was a bit shocking when he woke up on his stomach, the sun shining brightly in the room, and the smell of food cooking below.

  Sitting up he looked around to get his bearings before rolling to the side and out of bed. Groggy, he headed for the bathroom and a hot shower to clear his mind.

  The smell of bacon had his shower ending short and dressing in jeans and shirt. Leaving the master bedroom, Darius took the spiral stairs down to the main floor and headed for the kitchen, only to stop short when he saw Samara standing in the kitchen near the stove with Makayla, showing her something. Right off, he looked around for Dane, bracing himself for a fight.

  “He isn’t here.” Makayla’s voice snapped him back to her. She turned with a smile and a plate in her hand, which she put down at the bar with a nod for him to come over. “Samara left him home.”

  “Figured it might be safer if I come first and reported back that she’s fine.” Samara smiled with a cup of coffee in her hand.

  “I fixed you breakfast,” Makayla said with a twinkle in her eye.

  He went to the bar, sat down and picked the coffee cup up first, taking a sip of the hot brew. “You know I can hire a cook. You don’t have to do the cooking.”

  “Don’t mind the cooking,” Makayla said and shrugged. “It’s the cleaning up afterward that I can’t stand.”

  “So how pissed is he?” Darius asked, putting his cup down and picking up the fork. Makayla had fixed bacon with scrambled eggs and toast. He took a bite of the eggs.

  “Oh, well, you know...” Samara sighed. “He still wants to rip your nuts off with his bare hands, but since Makayla hasn’t called yet crying for help, Berdina is slowly coming around to your side. She’s pointing out how things must be working out and he needs to give the two of you a chance.”

  “Never thought that woman would be on my side,” Darius said.

  “She’s on her side,” Samara stated. “She wants Makayla home more, and with her being married to you she gets her wish.”

  “You know, I’ve got this strange feeling that you two have something planned.”

  Makayla and Samara both looked at each other as if they just got caught.

  “The annual Charity ball is coming up,” Makayla said. “And I’d like to go.”

  Darius sat back in the chair, as Samara continued.

  “She’s never been, Darius. I wanted to take her last year, but Dane didn’t think it would be a good idea.”

  Makayla moved around the bar to him, wrapping her arms around his neck. “Please.”

  “Only twenty-four hours later and she’s all lovey-dovie with me,” he snickered. “Before then she wanted to take my head off.”

  “Don’t think it was the one on your shoulders.” Sa
mara smiled back.

  “No, it wasn’t.” Darius shook his head and took a deep breath. “So you want to go to this damn ball, huh?” he asked Makayla.

  “Very much.”


  “Because I’ve heard so much about it,” Makayla said. “And I want to see it for myself, not hear second hand all the juicy gossip.”

  That had Darius laughing. “Oh I know now there is so much more to this than I’m being told.”

  “There is, but you don’t really expect me to share it all, do you?” Makayla batted her eyes at him.

  “Some would be nice,” he stated.

  “I’ll think about it.”

  Shaking his head, he gave his attention to Samara. “Alright, I guess we can go.”

  Makayla pretty much squealed behind him. He turned and watched as she jumped up and down, clapping her hands together like a little girl. It was a sight that had him smiling big.

  “You both do know that I hate balls with a passion, right?” he said.

  “Oh, it isn’t that bad,” Samara said. “Free drinks, some really good food—”

  “And a bunch of snobs looking for the latest gossip,” he groaned. “I know all about it. So guess that means you’re going to want to go shopping next.”

  “Well, she does need a dress,” Samara said with a smile.

  He nodded and pushed away from the bar. “I’ll call the store and let them know to send me a bill.” Turning to Makayla he took hold of her chin, bringing her close so only she could hear him. “Have fun and get whatever you want.” A quick kiss and he let the two get ready for their shopping trip.

  Chapter Six

  “What do you think of this?” Makayla picked up a silk dress, showing it to her sister. It was the fourth dress she’d picked up, and the fourth she really didn’t like after looking at it closer.

  “Pink is not your color,” Samara said.

  “So what is my color?”

  “Not sure,” Samara kept walking around the racks, perusing the fancy gowns. “So how’s things really been going between you two? I mean, I know it’s only been one night.”

  “Things are fine.”


  Makayla stopped looking at the dresses and gave her full attention to her sister. “Samara, I don’t know what to really think when it comes to Darius. He built a house for me, for god’s sake. He has been keeping tabs on me for a while and then just marries me without a heads up to any of us. Sure, I wanted to take his head off, but really what good would that do? The outcome would be the same no matter what, so I might just as well go along with it. Besides, I get to stay home now and see you more.”

  Samara smiled. “Yeah, that is the good side to all of this.”

  Makayla looked at another two dresses before stopping once more. “He’s lonely, Samara. I see it in his eyes.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I can’t explain it really. I just get this feeling he’s been alone longer than what the others know, and I can see it in his eyes. The other night when we were in the Compound, I woke up and saw him just standing in the corner looking down at the floor. He told me he doesn’t sleep much. I want to help him, Samara.”

  “And how do you plan on doing that?”

  Makayla shrugged. “Not sure. One thing I do know, without a doubt, is that the guys need to get back together. He misses them.”

  “Dane told me the other day, finally, some of Darius’s background. Hell, from what I’ve heard, even from Kera, the four of them have had shitty lives. You know Nana pretty much controlled Dane until he got to a certain age.” Makayla nodded to that. “Well, Devon became the reasonable one in the group after his father died. No shocker there. Blaine got shipped off to boarding school because of what his family thought he did to Nicolai’s mother, getting her pregnant and all. Well, from what I have been told by Dane about Darius, he got the worst of the deal out of them all. Guess his father was the worst bastard of all and his mother wasn’t too stable.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I couldn’t get much out of Dane. He acted as if he didn’t want to talk about it really, but I pushed him. He told me that Darius’s mother was one of those Bible women, you know, the kind that preaches all the time. Dane said that once when they were all over there, Darius’s mother started going on about how Darius was the spawn of the devil and his sister the devil’s whore.”

  “What!” Makayla cut her off. “Darius has a sister?”

  “Had,” Samara corrected. “She died I think Dane said around thirteen or fourteen years old. Killed herself.”


  Samara shrugged. “Dane didn’t know and Darius never said. After she died, Darius changed, Dane said. Became more alone than usual, stayed away from home as much as he could, then got himself into trouble. Dane thought he did it so his father would send him away to school. When his father died, Darius didn’t even come back for the funeral.”

  “What happened to his mother?”

  Again, Samara shrugged. “Don’t know. She sort of disappeared right after Darius.”

  “You don’t think she’s dead, do you?”

  “From what the guys said, they don’t know what happened to her. After his sister died, Darius was sent away and his mother disappeared. Oh, I like this one!” Samara suddenly grabbed a white silk gown from the rack and held it up. It had crystals in the thin straps and an open back that went all the way to the top curve of the rear. “This would be perfect for you.”

  Her mind no longer on shopping, Makayla took the dress and headed for a dressing room. She tried it on, ended up loving it, and bought it and a few other things for Darius’s pleasure later on.

  They ate lunch, then went their separate ways. Makayla headed back to the house, her mind full of questions and knew of no way to begin asking them. Her gut told her that when it came to things like his family, Darius might not tell her. So she needed to think up a plan to get him to open up.

  The house was quiet when she walked through the front door. Bags in hand, she headed for the kitchen first to drop off the things she picked up for dinner, then headed to the bedroom to hang up her new gown and hide the outfit she planned on wearing later, for Darius’s pleasure. Once that was finished, she headed for his office, which seemed to be the only room in the house that had a light on. Makayla lifted her hand to knock then paused at the slightly open door when she heard Darius having what she believed was a phone conversation.

  “Didn’t we have this conversation months ago?” Darius said his voice low and filled with anger. “I told you then that I’m not paying anymore. You take over the bill. I don’t give a shit, Jay. I’m not taking responsibility for her anymore. She’s your sister, you carry the damn burden for once. No, you don’t have to remind me of that fact, it’s not like I’ve ever forgotten. Look, I’m not a fucking bank here!”

  She didn’t want to hear any more. Turning from the door, tip-toeing back down to the kitchen, she busied herself with putting things away and getting pans out to start dinner. Thirty minutes later Darius showed up.

  “Hey, when did you get back?” he asked, reaching around her for a cut piece of carrot.

  “A bit ago,” she said, finishing up and putting the cut vegetables into a skillet. “I went up to your office to let you know I was back, but you were on the phone and I didn’t want to bother you.” From the corner of her eye, she saw him stiffen. “It was so much fun having a whole day out with Samara,” she quickly added. “We never got to do anything like that before. Our father didn’t want to take a chance that his slaves might get taken to the Compound.” She laughed, glancing at him quickly.

  “Which I guess is what happened,” he said softly. He walked around the kitchen, opened the door of a cabinet and pulled out a bottle of wine.

  She finished with what she needed to do for the moment, and turned to face him just as he finished pouring himself a large glass of wine. Without a word, Darius downed half of it, then
filled it up again.

  “Something on your mind?” she asked.

  “Nope,” he answered right before taking another big drink.

  Makayla went up to him and took the glass before he could finish the wine, setting the glass back on the table and blocking him from getting ahold of it. “What’s wrong? It sounded like you were having a fight with someone on the phone.”

  “Don’t worry about it.” Darius tried to reach around her for the glass, but she blocked him.

  “Talk to me.”

  “Makayla,” he sighed, running a hand through his hair.


  “I can’t,” he said, moving away from her. “I need some air. I’m going for a walk.”

  And just like that he left, without emitting another word or looking back at her.

  Makayla stood there, looking at nothing, not understanding what it was that she needed to do. They didn’t know each other. Less than forty-eight hours ago they were married, and back in the Compound it seemed they were close, or at least she thought he might be trying to get close to her. Now, after that strange call, Darius just shut himself off.

  Not feeling hungry anymore, and getting this strange impression that he might be coming back soon, she turned the skillet off and dumped what little food she started to cook in the sink. Instead of eating, she headed for the bedroom, took a long bath, then when it became too hard to keep her eyes open, she went to bed.

  The sun woke her to half an empty bed. She could tell from the looks of the other side that Darius hadn’t joined her. Confused, she got out of bed, dressed and walked through the house, half expecting him to be somewhere but he wasn’t. Feeling brave, Makayla went into his office. She looked around, opened drawers and cabinets and ended up sitting behind his desk, looking around at a room that had nothing really personal in it; nothing of a family that he might have had. Biting her lip, she started opening desk drawers and got a shocker. In the bottom drawer rested a thick photo album.

  Makayla pulled it out, placed it on the desk and began to look through all the different pictures. A woman, holding a Bible tight to her chest in a white wedding dress, her face pale as the dress itself. The man standing behind her with a big smile on his face. His looks reminded her of Darius, so she suspected that this might be his parents.


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